Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 222 Return To The Past Time And Space

Chapter 222 Return to the past time and space

Time and Space Heavenly Venerable saw that Zhou Tianfeng was slightly hesitant and did not even speak, so he guessed that the other party might not want to help him, because after all, there was also a Taoist master behind the Dark Clan.

There is really no need for him to offend a Taoist of the same strength for a small Heavenly Venerable.

But this senior is his last hope. If this senior doesn't help, he will be dead.

The Lord of Darkness will never let him go. No matter which lower realm he reincarnates into, the Lord of Darkness will come to him and find a way to kill him.

There is no need for the Dark Lord to take action at all. As long as he leaks a little information about him, there will be many people below who want to kill him, the Heavenly Venerable, and then seize his Dao Fruit.

So there is nothing we can do. Time and space Heavenly Venerable can only be guaranteed to Zhou Tianfeng. I will surrender to him in the future.

"How can I trust you? Strictly speaking, you have already betrayed me once. I kindly taught you the virus method. If you don't want to practice, just tell me. But you directly cut off everything. Now you are called How can I trust you?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng was filled with a feeling of surprise deep in his heart. A Heavenly Venerable-level existence actually wanted to take refuge in him. This happiness came a bit too suddenly. Moreover, this Heavenly Venerable is also a Heavenly Venerable who controls the way of time and space. You can even go back to a point in the past.

Damn it, no matter what kind of world it is in, the laws of time and space are the most powerful and one of the most domineering forces in the world. The only thing that can compete with him is space.

But just with these few words and a few empty promises, it is impossible for Zhou Tianfeng to help him. If you don't give me a little guarantee, how can I help you?

What if I help you reshape your body, and then you just slap your butt and walk away without helping me with anything, then wouldn’t I suffer a big loss?

"Senior, my entire Primordial Spirit is here now. The body in the outside world has been broken up. You can use Divine Ability to put your brand on my Primordial Spirit. Are you still afraid that I will betray you?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable He spoke.

Mark your Primordial Spirit! I do think so. But the problem is that I don’t know how to do it. If I want to brand it, I can only use the power of viruses to do it. If you use the original power of the virus space to reshape your physical body, isn't it equivalent to joining the virus space in disguise?

"So, are you willing to accept my virus method?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Time and Space Heavenly Venerable frowned when he heard this. What does this senior mean? Consuming the original energy to help him reshape his body and joining the virus space to practice your virus skills seem to be two different things!

The Tao Master of any Tao space can use the original energy as a being. Re-condensing the physical body, but it doesn't matter whether he cultivates his way or not.

If it’s not the way of the virus, change it to any way! Then he would agree without hesitation at this moment, but he really can't practice the way of viruses!

Some things are full of helplessness. After the virus enters his body, it will send him messages crazily, and these messages cannot be blocked.

Think about it, there are tens of thousands of voices in your head at all times. There is a ringing in your ears, constantly urging you to do something. Who wouldn't let it go?

At that time, I only accepted the way of viruses in a superficial way, but I almost went crazy! If he doesn't cut off the virus, he knows what kind of thing he will become. He really can't practice this virus!

"Senior, you only need to consume a little bit of the original energy to repair my body. I really can't practice your virus method! There is no difference between practicing your virus method and death!" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable revealed his face With a look of pain, he spoke.

"Tell me the specific reasons." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Our cultivation levels are so different that sometimes I really wonder what the other person wants to say!

So there is no other way. Zhou Tianfeng plans to ask thoroughly this time, otherwise it will cause another oolong incident, which will be bad.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Zhou Tiansheng was selling in his gourd, since this senior had spoken, he could only tell everything he knew.

"Senior's Virus Way. If I practice this way, I will gradually lose myself. Senior, think about it. There are trillions of voices ringing in my mind every moment, affecting my Primordial Spirit. By urging me to reproduce, evolve and increase my numbers, can I not go crazy or go crazy?" Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space revealed all the dangers of the virus.

If the cultivation level is low, it's okay, but once the cultivation level is raised to a certain level and you can form perfect control over the entire body, the virus will show its terror.

