Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 204 Has The Great Wilderness Become Standard?

Chapter 204 Has the Great Wilderness become standard?

Who are these guys?

Zhou Tianfeng hid in the palace, hiding his aura with all his strength, and observing these four mysterious people.

Who are these guys? There is no aura of demonic cultivator in his body, he is not a demonic cultivator at all.

Moreover, these four guys were dressed very strangely. They were dressed in dark purple armor that basically covered their whole bodies. The four of them were also highly cultivated.

All of them have reached the realm of Golden Immortal, and what they just said also made Zhou Tianfeng very concerned. Was the Great Purge completed 100 years ago?

Damn it, it’s all living things that can’t be cleaned, right? What kind of force is this? You actually have the ability to cleanse the entire Black Demon World. Do you think you are the Demon Emperor and Demon King of the Black Demon World?

However, what concerned Zhou Tianfeng more was the aura exuded by these guys, which also surprised Zhou Tianfeng.

The other party is actually practicing the Great Wilderness Scripture! These four guys actually practice the Great Wilderness Scripture!

Is there any mistake, why do these guys practice the Great Wilderness Scripture? Zhou Tianfeng knows very well the difficulty of cultivating the Great Wilderness Scripture.

Want to practice this set of exercises? You must have strong regeneration and suppression abilities, otherwise you will be dead even before you have mastered it.

Moreover, the four most primitive spiritual powers needed to practice this technique are also very precious, the energy of demon spirits and the energy of fairy spirits. It’s easier to get the original spiritual energy!

But the prehistoric Qi in the prehistoric region is more difficult. Unless you are a master in the Immortal King realm, you will never get this kind of thing, but now four people who practice the Great Wilderness Scripture suddenly appear.

And judging by the way these four guys are dressed, they should be like miscellaneous soldiers, just responsible for some patrols or search tasks.

So, who are their owners? Who are their superiors? It is possible to train cultivators of the Great Wilderness Scripture to serve as ordinary soldiers. What kind of grand gesture is this?

You know, those who practice the Great Wilderness Scripture are generally very powerful in combat! As long as you reach the first three levels, you will be at the Golden Immortal level.

Moreover, the cultivators of the Great Desolation Scripture are generally extremely powerful in combat and basically invincible at the same level. The power of desolation can be said to crush the power of immortal, demonic and demonic elements.

Even cross-level battles are no problem. For example, Zhou Tianfeng was confident of defeating a Golden Immortal when he was at Celestial Immortal. Now that his cultivation has reached Golden Immortal, he can easily defeat a Profound Immortal.

Of course! If you turn on the Heavenly Rage Battle Body Kirin Law Manifestation, there is also an adrenaline mode! Then you have a chance to kill a Profound Immortal.

And as time goes by, those who practice this set of skills will become stronger and stronger, and it can be said that they will directly lead to the path of Immortal Emperor. There is nothing in between.

Of course not. With such unimpeded access, if there are only a few people who practice the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture, then with the help of the origin of the Great Desolate Realm, they can indeed become Immortal Emperor level masters, but if there are too many people practicing this set of techniques, then the origin will not be enough!

Didn't these four guys come here to search because they sensed his own aura?

"Recently, these remnants of the Black Demon World have become bolder. They actually dared to appear in those abandoned towns and took away a lot of supplies." One of the people wearing a purple battle suit said.

"They still don't give up! Do they still want to take back the Black Demon World?"

"Tch! It would be great to surrender obediently to Master Sha Tian like us. You can also practice the Great Wilderness Scripture that intimidate the six realms, and transform from an unknown Independent Cultivator to a top master."

"That's it! Who would have thought that little people like us could actually practice the skills of the Immortal Emperor? And our cultivation level has even reached the Golden Immortal." Another person wearing a purple suit said with a smile.

"Haha, what a desolate Immortal Emperor! We weren't beaten by Master Sha Tian back then. Even if we join forces with the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and there are several other flying Immortal World Immortal Emperors, wouldn't they still be beaten by Master Sha Tian with just one hand? Cleaned up."

"Stop talking nonsense and search carefully! Find the remnants of the Black Demon World and kill them all."

The four of them nodded and began to continue searching in the city, and their conversation was listened to by Zhou Tianfeng.

What's wrong with this? Who is Sha Tian? The Huang Immortal Emperor, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and even multiple Immortal Emperors working together are not his opponents?

Damn it, I have been practicing for 200 years, what happened?

I am also cultivating the Great Wilderness Scripture, why don't I come out and pretend to be in order to get some information?

Or just kill these four guys! Although the cultivation levels of these four guys are also at the Golden Immortal level, they are far behind compared to myself.

Zhou Tianfeng was confident that he would kill the four of them in an instant, and then use the Soul Searching Technique to get the information he wanted.

At this time, the four of them also arrived at the palace located in the center of the city. At this time, the four of them were on alert and each took out their weapons. They formed a square formation and slowly advanced.

