Chapter 194: Monster Race Matters

With the various abilities and Law Manifestation of the Qilin Clan, True Fire, and the blessing of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, it shouldn't be too difficult for this kid to cultivate into an Immortal Emperor in the future.

As for the second child, this pure-blooded Qilin, with a minimum growth limit of an Immortal King in the future, and with its own training and power-ups, becoming a true Immortal Emperor should not be a problem.

My two sons, whose bloodlines are connected! It shouldn't be a problem for them to grow up and become the leaders of a dominant force.

But now, it's tough for me, especially for the second child. After you are born, I will teach you a lesson.

"Husband! I heard that the new Heavenly World of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has a denser spiritual energy than the Heavenly Net World and the Flying Immortal World, by about 20%! With such abundant spiritual energy, cultivation speed will be much faster," Mo Yunqi said with longing on her face.

Now the entire Qilin Clan is filled with longing for the new Heavenly World described by the two ancestors.

Although the Qilin Clan can be considered a major clan in the Demon Realm space, the demonic energy here is not suitable for cultivation. It must be filtered through a barrier before ordinary Qilin Clan members can cultivate.

If they can go to the new Immortal World, it would definitely be a great fortune. In the Upper Realm, it is very easy to cultivate into an immortal.

It's much easier than cultivating in the mortal realm!

The two Qilin ancestors have said that regardless of gender, age, or cultivation level, all members of the Qilin Clan can go to the new Heavenly World to cultivate. In the future, all members of the Qilin Clan will be experts in the Immortal Realm.

"You're happy, that's good. But the two ancestors need to establish the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace and descend to the lower realm to meet us. So let's wait for now!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Some things shouldn't be imagined so beautifully! For you, that place is indeed like heaven, but I'm the only one who knows the problems there.

That Heavenly Venerable is always a big problem. If the other party is willing to come, Zhou Tianfeng can explain it near the space of the Dao. But this Heavenly Venerable seems to be avoiding him now and doesn't appear near the Virus Space at all.

This really makes Zhou Tianfeng a bit helpless.

"By the way, husband! I want to tell you something. The news of the Qilin Clan's collective relocation to the Upper Realm has been known by the various races in the Demon Realm space. Now some Great Monster races that depend on us are in a panic," Mo Yunqi said.

She came here today not only to see Zhou Tianfeng and ask about the name of the child, but also to inform him of this matter.

After all, the entire Qilin Clan's relocation has caused such a big commotion. Some major forces in the Demon Realm space have noticed it, let alone the Monster Races around the Qilin Clan.

These Monster Races rely on the Qilin Clan for survival. Now that their town lord is leaving, what will they do? The Demon Spirit Clan will not be friendly to them. They will definitely seize the territory left by the Qilin Clan. Without the Qilin King, they won't be able to resist.

So in these days, many leaders of the Great Monster races have come to the Qilin King City to seek an audience with Zhou Tianfeng.

"Is that so! What do these Great Monster races mean?" Zhou Tianfeng rubbed his chin and asked.

"Well, what else can they do? Some want the Qilin Clan not to leave, some want to go with us, and some just came to ask whether the Qilin Clan will fulfill the previous agreement or not," Mo Yunqi sighed and said.

Every thousand years, the Qilin Clan signs a protection agreement with these Great Monster races. They pay tribute to the Qilin Clan every year, and their people wait for the Qilin Clan's dispatch. But the Qilin Clan is also responsible for protecting them.

"That's a problem. What do the elders think?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The third and fourth elders suggest that we ask the two ancestors in the Upper Realm if we can bring some Monster Races with us. If possible, bring some of the highly potential Monster Races with us.

The opinion of the fifth elder is to simply ignore them. When we leave, we can give this special space of the Qilin Clan to them, but whether they can defend it or not depends on themselves.

The other elders want to hear your opinion, Qilin King," Mo Yunqi said.

"Alright! I understand. Inform all the Great Monster races. I will give them a unified reply in three days and let them come to the Qilin King City after three days," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand, husband. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"A new Heavenly World will definitely need manpower. I think we can bring some of these Monster Races to the new Heavenly World. I will first ask the two ancestors for their opinions," Zhou Tianfeng said.

When he boarded the ship, these Great Monster races were very respectful, offering tributes and such. It wouldn't be good to suddenly ignore them.

"Alright, husband! I understand!" Mo Yunqi bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and then left.

