Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 199 The Question Of The Immortal Emperor

Chapter 199 The Question of the Immortal Emperor

Hearing this, Zhou Tianfengcai was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Queen Ruoxi was not a top Immortal King, but an Immortal Emperor level master!

It's a shame that I thought I was the two Qilin Ancestors at that time. Can you stop him, or even deal with Queen Ruoxi by yourself? After doing this for a long time, the woman probably didn't pay attention to the two Qilin ancestors at all.

He even came and went freely, and the Qilin King City was right under their noses. No wonder he could not be discovered by the two Qilin Ancestors. Let me just say, it turned out to be an Immortal Emperor level cultivation.

"Boy, I'm here to come to you this time. There's one more thing I want you to do. You seem to have put something on my daughter's body, which is that kind of tiny life form. Now take out all those things for me immediately." The Immortal Emperor spoke.

Hey, hey, hey, don't speak in such a misleading way, what do you mean I put something in your daughter's body? It is still a living thing. If you say this, it will easily cause misunderstanding. Didn't you see that your daughter's face is red?

But he should be talking about viruses, right? Really. The human race in this world is indeed not very friendly to things like viruses, and they don’t want them to live in their bodies.

But this is understandable. Even modern humans would never believe that they carry millions of viruses without some professional knowledge.

"Senior, it's natural for me to say something. This junior will take out the things from Hong Lei." Zhou Tianfeng finished.

He came to Di Honglei's side, and then directly mobilized the power of the virus space to remove all the viruses from this girl's body, and completely cut off the connection between it and the virus space.

Since you don't want it, I won't force it on others. Under Zhou Tianfeng's operation, all the viruses in Di Honglei's body were removed.

At this time, Di Honglei could clearly feel that some tiny life forms living in her body had completely disappeared.

"Thank you! I know that the things you put in my body are very good for me. We will form a symbiotic relationship, mutual help and mutual benefit, and even those tiny life forms will improve my qualifications, but I still don't want it. ." Di Honglei said.

She first accepted Zhou Tianfeng's virus power in order to practice the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture. Now that the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture has been completely practiced successfully, this regeneration power really doesn't mean much to her.

"I understand. If you don't want to tell me, just let me take it out for you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It's just that after I take it out, you will lose the ability to evolve, and your future end point will be exactly the same as the human race in this world.

"Yeah! That's right! I heard that you got married, but I haven't given you a gift yet! Let's do this. If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can come to me in the wilderness and I will help you for free. ." Di Honglei said.

do not know why. She felt a little uncomfortable about Zhou Tianfeng getting married.

"I appreciate your kindness. There is no need for a gift." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"How can that work! In short, you can come to me anytime and anywhere in the wilderness from now on. There is another thing about your two senior sisters. My father can't solve their problems. Do you really have any solution?" Di Honglei? asked.

When he was in Luo Heavenly World, he had begged his father to remove the seeds left in the bodies of the two senior sisters Zhou Tianfeng by the Queen of Heaven Ruoxi.

But what I didn't expect was that the Immortal Emperor's extreme cultivation level was actually unable to eliminate the choice set by Queen Ruoxi.

But Zhou Tianfeng had successfully removed this power before, which made Di Honglei a little curious, what method did the other party use to achieve all this? Could it be his mysterious space?

In addition to communicating with each other, does it have any other function?

"Emperor Southern Celestial Immortal once visited our Qilin clan before and used a supreme method to solve the problem in my princess Mo Yunqi's body. He also passed this secret technique to me before leaving, so Now I can solve this problem," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He didn't want to tell anyone about the virus space. Fortunately, this girl doesn’t know much. I simply think that the virus space is just a means of communication.

If Huang Immortal Emperor hadn't been present, Zhou Tianfeng would have wanted to use the power of the virus space to make some modifications to this girl's memory, but his Immortal Emperor-level father was nearby. So Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare.

"What I can't solve? The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor can actually solve it." The Immortal Emperor standing aside frowned.

The seeds that Queen Ruoxi used on those two girls were so powerful that even his power of desolation could not drive them away. Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal's cultivation level was indeed comparable to his own now, but. It is indeed a bit of a joke to say that he can remove things that he cannot deal with!

"Senior also knows that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor was killed by you before, and then resurrected by a mysterious senior. This senior taught the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor a set of supreme laws and a new Heavenly World. Moreover, the Queen After all, Ruoxi is the one who sleeps with Emperor Celestial Immortal of the South, so it’s not surprising that he knows how to crack it." Zhou Tianfeng hurriedly said.

