Chapter 224 My New Immortal World

no solution anymore! In this world of cultivating immortals, I can only rely on myself.

The certainty of 50% to 60% is really too low. Instead of putting your life in the hands of three strangers, it is better to put your destiny in your own hands.

As for the rhetoric, Zhou Tianfeng had already thought about it. He could just play the role of a registered disciple of the Taoist master.

And even if the virus in his body is discovered by this Heavenly Venerable, it can still be explained.

If a new virus carrier appears in the world below, then Heavenly Venerable will understand. This is all related to the fact that this is the virus master.

"Senior's registered disciple, I wonder what level of cultivation he has now?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable was stunned for a moment and asked.

After hearing the three words Zhou Tianfen, he immediately calculated the results silently in his mind. This person named Zhou Tianfeng seems to not exist in this world.

No matter how he calculated, he couldn't get any information at all. There were only two explanations for this situation.

The first is that people who calculate by themselves do not exist.

In other words, a false name was given, and the second is that there was a great Divine Ability person who covered up the secret, so that he could not be counted at all.

The answer is already obvious. It is the latter. This senior must have used his great Divine Ability to cover up the secret and hide his named disciple.

I don’t know what the ability of the person named Zhou Tianfeng in the lower realm is, but he actually attracted the attention of this Taoist master. What is his identity? A Taoist master.

It seems that that world is very important to this senior! Not only are descendants there, there are also disciples.

"His current cultivation level is not high! It is only equivalent to the Golden Immortal Realm realm. However, I think giving him more than 10,000 years should allow him to cultivate to the Immortal Emperor realm, or beyond the Immortal Emperor realm. By then, Then you can participate in this war, four against one can also increase the winning rate." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He is still very confident about his bug-like body. His combat power is absolutely invincible at the same level. If he is challenged by a higher level, he has a high chance of winning.

To be on the safe side, plus two pieces of Law Treasure, one for attack and one for defense, I don't believe that Sha Tian, ​​who can't kill you, can actually threaten me, the Taoist master, with a little demon general, and give you face.

"If this is the case, then the chance of winning should be 70%. Under the siege of four people, they should be able to kill the Dark Demon General." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable also nodded and said.

"Without further delay, you should start immediately, refine the required Law Treasure, and then send it to the lower realm." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Senior. I don't know how old your young disciple is this year. I can send these things to a point in time in the past so that he can get them in advance." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

"Didn't you also say that? It is not a good thing to tamper with time and space at will. I believe that more than 15,000 years should be enough for him. The same is true for the other three people. You can send it to them directly in the name of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor Master. Just support, no need to worry about anything else." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a while and said.

He also had his own considerations in not allowing time and space Heavenly Venerable to return to the past time. Things like time and space are really too difficult to figure out!

I just lack time. If I can make up for it, it's better not to interfere with the timeline. Even just sending a few Law Treasures will cause great fluctuations. Moreover, Zhou Tianfeng is still not sure whether he exists in the past time and space?

Thinking of this problem, Zhou Tianfeng immediately contacted Viral Space and asked himself whether he would be affected by time and space.

What would happen if a person with extremely high laws of time and space wanted to go to the past and kill himself?

Lord Taoist: From the moment you become the master of the virus space, you have transcended the long river of time. You will only exist in the present, not in the past or future. Even a master who is proficient in the laws of time and space cannot go to the past to obliterate you.

After hearing the answer from Viral Space, Zhou Tianfeng felt relieved. It seemed that the identity of this Taoist master had provided him with great protection!

"Senior, I see you have a new realm here! How about transforming this new realm into a space-time Law Treasure? I will double its area and have the ability to accelerate time, 1:10, but only every six months. It can be accelerated once." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

This senior has a new realm here that should be prepared for his named disciple, and I can do some processing for him.

"You mean to transform this new realm and give it a space-time barrier, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked after hearing this.

"Yes, I can refine it again to expand its internal space, make it more spiritual, and have the ability to accelerate time. What do you think, senior?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable asked.

"I don't have any problem, but that kid's current cultivation level is not very high. If I give him this realm, I'm afraid he won't be able to operate it!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

If you want to control a realm, the minimum requirement is to be an Immortal Emperor, but now my cultivation level is terrible.

