Chapter 203 Dead Silence

Black Demon World, Zhou Tianfeng has been flying continuously for more than three months.

"Damn it, what's going on? This is called Black Demon World, why don't you just change its name to Huang Wujie! I've been flying for three full months, and I haven't seen a single person in those three months." Zhou Tianfeng was flying in the sky He complained feebly.

It's really incredible. After the retreat, Zhou Tianfeng left. The Cave Mansion was temporarily opened, and then came to the space of the Black Demon World.

And he used the power of desolation to disguise himself. Now he looks like a demon cultivator from the black Demon World's native space, and his strength has reached the level of a demon general.

(Black Demon World cultivation level, true demon, Heavenly Demon, demon general, demon king, demon king, demon emperor.)

But the problem is that he has been flying at full strength for more than three months, but during this period he has not seen even a single living creature.

The entire black Demon World is very huge. At Zhou Tianfeng's current speed. An interstellar journey is not difficult, but after flying at full strength for more than three months, I didn't see a single living thing in the black Demon World.

There is no ordinary Demon Race. He can accept it. After all, this is the upper world, and those with the worst cultivation are real demons, but even this is the black Demon World.

There should also be some local Low Level life, such as some Warcraft. Di Honglei gave Zhou Tianfeng a copy of the Black Demon World information before leaving.

According to the other party, although the Black Demon World is very empty, there are still many demon cultivators, and there are some specialty demon beasts, just like the immortal beasts in the Immortal World.

If you haven’t encountered an ordinary demon cultivator yourself, that’s understandable! But if we haven't seen ordinary monsters or even some monster insects, then something is wrong.

While Zhou Tianfeng was on his way, he saw what seemed to be a town ahead. It was not easy. It had been more than 200 years since he came to the Black Demon World, and he had been wandering around for more than three months. Finally, he saw a decent town.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Tianfeng flew over with all his strength, and arrived at the city gate in a moment.

The whole city was empty and a little quiet. Zhou Tianfeng frowned and came to the city gate.

There is something engraved on it in a language that I can't understand at all, but that's not important. What's important is that this city is very problematic.

The whole city looked very strange, and there were no people around. After Zhou Tianfeng entered the city, there were some shops opened by demon cultivators.

It was also in a state of extreme decay, even covered with dust, and the whole city was extremely silent.

There were even some cracks in the surrounding walls. You must know that the city walls here are not made of mortals. It is made of ordinary stones, but uses a kind of black demon stone from Demon World.

This kind of magic spirit stone is extremely hard and is a material for making a magic weapon. The magic weapon is on the same level as the Immortal Weapon, but now it is actually decaying!

This is basically impossible to happen. It stands to reason that a city wall made of this material will not suffer any damage for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

"What's going on? Why does the Black Demon World city look like this? It's too quiet!

No one there? And it looks like this place has been abandoned for a long time. "Walking on the street, Zhou Tianfeng said to himself.

It took some time. Zhou Tianfeng Jiang himself. After searching the entire Black Demon World city, it turned out to be exactly the same as in the wild. Except for some traces of where demon cultivators once lived, there was nothing else.

Not a single living thing was seen in the entire city. They all seemed to have fallen into some kind of death.

Horrible desolation!

Something is wrong, something is very wrong. This black Demon World is completely different from the black Demon World introduced by Di Honglei and himself.

Although the Black Demon World is very desolate, there are still many demon cultivators gathering in some small cities, and they will never be so desolate.

Could it be that there was some kind of fight that caused all the demon cultivators here to die? But this isn’t right either!

If the demon cultivator is killed, some remains will be left behind, right? But in the entire city, not even a single body of Zhou Tianfeng was found.

There wasn't even a trace of blood on the streets or city walls, and there were no traces of fighting at all. It was as if all the creatures in the entire city had disappeared inexplicably.

This situation gave Zhou Tianfeng a creepy feeling. Could it be that what he came to was not some black Demon World, but another realm?

In other words, this is some kind of forbidden area in the Black Demon World! I broke in unintentionally, it's wrong, it doesn't make sense.

The terrifying demonic energy here, as well as the evil energy that can affect the souls of cultivators, are definitely unique to the Black Demon World.

Even Beast World’s Monster Qi! It will not have such a terrifying effect, causing cultivators to be haunted by inner demons, or fall directly into the devil's path.

But if he had wandered into some situation by mistake, it wouldn't look like this place. It looked like it was just a small city where ordinary demon cultivators gathered.

