Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 191 Return Of The Immortal Emperor

Chapter 191: The Return of the Immortal Emperor

The two divine beasts, Fire Qilin, and some former ministers of the Southern Celestial Immortal, couldn't help but shed tears as they looked at the man standing before them.

"Immortal Emperor! You, you've come back! You, you really didn't die all those years ago?" Mo Tian Sheng knelt on the ground and spoke.

"Immortal Emperor, if you didn't die, why, why didn't you come back to find us? We've suffered so much in these years!" Another old man at the Immortal King realm spoke.

"Immortal Emperor doesn't want to see us. He has his own plans. Don't speculate without reason." Another middle-aged Immortal King realm expert with a stern expression said.

Don't you all understand these things? If the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor had faked his death and escaped, he wouldn't have been able to deceive even these old ministers, let alone the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

If the Desolate Immortal Emperor had discovered that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor hadn't died, he would have surely come back to kill us again!

And Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor wouldn't have gained such formidable strength to stand against the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

"Everyone, please rise! It's my fault that I've let you down. But 20,000 years ago, I really died, killed by the hands of the Desolate Immortal Emperor. It was only later that a mysterious senior saved me and resurrected me with great power, allowing me to meet you all again," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke.

He didn't intend to hide anything from these old ministers who had followed him for hundreds of thousands of years, who had remained loyal even after his death and still sought revenge for him.

"Immortal Emperor, you're not joking, are you? Are you saying that there was a supreme being who saved you and brought you back to life?" All the old ministers of the Southern Celestial Immortal changed their expressions and spoke.

"Immortal Emperor, please don't deceive us. How can a dead person come back to life? Moreover, at that time, Immortal Emperor's soul had already dispersed!" Mo Tian Sheng said.

This matter is quite unbelievable. If one's divine soul hasn't been destroyed, then with the help of immortal energy, an Immortal Emperor can indeed be reborn.

But back then, they all saw it clearly. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor was indeed killed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor, his soul completely destroyed, and he couldn't possibly come back to life.

They had thought that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor had faked his death and escaped, but they didn't expect the Immortal Emperor to claim that he had truly died. He was able to return now because of the assistance of a mysterious senior.

To be able to resurrect an existence at the Immortal Emperor realm! This was beyond their imagination.

If the physical body is lost and then repaired, they can still understand it. Immortal Kings, Immortal Emperors, and even ordinary immortals can achieve this as long as there is enough immortal energy to reshape the physical body.

But if one's own soul is damaged, then it becomes troublesome! For example, if it is an existence at the Immortal King level, as long as more than half of their soul is preserved, they can recover and reshape their physical body.

And the existence at the Immortal Emperor level is even more terrifying. As long as a trace of their soul is preserved, they can be reborn. It just takes a longer time.

They used to think that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor used some special means to preserve a trace of his own soul and escape. It took him 20,000 years to restore his original cultivation level and even come back stronger.

They never expected the truth to be that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor did not preserve any remnants of his soul and instead spent 20,000 years rebuilding himself, saved by a mysterious senior.

What kind of cultivation is this? Moreover, the Immortal Emperor has been dead for 20,000 years and was only resurrected 20,000 years later! The senior's cultivation level is so high that it surpasses the understanding of all the Immortal Kings present.

Not only that, but Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor also received a Law Treasure and a transmitted technique from the senior, allowing him to easily enter another realm.

"Immortal Emperor, does that senior have any requests after resurrecting you?" Mo Tian Sheng asked.

A senior so powerful, who resurrected Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor without any reason or warning, does he really have no requests?

He expressed doubt about this. People at their cultivation level understand certain things. There are no gifts without a reason, so the senior's actions might have some ulterior motive.

"That senior did tell me the reason! But this reason is related to my personal matters, so I don't intend to tell you all! Please don't take offense." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor arched his hand and spoke.

"Immortal Emperor, why go to such lengths? Since you don't want us to know, there must be a reason. We won't inquire any further." Immediately, one of the Immortal Kings present spoke.

The more one knows about certain things, the worse it is. Sometimes, not knowing anything can lead to a longer life.

"Immortal Emperor, please punish Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. She has done many things that have wronged you over the years." Just then, an old minister who used to serve in the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace suddenly knelt down and spoke to Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

Everyone present frowned. It's really bringing up a sensitive topic. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's favor towards Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is well-known. Are you not afraid of angering Immortal Emperor by bringing this up now?

