Chapter 229 The Dark Lord’s Plan

"Really? You're doing a good job, but some people above don't want my clan's plan to go so smoothly. Adding another dark world is something none of them want to see, so the time and space Heavenly Venerable above intervened. This matter." The shadow of the Dark God Lord said.

"What? But Lord Dark God, didn't Heavenly Venerable have his body broken into pieces by you a hundred years ago?" Queen Ruoxi asked.

Even Sha Tian on the side was full of questions. Not long ago, the Lord of Darkness informed them that the Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space was seriously injured for some unknown reason. As a result, he took the opportunity to kill him, leaving only a trace of Primordial Spirit to run away.

Even if the opponent is a Heavenly Venerable-level powerful person, but now there is only a trace of Primordial Spirit left, how can he interfere with their affairs in the lower realm?

"You don't know this. Not long ago, Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space has recovered his physical body, and his cultivation has also been restored, and he has reappeared in the public eye." The Dark Lord said.

"Impossible, Lord Shenjun, a Heavenly Venerable level strong man was shattered into pieces. It is impossible for him to recover so quickly. He reincarnated and re-cultivated. Even if he practices the law of time and space, he cannot recover so quickly. ." Sha Tian said.

"If it were an ordinary existence, it is true that he would not be able to recover so quickly, but what if the other party is also a Taoist master?" the Dark Lord said.

To be able to recover a Heavenly Venerable who was beaten with only Primordial Spirit left so quickly, there is only one existence, and that is the Taoist Master.

Only the Tao Master can restore a Heavenly Venerable-level physical body by using the original ethereal energy of the Tao space, and regain peak combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

So this time, behind the Heavenly Venerable in time and space, a Taoist master actually stood up. This is the existence that their Dark Clan least wants to face, because the leader of their Dark Clan is also the creator, and he is the Tao of Darkness. Taoist master.

He really didn't expect that seizing a lower realm would lead to a Taoist-level strongman. This Taoist-level strongman would actually consume the original energy to restore the physical body for the Heavenly Venerable of time and space.

"Do you, Lord Shenjun, mean that the other party has a Taoist master to help?" Queen Ruoxi's face changed drastically and she asked.

"That's right! It's just as you think, so this is what I'm worried about. I've already inquired about it. This Taoist is a new Taoist who appeared hundreds of years ago. He is a newly promoted Taoist. Taoist master.

His Tao mysteriously appeared in the Tao space hundreds of years ago. It caused a lot of commotion at that time. The ancestor of the sword and the one who practiced the Law of Destruction were all directly sealed by the Tao Master. It’s closed now.

And for some unknown reason, Heavenly Venerable got into a relationship with this new Taoist master and got help from him, so that he could recover after his body was shattered by me. "The Lord of Darkness said.

The appearance of Xindao caused quite a stir back then, and he naturally knew about it.

"Master Shenjun, if this is the case, then what should we do? If it is really because the Taoist master is determined to intervene in this matter, then there is absolutely no reason for us to succeed." Shaitian said.

With their meager cultivation, they are not even considered ants when faced with a Taoist master! Even the superior of Lord Shenjun is still a small person in front of the Taoist Master.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter. Just wait and act according to the plan." The Lord of Darkness said.

In the upper realm of the Dark Clan, the Dark Lord went to a palace.

"That's how it is. Seniors, I have said this three times." Looking at the three big guys in front of him, Zhou Tianfeng said a little speechlessly.

At this time, Zhou Tianfeng, Huang Immortal Emperor, Master Tianxing, Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, and Di Honglei were all in Zhou Tianfeng's new Immortal World.

And Zhou Tianfeng also repeated what he said before.

Regarding this new Immortal World, the people who had just entered showed unparalleled curiosity, especially the new Immortal World of Master Tianxing. It was actually 1/4 the size of the previous Ancient Immortal Jade, and its aura concentration was also the same as the previous Ancient Immortal Jade. half.

The senior's cultivation level is truly astonishing. The new Heavenly World he gave to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor was already surprising enough, and now he is throwing out a new one. It just crushes the new Heavenly World in terms of aura and space, but it actually has the ability to accelerate time.

"This world of yours was truly unique yesterday! It's much better than my new Heavenly World." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

is not that right? All the configurations in this world are more than double that of his new Heavenly World, whether it is size, spiritual energy concentration or original power.

"Indeed! If this world can be opened up, then our plane may be able to return to its peak in the future." Master Tianxing said.

If there are two Great Principle level beings, they can completely integrate the Flying Immortal World, New Immortal World, New Heavenly World, Luo Heavenly World, Heavenly Beast World, Black Demon World, and the ancient Immortal Domain into one complete Integrated Union, then It can complete their dimension and recreate the perfect Immortal World of the past.