There were even some Demon World elixirs on some stalls that were too late to take away, as well as some Demon World magic weapons.

The people here seem to be! It was as if they were avoiding some disaster, as if they had suddenly evacuated this place.

No, you have to ask someone! We need to figure out what the situation is now.

Zhou Tianfeng thought for a while, and immediately planned to leave this dead city, and then continue flying in other directions to see if he could encounter anything alive.

However, before leaving, Zhou Tianfeng collected all the magic elixirs and magic energy that no one wanted from some stalls in the city, and even some materials unique to the Black Demon World. These things cannot be wasted, and diligence and thrift are the fine qualities of our nation. Tradition.

Anyway, these things are ownerless things. If you don’t want them, it would be a waste to throw them here.

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng embarked on a journey again. This time Zhou Tianfeng began to fly with all his strength, and his whole body turned into a purple-red light, drawing a rainbow in the black Demon World sky.

This search lasted three years.

In the past three years, Zhou Tianfeng has passed through more than a dozen towns.

Every time he arrived at a town, Zhou Tianfeng would land and check it carefully.

But these towns are without exception! Everything was extremely silent, not a single living thing existed, and I spent three full years wandering around the Demon World. Zhou Tianfeng did not find any living organisms.

All the towns he passed were exactly the same as the first town he encountered, and the whole city was eerily quiet. The facilities in the city are all in good condition. Even some. In a tavern dedicated to serving demon cultivators.

There are also some special delicacies from Demon World. Although the food has gone rancid, Zhou Tianfeng can still tell that the life here has suddenly disappeared. They are eating or doing something else. The reason is unknown. For some reason, he suddenly disappeared!

If this is the case in only one town, then Zhou Tianfeng is not sure of his judgment, but the situation is exactly the same in more than a dozen towns in a row.

All the signs, all taken together, explained one thing to Zhou Tianfeng, that is, the demon cultivators in Demon World, and even all life, suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons.

"Did something happen during the 200 years of seclusion?

But what if within these 200 years, these demonic cultivators suddenly disappeared! So why wasn't I affected? "In the center of a newly discovered town, Zhou Tianfeng stood in the middle of the street and said to himself.

This city is the largest city Zhou Tianfeng discovered after arriving in the Black Demon World. It covers a very large area and has various facilities in the city.

Zhou Tianfeng discovered all the defensive formations, various markets, living areas, and even some strange places, and in the center of the city was an extremely luxurious palace.

This palace is obviously made of some special materials, and there is a barrier inside. However, this barrier must have been destroyed by something, and now it has lost its effect.

After Zhou Tianfeng entered this luxurious palace! Some extremely precious Demon World treasures were found in a basement. Zhou Tianfeng recognized most of these Demon World treasures. After all, he has been the Qilin King for more than 100 years, and he still has a certain understanding of the Demon World, the direct superior of the Demon Realm space. of.

"This palace should be the domain of a Demon King Level master! But even a Demon King Level master has mysteriously disappeared? What kind of power can do these things? What happened in the Black Demon World? ?" Zhou Tianfeng was bored and came to the center of the luxurious palace. He sat on the throne at the top and held his head while thinking.

All this is so strange. I had deliberately entered the virus space before. There was a Black Heavenly Demon Emperor before me, and he was cultivating a new blood demon ancestor. He also planned to directly obliterate the opponent's soul, and then seize a Demon Emperor. Where are Level's other clones?

However, in the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng did not contact the body of the blood demon ancestor. For some unknown reason, the new blood demon ancestor body was directly disconnected from Zhou Tianfeng and also disconnected from the virus space. Contacted.

Now Zhou Tianfeng has no clue at all. He has no idea what is happening in the Black Demon World. Why is the entire world so silent? Not even a single living creature could be found.

"Forget it, I'll look for a few more years! If Chen Zhen is still like this when I meet him next, then there must be something wrong with the Black Demon World. I'll just leave here!"

Just when Zhou Tianfeng was about to leave, he suddenly felt something and immediately hid his aura and found a place to hide.

Four black figures suddenly appeared in the sky above the city where Zhou Tianfeng was located. The four black figures looked around and then landed in the city.

"You feel right? Is there still life here?" One of the weirdos wearing a strange armor said.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Although the great purge was completed 100 years ago, there are inevitably some fish that slipped through the net in the Black Demon World. Let's search everywhere!"

"Well, I'll clear it out as soon as I find it."

(End of chapter)

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