Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 225 Shattered Di Honglei’S Three Views

Chapter 225 Shattered Di Honglei’s Three Views

This is a world that belongs entirely to him. Here, Zhou Tianfeng can mobilize his original power anytime and anywhere, just like in the virus space.

Even an Immortal Emperor-level existence must be controlled by himself in this space. Here, in this space, Zhou Tianfeng has the absolute highest authority.

In other realms, all the original energy has been divided by several Emperor Level experts, and they all share the ownership of a realm.

So far, the only ones with separate realms are the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and Zhou Tianfeng. Even the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor's separate realm was obtained because of Zhou Tianfeng.

However, Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor's new Heavenly World is far inferior to Zhou Tianfeng's new Immortal World!

The first is the concentration of spiritual energy. The concentration of spiritual energy in Zhou Tianfeng's new Immortal World is at least double that of other realms.

As for the new Heavenly World, just because it was just born, the aura concentration is only one or two percent higher than that of other realms.

In terms of size, my new Immortal World is twice as large as other realms, a veritable giant. Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng can mobilize more original energy, and as long as Zhou Tianfeng is willing,

You can give some of the Immortal King's top masters some of their original power at any time, and then let them refine it to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

The original power here is enough to give birth to eight Immortal Emperors.

My new Immortal World can also accelerate time. Although it can only be used once every half day, it is enough.

Not only that, as the absolute controller of this new Immortal World, Zhou Tianfeng Haiyu has the power to modify the rules here. As long as Zhou Tianfeng is willing, the new Immortal World will develop according to his wishes.

For example, Zhou Tianfeng can turn the aura here into the aura of demon spirits suitable for use by demon cultivators, the aura of fairy spirits that can be used by immortal cultivators, or even the aura of demon spirits that can be used by Monster Cultivator and those from the prehistoric realm. The spirit of prehistoric times.

You can also freely change the space structure here, making it filled with various spiritual planets like the mortal world.

Or it can be like the Demon Realm space, which is full of large and small space debris, or it can be like the black Demon World, which has a huge landmass, you can do whatever you want. As long as Zhou Tianfeng is willing, the new Immortal World will change in his image.

"But since this is the new Immortal World, you should be filled with fairy spirit! If a demon cultivator comes here in the future, I will open up a territory and fill it with demon spirit. The same goes for Monster Cultivator." Zhou Zhou Tianfeng thought for a while and decided to make all the auras in this new space be fairy auras.

As for its appearance, Zhou Tianfeng referred to part of the Demon Realm space and the spiritual star of the Spirit World, which has a large amount of space debris. Each one is a small world, some are the size of a city, some are the size of a country, and some are equivalent to the size of a planet.

As for other places, they are replaced by spiritual stars, making it a place similar to the Demon Realm space and integrated with the Spirit World.

After completing all the preparations, Zhou Tianfeng began to observe his world again. The space here was huge, but it was very desolate and there was no life.

It seems that in the future I will find some fairy beasts, Spirit Beasts or Demonic Beasts to supplement the new Immortal World, and other practitioners can also accept it.

"Hahaha! It's great. This trip to the virus space can be said to have solved all my worries. I didn't dare to go to the new Heavenly World before. The biggest reason was because the time and space were Heavenly Venerable, but now I don't need it at all. Worry about this." Zhou Tianfeng said to himself.

The previous pressing issues were all solved after entering the virus space.

"But this is not the time to be happy. Now I have to quickly summon Huang, Nantian, and Tianxing." Zhou Tianfeng said.

In this space, Zhou Tianfeng can exert power beyond the Immortal Emperor level and use his original power to carry out various suppressions. But after leaving here.

He is still the weakling with amazing cultivation. But after these more than ten thousand years of seclusion are over, I will become a master of the Immortal Emperor realm and stand at the top of this plane.

With a wave of his hand, four pieces of Law Treasure appeared in front of Zhou Tianfeng, a set of armor, a spear, and two divine swords, one dark purple and one aqua blue.

This is. Time and Space Heavenly Venerable has prepared the weapons. Put away the armor and spear. These two things cannot be used until you reach the Immortal Emperor realm. Now give these two things away first.

As for how to find the Immortal Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng already has a plan, but he still needs the help of Di Honglei.

With a thought, Zhou Tianfeng left the New Immortal World and reappeared in the palace of the prehistoric realm.

After waking up, Zhou Tianfeng first checked the time and found that he had been practicing for several months.

Then he got up and opened the door, and then quickly came to the door where Di Honglei was retreating.

