Chapter 189: Dark God Lord

After Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi finished answering, she looked at the black figure asking the question with a very unpleasant expression.

They were of equal status, so what qualifications did you have to question me?

"Our clan's grand plan must succeed. If it fails, you know the consequences," said the leading black figure.

"Hmph! God Lord Ruo Xi has already returned and can no longer enter that dimension. How can she execute our clan's plan? Don't let her deceive you with her sweet words," the black figure, obviously at odds with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, spoke again.

It is extremely difficult for their clan to truly enter the material plane and occupy a physical body. Once they are expelled from the material plane, it becomes very difficult for them to return.

Now, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi has been expelled, so it is extremely difficult for her to return. If she is not there, how can she execute any plans?

I think she wants to shirk responsibility and claim that she has completed the mission!

"Naturally, I have left a backup plan. I have many avatars over there. As soon as my secret technique is activated, I can immediately possess her and return. Our plan will have no problems. Furthermore, this time I will hide myself and not let anyone discover my existence," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

"That's for the best! Ruo Xi! You don't have a second chance to fail. I give you 1000 years. After 1000 years, you must complete the task assigned to you. I don't care what methods you use, but if you delay our clan's grand plan, I won't spare you," the leading black figure said.

"Dark God Lord! I understand. I will definitely complete the mission," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said, her face turning pale as she hurriedly knelt down.

"As for your personal matters, it's best to put them aside for now! I don't want any mistakes in the plan, or else you know the consequences," the Dark God Lord said.

He knew Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's personality very well. She was already very arrogant before going to the material plane. For some reason, she clashed with two Immortal Emperor-level figures in the material plane.

As a result, one Immortal Emperor severely injured her and almost killed her.

"Dark God Lord, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, I didn't expect him to fake his death and escape 20,000 years ago. That's how he saw through my plan. But whatever I did, he didn't know," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

"You're saying he faked his death 20,000 years ago?" The Dark God Lord's expression changed. He directly grabbed Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi by the neck, lifting her up, and asked coldly.

"Cough cough! Lord, please calm down, please calm down. What mistake did Ruo Xi make?" In front of the Dark God Lord, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi had no ability to resist, like a chicken being strangled.

At his mercy.

"When I saved you, I saw it very clearly. He didn't fake his death and come back to life. There was a high-level expert in the Heavenly Venerable Realm who reversed the laws of time and brought him back from the river of time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been resurrected," the Dark God Lord said.

What he was most worried about now was if a Heavenly Venerable had really discovered their clan's plan. That would be disastrous. Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was truly inadequate. After spending hundreds of thousands of years in that dimension, she actually thought she was some kind of queen. She was just a small fry in our clan.

"Dark God Lord, you mean Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor really died back then, and a Heavenly Venerable Realm expert reversed the laws of time to bring him back?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi also asked in surprise.

"How could I be mistaken? He was just resurrected not long ago, and the power of the laws of time on his body hasn't completely dissipated. I definitely didn't make a mistake," the Dark God Lord said with a grim face.

This time, it was Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi who was dumbfounded. In this ordinary little dimension, an Immortal Emperor-level expert was already at the pinnacle. How could it be possible to involve a Heavenly Venerable? How could a Heavenly Venerable resurrect Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? And using the method of reversing the laws of time?

A Heavenly Venerable-level existence was absolutely unbeatable unless the Dark God Lord himself took action.

Since the other party had resurrected Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, did they also know about their plan? This was a big problem!

She had to return immediately, she had to return immediately.

"Ruo Xi, as far as I know, among the Heavenly Venerables, there is only one who can reverse the laws of time and resurrect an Immortal Emperor-level expert. That is the Time Heavenly Venerable, who specializes in the laws of time. But as far as I know, the Time Heavenly Venerable is very low-key and doesn't meddle in anything. It's definitely suspicious that he resurrected Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor this time. I'm giving you an additional task. You must return to that dimension immediately and find out why the Time Heavenly Venerable resurrected Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and whether he knows about our clan's affairs," the Dark God Lord said.

"Yes, Dark God Lord, Ruo Xi will definitely find out," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said with a pale face.

