Chapter 226 Ancient Immortal Formation

Why does this kid Zhou Tianfeng have such good luck? This time, even her temperament couldn't help but start to feel jealous of this boy.

What an honor it is to be accepted as a disciple by such a powerful senior!

He was also sent to a new Immortal World, and the size of this realm was actually more than double that of Luo Heavenly World and Fei Immortal World.

"So what do you want me to do for you? Just tell me directly. As long as I can help, I will help you." Di Honglei asked.

She also guessed that when Zhou Tianfeng brought her here, he must have something to ask for. Hum, he couldn't give this kid an easy way, he had to ask for some benefits.

"My master told me that there are three key figures in this catastrophe. One is your father, the other is the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and a man named Tianxing. Do you know who he is?" Zhou Tianfeng asked. asked.

"Tianxing? I know who she is. She is an ancient immortal, but she is a female senior. Don't make a mistake. You must call her by her name!" Di Honglei said.

female? Well, that doesn't matter, I just need to know who he is.

"I know! Is there any way you can take me to see your father and that senior?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"They should be flying on the Immortal World battlefield now. Or in the ancient Immortal Domain, I'm not sure." Di Honglei said.

"The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor already has a suitable Law Treasure, and of these two divine swords, one is for your father, and the other is for the senior Tianxing. And I also have a divine spear here, which can also be used The injury is terrible." Zhou Tianfeng took out his magic gun and said.

"Your master is really biased, but with your current meager cultivation, can you use this magical weapon? My father and others have said that even at the Immortal Emperor level, you can only use it when you are at the peak. , can barely use this weapon.

Of course my father and the other three couldn't do anything about it, but you haha! Di Honglei said with a smile.

It's not that he looks down on this boy. This boy's qualifications are indeed very good, but it will take at least ten thousand years to cultivate to the level of his father. Now even if there is such a magic weapon, this kid is of no use. It is better to lend it to another strongest Immortal Emperor for use.

"This is the second thing I want to say. That senior is very good at the laws of time and space. He can increase the speed of this world ten times. One day in the outside world has passed here, ten days have passed here, thousands of years have passed in the outside world, and thousands have passed here. Ten thousand years is enough time for me to break through to the Immortal Emperor level. By then, your father and I will besiege him together, and Sha Tian will be 100% sure to kill him." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You, you mean to say that spending a thousand years here is equivalent to ten thousand years in the outside world? It turns out to be the law of time and space. How is this possible? Who is your master?" Di Honglei's expression changed and she asked.

Not only did it give him a new realm, but this realm can actually accelerate time. Is this wrong?

"Master's name is Heavenly Venerable. It is easy for him to refine such a realm. So our top priority now is to quickly find your father and the others, and then bring them here and stay in seclusion for thousands of years. ." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand, but when you are in seclusion, one more person is me, and you should not have an Immortal Emperor here, right? Give me some source energy and let me become an Immortal Emperor. I will also join this battle. "Di Honglei stated her conditions.

"Give you some original power and let you break through the Immortal Emperor. Naturally, there will be no big problem."

This girl's cultivation level was originally at the Immortal King level. It would only take a thousand years to return to the original Immortal King level.

Then after thousands of years of precipitation and the blessing of the original energy, it is indeed not difficult to break through and reach the Immortal Emperor realm.

"So you agreed? I will help you find my father right now." Di Honglei looked happy and said.

"Don't worry, I only promised half of it. I will give you the energy of origin and let you practice and break through here. There is no problem in reaching the realm of Immortal Emperor, but you can't participate in this war. If after ten thousand years, you are just an ordinary Immortal Emperor. Can't participate in this war at all." Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and said.

It is extremely thrilling for me to participate in this war with a body of eight levels, and I also need a very special set of armor.

In your state, I'm afraid you won't even be able to break through Sha Tian's defense, and will be killed by him directly. Then the four of us will have to scramble to save you.

"You lend me your weapon, and I will take you to this battle. Don't worry, I won't covet your magic weapon. If I survive, the magic weapon will be returned to you. If I don't survive, the magic weapon will be returned to you. You can also take away the soldiers." Di Honglei said.

"What are you thinking? With your meager cultivation, you can't do it at all, okay? Stop making trouble, you can't participate in this battle. And don't worry, we have a great chance of winning if we are four against one." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I'm not making trouble with you! Aren't you usually very afraid of death? This time, faced with such a terrifying catastrophe, you actually want to rush forward. Wouldn't it be better for me to take you there?" Di Honglei said.