Zhou Tianfeng understood what the time and space post said. I also know why I don’t want to practice the virus method now.

Well, it seems that I really don’t blame him for his high level of cultivation. If he practices this virus method, it will indeed have an impact on the body, and even go crazy.

After all, tens of millions of voices are ringing in your mind at the same time, it’s strange that you can’t tell them apart!

Only Heavenly Venerable's cultivation level is too high, so he can kill the virus as soon as he discovers the problem.

"I already know what you mean. I will restore your body first. I won't put any mark on you. Let's make a gentleman's agreement. No matter what I ask you to do in the future, you must do three things for me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It is indeed tempting to take on a Heavenly Venerable subordinate, but whether you control the other person or not is still one thing.

Moreover, he has been following you for a long time. If he finds something, it will be very bad. He still has too many secrets.

Taking a step back, I can't make a mark. Unless this guy is willing to join the virus space, I can perfectly control it. And even if this guy joins, he can still display the virus space with his own ability, so there is still no way.

"Senior, you are so kind! Shikong is grateful. As long as Shikong doesn't kill himself on the spot, I will agree to these three things." Shikong Heavenly Venerable bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

It would be best if he could not be branded by this senior. At least he would still be free.

As for three things. As long as this senior doesn't let him commit suicide, anything can be discussed. His cultivation has reached his level, and he no longer cares about good and evil and right and wrong.

"You're welcome, how much original energy do you need to rebuild your body?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

The original energy in the viral space. As long as you don't use too much at once, you will slowly recover.

"It doesn't take much. Senior only needs two achievements. The original energy you gave me to practice last time can wrap and reshape the physical body. But you must not let that virus enter my body again." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable He spoke.

"Okay!" Zhou Tianfeng nodded, and transported 20% of the original energy in the virus space to the Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space, and prevented the virus from being lodged in the Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space's new body.

After getting this original energy. The Time and Space Heavenly Venerable looked happy and quickly absorbed them, first restoring his Primordial Spirit, and then using these original energies to induce the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outside world, he began to reshape his body.

In just a short time, Spacetime Heavenly Venerable reassembled his new body, and his strength returned to its prime.

This is the overbearing power of the original energy. Unless the other party also uses the original energy, there is nothing that the original energy cannot do.

"Thank you, senior! Senior, I promised you to reverse time and space and help your descendant, which is not included in these three things." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

Since this senior is so cheerful and generous, he cannot be stingy either. As long as you don't let the virus enter your body, everything will be fine.

"How do you plan to go back to the past? Are you going to go there in person, or do something in advance?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Senior! The way of time and space is infinitely mysterious, but at the same time it is extremely dangerous. Even if my cultivation has reached the Heavenly Venerable Realm, I can only make a small change. If I make a huge change.

There will be many unpredictable consequences, and the backlash must be borne by me alone. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

If he is a true master of time and space, he can indeed play with time and space at will, but he is just a Heavenly Venerable.

"So what are you going to do? Tell me in detail." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Senior! I plan to use the Divine Ability to travel to 100,000 years ago, and then make some changes to some key figures so that they have the ability to deal with the dark god general in advance." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

Damn it, go back 100,000 years ago! You are awesome, you are awesome.

But will you create a space-time paradox in this way? What is time?

Sometimes you think you are playing with it, but in fact it is playing with you.

"Are you planning to personally travel to 100,000 years ago?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Senior is joking, I, I'm just a Heavenly Venerable, how do I transmigrate time and space? I can only slightly influence it, or I can see some things from time and space, take out some things, and put some things in." Space-time Heavenly Venerable's expression changed and he spoke.

Is this senior kidding? I couldn't do it even if I could transmigrate my true body back to 100,000 years ago, let alone 100,000 years ago!

What do you think the way of time and space is? It's full of dangers. If I don't do it well, I might disappear myself.

"Senior, I plan to go to the 100,000-year time point to arrange some back-ups. I have calculated that there are three key figures this time who will influence this catastrophe. I will leave some opportunities for them to make them stronger than they are now. More powerful." Heavenly Venerable said.

"Which three people are they?"

"Desolation, the southern sky, the stars."

(End of chapter)

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