Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 228 The Desolation Where Inner Demons Breed Immortal Emperor

Chapter 228 The Desolation Where Inner Demons Breed Immortal Emperor

The Immortal Emperor is a bit confused now. Even he, the top Immortal Emperor who has practiced for tens of thousands of years, and even has half a foot outside the realm of the Immortal Emperor, cannot understand this matter, or even find it difficult to understand it. Confidence.

If it weren't for the two magic weapons that the other party took out and he tried them to make sure they were genuine, he really couldn't believe it was true.

This is really too unbelievable.

I originally thought that this kid just had a special physique and had some strange abilities.

But I didn't expect that he would be noticed by such a powerful master and become his disciple.

It is said that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor was accepted as a disciple by that senior because there was a senior in his ancestors who had an old relationship with this master. If that is the case, the reason why Zhou Tianfeng was attracted by this senior was entirely because It's because of qualifications.

This really hit him a bit. Ever since he entered the world of cultivation, no one dared to say he was above him in terms of qualifications.

Even the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor would not be his opponent if he didn't rely on that divine sword.

As for the senior Tianxing, to be honest, the two have never competed. He doesn't know, but he is still confident that he will not lose.

well! This is the first time for him that for a younger generation, he is also a person that his daughter admires.

There was a kind of jealousy, and even a trace of murderous intention.

Why, why is this kid so lucky?

After practicing for less than a thousand years, he got something that even he, the Immortal Emperor and the strongest Immortal Emperor, would envy?

In terms of qualifications, experience, and character, how am I worse than this guy?


As soon as this idea appeared, it began to grow crazily. When the Immortal Emperor realized that something was wrong, this idea had already taken root in the depths of his mind.

The Immortal Emperor's face looked ugly at this time, he came directly into the void, and then sat cross-legged, just at that moment.

It actually made me have some inner demons, damn it, I actually had inner demons.

Sometimes a cultivator's inner demons come so suddenly and unexpectedly.

No matter how hard he tried to suppress it, he even wanted to drive this thought out of his mind.

But the inner demon is the inner demon. Once you have it, if you don't find a way to resolve it, then the best you can do is suppress it, and it will eventually come out one day.

"Alas! Time and fate, after all, it was my xinxing cultivation that was a little bad, and that's why the inner demon was born." After some suppression, the Immortal Emperor sighed helplessly.

At this moment, two space cracks opened around the Huang Immortal Emperor, and Master Tianxing, who was dressed in white as snow, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor appeared next to him.

"Huang! What's wrong with you? Nan Tian and I just felt something was wrong with your breath. What's going on? Didn't you go to see your daughter? Why are you here?" Master Tianxing asked very worriedly. .

At this time, the Immortal Emperor looked very wrong! The forehead is darkened, and the whole person exudes an evil aura, and there is even a hint of demonic nature in his eyes!

With this look and the aura coming from him, Master Tianxing immediately guessed that this boy had inner demons.

how! how so? An Immortal Emperor realm actually gave birth to inner demons at this critical period.

In this case, how can he absorb the ancient immortal essence?

"Huang? What's wrong with you? Did someone plot against you? And then you developed inner demons?" Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal asked.

A cultivator's inner demons can arise anytime, anywhere during your cultivation, at any level, at any level.

This is related to your belief and Taoist heart. If there is a problem with these two, inner demons will breed.

The most terrifying thing is that once the inner demon arises, unless you can figure something out yourself. Only by experiencing a kind of spiritual transformation can the inner demon be completely removed. Otherwise, this inner demon will always remain in your body and affect your cultivation.

Even in the end, the inner demons will defeat your self-consciousness and compete with you for control of your body. Because they were born from your body, the inner demons are also equivalent to a home battle.

Who would have thought that in just a short period of time, Immortal Emperor had just been out for a few hours, and he would actually develop inner demons.

Seeing the appearance of Huang Immortal Emperor at this time, Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor could only think that someone had plotted against him.

It is even suspected that Sha Tian used some means to kill the daughter of the Immortal Emperor, or something else, which caused this supreme Immortal Emperor to fall into the inner demons.

"I, I'm fine! I have suppressed my inner demons, something just happened.

It made my faith and even my Taoist heart shake a little.

Who could have imagined that at this critical moment, I actually developed inner demons. Although I tried to suppress him as soon as I found out, he was still born. "The Immortal Emperor said with a helpless expression.

