Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 223 A Winning Rate Of Less Than 50%

Chapter 223 A winning rate of less than 50%

He used his Heavenly Venerable level of cultivation to perform calculations, and the only hope to stop this dark god general was to join forces with these three people in the lower world.

There is still a chance in the lower realm. If it were not for the three of them, then the dark god would definitely turn it into a dark realm.

Hearing the names of these three people, Zhou Tianfeng was stunned for a moment. He knew who the first two people were. One was the Huang Immortal Emperor and the other was the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. But the last one, who is this Tianxing?

"Tell me your calculation results, and then tell me your specific plan, and let me help you with your planning." Zhou Tianfeng asked calmly.

"It's like this. Senior, after my calculations, if I hadn't resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, then there would be no chance for that world to survive this catastrophe, and it would almost certainly be turned into a dark realm." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

is not that right? If it weren't for his chance, he would have resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor at the request of this senior, and also given him some power treasures and a new realm.

That world had no chance of making a comeback, with only a desolate Immortal Emperor and an ancient immortal named Tianxing. The cultivation level of the two people has not even touched the realm of the Great Principle.

He had just surpassed the realm of Immortal Emperor, and had no chance of defeating the dark god general, even if the opponent had only a trace of soul occupying a physical body.

Therefore, Time and Space Heavenly Venerable is very suspicious that this Taoist of the Way of Viruses should be in conflict with the Taoist he secretly knows.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t think of ways to braid the other person’s hair.

He used various reasons to let himself go to the lower world to resurrect the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and also hinted at himself in various ways.

He allowed himself to give some Law Treasures to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, which gave that world a chance to fight back.

"I calculated that the previous world should also have encountered an attack from the Dark Realm, and the leaders of that time should have been some ordinary generals of the Dark Clan.

However, that world was still relatively powerful at that time, and there were still two people in the Great Principle realm who had the strength to resist. Although they successfully resisted the invasion in the end, they were basically defeated.

However, the two Great Principle-level beings and a bunch of ancient Immortal Emperors retained their true energy before they died. Prepare for future generations to fight against this war. As long as future generations transcend the realm of Immortal Emperor, they can absorb these true essences and gain powerful power.

The one called Tianxing has been practicing a set of formations for hundreds of thousands of years. This set of formations requires 365 Immortal Kings and nine Immortal Emperors, and one and a half steps above the Immortal Emperor can be used. , after this formation is deployed, it should be able to buy them 1500 years.

Nantian and Huang will have the opportunity to absorb the true essence of those ancient immortals. Coupled with the weapons and the set of skills I gave them, it will be their chance to make a comeback, but even so, their chance of winning is less than 30%.

Maybe even a little lower. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

is not that right? There are two dark god generals in the lower realm, a man and a woman.

But it's not very harmonious, otherwise, they wouldn't even have a 30% chance of victory.

"What do you mean? Even if they successfully use this set of formations, Nantian and Huang successfully absorb the true essence of those ancient immortals. Coupled with the weapons and techniques you sent over, the victory rate is only 30% at most. Against "?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes, and the third floor is already the largest. They have no idea what kind of strength a dark demon general is. Even a true Great Principle realm will have trouble facing the true form of this dark god general. There is no life in death.

Fortunately, this dark god general passed by only a trace of wind soul, and could only exert 10% of his strength there, otherwise they would have no chance of winning. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

"If you add your backhand, what is their chance of winning?" Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and asked.

"I plan to leave some treasures from 100,000 years ago, and then let these three people discover them. It can improve their combat effectiveness, but it will not exceed 50% at most. It should increase the chance of winning to a little more than 40%. "Heavenly Venerable touched his chin, pinched his fingers and did some calculations before speaking.

This success rate is already the result of his best efforts. You must know that without the intervention of his time and space Heavenly Venerable, that world would be completely finished and would definitely become a dark realm.

"No! The winning rate is still too low. I want you to increase the winning rate to 80% to 90%, or even 100%. It's best to make it foolproof." Zhou Tianfeng said.

I'm kidding your mother! There is only a little over 40%, less than 50% chance of victory. This is simply outrageously low, okay?

No, no matter what, I have to increase my winning rate a little to increase my survival probability, otherwise it will become what Heavenly Venerable calls the dark realm of time and space, and my life will definitely be difficult.

