Chapter 210 Spell Magnetic Field

At this moment, in the Shatian Palace, Zhou Tianfeng was sitting cross-legged in front of the bed, with a light blue light shining all over his body, his eyes closed tightly, and he was sinking into a deep level of cultivation.

There is a mysterious force field surrounding his body. The gravitational magnetic field is spread all over the body and is running with a strange fluctuation.

Zhou Tianfeng's whole body exuded a light blue light, accompanied by a flash of electricity. In his room, some tables, chairs and benches even levitated, in an inexplicable force field.

If it hadn't been for the barrier being set up, the news of Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation might have reached the outskirts of the Shatian Palace.

In Zhou Tianfeng's body, the black-purple inner elixir is constantly absorbing spiritual power, extremely compressing it in the body, and then purifying it internally.

A terrifying magnetic field effect gradually formed.

Then this force began to act on the surface of Zhou Tianfeng's body and began to form an inexplicable pressure. This pressure continued to change and rotate under the influence of the magnetic field.

Gradually, Zhou Tianfeng found an inexplicable pulse of spiritual energy, which was a kind of pulsation and impact between electromagnetic forces.

A frequency with a certain resonance amplitude was formed. Under the influence of this frequency, all the furniture in the entire room, except Zhou Tianfeng himself, turned into a pile of powder.

After completing the exercise, Zhou Tianfeng slowly opened his eyes.

"The effect is good. I have finally mastered this technique. Next, I need to find an experimental subject to test its power." Zhou Tianfeng said to himself.

Before coming to the Black Demon World, he had been studying the problem of his own magnetic field. Before, his application of magnetic field was relatively rough, and he could deal with people whose cultivation was much weaker than his own. Zhou Tianfeng's ability to harness the gravity of magnetic fields.

As long as you raise your hand, you can directly crush the opponent's body into powder, achieving a crushing effect.

He can even directly crush the opponent into powder together with his Law Treasure and even his soul, forming an absolute suppression of power.

But Zhou Tianfeng felt that this way of using it was a bit too rough, which was also the reason why the second Tao space had not been successfully condensed. He had indeed mastered another way, but he had not yet completely formed it.

It's not like viruses, which have been developing on the earth for billions of years, and then came here. You can build your own strengths.

Unlike gravitational magnetic field, gravitational magnetic field cultivation is something that starts from scratch.

Now for my application of gravitational magnetic field, if my cultivation level is at the same level as my own, or even higher than my own, then the influence of the magnetic field will be relatively small, or even negligible.

It has been well verified by the masters of the Qilin clan, the two Qilin ancestors, and even the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng began to think about another use of magnetic fields. When cultivators in this world mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies and then use magic formulas to perform certain secret techniques, a very magical atmosphere will be formed around their bodies. fluctuations.

The trajectory of the flow of spiritual energy can be easily captured by Zhou Tianfeng's eyes, which could only be seen before.

The flow of spiritual energy in the human body is precisely because of the use of this technique, Zhou Tianfeng can copy the non-bloodline secret techniques of some masters.

But if you want to use this trick, you must be in the adrenaline mode, but now something has changed in Zhou Tianfeng's eyes.

Now even without entering adrenaline mode, I can clearly see the aura. While modifying the trajectory of the flow within his body, even the flow of spiritual energy between mountains, rivers, and heaven and earth, his eyes could now vaguely see some of the trajectory.

In general, if you don't turn on the adrenaline mode now, you can clearly see the trajectory of the spiritual energy flowing in the monk's body. But if you turn on the adrenaline mode, then you can see the trajectory of the spiritual energy flowing between heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and even some spiritual veins. You can see everything clearly.

Between heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, spiritual energy flows. Zhou Tianfeng has not thought of a good use for the time being. The biggest use now is to find the gathering place of spiritual veins and observe the flow of spiritual energy.

Since possessing the gravitational magnetic field, Zhou Tianfeng has discovered a lot of interesting things. The monks can directly fly through the sky with their magic power after they have mastered sword flying or reached a higher level of cultivation to the immortal level.

In fact, there is an inexplicable magnetic field, which is a mysterious and mysterious magnetic field fluctuation. Without the gravitational magnetic field, Zhou Tianfeng would never have been able to discover this kind of thing. But after possessing the gravitational magnetic field, Zhou Tianfeng discovered this kind of fluctuation.

When demon cultivators or cultivators drive Law Treasure, pick up magic formulas, cast spells, or even some secret techniques, there will be an inexplicable spell fluctuation.

Aura will form a special frequency under the influence of law and then be released. The same is true for Law Treasure.

