Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 196 The Demonic Spirit Tribe Subdues

Chapter 196: The Surrender of the Demon Spirit Clan

A few days later, Zhou Tianfeng led some followers of the Qilin Clan to the headquarters of the Demon Spirit Clan in the Demon Realm space.

A giant luxury flying car, pulled by four Flood Dragons, carried Zhou Tianfeng and some members of the Qilin Clan as they set off.

This was the first time the Qilin King had ventured outside since ascending to the throne, so there was a strong sense of ceremony.

The Demon Spirit Clan was a native race of the Demon Realm space, naturally adapted to the environment here, and belonged to a semi-energy, semi-physical form of life.

After manifesting their ethereal bodies, they could withstand a large amount of physical attacks and only spells would have an effect on them.

The Demon Spirit Clan was very suitable for cultivating magic. There was no distinction between male and female within the clan. After reaching adulthood, each member would automatically split into a new offspring at a certain stage, which would become a new member of the Demon Spirit Clan.

After reaching adulthood, all members could transform their appearance at will, usually choosing a human-like appearance.

The Demon Spirit Clan was very unique. While the Monster Race and some divine beasts could reproduce offspring with the Human Race, the Demon Spirit Clan could not.

"Your Majesty! Leave everything to your old minister this time when we visit the Demon Spirit Clan. Your old minister has some friends among the Demon Spirit Clan, so there shouldn't be any major problems in facilitating this matter," said Huo Xuanzi.

This time, the Huo Xuanzi who initially guided Zhou Tianfeng into the Qilin Clan was also among the group.

Elder Huo Xuanzi had been dealing with other races outside for many years and was familiar with the Demon Spirit Clan. Bringing him along would be helpful for the negotiations.

"Will the Demon Spirit Clan easily agree to our conditions?" Zhou Tianfeng, sitting on the carriage frame, asked.

"They probably won't. Last time, we handed over four Blood Monster Ancestors to them. If they dare to ask for something this time, they would be underestimating our Qilin Clan," Huo Xuanzi said.

Indeed, in the past, it might have been slightly difficult, but now that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor had returned, they were not afraid of the Demon Spirit Clan's Demon Emperor.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and remained silent.

In fact, he hoped that the Demon Spirit Clan would be foolish enough to propose unreasonable conditions or even humiliate the Qilin Clan, so that he could have a showdown with them!

Starting a war with the Demon Spirit Clan seemed like a reason, but no, this reason was a bit too far-fetched and would easily be seen through.

I'm really annoyed!

In the midst of frustration and confusion, Zhou Tianfeng arrived at the gathering place of the Demon Spirit Clan. Similar to the gathering place of the Qilin Clan, this was also a rectangular dimensional space.

After seeing the Qilin royal carriage, several members of the Demon Spirit Clan did not dare to be negligent. They immediately welcomed Zhou Tianfeng and the others and led them to a VIP hall.

"Qilin King, and everyone else, please rest here for a moment. I will go and report to the clan leaders to come and meet the Qilin King," a servant of the Demon Spirit Clan said.

"No need to worry, you can go and report. We will wait here," Huo Xuanzi said.

In just a moment, Ming Kong, who had previously visited the Qilin Clan, and three other men arrived in front of Zhou Tianfeng. They sat at the main seat and greeted Zhou Tianfeng with a fist salute.

The three men who came with Ming Kong were all at the level of Celestial Immortal. In the Demon Realm, they were also known as Heavenly Demons. They must be the important figures of the Demon Spirit Clan, right?

"We apologize for the distant welcome, not expecting the great arrival of the Qilin King. Please forgive us!" one of the men, Ming Long, said.

"These three are my brothers, Ming Long, Ming Qing, and Ming Xin. The four of us are the representatives of the Demon Spirit Clan. Qilin King, may I ask what brings you here this time?" Ming Kong introduced his brothers and asked Zhou Tianfeng.

"I have come to pay a visit with important matters to discuss. I believe you have heard about the return of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, haven't you?" Zhou Tianfeng cleared his throat and spoke.

"Of course we know. It's truly unexpected that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor could return. It's a joyous occasion!" Ming Long said.

Could it be that this Qilin King has come to seek retribution? Previously, they used the pressure of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor to force the Qilin Clan to hand over the four captured Blood Monster ancestors, and they also wiped out the remaining Blood Monster Race.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal, but the problem lies with the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Previously, everyone thought that he had fallen, but who could have imagined that an Immortal Emperor would fake his death and deceive everyone?

Now that he has returned, the status of the Qilin Clan is completely different from before.

Previously, the Qilin Clan relied on their own formidable strength and two Immortal King-level ancestors. They were considered a powerful force in the Demon Realm. But now, with the addition of an Immortal Emperor, they have even more power.