"Huang, I started to notice you when you first started practicing. I tempered you through certain means, and even passed on the Great Wilderness Scripture to you. When you were in danger, I also secretly I helped you.

Do you know why? Because I have calculated that you are the Son of Fortune of our era, and you are the protagonist of this plane world who was born to resist this catastrophe, so no matter what, you must not give up on things like inner demons. Every cultivator may be born.

The key is whether you can get through it. Can you refine this inner demon and let it become your cultivation? Can you overcome this inner demon and take your cultivation to a higher level? "Master Tianxing said.

If Huang can defeat this inner demon with his own strength, then his state of mind cultivation will be raised to a new level.

The cultivation level will break through the current realm, and there will be a chance to enter the Great Principle realm.

Once he reaches the Great Principle realm, his cultivation and combat power will be on par with Shatian.

Coupled with the assistance of the two of them, we can easily survive this catastrophe, instead of gambling in a desperate manner.

This time, Huang suddenly has inner demons, which is both a bad thing and a good thing. It depends on whether Huang can defeat his inner demons?

"I understand. In the next retreat, I will try my best to get rid of my inner demons. Anyway, there are still ten thousand years. This may be an opportunity for me." Immortal Emperor took a deep breath and spoke. said.

"Huang! You, what are you doing in your head? Are you affected by inner demons? How do we have more than ten thousand years?

We only have a thousand years in total, and that large formation can trap Evil Sky for a thousand years at most.

No matter what, we will fight him decisively after a thousand years. "Hearing the words of the Immortal Emperor, Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor's expression changed directly, and he even thought that the Immortal Emperor had been completely affected by the inner demon.

"Hahaha! Let me tell you why I have inner demons next! After I discovered my daughter's aura, I rushed over immediately, and then I met your Qilin tribe's junior named Zhou Tianfeng. And that's what happened. . It is precisely because of this boy that I have inner demons." Huang Immortal Emperor told the two of them exactly what happened just now.

"You mean, the senior who accepted me as his disciple has accepted another disciple, or is he a descendant of my old Qilin clan?

And he was given the same magic weapon. Two more were given to you and Senior Tianxing?

He also gave him a realm similar to the new Heavenly World, or a realm better than the new Heavenly World, and then allowed us to go in and practice at a time of 1:10 compared to the outside world? "The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor asked in disbelief.

This, isn't this incredible?

However, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor still accepted this statement, because what happened to him was even more incredible. I, the Immortal Emperor, who had been dead for 20,000 years, could be resurrected.

Then he was stabbed out of the magic weapon Law Treasure, as well as the ultimate Kung Fu, and a new Heavenly World. So for that young boy from the Qilin tribe, it seems that there is nothing impossible for him to obtain all these.

"Yes, that's it. When I heard the news at first, I didn't believe it. But until this kid came up with a few magic weapons.

I tried it and realized that this guy might be telling the truth, so I planned to invite you two to come and have a look. But halfway, I developed inner demons because of my jealousy. "Desolate Immortal Emperor said.

"If this is the case, it proves that the senior who resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor did it intentionally. He knew that our plane was simply unable to resist the invasion launched by the upper world.

Then they tried every means to help us, because the seniors in the upper world couldn't come here in person, they could only use some special means. "Master Tianxing said.

He resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and made him a supreme being. Now he has taken a fancy to a boy and given him a Law Treasure that can accelerate time and space. The meaning of this deviation could not be more obvious.

"No matter what, this is good news for us. Originally, we were not sure of defeating Sha Tian, ​​but now if both of you have suitable weapons, and the three of us join forces, we will have a greater chance of defeating him. ” said the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

"Without further ado, let's go see this kid and let him take us to a new realm. As for the matter of your inner demons. If we have ten thousand years, then we can think of a solution. It’s best if it can be removed, but if it can’t be removed, you have to find a way to suppress it,” Master Tianxing said.

The three of them nodded to each other, tore apart the space, and arrived in front of Zhou Tianfeng and others.

At this time, in Fei Immortal World, in the headquarters of Shatian Palace, Shaitian was kneeling on the ground, kneeling before a black figure, and the person next to him was Queen Ruoxi.

"Lord Dark Lord, everything is going very smoothly. It should take another hundred years for me to completely take over this plane, and then I can turn it into the habitat of my clan." Shaitian said. .

(End of chapter)

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