"If a Heavenly Venerable Realm intervenes, you won't be able to handle it. However, this Time and Space Heavenly Venerable didn't directly intervene. He probably doesn't know the specifics and only acted due to some accident that led to the resurrection of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. So, you must investigate and find out the truth.

I will send Sha Tian to assist you. The two of you must ensure the smooth execution of the plan," said the Dark God Sovereign.

"Lord Sovereign, Sha Tian, he has no foundation in that world and cannot go there at all," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's expression changed as she spoke.

At this point, it was clear that the Dark God Sovereign no longer believed her and intended to send someone to monitor her. But no one could enter that dimension. Only he himself could go.

"Lord Sovereign has given his command, and I will certainly go through fire and water without hesitation! As for whether I can go to that dimension or not, Ruo Xi, it's not something you need to worry about," the man who had just confronted Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi stepped forward and asked.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi frowned. What does this guy mean? You simply can't go there!

Unless the Dark God Sovereign exhausts his power again and helps?

But now, our plan has reached a critical point. The Dark God Sovereign won't lend a hand at this time, right?

After all, as the main force of our clan, if the Dark God Sovereign's combat power is damaged at this time, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Hehe! Sha Tian, tell me, can you go to that dimension? Do you need my help?" the Dark God Sovereign asked with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

"Haha, as expected, Lord Sovereign, I dare not hide it! The cultivation technique, Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, that Desolate Immortal Emperor practiced in that world, was passed down by me! With the power of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, I can descend there.

And I can descend with my full strength. With my full strength, Lord Sovereign, I have no fear of any opponents in that world," Sha Tian said.

When Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi heard this, her entire expression changed. Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, it turns out Sha Tian passed it down. When did he pass it down?

Damn Sha Tian, he had been planning for the dimension he was responsible for a long time ago! This bastard!

Could that guy called Desolate Immortal Emperor also be Sha Tian's pawn? Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi now suspected that everything she experienced there was a trap set by some bastard.

And this bastard could even borrow the power of those who cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture. He forcefully descended into that world and still maintained his full strength?

The power of our clan's full strength is absolutely overwhelming in that world. Even Immortal Emperors are surpassed. That realm is completely insignificant in front of them, only leading to a dead end.

"Very well! Sha Tian! Prepare yourself. When Ruo Xi goes to that dimension again, find a way to summon you," the Dark God Sovereign nodded and said.

"But Lord Sovereign, if Sha Tian goes there and can still exert his full strength, that world definitely won't be able to withstand his power. If his aura leaks out and that Time and Space Heavenly Venerable comes looking, what should we do?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi spoke up.

In any case, she must think of a way now. If Sha Tian goes with his full strength, she will completely lose the initiative.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. I will handle the Time and Space Heavenly Venerable. I won't fail in this important task. I will personally take action," the Dark God Sovereign said with a cold expression.

"Yes, Lord Sovereign," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said with an unpleasant expression.

"Haha, with Lord Sovereign personally taking action, that Time and Space Heavenly Venerable is nothing to fear," Sha Tian said.

"Sha Tian! How can I summon you?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi asked.

Since the Dark God Sovereign planned to personally take action, that Heavenly Venerable was doomed. A Heavenly Venerable is definitely no match for the Dark God Sovereign.

"It's simple. You know the person who cultivates my technique over there. Just do as I say, and I will be able to descend. Once I can descend, no one will be able to stop our clan's plan," Sha Tian said.

Soon, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi activated her secret technique and returned to the dimension world she was responsible for.

In a ethereal palace, a Daoist in a green robe was cultivating in seclusion.

At this moment, the Daoist's expression was very grim. A black aura kept surging from his body, even transforming into a strange substance that seemed to have a life of its own, corroding his body.

"Disease, slaughter, devour, evolve, survive, reproduce, create, adapt, self-replicate life in quantity!" the Daoist muttered to himself, emitting some strange sounds! His entire aura began to undergo a special change.

A Heavenly Venerable's Dao allowed the true power of the Virus Space to manifest.

(End of this chapter)

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