Chapter 209 Profound Heaven Demon Lord

"Do you know her? How do you know this name?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven's expression changed, he looked at his disciple and asked.

To be honest, the name Di Honglei was very popular with people who had blackmailed Demon World before!

When this woman first debuted, she was in the black Demon World.

At that time, no one knew her true identity. She challenged masters from all walks of life in the black Demon World. It took ten thousand years to defeat countless demon generals and demon kings. In the end, she broke through all kinds of magic and became a King Level master.

Di Honglei's reputation in the Black Demon World back then was completely earned through hard work. Later there were rumors that she was the daughter of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and Queen Ruoxi.

But then she disappeared mysteriously. Speaking of which, this girl took away my Profound Heaven magic power back then. I was the same age as him back then.

In high spirits, she dueled with him, but in the end, they both became demon kings, and she was still a little demon king.

"Master! Your Profound Heaven magic skill was passed on to the disciple by her. The disciple's previous master was originally in Spirit World, named Blood Shadow Sect. The master's name was Blood Shadow Ancestor. Later, due to some accident, the disciple obtained With God-given merit, after receiving the God-given Taiyin body, that girl saw that she uploaded my Profound Heaven magic power." Nie Yingji did not dare to hide anything, and told everything about how he met Di Honglei. Ten's explanation came out.

"I really didn't expect you, your Profound Heaven magic skill to be taught to you by her? How did she evaluate you as a teacher?" The Profound Heaven Demon Lord became a little embarrassed and asked.

"That girl said, Master, you are an unparalleled master in the Demon World, but you have not been able to break through to the King Level because of some mental problems." Nie Yingji looked at his master and said cautiously.

What can Di Honglei say? When I was practicing the Profound Heaven magic skill, that aunt didn't say anything.

I don’t even have any comments about you as the founder, and my aunt probably has no impression of you as the Demon King of Profound Heaven.

However, in order to make his cheap master happy, Nie Yingji told some happy lies. Anyway, that girl would not come to hack Demon World.

Even if he told a lie, there would be no proof and no one would say anything.

"Hahaha! He still understands me. He is worthy of being my opponent back then. Indeed, as he said, if I could see through the knot in my heart earlier, it would be easy to break through the King Level." The Demon Lord of Profound Heaven said with a very proud smile.

Back then, he had always yearned for Di Honglei, the beautiful girl from heaven, and even wanted her to be his Taoist companion.

But sometimes life doesn’t go as planned, nine times out of ten! This beautiful lady of heaven didn't seem to take him seriously at all, and she didn't have a good look towards his defeated general.

But she didn't expect that she would speak so highly of herself in front of outsiders. It seemed that she still had some status in her heart.

"Di Honglei was indeed a peerless genius back then, but what does this have to do with this matter?" Xilan asked.

Tsk, what's so great about it? They're so aloof, these bastards! I just like this kind of aloof woman.

Profound Heaven, you bastard, I have a deep love for you! But you only have eyes for that woman.

"Master, I don't know. That girl is not the daughter of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Heavenly Queen Ruoxi. It is true that she is the daughter of the Heavenly Queen Ruoxu, but her biological father is not the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor at all, but the Great Desolate Emperor. "Immortal Emperor of the Sun, this is what happened." How did Nie Ying plan to meet Emperor Honglei, and how was he coerced by the other party?

Then after being sent to the Demon Realm space, he was inexplicably thrown into the black Demon World by a mysterious woman, and everything was told in detail.

"The news about you kid is out of date a long time ago. I am not the daughter of Queen Ruoxi at all, and I have nothing to do with Queen Ruoxi at all. Queen Ruoxi just sent some false information. My real identity is just the Immortal Emperor's. daughter,

He has nothing to do with Queen Ruoxi. He was just snatched away by Queen Ruoxi when he was young. "At this moment, a figure walked in from outside the door and said.

"Who is it?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven's expression changed drastically and he looked towards the door, but as soon as he saw the person coming, he was stunned.

"Yes, is it you? Di, Miss Di, well, long time no see." Demon Lord Profound Heaven said.

Nie Yingji also turned pale. He had just finished speaking ill of her when this person came.

"Have we met? I don't have much impression of you." Di Honglei tilted her head and asked.

She had indeed heard clearly what they had just said. However, there are some things that I have never said. They were all made up by this boy named Nie.

She really didn't have much impression of Demon Lord Profound Heaven, and among the powerful enemies she fought with back then, Demon Lord Profound Heaven was not ranked high either.

So it’s better not to let the other party misunderstand anything.