At that time, there will be two realms left in the space, one is the Immortal World and the other is the mortal world.

In today's prehistoric realm, many lower realms such as the Demon Realm space, Spirit World, Mortal Realm, and Beast World can become the mortal world.

In this way, their plane can be restored to its most perfect state. The pinnacle of all cultivators is no longer the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor is just like the Immortal Emperor. It can be cultivated without spending the source energy at all, and the Great Principle is the highest state.

In the Immortal World back then, Immortal Emperor-level experts did not need to consume their original energy to cultivate successfully.

"What does senior mean by this?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The thing is like this. Back then, our world was only divided into the mortal world and the Immortal World. There was no Immortal World, Luo Heavenly World, Black Demon World, and Heavenly Beast World. These four realms were the ancient Immortal Domain. It was formed from the broken fragments. A lot of the original power of the ancient Immortal Domain was lost, but now your new Immortal World, plus the new Heavenly World of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, can perfectly fill the gap in the Immortal World. is lost, when the worlds unite, the perfect Immortal World of the past can be recreated.

After the real Immortal World is restored, the realm of Immortal Emperor is no longer so far away. All cultivators have the opportunity to advance to the realm of Immortal Emperor, and even the legendary Great Principle can be cultivated. "Master Tianxing said.

That senior really treated them well in this plane!

By sending down such two new realms, doesn't this mean that they are required to repair the Immortal World?

"Uh!" Zhou Tianfeng was a little speechless. I just got a new Immortal World and became the master of a world.

My butt is not warm from sitting on it, and my hands are not yet warm, so you ask me to contribute and repair the Immortal World?

"Child, after restoring the Immortal Domain space, you can also master part of the original power in the real Immortal World. You can advance to the Great Principle more easily." Observing that Zhou Tianfeng was a little reluctant, Master Tianxing hurriedly He spoke.

"I can help repair the Immortal World and restore its ancient glory. That junior is obligated to do so. Just take my new Heavenly World senior." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor was the first to stand up and said.

"Seniors, let's wait to discuss this matter later! Our top priority is to defeat Evil Sky and save our plane." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, you are right. There is no rush. To repair the Immortal World, two existences in the Great Principle realm must work together. The top priority now is indeed to defeat the evil sky." Master Tianxing said.

She also expected Zhou Tianfeng's rejection. The child's cultivation time has not been a thousand years, not even 500 years, and he does have some shortcomings in terms of his character.

But in the future, when he reaches a higher level of cultivation, he will understand his good intentions, and the new Heavenly World and the new Immortal World cannot escape.

"These two divine swords, one is for Immortal Emperor Huang, and the other is for senior Tianxing. Please keep them away." Zhou Tianfeng first gave the two divine swords to the two of them.

"Very good, with these magical weapons, the three of us can hurt Sha Tian, ​​and the plan to kill him will be even more perfect." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"Seniors, do you have anything to explain? If not, the juniors can activate the laws of time and space, and we will practice here for the next ten thousand years." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Wait a minute, we still need to get the Ancient Immortal Origin of the Ancient Immortal Jade, and then you guys will practice here, and I will go out and block the evil sky for you." Tianxing said.

The only ones left here to practice this time are Huang Nantian and this kid. Of course, he can't stay here.

"Ancient Immortal True Essence?" Zhou Tianfeng asked a little confused, so what is this?

"It's the true essence left by the ancient immortals who died in the previous war. It was absorbed by me and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. Your current cultivation level cannot touch these things. You must be half a step beyond the realm of the Immortal Emperor." Okay." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

To be honest, even though Zhou Tianfeng kept saying that he wanted to participate in this battle, and he also had the Divine Weapon with him, there were still two pieces.

But neither the Huang Immortal Emperor nor the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, nor Master Tianxing, took this seriously. The main force was still the three of them.

Even if this kid can be promoted to the level of Immortal Emperor by then, it will only be a soy sauce, even with the magic weapon given by the senior.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng curled his lips.

If you don’t want to touch it, don’t touch it! I still don’t like the ancient immortal essence!

I have something better, the original energy of the viral space, let’s find out about it.

But these three really don't regard him as the main player. It doesn't matter. You will know after ten thousand years.

When my cultivation reaches Immortal Emperor, my combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary Immortal Emperor.

All I lack is time. Over the past few hundred years, major events have happened to me one after another, and I have not been given any time to develop stably.

Now, with great difficulty, I finally have a chance to make up for my growth.

(End of chapter)

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