Chapter 198: The Captured Qilin King

That last attack was too ruthless. Just now, Zhou Tianfeng's sixth sense was frantically warning him that he had to give it his all, or else he would be killed, directly killed.

That golden sword qi just now, if it were an ordinary Celestial Immortal or even a Golden Immortal, they would have been killed instantly. But Zhou Tianfeng, who had all his cards on the table, barely managed to block it.

Who is this? Coming up and giving me a hit like that, so ruthless! What grudge, what resentment?

Zhou Tianfeng was a bit speechless. Everything was fine, and then you come up and give me a hit, at least explain it clearly!

"Yes, my attack just now, theoretically, even a Golden Immortal would have no place to be buried, yet you only suffered minor injuries and managed to block it." A man who was nearly nine feet tall, with a resolute face and dressed in a purple-gold robe, appeared in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

The sword qi attack he just unleashed, although it was just a casual strike, its power should not be underestimated. An ordinary Golden Immortal would definitely not be able to withstand it and would be directly killed, their soul scattered.

This kid, with his cultivation at the Celestial Immortal Realm, managed to barely resist my attack. He does have some ability.

Just now, Desolate Immortal Emperor also observed Zhou Tianfeng's Qilin Law Manifestation, the Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, and his own Desolate Power. However, his Desolate Power seemed to have undergone some kind of mutation.

In addition, just now, Desolate Immortal Emperor also felt that Zhou Tianfeng's body suddenly entered a state of extreme eruption. It elevated his physical qualities and all aspects of his abilities by one level.

Moreover, there was also an inexplicable aura emanating from him, as if it were a force field, which was why he was able to withstand my attack.

This kid's strength is formidable. With his current strength, even an ordinary Golden Immortal would easily be defeated if they were to fight him. Even if they only used the Qilin Law Manifestation and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, this kid would still win effortlessly.

"Senior is joking. I wonder where I have offended senior." Zhou Tianfeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and spoke.

Since his sixth sense greatly improved, not only did Zhou Tianfeng's senses improve, but he also gained an ability: to ignore the cultivation realms of both the opponent and himself and directly sense the opponent's cultivation.

You see, in the cultivation world, if the opponent is one major realm higher than you and intentionally conceals it, you would absolutely not be able to sense their aura. But Zhou Tianfeng can easily see through it with his sixth sense, coupled with his own eyes. There is basically no disguise that can succeed in front of him, not even at the level of an Immortal Emperor.

He had fought with the two Qilin ancestors several times, after all, so Zhou Tianfeng could easily determine that the cultivation of the man in front of him was at the level of an Immortal Emperor.

It shouldn't be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has no reason to make a move to test me. The other Immortal Emperors who are aware of my existence can only be the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

"Elder, our ancestor is the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and if we have offended you in any way, please forgive us. We hope that as juniors, we can learn from your wisdom," said Huo Xuanzi respectfully as he approached the Desolate Immortal Emperor. The other members of the Qilin Clan also bowed to the man.

Now they realized that the person in front of them had a high cultivation level, as even the Qilin King couldn't withstand his attack. So they had to bring up their own backgrounds, hoping to intimidate him.

"Hmph, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. If we were to fight again, I wouldn't necessarily fear him. Last time, we fought to a draw, but that was only because he relied on a good weapon. Without that weapon, he is no match for me," said the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

Last time, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor came to the Vast Desolation Domain to fight him. In terms of cultivation, he could barely compete, but he couldn't withstand the terrifying power of the Desolation Force.

If it weren't for the fact that the sword in his hand was too sharp, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor would have been defeated long ago.

This Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor was indeed lucky! To be able to obtain such a supreme divine sword that could directly break through his Desolation Body. It should be noted that the Emperor's weapons cultivated by ordinary Immortal Emperors, Demon Emperors, and Devil Emperors could not harm him at all.

The members of the Qilin Clan's expressions changed upon hearing this. They believed that they wouldn't necessarily lose to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor if they were to fight again. They were aware of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's strength.

They knew that according to the words of their two ancestors, he was invincible in the Six Realms, and even the Desolate Immortal Emperor could at most fight him to a draw.

If they were to enter the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's new Heavenly World and borrow the power of the origin, the Desolate Immortal Emperor would also be defeated.

Could it be that the person in front of them was the Desolate Immortal Emperor of the Vast Desolation Domain?

"It seems that you have already guessed my identity. Well done, you are quite insightful. Now I have something to discuss with your Qilin King. I will take this kid with me for now," said the Desolate Immortal Emperor, completely ignoring the Qilin Clan members. He directly grabbed Zhou Tianfeng and tore through the space, leaving.

