Chapter 193: Incubator Zhou Tianfeng

What's going on? I'm at least a Celestial Immortal-level figure now, so why am I suddenly sneezing for no reason?

Zhou Tianfeng touched his nose, feeling a bit puzzled. Could it be that someone is talking about him?

Lately, he has been very busy, to the point of being overwhelmed. He has to take care of the Qilin egg his wife gave birth to himself.

Mo Yunqi's Qilin True Fire can handle beings below the level of immortals with a little barbecue, but it's not enough to hatch a Qilin egg.

It simply doesn't satisfy the appetite of this little guy, who shows extreme annoyance and even disgust towards his mother's Qilin True Fire.

Mo Yunqi was a bit at a loss. She was actually rejected by her own child. Fortunately, the eldest one is more obedient and not much different from a normal baby.

Mo Yunqi simply threw the responsibility of taking care of the Qilin egg to Zhou Tianfeng and took care of their eldest son by herself.

So the task of hatching the Qilin egg fell solely on Zhou Tianfeng's shoulders. He had no choice but to tough it out.

After all, in the Qilin clan now, when it comes to the power of Qilin True Fire, it belongs to him, the Qilin King. The power of Qilin True Fire from other clan members is not even as strong as his wife's.

Using his own desolate power, coupled with the high-level Qilin Fire he generated, he kept feeding his yet-to-be-hatched son.

During this period, Zhou Tianfeng kept supplying Qilin True Fire to this giant egg, making himself a bit exhausted.

Damn it, this divine beast, the Fire Qilin, is really hard to raise. It hasn't even hatched yet, who knows what weird conditions it will have! Truly worthy of being a divine beast.

Humans are still better!

By the way, recently my body has been a bit overwhelmed. Previously, I lost a lot of blood to save Mo Yunqi, and now I'm using up a lot of energy to hatch my own son.

Continuously supplying Qilin True Fire, why is my life so bitter? Finally, I have some time to relax, but it turns out to be a busy life.

"Husband! What's wrong with you? You seem a bit distracted," Mo Yunqi walked up to Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"It's nothing, just sneezed! By the way, why didn't you take a rest after giving birth?" Zhou Tianfeng wiped the sweat off his forehead and spoke.

Incubating an egg is also physically demanding, especially when it's a Qilin egg! My body is really struggling right now.

"You look so tired! I feel sorry for you." Mo Yunqi stepped forward and wiped the sweat off Zhou Tianfeng's forehead, speaking with a concerned expression.

It's really hard for the two of them to raise a true divine beast like a Qilin. Just the task of incubating it is already challenging for them.

When will the two ancestors come? If they don't come soon, Mo Yunqi is really worried that Zhou Tianfeng might collapse one day.

"How can a man say he can't handle it? No problem, I can still handle it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Just kidding, it's just a bit exhausting! If it really doesn't work, I can use the power of the origin in the Virus Space to replenish myself.

My Qilin True Fire level is still very high, reaching the standard for incubating a Qilin egg. If it were a Qilin King from the general Celestial Immortal Realm, it would have already failed.

In fact, Virus Space had suggested to Zhou Tianfeng before to use the power of the origin to incubate the Qilin egg, so he wouldn't have to expend his own energy and could directly incubate it.

But after careful consideration, Zhou Tianfeng decided not to use the power of the Virus Space because he couldn't explain it. When the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin Ancestors, come down to the mortal realm, how would he explain this?

Recently, he has to keep a low profile because that Daoist Heavenly Venerable in the green robe is a huge threat! The other party has also been in the Virus Space. It can be said that, apart from Zhou Tianfeng, he is the person who knows the Virus Space the best. If he discovers something, like Zhou Tianfeng being just an ordinary Celestial Immortal-level shrimp as the master of the Virus Space, it would be a big problem.

Fortunately, the only ones in his body with the power of the virus are the new Blood Monster Ancestor, Di Honglei, and Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou.

Why did you deliberately sever all connections with the Virus Space? You even forced the viruses out of your body.

Come on! Although the viruses form a symbiotic relationship with you, it's a beneficial symbiosis for both parties. Your consciousness is still yours, everything is still you.

And the viruses will greatly strengthen your body, bringing it to a terrifying level.