"I, Black Tortoise Saint, agree with this. Immortal Emperor, please punish Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. She is not worthy of being your Empress." The hot-tempered divine beast, the Black Tortoise Saint, also chimed in, echoing the sentiment.

"Second Brother, what are you causing a fuss about? Why won't you return it to me?" Mo Tiansheng said with an unpleasant expression.

"What's there to be afraid of saying? Immortal Emperor, you haven't been around for these years, right? If the Heavenly Queen had done something wrong to you, it would be forgivable. But she even made a move against the juniors of my Qilin Clan. If it weren't for the two of us old folks, she would have succeeded," Black Tortoise said.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi schemed against Zhou Tianfeng and the Qilin Clan in the mortal realm, and he knew about it. She even made a move against Zhou Tianfeng's wife, Mo Yunqi, and had the child cultivate a strange and venomous technique, and he knew about it.

As a hot-tempered Qilin Ancestor, he couldn't tolerate this matter! So, even if Immortal Emperor is unhappy today, he still wants to make things clear. Immortal Emperor, it's up to you today! Whether we, the old ministers, or your Heavenly Queen, you have to choose.

"Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, please execute Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. This woman must not be spared," some other experts at the Immortal King realm knelt down and spoke.

Today, this group of old ministers has decided to go all out, no matter what, they must make Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor see the true face of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

"Everyone! I understand your grievances. I won't let Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi off either!

I have already severed all ties and grudges with her. The next time we meet, she will be the one I must kill. I, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, swear it! I have completely severed ties with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke.

At this moment, he had completely seen through the true face of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. Now, he only had killing intent towards this woman, nothing else.

And the last time! If it weren't for that mysterious black-purple giant hand, he would have killed Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi long ago.

"Immortal Emperor, you are wise!"

"Everyone: before coming to see you, I had already gone to settle things with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. At that time, I intended to kill her, but there were some unexpected changes." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor recounted his encounter with Desolate Immortal Emperor in the Vast Desolation Domain.

The two fought fiercely, and in the end, he learned some of the true situation of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and the fact that she was saved by someone, and he told everyone present!

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. What they heard in their ears was true!

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was not an Immortal King, but a genuine precedent. She had no relationship with the Immortal Emperor, but it was because Desolate Immortal Emperor looked down on her.

So she went to the Honghuang Post and kidnapped Desolate Immortal Emperor's daughter, and killed Desolate Immortal Emperor's wife, which provoked the other party's anger and led to their arrival in the Heavenly Net World.

"That, that girl is actually, actually! Actually not Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's daughter? But why do they look so alike?" Black Tortoise asked.

"They must have used some secret technique. Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's spells are extremely strange, as if they don't belong to this realm. By this realm, I don't mean just the Heavenly Net World, but all the realms including the Six Realms and some subordinate mortal realms.

In the previous season, I had already killed her, but she used some secret technique. She drew the true essence of four experts at the Immortal King realm from the edges of various realms to replenish herself, which allowed her to escape from my hands," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's arrival in their world definitely had a huge conspiracy behind it. That purple giant hand that blocked his attacks! The opponent's cultivation level was simply unfathomable.

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor had a premonition that an unprecedented turmoil was about to occur in this world. His resurrection at this time was likely to suppress this turmoil.

He reaffirmed his future. He must have some kind of mission, especially with the new Immortal World in his hands now!

This was a realm with the same level of abundant spiritual energy as the Heavenly Net World, the Fei Immortal World, the Heavenly Monster World, and the Black Demon World!

In terms of size, it was only slightly smaller than the legendary Ancient Immortal Domain and the Vast Desolation Domain, but it was exactly the same as the other four upper realms.

"Everyone, I plan to rebuild the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. Are you willing to follow me?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke.

All the old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Palace looked at each other. Their eyes were filled with fanaticism and excitement as they knelt down together.

"We pledge to follow Immortal Emperor!"

"Very well! For the time being, you will be responsible for establishing the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. I have another important matter to attend to," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor nodded.

"I wonder where Immortal Emperor is going? Do you need us to accompany you?" Mo Tiansheng and Black Tortoise asked.

"No need. This time, I plan to go alone to the Ancient Immortal Domain. There are many things I want to ask those old folks there," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

In fact, the first appearances in this world were the Vast Desolation Domain and the Ancient Immortal Domain! Back then, these two places were known as the mortal realm and the Immortal World, respectively.

The Vast Desolation Domain was the mortal realm, while the Ancient Immortal Domain was the Immortal World.

(End of this chapter)

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