Chapter 227 Shocked Immortal Emperor

Hearing Master Tianxing's words, all the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor present were collectively stunned. Although they had just successfully practiced this formation, they knew how powerful it was.

The strength of any Immortal King will be strengthened ten times by the power of this formation, and these powers will also converge on the nine Immortal Emperors, and then form a giant magic circle, concentrated together. Release all the power of the Immortal Emperor and Immortal King dozens of times.

Now you actually tell us this formation? Just to trap Sha Tian for a thousand years, it was actually to buy time for someone, not to kill him.

All of them, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are in the Immortal King realm. No matter which realm he is in, he is a big boss, second only to the Immortal Emperor in status. Who is not a proud and arrogant person? Now that I hear that I am going to be a tool, of course I feel uncomfortable.

"Senior! You mean us, we are only responsible for stopping the evil spirits. This formation is not a killing move at all." An Immortal Emperor couldn't help but asked.

"Yes, Senior Tianxing, could it be that the formation we practiced so hard is just to delay time?"

"If we can delay Sha Tian, ​​we have already helped a lot. It is not worth it! If we can do this, it is already the greatest help." An Immortal King from the ancient Immortal Domain said with a cold snort.

Only those Immortal Kings who survived the last war understand how terrifying the guy from the Dark Clan named Sha Tian is!

At that time, their level of Immortal King was the Immortal Emperor level. The regular army was barely able to participate in the battle.

Only those who are half a step beyond the Immortal Emperor or in the realm of the Great Principle can barely participate in that battle.

You are very lucky to be alive. This formation took them hundreds of thousands of years to evolve through the efforts of several Immortal Emperors and Masters of the Heavenly Star.

Being able to play a decisive role in this battle, unlike the last war, they Immortal King could not help at all.

"Okay, don't argue anymore. You have never fought against that being called Sha Tian, ​​so you don't know how powerful he is.

But several of our Immortal Emperors have fought against him. To put it bluntly, even if the four Immortal Emperors we fly in the Immortal World fly together, they can survive three attacks at most from Sha Tian. . "At this moment, an Immortal Emperor flying in the Immortal World said.

Why doesn't he understand the thoughts of these Immortal Emperors? After all, everyone is a genius. They are all people who have cultivated step by step from the lower world, spent hundreds of thousands of years, and stepped on the heads of countless geniuses. Which one is not anxious and angry, and which one is not the protagonist of the contemporary era?

It feels really uncomfortable to be reduced to someone else's background now, but this is the fact and there is nothing we can do about it.

"Gentlemen! We can hold that man back for a thousand years. We are lucky if we can buy enough time for Huang and Nantian." Master Tianxing began to comfort these people from Fei Immortal World, Primordial World, and Luo Heavenly World. Even the Immortal King who came from Beast World.

"All the Immortal Kings of our new Heavenly World will follow the lead of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor! It is our great fortune to be able to buy time for the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor." At this moment, the ancestor of the Qilin clan, the supreme Immortal King Mo Tiansheng said.

"Yes! With our strength, we are lucky enough to be able to do this and help this war in the slightest."

"You are able to delay Sha Tian for a thousand years. Huang and I are grateful. Don't worry, everyone. After a thousand years, when the two of us succeed, we will kill Sha Tian even if we risk our lives." Nan Celestial Immortal Di Fei came out and spoke.

With the comfort of the Southern Celestial Immortal King, the Immortal King below can finally feel some comfort.

"Okay, let's practice this formation again, and then set off to fly to the Immortal World. I will lure Sha Tian out, and then everyone will use this formation to trap him." Tianxing said.

The success or failure of this time depends on this. He has already bet everything on those two young people. In the past 1,000 years, there is only my old bones and now. All the active forces in our world, come and buy time for you!

"I am willing to do my best." All the Immortal Kings and the Immortal Emperor present said in unison.

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor's expression changed. He suddenly felt the breath of his daughter. How could this be possible? Wasn't his daughter sealed in the wilderness? Why? Why can her aura be felt in the ancient Immortal Domain?

How did she break through her seal?

"What's wrong with Huang? There's something wrong with your face." Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor glanced at Huang Immortal Emperor and asked.

He was fine just now, but for some reason, he noticed that Huang's expression suddenly changed.

"That little girl of mine ran out! It's strange, I sealed her in the wilderness!" said the Immortal Emperor.