Of course, there may be some drawbacks, but the benefits definitely outweigh the disadvantages. This Daoist Heavenly Venerable in the green robe actually rejected his goodwill and completely cut off ties with the Virus Space.

So, will he blame the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor for this?

Recently, through the collection and analysis of some intelligence, Zhou Tianfeng has determined what earth-shattering things this Heavenly Venerable has done.

Not long ago, the two Qilin ancestors excitedly conveyed a message to him, which was that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor was not dead, but was resurrected by a mysterious senior.

They are currently rebuilding the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace, so they have been busy recently. After they finish, they will bring the entire Qilin clan to the Upper Realm to live.

That will be a new Heavenly World belonging only to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor! There will be no enemies, and the Qilin clan can live freely there. They will no longer need to stay in the Demon Realm and be at the mercy of others.

Well! Now it can be confirmed that this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has indeed been resurrected, and it is easy for Zhou Tianfeng to guess who resurrected him with his current IQ. It is the Daoist in green who was previously pulled into the Virus Space by himself.

You really blinded my super alloy dog eyes, Heavenly Venerable!

I asked you to kill the Desolate Immortal Emperor and Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, but you completely misunderstood my meaning! You thought I wanted you to resurrect the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and let him take revenge personally, and even gave him a new Heavenly World.

No wonder the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor came back and fought with the Desolate Immortal Emperor like he was cheating. I fucking thought it was you, but it turns out it was you who resurrected him. The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor gave him some cheats to use, but this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor is too useless! He hasn't even won a single fight.

But all of this is not important. What's important is whether this Heavenly Venerable will be angry at the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor because of this.

Having a virus inside oneself. The other party's mood is definitely not good, and he doesn't even greet me as his senior! It's likely that he holds a grudge.

So now Zhou Tianfeng is very worried that this senior will be angry at the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and come here, casually killing the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

Of course, if he kills the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, I have no objections, it doesn't matter. But I'm afraid that he will be angry at the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's subordinates because of it.

In a sense, Zhou Tianfeng is now on the same boat as the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

After all, both of the divine beasts, the Fire Qilin, are old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and the Qilin clan has long been labeled by the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"Husband, don't overwork yourself. In a while, the two ancestors will bring our Qilin clan to the Upper Realm, under the protection of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Then we can live freely." Mo Yunqi said happily.

"Yes! I think so too."

What a joke! That new Heavenly World should be exactly the same as the new Immortal World in my Virus Space!

This must be the gift that Heavenly Venerable gave to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and the purpose is obvious, to please him from the beginning.

Because Zhou Tianfeng had asked the Daoist in green about some things related to the new Immortal World, that's why Heavenly Venerable gave the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor a new Heavenly World!

But the problem is, their relationship is now strained. Zhou Tianfeng is very worried about this Heavenly Venerable. If he gets unhappy one day, he might just destroy that new Heavenly World.

And it's a bit dangerous for me to enter it! After all, that new Immortal World was refined by the other party. What if he left some tricks and discovered me?

Then I would die unjustly, wouldn't I? Zhou Tianfeng has been thinking of a way to avoid going to this new world. I can go to the Flying Immortal World, Heavenly Net World, or even the Black Demon World, but this new Heavenly World, Zhou Tianfeng will never go.

"By the way, did you come to me for something?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Now I can't care about so much anymore. When the time comes to leave, I might as well just disappear!

"Husband, our two children have been born for a while now, and you, you haven't given them names yet." Mo Yunqi blushed slightly and said.

These two children have been born for some time, and she knows that Zhou Tianfeng has been busy recently, incubating the younger son.

Zhou Tianfeng, the Qilin King, has become quite haggard recently.

But even if you're haggard, you still have to give the children names!

Isn't that your responsibility as a father?

"Well! How about this! Let's call our eldest son Zhou Tianlin. What do you think of this name?" Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment and said.

"Zhou Tianlin? The child descended from the Qilin, a good name. What about the second child?" Mo Yunqi nodded and continued to ask.

"As for the second child, there's no rush for now. He still needs some time to be born. When the day comes for him to break out of his shell, I will give him a good name." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

What's the rush now? This kid needs thousands of years to hatch. By then, the eldest won't even know how far he has grown.

His eldest son has good aptitude, not inferior to an ordinary Fire Qilin, and he also has his own Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the ability to regenerate at super speed. His future is limitless!

(End of this chapter)

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