Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 197 Desolate Immortal Emperor Arrives, The Sixth Sense Of The Human Body

Chapter 197: Desolate Immortal Emperor Arrives, Sixth Sense of the Human Body

Di Honglei nodded and looked at his father, speaking up.

"Father! You must not underestimate him. Although his cultivation is only at the Celestial Immortal Realm, he used to be an ancient powerhouse even more formidable than an Immortal Emperor. Now he has just reincarnated and is re-cultivating."

"Hahaha! You've said this to me hundreds of times. I won't make things difficult for him, but I don't believe that he is an ancient powerhouse who can reincarnate as me," Desolate Immortal Emperor looked at his youngest daughter and smiled as he spoke.

Ever since this little girl saw him, the thing she talked about the most was Zhou Tianfeng, who obtained Innate Merit and acquired the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

He also obtained pure Qilin bloodline through some unknown means and possessed very unique abilities.

Moreover, even before becoming an immortal, he was able to suppress his daughter, who was at the Immortal King realm, with some schemes and methods. This kid is indeed extraordinary, but he is definitely not an ancient powerhouse reincarnated.

If he really was an ancient powerhouse reincarnated, and still carried memories from his past life, he wouldn't bother with a mere Immortal King, let alone make deals with them, because he wouldn't even bother looking at them.

This kid's actions towards his daughter seemed more like a deceptive trick, because he was too weak and could only come up with seemingly reasonable but completely nonsensical reasons to scare people.

"Father, I've told you, he really is an ancient powerhouse reincarnated. He once brought me into a very special space, and I even felt that he could control my life and death," Di Honglei said.

"Hmph, if he wants to control your life and death, then I'll kill him first," Desolate Immortal Emperor coldly snorted.

His youngest daughter was his absolute sore spot. 20,000 years ago, Tianhou Ruoxi used some unknown means to abduct his daughter and even changed her appearance, making her a laughingstock in the Six Realms.

She deceived the world, claiming to have some unclear relationship with this Tianhou, and that it was because of love and hatred that she attacked the Heavenly World and killed the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

But the truth was, he had no impression of this Heavenly Queen Ruoxi at all. They only happened to meet a few times during their time cultivating in the mortal realm and spent some time together. But after their ascension, the two of them didn't have much contact.

As old friends, he invited him and his wife to the Heavenly Net World, but for some reason, he was inexplicably hunted down.

In the end, he was forced to hide in the Vast Desolation Domain. When he came out, the whole world was spreading rumors about him and Heavenly Queen Ruoxi, saying that he had cuckolded the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. At that time, his wife was extremely angry.

He really couldn't clear his name at that time. After all, as a Heavenly Queen, why would she lower herself to falsely accuse a mere immortal and claim to have had an affair with him!

In the end, he obtained the legendary Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture and successfully cultivated it into a set of techniques for a certain special reason. This allowed him to successfully settle in the Vast Desolation Domain and become its Immortal Emperor.

However, unexpectedly, that despicable Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi infiltrated the Vast Desolation Domain, killed his own wife, and took away his daughter.

Moreover, before leaving, she even claimed to be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor! At that time, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi clearly changed her appearance and aura, so he had always believed that it was the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor who kidnapped his daughter and killed his wife.

This enraged him and he launched an attack on the Heavenly Net World, even annihilating all the Immortal Emperors in the Heavenly Net World in a fit of anger.

It wasn't until a hundred years ago that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor came to him again, and after reluctantly having a conversation, they discovered the misunderstanding. It turned out that all of this was caused by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

As for the reason he hated himself, after hearing the true reason from the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, the Desolate Immortal Emperor couldn't help but laugh and cry.

It turned out that it was simply because he didn't look at her properly! He wasn't captivated by her beauty! This drove her crazy and made her want to seek revenge on him, even instigating the Southern Celestial Immortal to come and kill him.

After resolving the misunderstanding with the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, he finally found his long-lost daughter, but unfortunately, his wife could never return.

Originally, the Desolate Immortal Emperor had given up on this matter, but the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor told him a piece of news: he was resurrected by a mysterious senior using an unparalleled method.

After learning this news, the Desolate Immortal Emperor's dead heart came back to life. It turned out that my cultivation was not strong enough, and it turned out that there was a method of resurrection in this world. Since there is, then I have hope. One day, I will cultivate to the level of that senior who resurrected the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and then revive my beloved wife.

Afterwards, he will reunite with his daughter and be a family together.

"Oh right! My obedient daughter, you mentioned to me before that you suspect this guy named Zhou Tianfeng? Is he of the same race as Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi?" The Desolate Immortal Emperor finally revealed their main purpose for coming here.