Only a group of confused Qilin Clan members were left behind.

What, what just happened? Everything was fine when we came out, but now we lost the Qilin King when we returned, and he was taken away by an Immortal Emperor-level expert.

"Elder Huo, Elder Huo! What do we do now?" A panicked guard from the Qilin Clan rushed to Huo Xuanzi and anxiously asked.

"Don't panic, at the very least, the other party is an Immortal Emperor-level existence. They shouldn't attack our king without any reason," Huo Xuanzi said.

"But, Elder Huo, the other party is not an ordinary Immortal Emperor. It's the Desolate Immortal Emperor who has a deep grudge with the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Other Immortal Emperors, Demon Emperors, and Monster Emperors wouldn't bully the weaker, but this situation is different," the guard from the Qilin Clan said urgently.

The reconciliation between the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and the Desolate Immortal Emperor has not been made public. Only the two of them know about it, so from the outside, it seems that the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and the Desolate Immortal Emperor are still in opposition.

And now, the Desolate Immortal Emperor personally appeared and captured a descendant of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. What kind of situation is this?

"What if we quickly inform the two ancestors about this situation? Let them think of a way to ask the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor to save our king," the guard suggested.

"Do you have a way to contact the two ancestors in the upper realm? Since the two elders ascended, the only one in the entire Qilin Clan who can contact them is the Qilin King himself. But now that he has been captured, how can we possibly contact the upper realm?" Huo Xuanzi sighed helplessly.

"So, there's nothing we can do, Elder? Say something!" the guard exclaimed.

"At this point, I don't have any good solutions. We can only hope that the two ancestors will come down quickly to rescue us. I will report this matter to them when the time comes. Now, let's quickly return to the Qilin King's city. Let's not spread this matter to the outside world and just say that our king is in seclusion," Huo Xuanzi said.

The Qilin King's carriage was still very luxurious. As long as it was well concealed, ordinary people would not notice that the Qilin King had gone missing.

At this critical moment, they couldn't let any force know about the fact that the Qilin King had been captured.

Zhou Tianfeng was being held by the Desolate Immortal Emperor and brought to a wilderness. Standing opposite him was a woman with purple hair and wearing purple armor.

Without even looking, Zhou Tianfeng knew who the girl in front of him was - Di Honglei.

Combined with various reasons, Zhou Tianfeng now confirmed that it was the Desolate Immortal Emperor who kidnapped him.

Alright, this guy snatched a woman from the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor! In the end, he even killed the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor! Now, he's acknowledging his daughter.

"Cough cough! Senior, why did you bring me here? Is it to inquire about the Heavenly Queen?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

(Here, let me explain that the two Qilin ancestors did not tell Zhou Tianfeng and the others from the lower realm about the complete falling out and rupture between the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and the Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. So the protagonist doesn't know some things yet.)

Does this matter have anything to do with the Heavenly Queen? Could it be that the three of them are teaming up against me?

"Don't misunderstand. My... Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is not my mother at all. My mother died at her hands, and she kidnapped me and raised me as her daughter. She wanted to see the two of us, father and daughter, fight each other," Zhou Tianfeng explained.

Di Honglei quickly spoke up upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words. The entire Six Realms believed that the Desolate Immortal Emperor and the Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi were involved and that they betrayed the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. But only a few people knew that it was all bullshit.

It was just that the Desolate Immortal Emperor couldn't be bothered to explain. Because no one would think that a Heavenly Queen would lower herself to falsely accuse someone.

"Let me tell you, if Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi dares to appear in front of me, I will kill her with a single sword," the Desolate Immortal Emperor said with an unpleasant expression.

Now Zhou Tianfeng was a bit confused. What's going on? Aren't you, just like the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, deeply infatuated with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi? You even killed three Immortal Emperor-level experts consecutively just to be able to go to the Heavenly Net World for her.

Why would you immediately draw your sword and kill her if she appears in front of you?

And what did Di Honglei mean by saying that Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is not her mother at all?

"Here's the thing. Before my father became an immortal, he did encounter the reincarnation of the Heavenly Queen. But the two of them didn't have much interaction," Di Honglei explained everything that Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi had done to Zhou Tianfeng.

Damn it, damn it! I thought this Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was extraordinary, but it turns out she's just a conniving woman!

This personality is really bizarre. If she wasn't interested in you, you hold a grudge?

She killed your wife, kidnapped your daughter, and then raised the enemy's daughter to kill her own father.

This Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is truly an incredibly bizarre person!

"Now, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has also fallen out with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. And let me tell you a secret. My father learned from the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor that Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is not just an Immortal King, but a genuine Immortal Emperor, and she even has other identities," Di Honglei said.

(End of this chapter)

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