"This, there is really no good solution. Traveling back to the past time and space, I can only give you something. You must not interfere too much, otherwise it will affect the cause and effect of time and space, and the backlash caused by it can be tolerated. I'm sorry!" Heavenly Venerable said.

The most basic practice of practicing the law of time and space can interfere with one's own time. For example, if you accelerate time in a place, if you practice here for one year, ten or even 100 years will pass by in the outside world.

Then there is the ability to predict some future events or watch some past scenes.

As your cultivation progresses further, you can make some subtle interference with the past, such as directing a life that has died in the past to the present, and then resurrecting it. He used this method when he resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

When the law of time and space is further advanced, you can send some things you need back to the past time, or bring some irrelevant things from the past time to the present.

This is all he can do now that he is in the Heavenly Venerable Realm and uses the laws of time and space.

"In this way, can you refine a special Law Treasure? It can be a one-time use. It can be used at the level of Immortal Emperor, or can be used at a level above half-step Immortal Emperor. As long as you use this Law Treasure, you can kill immediately. Kill that Dark Demon General." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and asked.

No matter what, we must find a way to let that guy Sha Tian die there.

"This! Senior! It is not easy to refine such a Law Treasure! It is not that simple to be able to directly kill a dark god general of the dark clan." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable thought for a while and said.

This senior really valued his junior, Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal, and actually used this method to help him. This kind of Law Treasure is not easy to refine, and he has never even heard of it before. Are there any disposable Law Treasures?

"It's not like he completely killed his true self, it just destroyed his clone and left that world." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Senior, if I have a lot of Law Treasures that can kill the Dark God General, and can even refine them at will, but if they can be used to reach the Immortal Emperor realm or even half a step beyond the Immortal Emperor, then it will be more troublesome. After all, they have not yet come into contact with the realm above the heavens." Heavenly Venerable said with a troubled expression.

Those who have cultivated to their level have already come into contact with all the worlds, but the realm of Immortal Emperor is just a Great Thousand World that has been cultivated to the top level, and they are not yet qualified to come into contact with all the worlds.

There is no way to use the Law Treasure he gave me. The best weapon he could give was the one used by the Southern Celestial Immortal. His original intention was to make two such weapons and then send them to the past.

This will increase the combat effectiveness of the three of them and increase their chances of winning.

"Senior, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. I can't refine the one-time Law Treasure you mentioned." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable shook his head and said.

"Are the creatures in that world hopeless?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Senior is compassionate, but there is another way. I will consume some of the source of time and space to refine a very special Law Treasure, and then buy them ten thousand years of cultivation time." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable sighed and said.

This senior is indeed compassionate. No wonder his virus method contains so many little lives.

If he were not a loving person, he would not take such a life path.

"How do you refine a special Law Treasure and buy them 10,000 years?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Senior, I don't know. If I consume the power of time and space, I can refine a space-type Law Treasure. This Law Treasure contains huge spiritual energy.

Moreover, the flow time and speed inside and outside are completely different from the outside world. It can be 1:10. Staying inside for hundreds of years is equivalent to a thousand years. The preparations those little guys are making now should be able to delay it for another 1,500 years. , after successfully refining this Law Treasure and sending it away, they should be able to practice steadily for more than ten thousand years. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

"In this case, how much can their winning rate be increased?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"If they can make a breakthrough in their cultivation, as long as they step into the Great Principle realm, I will have a way to give them a good Law Treasure, and they will have a 100% chance of defeating the Dark God General.

If they cannot step into the Great Principle, which is the limit of Immortal Emperor, they only have a 60% chance of winning at most. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable thought for a moment and then said.

Good guy, you just increase the probability by 10% by messing with it! My life is still very dangerous.

"Then use a two-pronged approach, you prepare four such weapons, two of them, you give to Huang and Tianxing, and then you make the remaining two into two Law Treasures, one for offense and one for defense, and then make two of these Space type Divine Weapon.

You give one to Huang, Tianxing, and Nantian, and the other to Law Treasure, which is one attack and one defense. You give it to a person named Zhou Tianfeng in the lower realm. He is a new named disciple of mine. Zhou Tianfeng said.

do my best.

In ten thousand years, I will break through to the level of Immortal Emperor.

Become the same master as Huang and Nantian, and then I will increase this winning rate to 70%.

(End of chapter)

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