Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 22: Special Physique Degenerates Across Generations, Angry Body (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 22: Special Physique Degeneration Across Generations, Furious Body (Seeking Further Reading)

"I didn't say he was a first-generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body. I think his physique should be the result of bloodline awakening after dozens or even hundreds of generations. It should be called the Furious Battle Body, right? The Heavenly Rage Battle Body can be inherited, although each generation will be weaker than the previous one. However, there are cases of awakening across generations. Although it can never compare to the first generation, this weakened physique is still extremely powerful." Cheng Xiaoyue said.

In some Blood Shadow Sect records and the records of her fox clan, there are descriptions of these innate spirit bodies, such as the Innate Spirit Body, Holy Spirit Body, Innate Dao Body, Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Taiyin Body, and Profound Yellow Divine Body. These extraordinary physiques are all innate and cannot be acquired after birth.

Even an ordinary peasant woman has the possibility of giving birth to a special physique, and this rule is completely random.

These innate special physiques are called the first generation and are truly blessed by the heavens. Their cultivation is incredibly powerful and defies common sense.

However, these physiques do not disappear completely. They are inherited, but each generation becomes weaker than the previous one, even after a dozen or more generations.

This kind of physique remains hidden within the bloodline. Occasionally, one or two descendants will awaken, but it rarely extends beyond the third or fourth generation.

Therefore, Cheng Xiaoyue immediately suspected Zhou Tianfeng. She believed that he had awakened the Heavenly Rage Battle Body across generations, and this kind of physique should not be called the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

The word "Heavenly" represents being favored by the heavens and possessing various innate abilities, making it truly worthy of being called the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

This kind of physique can only activate a state of furious rage, so it should be called the Furious Body or Battle Body.

Among all the special physiques, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body can definitely rank in the top three and is an absolutely extraordinary physique.

It is said that once the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is cultivated to the Heavenly Ascension Earth Immortal realm, it can reach its full potential, gaining various astonishing abilities and overwhelming the heavens and earth. It can even rival the legendary True Immortals. There are records of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body at its peak killing True Immortals.

Unfortunately, she had thought that the first generation extraordinary physique would reappear, but it turned out to be a case of inheritance across generations.

However, even if she was one realm higher than this Fourth Senior Uncle, if he truly possessed the Heavenly Rage Battle Body as recorded in the ancient texts, she couldn't confidently say she would win.

This kind of special physique can easily counterattack even when there is a small realm difference, completely disregarding reason.

"An awakening across generations for the Furious Body? That's actually possible. What you said makes sense. This is the only explanation that makes sense now," Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded and said.

Besides the formidable physical qualities of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, there is also a powerful combat form that suddenly enters a state of fury. The physical qualities, combat power, and even magical power will all increase exponentially, accompanied by the power of the Furious Body.

If there are several generations in between, the various powers of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body will gradually weaken. However, no matter how weakened, the most obvious aspect of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the furious combat form, will always be retained.

The second, third, and fourth generations can be called the Furious Battle Body, but beyond that, it can only be called the Furious Body or Battle Body.

Moreover, compared to the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is much more extraordinary. If we were to compare them based on spiritual roots, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body would be equivalent to Supreme Grade or even Heavenly Spirit Root, while the Transforming Poison Spirit Body would only be considered Low Grade or Middle Grade.

There is no comparison between the two. The Blood Shadow Sect can preserve and cultivate a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, but if it were the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, well, that's a different story!

He can provide the resources before the Foundation Building stage, but if it's the cultivation resources after the Foundation Building stage, he might have to sell his Blood Shadow Sect. It might be enough to support the cultivation of Heavenly Rage Battle Body for one or two major realms.

Their Blood Shadow Sect cannot afford to cultivate such a heaven-defying physique, but fortunately, he is not the first generation. The diluted Furious Body awakened several dozen generations later, and their Blood Shadow Sect can afford it.

Of course, Transforming Poison Spirit Body also has a genetic effect, but when passed on to descendants, it loses the innate function of Transforming Poison Spirit Body to neutralize all poisons.

The Transforming Poison Spirit Body after several generations can only record various poisons resolved by the first generation's physique, so they are not afraid of such highly toxic substances. However, they lose the most powerful function of Transforming Poison Spirit Body, which is poison transformation.

It can only be called Poison Body or Poison Spirit Body. Therefore, this kid is likely the first generation of Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

Moreover, he unexpectedly awakened a trace of Heavenly Rage Battle Body bloodline hidden in his bloodline, obtaining the furious battle state of Heavenly Rage Battle Body, which led to his current situation. In this case, his spiritual root's self-growth seems to make sense.

What does this mean? Heaven blesses our Blood Shadow Sect! In the future, this kid's practice of poison arts will have a weakness in close combat. Once engaged in battle, it may cause major problems. However, the Furious Body compensates for this weakness.

He can enter a state of rage anytime and anywhere, enhancing his combat power four to five times. Moreover, this rage state might be further strengthened through postnatal training.

"That master, what exactly is this Heavenly Rage Battle Body? What is the situation with the awakening after several generations?" Zhou Tianfeng was in a state of confusion.

Come on! You guys are just making things up, not me!

"Oh, I forgot that you are the protagonist, hahaha! Let me tell you, this Heavenly Rage Battle Body is an Apex Level physique in legends, which is completely different from the Transforming Poison Spirit Body." Blood Shadow Ancestor explained various special physiques and the situation of awakening after several generations to Zhou Tianfeng.

Well, my cheap master misunderstood again! But this time it's not too deep, otherwise I wouldn't know about the various powers of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body that I don't have!

"Ancestor, if it is indeed the Furious Body inherited after several generations, then we should cultivate Fourth Senior Brother well and help him awaken the Furious Battle Body!"

"Oh! Do you have any ideas?"

"Junior Senior Brother just experienced a life-threatening crisis and entered that state. We can artificially create some life-threatening crises for him in the future! For example, we can arrange some life and death battles for him regularly. We can capture some low-level Demonic Beasts, capture some Independent Cultivators with decent cultivation, or simply capture a few Heaven Inspiring Army members to let Fourth Senior Brother experience a life and death battle every once in a while." The foxy elder sister said with a mischievous smile.

. Damn it, that's enough! You actually want to use this method to mess with me, damn fox spirit. What's the difference between me and a gladiator?

"Hahaha! Little girl, you're thinking the same as this old ancestor." Blood Shadow Ancestor laughed heartily.

Indeed, they must make this kid master the battle state of the Furious Body.

. Zhou Tianfeng.

No! I don't want it! I can handle the poison, but I don't want to be a gladiator!

(End of this chapter)

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