Chapter 192: New Heavenly World

The Ancient Immortal Domain used to be the Immortal World, while the desolate Vast Desolation Domain is the true mortal realm!

However, later on, due to unknown reasons, the Flying Immortal World, Heavenly Net World, Heavenly Monster World, and Black Demon World were born one after another, each with their own lower realms.

This is the current situation! The Vast Desolation Domain, due to certain special reasons, is generally not a place where immortals can reside for long. Therefore, only the Desolate Immortal Emperor and some of his followers are there. On the other hand, the Ancient Immortal Domain is home to a large number of ancient immortals.

The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor suspects that the Ancient Immortal Domain may know something, as these ancient immortals are much older than even the Immortal Emperors.

In the past, if their cultivation was only at the Immortal Emperor realm, they would not dare to intrude into the Ancient Immortal Domain where the ancient immortals reside. The weakest among them are at the Immortal King realm.

There are even many powerful ancient immortals whose strength is at the Immortal Emperor level. Due to unknown reasons, they have completely cut off contact with the outside world. They neither come out nor accept anyone from the outside.

"Immortal Emperor! Is it inappropriate for us to go to the Ancient Immortal Domain? Let us first establish the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. After the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace is fully established, we can follow you to the Ancient Immortal Domain," Mo Tian Sheng spoke up.

"You can handle the establishment of the new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. I believe you can do it."

Several Immortal Kings looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They, the old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, are not as capable as they used to be.

Now, there are several peak Immortal Kings in the entire Immortal World competing for power. If the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor does not take action, it would be difficult for them to rebuild the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace.

These powerful Immortal Kings all have the opportunity to become Immortal Emperors. They will not easily give up their territories and submit to others.

"Hahaha! You are overthinking. The new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace will not be established in the Heavenly Net World," the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor suddenly laughed mysteriously and said.

The new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace will not be established in the Heavenly Net World! What does this mean? Does the Immortal Emperor intend to give up the Heavenly Net World?

But the Heavenly Net World is currently the most suitable place, as there are no Immortal Emperors there. No one here will contend for power with you.

The Flying Immortal World, Heavenly Monster World, and Black Demon World are not suitable either. Firstly, the Black Demon World and Heavenly Monster World can be directly excluded as their spiritual energy environment is only suitable for the Monster Race or demonic cultivators.

As for the Flying Immortal World, there are already four Immortal Emperors there! The territory there has reached its limit and there is no possibility of another Immortal Emperor emerging.

Could it be that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor intends to go to the Ancient Immortal Domain to establish the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace? Even the Immortal Kings suspect this.

Could it be that the existence that resurrected the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor is a powerful ancient immortal in the Ancient Immortal Domain?

"Immortal Emperor, are you planning to establish the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace in the Vast Desolation Domain or the Ancient Immortal Domain?" an Immortal King asked.

It is indeed possible to establish an immortal palace in the Vast Desolation Domain! Currently, there is only one Immortal Emperor in the Vast Desolation Domain, and this Immortal Emperor has a grudge against the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. They are bound to have a showdown.

"You are overthinking. The new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace I want to establish is not in any of the six realms! This time, the one who resurrected me not only bestowed me with a Law Treasure and passed on his techniques, but also gave me an item, a new Immortal World.

It is the same size as the Luo Tian Continent in the Flying Immortal World, filled with immortal energy, and there are no intelligent races, only some low-intelligence immortal beasts.

After you move in, you just need to focus on construction. There is no need to face any disturbances from enemies. That's why I said there is no need for me to take action in establishing the new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. You can handle it," the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

"This... Immortal Emperor, please don't joke with us. Did you just say there is a new Immortal World? A new Heavenly World similar to the Flying Immortal World and Heavenly Net World?" an Immortal King asked in confusion.

This is too absurd and unbelievable! The formation of the six realms has been unknown for countless years, and there has never been any mention of the existence of a seventh realm!

If the seventh realm really exists, it would have been discovered long ago. After all, who could be the first to obtain the origin energy?

There would be a chance to advance to the Immortal Emperor level and possess the power of a realm law. The strength would be extremely powerful, and ordinary Immortal Emperors would not be their opponents.

"After reaching the Immortal Emperor realm, everyone will have some doubts. For example, where did these realms come from? How is the spiritual energy inside generated?

In the past, everyone believed that as long as they could unravel these secrets, they could transcend the Immortal Emperor realm and reach an unparalleled level.