He knew only too well how powerful the seal he had arranged was.

Even if an Immortal Emperor passes by, it will be impossible to break it in a short time.

How did this girl get out?

"Oh! It's that little girl! You don't want this war to affect her?" Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal said.

"Her current cultivation level has not recovered yet. Even if she has practiced the Great Desolation Scripture, it has only been a few hundred years and she is only a Profound Immortal cultivation level, so I do not plan to let her participate in this battle." Immortal Emperor said.

"Speaking of Luang, Dahuang Tianjing, I think it's best not to let her practice this set of exercises. Although what he is practicing now is what you have changed, and he has escaped from the control of Evil Sky, but the origin of this set of exercises After all, he is from the Dark Clan," said the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

"I understand what you mean, but don't worry, I have solved the hidden dangers of this set of exercises. That guy named Sha Tian couldn't take away my body back then, nor could he cause harm to people who practice this kind of wild power. Any influence." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

When he first obtained the Great Wilderness Scripture, he couldn't even practice it. Later, it was only because of a series of adventures that he developed this set of techniques.

But at that time, this set of exercises was incomplete. Later, I completed the last two levels and made some changes to the first few levels, and then I broke away from the original Great Wilderness Scripture.

"If you insist on doing this, then I can't say anything more. In short, you should be careful in everything." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

"You watch them practice the formation here, and I'll go see what's going on with that little girl." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"Go ahead! There shouldn't be much problem with me here." said the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor nodded to Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, tore the space around him directly, and headed to the location of Zhou Tianfeng and Di Honglei.

"Miss, we have been here for a while. Will your father come to see you? Isn't he flying in the Immortal World?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Wait a minute, I have just used my technique with all my strength and leaked my aura. If my father is here, he will definitely be able to feel it. If he doesn't come later, then we will go to Immortal World to see Look." Di Honglei said.

While the two were talking, the space around them was suddenly torn apart, and a man with a tall figure and a resolute face walked out, it was the Immortal Emperor.


"Who asked you to come here? How did you get out? I obviously sealed you." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"I, we have something important to ask you." Di Honglei said a little aggrievedly.

"Go back! It's very dangerous outside now. Only if you stay in the wilderness can I feel at ease." The Immortal Emperor's expression changed and he said.

"Senior! You don't need to blame Honglei, I brought her out." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! It was you who brought him out. I'm a little bit underestimating you. A small Golden Immortal's cultivation can actually break through my barrier. How did you do it?" Huang Immortal Emperor looked at Zhou Tianfeng glanced at him and asked.

After seeing Zhou Tianheng himself, the Immortal Emperor's eyes widened on the spot.

This boy, this boy, why does he have such a mysterious and mysterious aura coming from him?

This aura is somewhat similar to that of the Southern Celestial Immortal. Is there any relationship between the two of them?

It's strange. I didn't feel this way the last time I saw this kid, but why do I feel this way after meeting him this time?

"Senior, you may not believe it, but this is what happened. This is why the two of us are able to come here." Zhou Tianfeng told Immortal Emperor exactly what he told Di Honglei.

During his cultivation, he was accepted as a disciple by a senior, and was given the Law Treasure and a new realm to resolve this crisis.

"You! Are you serious?" Even with the Immortal Emperor's cultivating temperament, he began to doubt the authenticity after hearing this. After all, it was too unbelievable.

Zhou Tianfeng shrugged helplessly, took out a purple and aqua blue divine sword, and then placed them in front of the Immortal Emperor.

"Senior, please look, this is the weapon that senior asked me to bring you. I think you should recognize what it is. The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor also has the same sword in his hand." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Immortal Emperor stretched out his hand and held the two divine swords in his hands, injected his Immortal Emperor's true power into them, and felt them.

This is indeed the same sword of the Southern Celestial Immortal, but the color and attributes are a little different, but this purple one suits him better.

"This! This? This is actually true. You, you really met that senior, the one who resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and accepted him as his disciple. He also accepted you as his disciple. If you say that, Aren't you the junior brother of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor?" Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"You can also say that if Senior doesn't believe it, I can take you to the new realm he gave me. I named it New Immortal World. The size there is the combined size of Luo Heavenly World and Fei Immortal World. , and the spiritual energy concentration is more than double that over there." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay! You take me over to take a look, but you wait a moment, and I will bring two more people over." After the Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

(End of chapter)

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