"Really? Why do I feel something is wrong! Boy, are you lying to me? How about I call the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor here and ask him when he passed it on to you?" Huang Immortal Emperor looked at Zhou Tianfeng as if He said with a non-smile.

"Senior is joking. This is indeed passed down by Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal. If senior doesn't believe it, you can ask Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal." Zhou Tianfeng said pretending to be very calm.

Damn it, I bet you won’t ask!

Moreover, I learned some information from the two Qilin ancestors before. The current Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor is not in the New Heavenly World at all, but has gone to the most mysterious ancient Immortal Domain. It is said that he is going to do some very important things. .

"Hmph! You kid really has a secret that I don't know about, but don't worry, as a generation of Immortal Emperor, I will not do anything like taking someone's chance. If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask any more questions." The Immortal Emperor spoke.

This kid is quite calm, but he is sure of this. Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor will never be able to remove the seeds of Queen Ruoxi. There is indeed something wrong with this kid.

"Senior is joking, this kid is very frightened." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay! These are your two beauties, take them away." Immortal Emperor waved his hand and placed the two crystal coffins in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

Lin Wan and Cai Ling, two senior sisters, lay in the crystal coffin like two sleeping beauties.

"I used the power of desolation to seal them. You have also practiced the Great Desolation Scripture. As long as you use the power of desolation, you can unlock their seals and then save them." Desolation Immortal Emperor said.

The power of the Great Desolation Scripture produced by this boy's practice seems to be more domineering than his. I don't know what kind of power it is.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I understand." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"The matter has been settled, dear daughter, do you have anything else to say? If not, let's go." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

After his good daughter saw this boy, she seemed to have a very strange feeling, which made him very unhappy. He wanted to take his daughter away from here quickly and stay away from this boy.

If this boy hasn't married yet and doesn't have so many confidants, with his qualifications, it wouldn't hurt to betroth Honglei to him!

But this guy, his two senior sisters, and his Qilin Princess are already very annoying, so let’s avoid it! It would be better not to let them meet each other in the future.

As for whether he will come to the prehistoric region to find his good daughter in the future, Immortal Emperor is not too worried about this. This kid has a very arrogant personality and he will never come to beg for him.

"Zhou Tianfeng! Take care of yourself in the future. Remember to come to Honghuang Valley to see me." Di Honglei bit her lip, looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"Okay! Thank you for taking care of my two senior sisters these years. I would like to thank them in advance. If you need my help in the future, you can come to me at any time." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Well! I'm leaving! See you soon!" Di Honglei waved her hand towards Zhou Tianfeng and planned to leave.

But at this moment, Zhou Tianfeng on the side seemed to remember something and suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute! Honglei! My second senior brother, I don't know where you sent him. I want to pick him up." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It’s time for you to tell me where my second senior brother is.

"You, haven't you seen their master and apprentice? I also sent them to the Demon Realm space at that time." Di Honglei said.

"No, over the years I have mobilized the power of the Qilin clan, and even asked some Great Monster races to help find him, but after so many years, I have not found the whereabouts of the second senior brother." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No! Father, please help me take a look! In the Demon Realm space, is there anyone who practices the Profound Heaven magic point? The body of Taiyin. There is also a half-human, half-demon boy beside him. That boy's Monster Race body It's a spider." Di Honglei said to the Immortal Emperor.

"Well! Just wait a moment!" After finishing speaking, the Immortal Emperor closed his eyes, spread his Immortal Emperor-level spiritual thoughts to the entire Demon Realm space, and began to search for the Taiyin body.

After a moment, the Immortal Emperor opened his eyes.

"I have found three people practicing Profound Heaven magic points, and I have found four Taiyin bodies, but I have not seen any of them with these two characteristics at the same time. There is also the half-human, half-spider kid, and I have neither See it." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"Not there? How is this possible? I clearly sent them to the Demon Realm space at that time." Di Honglei said.

"I'm sure they are not in the Demon Realm space. Maybe they may have ascended to the Black Demon World or other realms." Immortal Emperor said.

Ascension, no! Are the qualifications of my second senior brother so good? It has only been over 100 years, less than 200 years have passed, and you can become an immortal through cultivation?

"How about this Tianfeng! How about! I accompany you to visit the Black Demon World?" Di Honglei said with a slight blush on his face.

"Okay!" Zhou Tianfeng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said.

I was wondering why I didn’t go to the new Heavenly World! This reason is simply perfect!

"."Desolate Immortal Emperor.

(End of chapter)

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