Zhou Tianfeng went to the ancestral temple and activated the Divine Weapon to contact the Upper Realm.

This time, the figures of the two Qilin ancestors did not appear, but two words came through.

What's the matter?

It seems that the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin Ancestor, are really busy! They didn't even respond to their own kung fu.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to neglect and told the Qilin Ancestors about the matters concerning the Great Monster races, and asked if it was possible to bring some of the Great Monster races to the new Heavenly World.

Soon, a reply came to Zhou Tianfeng.

Those above the Heavenly Ascension realm can leave with the Qilin clan, while those below the Heavenly Ascension realm cannot enter the new Heavenly World.

After receiving the reply, Zhou Tianfeng didn't trouble the two Qilin Ancestors anymore and left the ancestral temple.

Take away those above the Heavenly Ascension realm, leave those below the Heavenly Ascension realm! Among these remaining ones, they won't be able to defend the Qilin clan's territory, let alone the fact that many of these Great Monster races have only reached the Soul Cultivation realm, or even the Foundation Building realm!

I estimate that there may not be many Great Monster races willing to accept this result. Zhou Tianfeng sighed helplessly.

If only my new Immortal World could be used, that would be great! I don't mind that your cultivation is low, I'll just take you all with me.

Wait, it seems like there is a way. Zhou Tianfeng suddenly thought of a reason to stay in the Demon Realm space.

As the Qilin King, how can I be untrustworthy? If I said I would protect these Great Monster races, I naturally have to keep my word. All Qilin clan members will go to the Upper Realm, and I will stay behind alone.

Perfect! This excuse is simply perfect.

Zhou Tianfeng instantly thought of a good solution. This way, he can stay legitimately and won't have to play hide and seek.

After all, Zhou Tianfeng would never go to the new Heavenly World without confirming its safety. He wouldn't go even if he were beaten to death.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and all the Great Monster races arrived at the Qilin King's city. Zhou Tianfeng received them there, a total of 37 representatives from the Great Monster races, all bowing to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Qilin King, how will you arrange us?" one Monster Race representative asked.

"Yes, Qilin King, we have been living and dying for the Qilin clan all these years, never betraying you. You can't abandon us like this," said the representative of the Purple Gold Lion clan.

"Everyone, I understand your feelings, but this is a decision made by the two Immortal Kings. I can't refute it. However, I have managed to secure an opportunity. Those who are willing to leave with our Qilin clan to the Upper Realm can do so," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, we admire your righteousness."

"Thank you, Qilin King."

"We are grateful," the representatives of the Great Monster races said, relieved that they can leave with the Qilin clan to the Upper Realm. It's definitely a good thing to be able to go to the Upper Realm without Ascension. Why not?

"Cough cough! If you want to go to the Upper Realm with our Qilin clan, there are requirements. You must have reached the Heavenly Ascension realm or above in cultivation to go with our Qilin clan to the Heavenly World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, only five out of tens of thousands of our clan members have reached the Heavenly Ascension realm!"

"Our clan only has seven!"

"Qilin King, please show mercy! If your Qilin clan leaves like this, and these Heavenly Ascension realm experts also leave, we won't be able to survive," a representative of the Fox clan said, kneeling on the ground.

"Qilin King, you promised to protect us. We have never violated the contract. Are you going to break the contract?" Many Great Monster races were angry.

"Everyone, please calm down. This is the decision of our two Qilin Ancestors. We have no way to bring along Monster Race individuals above the Heavenly Ascension realm. This is the result I reported to the Qilin Ancestors," an elder of the Qilin clan stood up and said.

"But we, we can't survive at all. If the Qilin clan leaves as a whole, the Demon Spirit clan will definitely take over here."

"Then we can't help it."

Upon hearing this, a large group of Monster Race individuals immediately became dissatisfied. How can your Qilin clan do this?

"Everyone, please be quiet. I admit that our Qilin clan is at fault in this matter. As the Qilin King, I cannot shirk my responsibility. How about this, the entire Qilin clan will go to the new Heavenly World, and I will stay behind to protect you for a thousand years," Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and said with a righteous expression.

This statement instantly stunned all the Monster Race individuals and the elders of the Qilin clan present. Everyone looked at Zhou Tianfeng with incredulous eyes.

What are you doing? Big brother.

What are you doing? You are the king of the Qilin clan! If you, the king, stay behind, what will we, the Qilin clan, do?

(End of this chapter)

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