When Zhou Tianfeng entered the city before, he collected some elixirs, Law Weapons, etc. that no one wanted. This move should have aroused the vigilance of the four of them. They are now sure that there are others besides themselves here. .

"Remnants of the Black Demon World, there is no need to hide, come out quickly! Now I give you a chance to be loyal to my Shatian Palace, and I will spare you the chance to die." One of the people wearing a purple battle suit said.

Judging from some traces on the roadside, someone did come to this city, but they were just hiding.

"Everyone! Don't be nervous. I belong to the same camp as you, and I am also a member of Shatian Palace." Zhou Tianfeng jumped out and spoke. At the same time, he hid all the magic energy in his body, and transformed his true energy into Learned the purest scripture of the Great Wilderness.

Zhou Tianfeng suddenly appeared, startling the four of them. Just when they were about to attack, they felt the Great Desolation Scripture and the power of Desolation on Zhou Heavenly Phoenix.

After feeling the pure power of desolation, the four of them nodded, and then each put away their weapons.

In the current Black Demon World, only those who practice the Great Wilderness Scripture are their people. Those who do not practice the Great Wilderness Scripture are the native residents of the Black Demon World and must be driven out and exterminated.

"Brother, which princess are you from? Where is your patrol team? Why are you here?"

When the personnel of Shatian Palace go out to search, they usually work in groups of four or ten people.

I have never heard of anyone acting alone!

"Brothers, you don't know! Now I am the only one left in our patrol team. The others were all killed by the remnants of the Black Demon World. They had a master in the Demon King realm. I spent a lot of time. It took a lot of effort to escape and hide here. I thought it was the gang of people from Demon World who were chasing me, but I didn’t expect it was the four of you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Are you sure? A master from the Demon King Level?" The faces of the four people changed. Looking at Zhou Tianfeng, he asked very anxiously.

"It's absolutely not wrong, otherwise our patrol group wouldn't have been instantly killed by the opponent. The other three brothers all died miserably, and were killed by the demon king in an instant. I was the only one who escaped with all my strength. I wanted to Report this matter to Lord Sha Tian immediately." Zhou Tianfeng said in a pretentious manner.

"Really or not? There are actually other existences of Demon King Level in the current Black Demon World. Master Shaitian was there before. The eight divine generals led by him personally cleaned up the entire Black Demon World. All Demon King Levels and above Yes, even the demons above the Monarch level have been annihilated by Lord Sha Tian personally leading his team?"

"I don't know about this, but I'm sure that that person is definitely a demon king. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the strength to kill us with one blow. You must know that what we can practice is the Great Wilderness Scripture. Even an ordinary demon king, Profound Immortal, if the four of them join forces, they are definitely no match for us." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It's broken. Could it be that someone else at the Demon Monarch Level slipped through the net? After a hundred years of cultivation, he has broken through to the Demon King realm on his own, so he escaped the invasion of Lord Sha Tian back then?"

"It's possible, and it's the only possibility. Otherwise, no demon king can escape from the hands of Lord Sha Tian."

"Hahaha! This is a good thing! We will report this immediately. Maybe there will be rewards then." One of the soldiers in purple battle uniform said excitedly.

"Brothers, I have discovered something. Come closer and I will explain it to you in detail." Zhou Tianfeng came to the four of them and said.

"Brother, if you have any other discoveries, tell us, and you will get a share of the credit when the time comes."

"That's what I discovered, watch the trick!"

Zhou Tianfeng did not give the four people a chance to react, and instantly activated the Qilin Law Manifestation, the Great Wilderness Scripture was running at full strength, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body was fully activated, and the adrenaline mode exploded.

They even used a gravitational magnetic field to suppress the four of them!

In just an instant, the chests of the first two people were pierced by Zhou Tianfeng, and their souls were destroyed by Zhou Tianfeng.

The remaining two people were shocked and quickly backed away.

But suddenly I found that my body seemed to become extremely heavy, and even the real energy in my body could not be mobilized.

Zhou Tianfeng also rushed up at this time, and punched one of them, directly smashing their heads! Then he grabbed the souls of the two people directly in his hands.

"You, why are you doing this? We, we are all from Shatian Palace!"

"We have all said that you have a share of the credit. Why, why do you want to kill us?" The two souls captured by Zhou Tianfeng asked.

They really couldn't figure out why this colleague suddenly killed him.

If I go back with you now, I won't be able to explain my identity, so I can just lie to the four of you.

But it is impossible to lie to your superiors. I will kill all four of you, and then disguise myself and assume the identity of one of you.

If you frame this matter on a mysterious demon king, it will be perfect, so I invite the four of you to return to the west!

"Hmph! You have too many questions." Zhou Tianfeng directly launched the Soul Searching Technique and began to check the memories of these two guys.

(End of chapter)

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