Since I can see the flow of spiritual energy in the monks' bodies, and some vibrations caused when they cast spells can be captured by my own magnetic field, can I use my own magnetic field? To interfere with their ability to cast spells or even control Law Treasure?

For example, when a cultivator wants to drive his Law Treasure to attack him remotely, he can use his own magnetic field to interfere with his Law Treasure. Let him completely lose contact with Law Treasure. You can even directly steal the opponent's Law Treasure remotely and control it in turn.

Kill him with his Law Treasure, as is known to all monks when refining Law Treasure.

Everyone will refine a natal Law Treasure, which is related to his own life. If the Law Treasure is damaged, or destroyed, or even taken away, his mind will be severely damaged.

Even if there is no native Law Treasure, the general Law Treasure must be bound to the practitioner's spiritual thoughts in some way, but if one's own magnetic field can cause some interference.

Then you can destroy the connection between the cultivator and the Law Treasure, thereby causing heavy damage to the enemy, or even directly killing your opponent.

In the same way, when cultivators mobilize their spiritual power and rely on magic formulas to perform certain secret techniques, Zhou Tianfeng can also use magnetic fields to interfere with them.

If their spell casting fails, or even some kind of backlash occurs directly, the consequences of the spell's backlash needless to say, will have a huge impact on the cultivators.

So for a period of time, Zhou Tianfeng has been looking for this wave frequency, and then tried to use his own magnetic field to cause some kind of interference.

But at present, I can only capture some simple force fields, which interfere with the monk's spell release or Law Treasure attack at the same level as my own cultivation level, so there is no problem. But if you are taller than yourself.

Then Zhou Tianfeng would be a bit limited in using this move, and could only slightly interfere with the opponent.

It's best to find a target to experiment with, and interfere with the other party when they cast some secret technique or activate their own Law Treasure.

Look at the power of this move.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Zhou Tianfeng's room.


"It's me, Xue Yue."

"It turns out to be Captain Xue Yue, what's the matter?" Zhou Tianfeng quickly stood up and came to the door of the room, removed the barrier arranged, and opened the door.

Standing outside was the nine-tailed snow fox Xue Yue. At this time, she was tilting her head and looking curiously at the room behind Zhou Tianfeng.

This kid is really weird. When he was just practicing, he felt a very inexplicable throbbing at the door of his room. It was as if the magic power in his body and even all the spiritual power in his body were pulled by an inexplicable force. .

Although this kid had set up a barrier, she, a master of the Demonic Monarch Level, could still sense something. This kid was practicing a very powerful spell.

So she was a little curious as to what kind of secret technique this man named Li Fei was practicing, and how could he, a demonic Monarch Level being, have some kind of restlessness in the spiritual energy in his body.

You know, since they switched to the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture, some of the spells they had practiced before would be directly eliminated by the overbearing characteristics of the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture.

The Great Desolation Scripture is an extremely domineering excavation, and the power of desolation generated is also extremely domineering. They are very good at close combat, but some of the techniques they have practiced before cannot be activated by the power of desolation.

And that Lord Sha Tian did not pass down any powerful spells suitable for practicing the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture, so these practitioners are currently exploring on their own, trying to create spells that can be used in conjunction with the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture.

It's just that few people have succeeded so far, and the magic formulas they create are not very powerful, they can just barely drive the power of Huang. As for the power, it would be better to directly use the power of desolation to attach it to your fist, and then punch it.

But all the furniture in this boy's room seemed to have been shattered into powder. There was nothing special about it!

Therefore, this kid must be practicing some kind of magic formula that is suitable for the Great Wilderness Scripture. Is it his own creation?

"Brother Li, were you practicing in the room just now? What secret technique did you practice? It seems to be very powerful." Xue Yue asked.

"No, I just wanted to test whether the previous techniques could still be practiced, so I caused a little damage and made the room a mess." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! I thought you had practiced some particularly powerful magic!"

"It's just a casual practice. I don't know why Captain Xueyue came to see me. Is he about to go on a mission?" Zhou Tianfeng quickly started to change the topic.

"Brother Li! Our team has received a mission to go out. Get ready, we are about to leave." Xue Yue did not ask too much, but said.

"Captain Xue Yue, I understand. I'll clean up and go out to see you immediately." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, in an hour, after we meet at the gate of Shatian Palace, we will go out for patrol." Xue Yue left Zhou Tianfeng's room after saying that.

At the same time, Xue Yue also sent a flying sword message to the outside world.

An hour later, the four-person team gathered at the entrance of Shatian Temple.

(End of chapter)

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