Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 230 I Don’T Have A Natural Disaster, Master Tianxing Is Vigilant

Chapter 230 I don’t have a natural disaster, Master Tianxing is vigilant

It has only been a few hundred years since transmigration. If you were a monk in this world, no matter how talented you were, it would already be cheating if you practiced in the Immortal Realm.

A large part of the reason why his second senior brother was able to cultivate to the realm of true demon was also because of himself.

Without himself, he would not have obtained the heaven-given Taiyin body. Without himself, he would not have obtained the Profound Heaven magic book given by Di Honglei. Without himself, he would not have been sent to the Black Demon World by Queen Ruoxi.

Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng has always been very aware of how buggy and abnormal his body is.

It can be said that in this world, my own physique is a completely unreasonable thing.

There are two Dao spaces created by his own physique alone. One has been formed, and the other is still in the process of being gestated. The thing he lacks most is time.

If I were allowed to develop steadily for hundreds of thousands of years, I would refuse to accept anything.

Just now Master Tianxing said that he would repair the Immortal World, but he, Zhou Tianfeng, is not so selfless now, helping to deal with Sha Tian, ​​and even exposing something, because Sha Tian threatens him.

And what benefits would I get from repairing the Immortal World and sacrificing my own new Immortal World?

Can you mobilize part of the original energy in the Immortal World? So why wouldn't I want a completely new Immortal World?

And the most critical reason why this plane was able to deal with Sha Tian was that he accidentally bumped into Heavenly Venerable and resurrected the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, there would be no Southern Celestial Immortal in this plane with the new Heavenly World and the divine weapons.

If he hadn't transmigrated here, this plane would never be able to withstand the invasion of evil spirits.

Relying on Huang and Tianxing alone, they didn't even have a ten thousandth chance of winning.

What's more, now I also let Heavenly Venerable help from the upper realm, basically increasing the winning rate of this plane to the maximum.

I have already done my best to this plane world, and it is simply impossible for me to sacrifice the new Immortal World to repair the Immortal World.

If you can cultivate to a higher realm, like the Heavenly Venerable of time and space, you can create a realm at will.

Then I can help. It won't be difficult to repair Immortal World or anything.

But now let me sacrifice my own strength to help you repair Immortal World for the benefit of the public.

Haha, I'm not that selfless yet.

"You guys wait here for now, I will get the ancient immortal essence, and then you can just close it and start practicing!" Master Tianxing said.

God helps me! The senior in the upper realm is still worrying about things in their plane.

He also gave two divine weapons to him and Huang, one each, and gave them a chance to practice for ten thousand years.

When the time comes, Huang and Nantian will definitely be able to absorb the power of these ancient immortals. Together with themselves and the formation, their chances of winning will be even greater.

"Thank you, senior." Huang and Nantian said.

Master Tianxing nodded and said:

"Little friend Zhou Tianfeng, please send me out."

In the new Immortal World, it is impossible for the other Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings to tear apart the space with their own power, because this is an owner-occupied thing, just like the new Heavenly World.

Here, the existence of the realm of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor cannot tear apart space at will and travel back and forth freely. Because this realm completely belongs to Zhou Tianfeng, if a person wants to leave or enter here, he must obtain Zhou Tianfeng's authorization.

"Senior, please wait a moment. I wonder if you can do me a favor and bring a few people here?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Tell me who they are? I will bring them here right away." Master Tianxing said.

"Spirit World below, the disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Ming Yanshang, Shuiyun, Xuefeng, and all the disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace in the lower world are also willing to come, please bother senior to bring them here together." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a while. said.

Now is the time to take over his master, uncle, and master wife. Now in the new Immortal World, he can be said to be absolutely powerful.

"Your master, master's wife, master's uncle? In the Spirit World, have they not become immortals yet?" Master Tianxing asked in confusion.

This kid's cultivation has reached the Golden Immortal level. Even if his master is not good enough, he should have become an immortal, right?

Why are you staying in Spirit World? And Jade Water Heavenly Palace? Is it the sect from Flying Immortal World?

"How should I put it? Hundreds of years ago, I was an ordinary monk in the Spirit World. At that time, my cultivation was only in the realm of soul cultivation. Later, I was transported to the Demon Realm space by an Independent Cultivator using a certain space formation. In There I met a Qilin King who wanted to take away my body. This Celestial Immortal level Qilin King wanted to take away my body.

In the end, he failed to seize the body, and instead made a wedding dress for me, which suddenly promoted my cultivation to the Celestial Immortal Realm. After hundreds of years of cultivation, my cultivation reached the Golden Immortal Realm. ” Zhou Tianfeng briefly talked about his experience.