"I haven't seen you for many years, you! Why has your cultivation regressed?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven looked at Di Honglei and asked in surprise.

This girl was already a Demon King or a King Level expert at the Immortal King level when she left the Demon World. But why did she return to the Black Demon World after not seeing each other for thousands of years? Her cultivation was the same as his own, and she was also a King Level expert. Demon King.

"I've re-cultivated! I've practiced the Great Wilderness Scripture, you should be able to feel it." Di Honglei said as purple light emitted from his body.

After seeing this terrifying force of desolation. The demon cultivators present immediately became alert, and even took out their weapons and surrounded Di Honglei.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not from Shatian Palace. My father also practiced the Great Wilderness Scripture. But he is now Sha's biggest opponent. Here's the thing." Di Honglei briefly introduced himself to everyone. life experience.

"I see, then I don't know Miss Di. Why did you come to me to blackmail the Demon World this time?" Xilan pushed away the Demon Lord of Profound Heaven, looked at Di Honglei and asked.

Demon Lord Profound Heaven is usually very reliable, but as soon as he sees this woman, he seems to have lost his soul, so you should do the negotiations yourself! Just lie there and eat the ashes.

"I have a goal here. I'm looking for someone. Which of your disciples? Nie Yingji is one of my goals, and his junior brother Zhou Tianfeng is also my goal." Di Honglei said.

"Junior brother, I, my junior brother have also come to hack Demon World. How is it possible? My junior brother is an authentic descendant of Immortal Gate. Even Ascension should fly to Immortal World and go to Jade Water Heavenly Palace!" Nie Yingji said. said.

"Shut up, mother. I haven't even settled the accounts with you for those stupid things you said just now! When I passed you the Profound Heaven magic book, I didn't talk so much nonsense to you," Di Honglei said.

"Me! Me, what do you think happened to my junior brother? You, you still took action against my junior brother." Nie Yingji said.

"Your junior brother's background is much bigger than you think. I can't tell you clearly at the moment. However, I came to hack Demon World this time to find him. I just arrived at Demon World. I feel that you are here. Come and take a look." Di Honglei said.

This time, she secretly hid it from her father and risked her life to sneak into the Demon World in order to rescue Zhou Tianfeng. More than 200 years later, she still doesn’t know what is happening to that kid now.

Who could have imagined what happened back then? As soon as this kid entered the black Demon World, he and his father were ambushed by Queen Ruoxi, and that bastard named Sha Tian actually wanted to take over his father's body.

In the end, the father and daughter managed to escape, but what they didn't expect was.

Queen Ruoxi got a brand new body of the ancestor of the blood demon from nowhere, giving this man named Sha Tian a physical body.

The result was the fall of the Black Demon World, the Luo Heavenly World, and the Heavenly Beast World.

And his father, as well as the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and others, could only work together with some masters from the ancient Immortal World and several Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World to support themselves.

One of the key reasons why she came to Zhou Tianfeng was that she felt that Zhou Tianfeng could successfully prevent this catastrophe and defeat the guy named Sha Tian.

"Miss Emperor! Since you can enter the Black Demon World, you should be able to leave, right? I wonder if you can take us demon cultivators away when you leave?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven calmed down his mood and spoke. said.

"No problem! But we must first find his junior brother Zhou Tianfeng. No matter what, we must find him." Di Honglei said.

"Xiao Nie Zi's junior brother? Is he that important? Who is he? Could it be said that he has also practiced the Profound Heaven Magic Code? Doesn't that count as half a disciple of the Profound Heaven Demon Lord?"

A group of demon cultivators began to discuss in a whirlwind manner.

"No, his situation is quite special. In short, you just need to know that he is very important. If you can find him, then I can take all of you out of here. If you can't find him, then no one can stop this catastrophe. " Di Honglei said.

"I understand, Miss Emperor, we will do our best to help you. Do you have any clues now?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven asked.

"Of course, I already have some plans." Di Honglei said with a smile.

After all, as soon as I arrived here, I got a very useful piece of information. There was something wrong with that person named Li Fei!

That kid, could it be Zhou Tianfeng pretending to be him?

"How do we need to cooperate?"

"I need to enter the Shatian Palace." Di Honglei said.

The Great Wilderness Scripture that I am currently practicing is the best hiding method. If I lurk in, no one will find anything.

"No problem, this is easy. You can transform into one of my subordinates." Demon Lord Profound Heaven said.

If you don't know the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture, it will be more troublesome, but if you have mastered the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture, then entering the Shatian Palace will be very simple.

Even easy.

(End of chapter)

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