Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 21 Heavenly Rage Battle Body? (Seeking Recommendations For Investment And Further Reading)

Chapter 21: Heavenly Rage Battle Body? (Seeking recommendations for further reading)

Zhou Tianfeng could confirm that the explosive state he had just experienced was the result of adrenaline in his body taking effect.

When humans experience great fear, excitement, or a life-threatening situation, adrenaline is secreted in large quantities, causing the body to enter a state of extreme excitement.

It is possible that it is not only adrenaline, but also excessive secretion of dopamine in his brain during life-threatening situations. This substance, which can make him excited, is the key to his sudden outburst.

However, the side effects are also obvious. Once the danger is resolved and he exits that explosive state, Zhou Tianfeng feels a sense of despair.

Previously, when he entered the adrenaline-fueled state, it seemed that all his pain was blocked, and he couldn't feel any pain at all. But after the surge of energy passed, the pain immediately returned.

Moreover, this kind of outburst also causes significant damage to the body. His current physical fitness is more than 30 times that of the Human Race in this world.

If placed on Earth, it would be even more pronounced. At the beginning of his transmigration, Zhou Tianfeng discovered that the physical fitness of the Human Race in this world is generally better than that of humans on Earth.

But even with this terrifying physical fitness, after experiencing the adrenaline Transcendent Level outburst, his body has suffered a tremendous burden.

If it weren't for the timely treatment by Blood Shadow Ancestor, he would probably have to lie on the ground for a long time before being able to get up. However, according to Zhou Tianfeng's estimation, as long as he can exit this state in time and not for too long, he should not be in mortal danger.

"Master, the disciple doesn't know why I suddenly entered that state. It seems like I can't control that state," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I can't control it, but I can indeed voluntarily enter the adrenaline state through external stimulation. However, Zhou Tianfeng doesn't plan to reveal this method of entering the adrenaline state, as he doesn't have a masochistic tendency.

But this move can be used as an ace in the hole. In future battles with enemies, if there is a life-threatening situation, this move might play a crucial role in counterattacking.

However, it is not necessary to rely on life-threatening stimuli. Sometimes extreme excitement can also cause a surge in adrenaline, and Zhou Tianfeng can train himself in this aspect.

"Disciple, this sudden increase in combat ability of yours is very special! If used well, it can be a powerful move," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Zhou Tianfeng has once again demonstrated a new ability, which has piqued the curiosity of Blood Shadow Ancestor. This disciple keeps bringing him great surprises!

When Zhou Tianfeng came out just now, he had already exited that state and collapsed on the ground.

So, if you want to know the specific details, you have to ask the little girl.

"Xiaoyue, tell Master, what state was your Fourth Senior Brother in just now?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"Just now, he suddenly seemed to go crazy. His strength increased several times, and after suppressing me, I couldn't break free for a while," Cheng Xiaoyue, who was standing aside, spoke up.

Xiaoyue's cultivation has already reached the Qi Condensation Late Stage, and she can Foundation Building at any time. Coupled with her half-fox demon identity, her physical fitness is not something ordinary cultivators can compare to.

Yet, she was suppressed by Zhou Tianfeng, who had only reached the Qi Condensation Initial Stage, two realms lower than her.

This guy's strength has increased at least three to four times! No, underestimating him by three to four times is a bit too little.

"Master Xiaoyue, Blood Shadow Ancestor is asking you, how did your Fourth Senior Uncle enter that state? Do you remember? Please explain in detail." Blood Shadow Ancestor inquired.

"I remember it very clearly. He seemed to have unleashed that power in a life-or-death crisis. However, I never intended to take his life; I just wanted to teach him a lesson," Cheng Xiaoyue replied.

In that moment just now, at most, I only scratched his neck. I didn't dare to directly kill Fourth Senior Uncle.

"It erupted in a life-or-death crisis?" Blood Shadow Ancestor glanced at Zhou Tianfeng thoughtfully, a sinister smile appearing on his lips.

The unimaginable power that erupts in a life-or-death crisis seems to be a good solution for this Innate condition!

Should I train this kid's abilities? For example, that kind of eruptive state, allowing him to activate it on his own and reducing some of the side effects.

"Master! Disciple, I think it may not have much to do with a life-or-death crisis. It should be triggered by a great danger," Zhou Tianfeng said, his forehead covered in cold sweat, speaking up.

Damn it, seeing the look in this cheap master's eyes, he immediately knew what the other party wanted to do.

The unimaginable power that erupts in a life-or-death crisis, is he trying to artificially create a life-or-death crisis? This is so damn deceptive!

Now he is cultivating in the Blood Shadow Sect and also has a task of taking poison! This matter hasn't been resolved yet, and he has to constantly experience life-or-death crises to make adrenaline surge. It seems like my life isn't that tough!

What if something happens to me? What should I do?

"Master! In my opinion, this state of Junior Uncle is the power that erupts in a life-or-death crisis. Don't you think it's similar to that legendary physique?" The little fox blinked her eyes and spoke up.

"Special physique? Which kind of special physique are you referring to?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked with great confusion.

"Heavenly Rage Battle Body! The legendary and unparalleled Heavenly Rage Battle Body, I think it's somewhat similar to Junior Uncle," Cheng Xiaoyue said.

"Impossible! How could I not recognize the shocking and extraordinary physique of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body! Moreover, his awakening is completely different from that of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Once someone with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body starts cultivating, various strange phenomena will occur.

And the resources consumed in cultivation are dozens of times more than those with ordinary physiques.

If he really has the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, even if his cultivation is only at the Qi Condensation initial stage, no, even at the Nascent Soul late stage, he can easily defeat you," Blood Shadow Ancestor shook his head and said.

Joking aside, if he really has the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the Blood Shadow Sect won't be able to protect this heaven-defying physique. Once it is discovered by other sects, the Blood Shadow Sect will face the disaster of extermination. This physique will definitely be taken away and cultivated by a Transcendent Level major sect, or even by the entire Heavenly Universe Empire's sects.

After hearing Blood Shadow Ancestor's words, Zhou Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Heavenly Rage Battle Body, what is that? So it was a misunderstanding again? I'm not even a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, okay? It's just my immunity. And this sudden eruption is just my adrenaline surging in a life-or-death crisis.

Please, don't suddenly put so much pressure on me! If you confirm that it's a special physique, won't my future life be even more difficult?

Fortunately, Blood Shadow Ancestor's last sentence denied the possibility of him having the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

However, soon, Zhou Tianfeng couldn't laugh anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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