"I remembered, you are Saint Black Tortoise, the outstanding disciple of the Qilin tribe mentioned by Saint Mo Tian and his two brothers. You mysteriously disappeared more than 200 years ago and did not go to my new Heavenly World with the Qilin tribe. They have always been I am very worried about you, your wife and children." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said from the side.

In fact, this matter is related to the Immortal Emperor. After Zhou Tianfeng disappeared, when the two ancestors of the Qilin tribe came to pick him up, they found that the Qilin King they were very optimistic about was missing.

So after sending all the Qilin clan to the new Heavenly World, the two ancestors of the Qilin clan immediately found the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and asked him to help.

Because based on some intelligence within the clan, they determined that the person who sent Zhou Tianfeng away should be an Immortal Emperor.

It's just that the evil turmoil happened to break out at that time, and he didn't have time to deal with it for a while.

He didn't expect that this kid would appear in front of him in such a way.

This kid's future achievements will not be much lower than his own, and he will even go one step further. He is really a formidable person!

"At that time, I got the news about my second senior brother, so I went to look for him, so I couldn't go to the new Heavenly World with my tribe." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Before, he was afraid of Heavenly Venerable, but now he is not afraid anymore.

"I opened the passage to the Black Demon World and sent this boy there. At that time, this boy's cultivation level was only in the Celestial Immortal Realm world." Huang Immortal Emperor said from the side.

"If that's the case, do you want me to send your wife and children over?" said the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

"If that's the case, I'd be very grateful." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He also plans to talk to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor alone later and ask him to send his wife and children over! It's just right now.

"What happened to you kid is quite strange! Your cultivation level in the Soul Cultivation Realm was suddenly promoted to the Celestial Immortal Realm Realm. Did you survive four consecutive heavenly tribulations at that time?" the Heavenly Star Master asked. .

"I didn't survive four heavenly tribulations, not even one. It was also because I was lucky. I originally broke through to the realm of immortality, the realm of lifting clouds, and the realm of ascending to heaven, as well as the heavenly tribulation of becoming an immortal." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Just kidding, as a Taoist master, what kind of disaster can threaten me? In my future cultivation, no heavenly tribulation will be born.

In fact, the essence of the Heavenly Tribulation is a law of elimination, just like some of the exams and postgraduate entrance examinations before transmigrate.

There are only so many resources, and naturally you have to go through some tests before you can get these resources. Becoming an immortal is equivalent to a kind of competition for resources.

If you can cross over, you will become an immortal. If you cannot cross over, you will turn into ashes and become the most original spiritual energy, feeding back into the world.

And his current identity is a Taoist master. Although his cultivation and realm are not qualified, his identity is there, so no heavenly calamity dares to test himself.

For example, the immortal cultivators here start studying in elementary school, go through junior high school, high school and then university. Graduation is equivalent to becoming an immortal.

You need to go through various examinations before you can enter the Immortal World, but you have directly obtained the status of chairman of a company, so you don't need to go through those selections at all.

He stood directly at the top.

"I know about this. Once I explain everything outside clearly, I will bring the person you are looking for." Upon hearing this, Master Tianxing nodded calmly and said.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'll open the space crack right now." After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he controlled the original energy, opened a space crack, and sent Master Tianxing out.

"Tianfeng, is it okay if I call you this? You can also send me to the outside world! I am going to the New Heavenly World to bring your wife and children over. I also need to go to the New Heavenly World to explain some things." At this time, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor standing aside suddenly spoke.

"The same is true for me. I also asked my friend to send me to the Primordial Realm. I also have some things that I need to explain to the Primordial Realm. Girl, come with me." The Immortal Emperor said.

Di Honglei nodded after hearing this and stood next to her father. She now wanted to talk to her father about something.

"Okay! When the two seniors need to come in, just tell them." Zhou Tianfeng nodded without thinking too much, activated his original power, and sent several people out of the new Immortal World in an instant. At this time Only Zhou Tianfeng is left in the huge new Immortal World.

At this time, Master Tianxing was already waiting on the outskirts of the new Immortal World, and she did not leave.

"Senior, why did you call us out?" Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal asked.

"There is something going on. I want you to work with me to seal the entire new Immortal World." Master Tianxing said.

"What? Senior, why is this happening?" Huang Immortal Emperor asked.

Di Honglei, who was following him, also changed his expression.

"Senior, are you kidding me! Why? Why do you want us to seal the new Immortal World?" the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor asked in confusion.

Just before Master Tianxing left, he suddenly sent a message to the two of them, asking them to come out to see him immediately.

I thought I wanted to inform them of something, but I didn't expect that I wanted them to seal the new Immortal World.

(End of chapter)

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