The Demon Spirit Clan doesn't really have anything impressive to offer in front of the Qilin Clan.

The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor wouldn't go to war with the Qilin Clan for the sake of the Demon Spirit Clan and the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor is known for protecting his own. Otherwise, his subordinates wouldn't be so loyal to him.

Could it be that this Qilin King has come to seek retribution? Previously, they had the backing of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, but now the other side also has the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor supporting them.

This is not an easy matter to handle. When speaking later, be polite and be careful not to provoke the Qilin King.

To avoid giving the other party an excuse to take action. The strength of this Qilin King is incredibly strong, and even the four of us brothers may not be his match.

"To be honest, the two ancestors just issued an order. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has discovered a new Heavenly World, which is exactly the same as the Fei Immortal World and Heavenly Net World. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor discovered a new Heavenly World and has control over it, so our Qilin clan will soon move to the new Heavenly World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

There is no need to hide the matter of the new Heavenly World. After all, anyone with a bit of ability should already know about it.

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has recruited all the former members of the Southern Heaven faction to the new Heavenly World. This movement is too big and cannot be concealed from all forces. Therefore, many Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings already know about it.

Another Upper Realm has appeared, and many powerful beings at the Immortal King level are becoming restless. Because the origin energy in the new Heavenly World can easily help them break through and become a new Immortal Emperor.

Recently, many experts at the Immortal King, Demon King, and Monster King levels are hoping that the Emperor-level powerhouses in their respective realms will join forces to share a piece of the pie with Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

But the Immortal Emperor who controls all the origin power dominates one realm, and other Immortal Emperors dare not say anything. Moreover, if Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor does not open a spatial passage, even they, the Immortal Kings, cannot go there.

On the surface, it seems that the new Heavenly World is going to be completely occupied by our Southern Heaven faction, and other factions won't get a share.

"Well, that's really something to celebrate! My Demon Spirit clan will have a great gift to celebrate the promotion of the Qilin clan," Ming Kong said.

A new Heavenly World, this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor is probably going to become the strongest Immortal Emperor, on par with the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

"In that case, thank you, Fellow Daoist. I have one more thing to ask for your noble agreement," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, please speak. As long as it is within my capabilities, I will definitely agree!" Ming Kong and his brothers looked at each other and spoke together.

"Our Qilin clan is leaving, and we plan to give our territory to the Monster Race who once depended on us," Zhou Tianfeng said halfway, then looked at the four Heavenly Demons of the Demon Spirit clan.

"Hahaha! I already understand the intention of the Qilin King! Our Demon Spirit clan currently does not lack living space. Qilin King can rest assured that after the Qilin clan leaves the Demon Realm, we will definitely not invade their territory,"

"As long as the four of us are still the leaders of the Demon Spirit clan, this will absolutely not happen. Qilin King can rest assured," Ming Qing said.

They thought this Qilin King came to seek revenge! They didn't expect it was because of this matter!

If the Qilin clan didn't have Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor backing them, they would indeed attack the territory left behind by the Qilin clan after they left and wipe out all the Monster Race there.

But now, the true big shot behind the Qilin clan has appeared, so they have to give face to each other. Besides, the territory occupied by the Qilin clan is not large.

And we only promised not to attack the Qilin clan's territory, but if those Monster Race forces want to expand outward, that's a different story.

"That's great! But I still hope that the four of you can give a specific time so that I can give an answer to those Monster Race people," Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

Damn, you guys are really timid!

You agreed so easily?

"Qilin King, our term of office still has 1800 years to go! I can guarantee to the Qilin King that within these 1800 years, the Demon Spirit clan will absolutely not invade the Qilin clan's territory! As for after I leave the Demon Realm space, I dare not make any guarantees, after all, we can't control it," Ming Kong said.

He is already being very polite by saying this! After all, who can control their descendants and future generations?

"1800 years is enough. I thank the four of you on behalf of those Monster Race people," Zhou Tianfeng said.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Zhou Tianfeng planned to take his leave.

"Since the matter has been settled, I won't stay any longer. I bid you farewell," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, when will the Qilin clan leave the Demon Realm space? Our Demon Spirit clan will go to observe,"

"Yes! It's a big event for a Transcendent Level clan like us in the Demon Realm space to go to a new Heavenly World. We must witness it."

"I don't know the specific time yet, but I will notify you in advance," Zhou Tianfeng said, politely declining the farewell from the group of Demon Spirit clan experts, and left directly on his own vehicle.

Today's matter went more smoothly than expected.

In the Qilin King City at this time.

A tall and powerful young man exuding a strong aura appeared with Di Honglei.

"Good daughter! Is this the kid's territory?"

(End of this chapter)

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