Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 190 Time And Space Cut Out The Virus

Chapter 190: Virus Slashed through Space and Time

Just as the virus's instinctual consciousness was about to completely implement its thoughts into the mind of the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time.

A burst of green light erupted from the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time, suppressing some of the virus's dangerous thoughts.

It was not easy to suppress the almost primitive and crazy thoughts in his mind. It was not so easy to completely influence the Dao heart of a Heavenly Venerable.

Which Heavenly Venerable figure at the Heavenly Venerable level hasn't cultivated for billions of years? Each one has a firm Dao heart.

The current Daoist in green clothes! His aura became very strange, and his appearance became very strange too! His body, his Dao, formed some kind of relationship with the Virus Space.

While he comprehended the Dao of the virus, the virus also underwent some unknown changes by using his Dao.

Indeed, this was a completely new Great Dao. However, this Dao seemed to be not very peaceful. Compared to the Law Manifestation of the knives he had encountered before, it seemed very gentle on the surface, but in reality, it was extremely domineering.

The virus seemed to have appeared for the sake of survival. Their goal was only one: parasitism! Then survival, then evolution, becoming even stronger.

Other than that, the virus seemed to have no other intentions. They would even kill each other, giving birth to new versions through mutation.

"Oh no! Could it be that the Dao Lord is plotting against me? Why did I become so strange after cultivating this Dao of the virus? No, I can no longer cultivate this Path of the Virus." After the Daoist in green clothes regained his clarity, he muttered to himself.

The power of this virus was extremely corrosive. If he had been a little careless, he would have been completely corroded, becoming a carrier of the virus or one of them.

This mysterious virus that entered his body actually wanted to form a symbiotic relationship with him. I am the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time! How could I allow these foreign life forms to settle in my body?

Just the thought of having billions of these terrifying tiny creatures settle in his body made the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time feel nauseous. Allowing his body to become a nest for some kind of creature, he couldn't accept such a thing.

Although the feedback from these viruses indicated that there would be benefits for both parties after symbiosis, he still couldn't accept it.

The current Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time only had two choices. The first was to completely cut off the attack from the Virus Space and force all the viruses out of his body.

As the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time, he could indeed do this. But if he did so, it would mean completely giving up on this Path.

However, thinking about how terrifying he looked after being infected by the virus, the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time resolutely slashed out all the viruses from his body.

Inside the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time, all the virus substances condensed into a black sphere, which was then expelled from his body by the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time.

I cultivate the Great Dao of Space and Time. Comprehending the Dao of the virus was just to understand a new Dao. But this Dao is too strange, even more terrifying than the legendary Dao of World Destruction.

Such a Dao is better left uncultivated!

This mysterious Dao Lord, pulling him into that new space of Dao, definitely had ulterior motives!

He actually wanted these strange things to nest and settle in his body, forming some kind of symbiotic relationship with him!

If he had been a step slower in forcing these things out of his body, they would have completely formed a symbiotic relationship with him. Then they would continuously erode him. He didn't dare to imagine what he would become.

Looking at the black, wriggling ball in his hand, the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time fell into silence! How should he deal with this thing?

If he destroyed it, would it attract the attention of that Dao Lord? Would he find out that he had completely given up on his Dao?

No! He had already expelled all the viruses from his body. That mysterious Dao Lord should have already noticed.

Forget it, let's just accept it!

Just as the Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time was struggling with how to deal with the viruses he had expelled from his body, a mysterious voice sounded at the door.

"Fellow Daoist of Space and Time! I, the Dark God, have come to visit. Why not show yourself?"

The Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time was shocked to hear this.

"The Dark God is actually him, him, why would he come to find me?"

In the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng was asking about the hatching of his second child! He wanted to see if Virus Space had any good solutions.

As usual, Virus Space provided an answer!

Dao Lord: The simplest way to avoid such a situation is to use the origin Qi of Virus Space to replace the Kirin's True Fire.

The effect would be even better, surpassing even the Kirin clan that grew up in the Kirin Ancestral Land.

"Virus Space, why do you need to consume the origin Qi for everything? Is your origin Qi endless?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

When cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, I relied on the primordial qi. When controlling the body of the new Blood Monster ancestor, I also used the primordial qi. When treating Mo Yunqi, I also used the primordial qi.

Now, in hatching this Qilin egg, I also need the primordial qi. The primordial qi sounds very grand just by its name, and it should be very precious, right?

But how come you seem to be able to use it endlessly?

Dao Lord: In your Dao Placement Space, the primordial qi increases periodically. As long as you don't consume too much at once, there won't be any problems.

"How much do I need to consume specifically to cause problems?"

My Lord! If you consume more than half of the primordial qi at once, you will need to reach the Dao Lord realm to fully recover.

You only need to consume less than seventy percent on a regular basis, and the Dao Space will automatically recover.

"Why didn't you say that earlier, Daoist in the green robe? If he comes to seclude himself again, don't give him any primordial qi," Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said.

Is it so unfair? This thing can indeed regenerate, but the regeneration speed is a bit slow. I gave him twenty percent of the primordial qi before. It's definitely a great gift for that Daoist in the green robe.

My Lord, Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space has completely abandoned and detached from the Virus Space not long ago.

Even the permissions you gave him have been abandoned, so if nothing unexpected happens, he will never come again.

Just at this moment, Virus Space dropped another bomb on Zhou Tianfeng.

"What is this? He gave up comprehending the Virus Space? He even severed all connections with the Virus Space? Why did he do that?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Why did he suddenly give up the Virus Space? I still have many things to ask this old man.

Could it be that the truth has been exposed? So this old man ran away? He didn't complete the task entrusted to him and couldn't face himself, so he directly cut off all connections with the Virus Space and ran away like this.

My Lord! The specific reason should be that Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space no longer wants to accept the power of the Virus Space, and even no longer wants to have an Integrated Union with the Virus Space.

"No longer wants to have an Integrated Union with the Virus Space and accept the power of the Virus Space?"

Yes. Previously, you gave him twenty percent of the primordial qi, and a large number of original viruses entered his body, wanting to form some kind of symbiotic relationship with him.

These viruses underwent new mutations and reproductions in his body, and conveyed some survival rules of the viruses to him.

But it seems that these things are something Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space cannot accept at all, so he directly cut off all connections with the Virus Space and even forced the original viruses out of his body.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng immediately understood what was going on. Any highly cultivated existence would feel extremely uneasy when they discovered a large group of alternative life forms entering their bodies, and these life forms wanted to establish some kind of symbiotic relationship with them. It would be strange if they weren't afraid!

Damn it, I forgot about the mentality of cultivators in this world. They don't know about viruses, and even if they did, they wouldn't want to accept them, no matter how great the benefits are.

After symbiosis with the viruses, their strength would greatly increase. It might even give them some new special abilities and undergo some unknown evolution to become more suitable for survival. But not all cultivators seem to want these things.

At least this Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space doesn't want them. Well, since you don't want them, then it doesn't matter.

But soon, Zhou Tianfeng thought of another problem. Damn it, does he think I'm plotting against him?

And then he became angry and did something strange in this world he was in!

If that's really the case, then it would be a big misunderstanding!

But no matter what, the other party is still a Heavenly Venerable-level figure! He shouldn't vent his anger on the entire world because of this matter, right?

Indeed! It is indeed very dangerous to find a highly cultivated existence to help oneself.

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