"Don't make trouble. I dare to go up, so I am absolutely sure. Do you see? This is a piece of defensive armor given to me by Master. When I put it on, the evil spirits can't hurt me at all. I can be said to be Innate." In an invincible position." After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he took out a set of pitch black armor.

The aura emanating from it is not weaker than the previous two divine swords and the divine spear in Zhou Tianfeng's hand, and is even stronger.

Just kidding, how could someone who cherishes his life so much not be fully prepared?

This armor is the strongest among all weapons, and its defensive power is almost to the level of a bug. I specially asked Heavenly Venerable to create it.

There’s even some power from the viral space thrown in.

"In this case, you should let me participate in the battle. You can participate in the battle even with this armor protection. When the five of us attack together, wouldn't we have a better chance of winning?" Di Honglei said.

"No! And your father won't agree to it. You are the only relative he has in this world." Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and said.

In fact, if necessary, he can now return to the virus space and let the time and space Heavenly Venerable refine another such Apex Level Law Treasure sword.

But this girl’s cultivation level is not up to standard at all!

If you just rely on such a magic weapon, you can kill Sha Tian.

Then Zhou Tianfeng had already asked Heavenly Venerable to refine ten swords. It would not be difficult to make ten Immortal Emperors. When the time comes, one of the ten swords would be defeated.

Zhou Tianfeng himself is a bug, and he is also blessed by the original energy of a realm. After cultivating the Immortal Emperor, the combat power will definitely be much stronger than the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

This is also the reason why he dared to join the war. If other Immortal Emperors took the magic weapons he gave them to join the battle, it would be no different from giving away their heads. Instead, they would be killed by the evil god and then take away the magic weapons.

"If you don't agree, I won't take you to my father."

"If you don't take me there, I will find it myself, but you have to understand one thing. This incident is related to the safety of all living beings in the world. If you want to ruin the world's major events because of your own selfishness and willfulness.

Think about it, how many lives will die because of you! If I find your father sooner, the three of them can have more time to practice. If I were hundreds of years in the morning, then we would have lost thousands of years of cultivation time. I think you should be able to tell the stakes here. " Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You! You are using this matter to pressure me!" Di Honglei suddenly looked angry and looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"I think you should think clearly about the stakes here, so help me find someone quickly and stop talking nonsense." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You, you, okay, I understand, I will help you find my father, we will talk about this later! You can now use the power of this realm to send us to the ancient Immortal Domain or fly Immortal World?" Di Honglei calmed down and asked.

Indeed, as Zhou Tianfeng said, this is not the time for her to act willfully, but I won't just let it go.

"I can go to both places, where should we go first?"

"If that's the case, go to the Ancient Immortal Domain first. As long as I appear in the Ancient Immortal Domain, with my father's cultivation, you can feel my breath in an instant, and then come to me. Then you can see him. ." Di Honglei said.

"Yes! I understand!" Zhou Tianfeng nodded and directly used the original power of the new Immortal World to transport the two of them to the ancient Immortal Domain through cross-domain teleportation.

At this time, the Immortal Emperor and others, along with more than 300 Immortal Kings and nine Immortal Emperor masters, were all concentrated in the ancient Immortal Domain.

A few months ago, they gathered all the Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors together, and then told everyone about the formation in detail.

There is no neglect, all the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor know what is happening now.

So everyone began to work together to practice the formation, and it only took a few months to successfully deploy the formation.

"Okay, we have successfully completed the preliminary exercise of this ancient Immortal Domain formation. Each of you will take your own formation flag. When the time comes, the nine Immortal Emperors and I will serve as the formation eyes, and the 365 Immortal Kings will cooperate in casting spells." Tianxing said.

With this formation, they can barely compete with Sha Tian! This set of ancient immortal formations is something that the ancient immortals of the ancient Immortal World spent hundreds of thousands of years researching and deducing, specifically to deal with evil spirits.

Of course, it goes without saying much about its power.

"It is not difficult for us to trap Sha Tian with this formation, but killing him is still not possible, but with this formation, you should be able to persist for 1,000 years.

Within these 1,000 years, Huang and Nantian will do something big, and after a thousand years, it will be our decisive battle. "Tianxing, dressed in white and snow-clad, stood in the center of all the formations and said.

(End of chapter)

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