"Haha, what did I think it was? Senior, don't worry, I will just transform it. Then your disciple can directly refine it and control the original power inside. In this realm, He can exert Immortal Emperor-level power, and ordinary Immortal Emperors are no match for him." Heavenly Venerable said.

This is an extremely secretive little trick. It is a weapon training method developed by great Divine Ability masters like them to help the younger generations to refine a Supreme Grade Law Treasure and form a new realm.

Then let him use it when his cultivation level is extremely low, and he can even display the strongest Immortal Emperor-level combat power in this realm.

Damn, there are such benefits, this guy called Time and Space Heavenly Venerable, it can be done!

"I originally wanted him to go through some training, so I didn't give him a Law Treasure like this. But now, time is too late, so let's do this!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I already understand the meaning of the senior! Your named disciple, facing this great victory, is also an opportunity for him." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable nodded and said.

"Defensive Law Treasure, you refine a battle armor. My apprentice is considered a gun weapon, so you can refine a long spear. As for the remaining two, you refine two divine swords for them. That’s it.” Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Senior, don't worry, I understand. I will start refining Law Treasure right now. Such Law Treasure will not take long, it only takes a moment." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

After chatting with Zhou Tianfeng for a few words, Heavenly Venerable began to refine weapons on the spot, first refining two Law Treasures that were like divine swords, and then refining a spear and a set of armor.

Then he picked up Zhou Tianfeng's new realm and made some changes to it, doubling its internal space and increasing its aura by 50%.

And has the ability to accelerate time and space.

"Senior! I would like to say that after the new realm is passed on to your disciple, he can bring Huang, Nantian, and Tianxing into it to practice. I think there is no need to create another space-time Law Treasure. ." Heavenly Venerable thought for a moment and said.

Creating two Law Treasures that can accelerate time and space is also a big consumption for him. It would be best if he could only create one, and just give this one to the disciple of this senior.

"Well! Just follow your plan!" Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

Anyway, he no longer planned to hide it. After all, he had to deal with Sha Tian this time, so he just exposed the identity of a powerful disciple.

Moreover, in this new realm, I can exert Immortal Emperor-level combat power. Normal Immortal Emperors who enter this realm will be suppressed by me with their original power.

So safety issues are guaranteed!

"Then senior, I will send these things to the lower realm now!" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

"No need, just give all these things to me, and then you can stay in the virus space and practice first!

Don't worry, the current source of energy will no longer allow you to practice the virus. You can only absorb the purest source of energy to increase your cultivation. Zhou Tianfeng said.

Since it's a gift of Law Treasure, I can just do it myself. You don't need to worry about it at all. Let you tear open the cracks in the space, and maybe it will attract someone's attention. I will bring it to the real world through the connection of the virus space.

"Then follow the wishes of seniors!" Heavenly Venerable heard this and handed over all the newly refined Law Treasures and the transformed realm to Zhou Tianfeng.

Opening the space crack leading to the lower realm again is a big drain on him. Since this senior is willing to help, it would be great.

As a result, after working on it for a long time, I refined a few Law Treasures, which only consumed a little bit of the power of time and space.

I originally planned to consume the power of the source of time and space and return to the past to give something away!

It seems that this senior has considerable trust in his descendants and that disciple!

With the help of a few special Law Treasures, his descendants can face this crisis on their own.

After instructing Heavenly Venerable to practice in the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng's spiritual consciousness also returned to the prehistoric realm.

This trip to the virus space is indeed of great significance to him!

First of all, he solved a problem that had troubled him for a long time. The Space-Time Heavenly Venerable was no longer a threat to him, and he could go back to the new Heavenly World Qilin Clan, at least to take over his wife and children.

More importantly, now I no longer need to be afraid of Immortal Emperor-level combat power.

I have obtained a new realm, and I can use it immediately.

Zhou Tianfeng couldn't wait to take out the new realm of time and space Heavenly Venerable refining, and then started refining it directly.

This thing is my biggest gain from this trip.

In the virus space, this new realm is just like a bubble, but after coming to this real world.

It immediately occupied the entire space, more than twice the size of the new Heavenly World and Flying Immortal World.

Zhou Tianfeng has already thought of a name for this world.

Just call it New Immortal World.

(End of chapter)

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