After reuniting with his daughter, the Desolate Immortal Emperor also discovered an issue with his daughter. Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi did indeed leave some kind of seed within his daughter's body.

This is a very special life form. Inside his daughter's body, there are countless tiny life forms that are invisible to the naked eye and can only be observed with the eyes of immortals.

These tiny life forms have actually formed a symbiotic relationship with his daughter, mutually supporting each other.

He tried countless methods, but he couldn't force these tiny creatures out of his daughter's body.

Then his obedient daughter told him a bewildering piece of news: his physical appearance had indeed been changed by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, but after successfully cultivating the power of desolation, some of the secret methods left behind by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi had indeed failed.

All those countless little lives within him, the special life forms that coexisted with him, all came from Zhou Tianfeng.

Afterwards, Di Honglei told Desolate Immortal Emperor all of his suspicions about Zhou Tianfeng.

However, Desolate Immortal Emperor concluded that while they did have some similarities, they were definitely not the same race. Nevertheless, for safety reasons, Desolate Immortal Emperor still intended to see Zhou Tianfeng in person.

"Father! Is he in the city now?" Di Honglei asked.

"No, this kid went to the territory of the Demon Spirit Clan, but he's on his way back. I'll bring him here first, and you wait here for a moment," Desolate Immortal Emperor said before disappearing in a flash.

On the carriage of the Qilin Clan, Zhou Tianfeng was sitting comfortably with his eyes closed, nurturing his spirit. Suddenly, Zhou Tianfeng's whole body jolted, his hair standing on end. His strong sixth sense seemed to be telling him that there was a great danger approaching.

Since becoming an immortal-level life form, Zhou Tianfeng's body had undergone some changes. Humans have a very special feeling called the sixth sense.

Before transmigrating, scientists on Earth had been unable to determine whether it actually existed. However, through a series of experiments, they discovered that the human sixth sense did exist.

You could only say that it hadn't been discovered yet, but you couldn't argue that it didn't exist because there were too many examples. Humans often have the ability to foresee some dangers in advance.

After cultivating into an immortal-level life form, Zhou Tianfeng's sixth sense had been amplified. When facing the Qilin Ancestor, he had this strong sense of crisis.

But now, a danger that was tens or even hundreds of times more dangerous than the two Qilin Ancestors emitted an aura that made Zhou Tianfeng tense up.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" a Qilin soldier saw Zhou Tianfeng suddenly sit up, sweat appearing on his forehead. He looked puzzled and asked.

"Don't make a sound. There's an enemy, a very powerful enemy nearby," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Qilin guards around him, as well as the elder Huo Xuanzi who was following Zhou Tianfeng, all looked puzzled.

An enemy! How did they not notice? Is this Qilin King too nervous?

"Yes, yes, little one, you can actually detect me. With your cultivation at the Celestial Immortal level, you can sense my aura. I did underestimate you," a very mocking voice sounded in the ears of everyone present.

"I wonder who this senior is? We are from the Qilin Clan. I hope the senior will spare us some trouble for the sake of our two ancestors and the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor," Zhou Tianfeng stopped Huo Xuanzi, who was about to speak, and respectfully said.

The opponent's strength was very strong, definitely not an Immortal King. The opponent was an Immortal Emperor, or perhaps a Demon Emperor or a Monster Emperor.

Damn it. Although he had been tricked by this kind of Immortal Emperor-level expert before, it was the first time he had encountered one in person!

Zhou Tianfeng was extremely, extremely nervous now! His whole heart was in his throat.

"You, a little kid, can actually detect me? And you've also cultivated my techniques. Then let me borrow a sword to test you," Desolate Immortal Emperor said, releasing a golden sword aura.

It locked onto Zhou Tianfeng's entire person, while the Qilin Clan members around him were pushed away by a powerful force.

Seeing the golden sword aura attacking him, Zhou Tianfeng's body tensed up, his heart started beating violently, and he entered a state of adrenaline rush. He activated the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Qilin Law Manifestation.

The power of desolation within him ran at an overload, his body's magnetic field fully activated, and he used almost all the cards he could use.

Gathering all his strength on his left fist, he roared and struck the golden sword aura.

The two powerful forces collided in the Demon Realm space, and in mid-air, Zhou Tianfeng's huge fist shadow and the golden sword aura disappeared together.

Zhou Tianfeng spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards, crashing to the ground.

"My king!"

"Protect the king!" The Qilin soldiers finally reacted and rushed towards Zhou Tianfeng, surrounding him in the middle.

"Don't! You're no match for him, and this senior didn't intend to kill me. Otherwise, I would have died from that blow just now," Zhou Tianfeng coughed up blood and stopped the Qilin soldiers who wanted to take action.

Damn it! Who the hell is it?

He gave me a ruthless blow as soon as he appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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