But now I can tell you that all these so-called upper realms were created by ancient Divine Ability users with unimaginable power. They were created using a method that we cannot comprehend, just like refining a Law Treasure," the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

After obtaining this new Heavenly World and refining the origin within it, he also learned some things. At first, he was greatly surprised when he learned the truth.

The six realms were actually artificially created! No, to be precise, except for the Vast Desolation Domain and the Ancient Immortal Domain, the other four realms were artificially created.

"Do not ask what you shouldn't ask. Our realm is nothing more than Immortal King! It's too early for us to be exposed to these things. Just focus on cultivating with the Immortal Emperor!" Mo Tian Sheng patted the old man's shoulder and spoke.

Today, they had learned too much and seen too much. They needed some time to digest it all.

"Let me send you all over there! I will grant you the freedom to come and go as you please." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor finished speaking.

He performed a spell, creating a huge vortex that gradually formed a blue passage. Then, all the former members of the Southern Heaven faction present were sucked into it.

After a dizzying spin, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's former subordinates found themselves in a new place.

The spiritual energy here was incredibly abundant. If the spiritual energy in Heavenly Net World or the Flying Immortal World was rated as ten, then the spiritual energy here would be around twelve to thirteen!

The richness of the spiritual energy here was about twenty percent higher than that of Heavenly Net World and the Flying Immortal World. It was an excellent place for cultivation, and there were no external forces. It belonged solely to their Southern Celestial Immortal Palace's sphere of influence.

"Immortal Emperor, your divine ability is vast. We admire you greatly." All the former members of the Southern Heaven faction knelt down and bowed to Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"You are all my former subordinates. There is no need for such formalities. You have all worked hard over the years. This place will be your home from now on. I will not open the Ascension passage in this realm! From now on, this realm belongs only to our Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. You can bring your family's descendants here to thrive and multiply. The territory here is vast, so feel free to choose." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

"Immortal Emperor, your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by us."

After giving some instructions and reminders to his subordinates and granting them access to the new Heavenly World, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor disappeared into the void and headed directly to the Ancient Immortal Domain.

"Big brother, the spiritual energy here is extremely abundant. Why don't we bring all the descendants of the Qilin Clan here to thrive and multiply?" Black Tortoise Saint sensed the spiritual energy here and suggested.

The spiritual energy here was very dense. Cultivating here would be much faster than in Heavenly Net World.

"Now is not the time. Let us establish the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace completely and wait for the Immortal Emperor to return and everything to settle down. We don't have time now." Mo Tian Sheng said.

While the former members of the Southern Heaven faction were busy establishing the new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace, in the Heavenly Net World, in the former palace of the Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

Di Honglei was cultivating alone. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something. The barrier outside the palace seemed to have been forcibly broken.

Di Honglei was shocked and immediately held his immortal blade, flying out to investigate.

"Who dares to trespass?" Di Honglei was about to speak but froze in place.

The intruder was a tall and resolute man. When he saw Di Honglei, a complex expression appeared in his eyes.

Looking at Di Honglei's face, it seemed to be filled with anger. Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi had actually altered his daughter's appearance.

If Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor hadn't told him that his daughter was here, he wouldn't have known when he would see her again.

"I am your father! Good child! 20,000 years ago, just after you were born, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi took you away. I have been searching for you for 20,000 years. I only recently found out that you were here. Your mother is not the Heavenly Queen at all. Ruo Xi, she used some secret technique to manipulate you." Desolate Immortal Emperor told Di Honglei the whole truth.

"You! You are my father!" Di Honglei's voice trembled slightly.

"Yes!" The unexpected meeting between father and daughter caught Di Honglei off guard and made him a little flustered.

He didn't know how to face this father of his. Moreover, according to what the other party had just said, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was not his mother at all.

Why did he look so much like her? Was it because she had done something to him?

Suddenly, Di Honglei seemed to remember something. Could it be that his mother, no, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, had also used a special method to allow him to cultivate the technique that could transform into her?

"I know what you are worried about. There is no need to panic. With your father here, I can solve your problems with my power of desolation. Moreover, I didn't expect that you have successfully cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture. Hahaha! This is truly a joyous occasion." Desolate Immortal Emperor said.

"Father, I want to ask you for a favor. I don't know if it's possible." Di Honglei said.

"My good daughter, just tell me what you want to do for your father." Desolate Immortal Emperor said.

"I have a friend named Zhou Tianfeng."

Far away in the Demon Realm, Zhou Tianfeng suddenly sneezed!

(End of this chapter)

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