Di Honglei had already noticed Zhou Tianfeng as soon as he appeared at the door.

"You kid, if you don't practice well, why did you come here?" Di Honglei asked with a frown.

"There is great news! Let me tell you, I got a great opportunity. A very powerful senior planned to accept me as his disciple. He also gave me several Apex Level Law Treasures and said he would help us get through this great crisis. crisis," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Poof! After hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Di Honglei covered her mouth and laughed.

"Hahaha! Your joke is quite funny and interesting. A senior took a fancy to you and accepted you as his apprentice. He also gave you a few Law Treasures to help us survive this catastrophe?

Hahaha! How come this kind of plot is similar? What was the situation like when I found you two senior brothers in the lower world? I just didn't accept you as my disciple. I even gave you an Immortal Weapon at that time! " Di Honglei said.

"Correction! You gave it to my confidante Ming Yanshang, not to me. And I really wasn't kidding you." Zhou Tianfeng said speechlessly.

"Okay, if you want to make me happy, you succeeded. This joke is very funny. Go back to practice immediately! I'm really not in the mood right now." Di Honglei said.

Why doesn’t this girl believe it? Okay! If you say this, others won't believe it. If that's the case, then prove it to her!

Zhou Tianfeng immediately moved his mind, and before Di Honglei could react, he directly pulled her into the new Immortal World.

Di Honglei was a little confused at this moment. He was still in his father's palace just now, but Zhou Tianfen just waved his hand. The places where the two of them were were changed.

Here, this seems a bit like flying to the Immortal World, or even the Heavenly World, but it is a little different. It is full of fairy spirit.

But the concentration of fairy spirit energy is so high, really high.

Di Honglei sat cross-legged on the ground and absorbed the fairy energy here. He was surprised to find that the concentration of spiritual energy here was more than double that of Fei Immortal World and Luo Heavenly World!

"What is this place? Zhou Tianfeng, please explain clearly." Di Honglei asked.

"This is a new upper realm. I named it the new Immortal World. Its size is the sum of Luo Heavenly World and Fei Immortal World. As for the aura concentration, it is twice as much as the two. More than enough." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"This! How is this possible? I was lucky enough to go to the new Heavenly World of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor once. The concentration of spiritual energy there is only 20% higher than that of the Fei Immortal World or Luo Heavenly World!

But here, but this place is actually twice as high and twice as big as them. This, what on earth is this place? How did you find this place? Di Honglei asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Didn't I tell you? When I was practicing, a senior accepted me as a disciple in my dream, taught me the supreme law, and gave me this new Immortal World. Everything here is a part of the Immortal World. More than times, and here, I can call on the original energy at will. Even the existence of the Immortal Emperor level has to be at my mercy when entering here." Zhou Tianfeng said very proudly.

Di Honglei was a little in disbelief and looked at Zhou Tianfeng with her mouth wide open.

"You, are you here, really? Are you the one who resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor?"

She really couldn't believe that what Zhou Tianfeng said was actually true.

Such an outrageous thing actually happened. If you put it this way, wouldn't he and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor be equivalent to brothers?

In this case, he seems to be a generation older than me for no reason!

At this time, Di Honglei naively thought that the senior who accepted Zhou Tianfeng as his disciple was the same person who accepted Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal as his disciple.

However, Zhou Tianfeng was very happy that the other party misunderstood. The matter of a Taoist master's disciple was still my own, so how could he leak it out at will?

So before that, he had already discussed it with Time and Space Heavenly Venerable.

From now on, Zhou Tianfeng can claim to be a disciple of Heavenly Venerable in time and space anytime and anywhere.

"That's right, it's the senior who accepted me as his disciple. The senior who resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, gave him a new realm, and gave him divine weapons. He also gave me a new Immortal. World.

He also gave me several other Divine Weapons, and one of these Divine Weapons was prepared for your father. This senior will help us survive this catastrophe. "After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he took out two divine swords, one purple and one blue, and placed them in front of Di Honglei.

"You, you, let me slow down, let me slow down a little bit." Di Honglei looked at the two magic weapons exuding powerful aura in front of him, and his head was a little dizzy.

Then he turned around and looked at the place where he was now, feeling the rich fairy spirit here.

He even slapped himself to make sure that he was not dreaming.

"I, I really don't know what to say, Zhou Tianfeng, God has been so kind to you!" Heavenly Emperor Honglei said these words after holding back for a long time.

is not that right? What happened to Zhou Tianfeng made her a little jealous! Damn it, why didn’t that senior choose me?

Really annoying!

(End of chapter)

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