Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 234 Someone From The Dark Clan Is Coming

Chapter 234 Someone from the Dark Clan is Coming

"That's right! That kid has had some adventures over the years, so his cultivation has now reached the Golden Immortal Realm. He specially asked me to come and send you there to reunite with him. You can practice there in the future. Please prepare me. Let me take you there!" Huang Immortal Emperor said.

This is a great thing. The concentration of spiritual energy in the new Immortal World is more than double that of the flying Immortal World. It will be easier to practice there and break through the realm.

All the disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace are only a few thousand. Send them all there. As the master of a world, that kid can create a Spirit World environment by mobilizing the power of the source. The spirit of the fairy spirit is refined into the source spirit.

There is no need to worry about mortals not being able to survive in the Immortal World. As the saying goes, if one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven.

Ming Yanshang and Shui Yun looked at each other and saw two words in each other's eyes.

Do not believe.

Are you kidding me? Gao Tiancheng and Mulan Zhou made it clear when the two brothers came back that Zhou Tianfeng would have to stay in the Demon Realm space for at least the next 2000 years and serve as the Qilin King of the Qilin Tribe.

How could he suddenly go to a place called New Immortal World! They have heard of the Immortal World and the Heavenly World, but they have never heard of the new Immortal World!

(Because their cultivation level is too low, they don’t know about the new Heavenly World.)

How could this kid Zhou Tianfeng inexplicably go to a place called New Immortal World and become the master there?

This is a bit outrageous, okay?

And this is different from the plan of myself and others. They originally planned to find a way to go to the Demon Realm space to find Zhou Tianfeng after they have practiced for a hundred years and stabilized the realm of heaven!

"Senior, we really don't plan to go to any new Immortal World now. We appreciate your kindness." Xue Feng stood up, bowed to the Immortal Emperor, and said.

"You don't have to say anything, I'll just..." Before he finished speaking, the expression of the Immortal Emperor suddenly changed, and the message from the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor had arrived.

"Huang. Something happened. The area around New Immortal World seems to have been attacked by evil spirits."

"I know!" Huang Immortal Emperor did not explain anything to Xue Feng, Ming Yanshang, Shui Yun and disappeared directly in front of them.

Only the three of them were left looking confused.

"Is this man sick? Did we find out some conspiracy and he retreated?" Ming Yanshang said.

"What conspiracy does his cultivation have against us? The other party is probably an immortal-level figure. Can he like us who have not become immortals?" Xue Feng said.

"That's not necessarily the case! You know, Zhou Tianfeng is now the king of the Qilin tribe, and his cultivation has reached the level of an immortal. Moreover, in the Demon Realm space, it is inevitable that there will be some enemies. If the opponent wants to deal with him, but If we can't beat that kid, we can only look for his weakness, and we should consider that kid's weakness!" Ming Yanshang said.

"Hmph! I think that boy has forgotten us elders a long time ago. After so many years, no news has been sent back. Now that he has become the king of the Qilin clan, how can he send someone back to assure us that we are safe? ." Shuiyun said.

"Alas! Sometimes he may not be able to help himself!" Xue Feng said.

"I heard that there is a problem in the upper world. A fierce war is currently breaking out in the Immortal World. Recently, many lower-level immortals have run away from the Immortal World and are hiding in the mortal world." Ming Yanshang said.

"Of course there was a big turmoil, and even our ancestors at Jade Water Heavenly Palace fell." Shuiyun said with a sigh.

They only received the news recently that Jade Water Heavenly Palace's sect in the upper realm has completely collapsed.

Just a few hundred years ago, the first generation sect founder of Jade Water Heavenly Palace died suddenly for unknown reasons.

Without any sign or warning, their founder, Yaoshui Immortal King, died inexplicably.

At the same time, there were several female Immortal Kings from other realms who died, and there seemed to be some connection between them.

Since the death of the head of the Immortal King, Fei Immortal World Jade Water Heavenly Palace has begun to be suppressed from all aspects.

An Immortal King can indeed obtain a lot of resources by flying in the Immortal World, but if she loses this Immortal King, her disciples will not be able to keep these things.

So Jade Water Heavenly Palace began to gradually decline, and even the sects like them in the lower world were implicated. Then things made matters worse again, and the Immortal World was invaded by mysterious forces.

A large number of High Level immortals went to join the battle, while some Low Level immortals used some special means to hide in the Spirit World below by using the passages opened by the Immortal Emperors. And in their Jade Water Heavenly Palace, there were more than a dozen seniors from the Immortal Realm world.

Other large sects in the Spirit World have more or less immortal-level seniors who have come to the lower world to take refuge.

The good news is that there is no senior immortal from their remote area who is interested in coming to practice here.

"Right now, the concession is undergoing turmoil. It is an unprecedented disaster. If you can hide in the mortal world and practice honestly, just hide in the mortal world and practice honestly. Anyway, this disaster has nothing to do with us, and we can't help. What's the matter? That guy Zhou Tianfeng shouldn't have any big problems among the Qilin tribe in the Demon Realm space." Xue Feng said.

"That's all it can do now. Anyway, I will never Ascension within a thousand years."

"Then why don't we go to the Demon Realm space to find that guy Zhou Tianfeng?"

"Of course we have to go, but we have to wait until our cultivation level is a little higher. The Demon Realm space is much more powerful than ours this time. Our current cultivation level is considered to be a master in the Spirit World space, but in the Demon Realm space, It can’t be ranked higher.” Xue Feng said.

It is quite pitiful to say that the four major disciples, the eldest and the third, all abandoned him, and the second and fourth disappeared immediately. He Xuefeng has really failed in recruiting disciples in his life!

"We used to be considered masters, but now at least there are tens of thousands of Low Level immortals in the lower realm. Our meager cultivation level can only be regarded as an above-average one, let alone the Demon Realm space. The Demon Realm space The upper realm is the Black Demon World, which is much crueler than ours." Shuiyun said.

To be honest, she still doesn't want her husband and junior sister to go into danger. That guy Zhou Tianfeng has a higher level of cultivation than the three of them, and the Qilin clan is also a powerful clan in the Demon Realm space. It is said that there are two more people above it. The ancestors in the Immortal King realm should not have anything happen to them. Let’s wait until after this crisis is over and all the immortals return to the upper realm!

"No, no matter what, I will go to the Demon Realm space in 500 years." Ming Yanshang said.


In just the blink of an eye, the Immortal Emperor tore apart space and arrived at the outskirts of the new Immortal World. Standing side by side with Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal, Emperor Honglei was sent back to the wilderness by him, and then locked up again.

"Ara, can you feel it? The surrounding aura is the power of darkness, and the entire New Immortal World has been sealed. I just tried to break these space barriers, but failed." Nan Celestial Emperor Immortal said.

Before the Immortal Emperor arrived, he had already used a great deal of mana to conduct some tentative attacks on the barriers that sealed the new Immortal World, but to no avail. The person who made the seal had a very high level of cultivation.

"Yes! It is indeed the power of darkness! But it doesn't seem to be Sha Tian! Sha Tian's power of darkness is much stronger than this." After the Immortal Emperor inspected the entire new Immortal World, he said .

"Strange! Why did Sha Tian suddenly attack Zhou Tianfeng and just seal this place? But there were no signs of a fight. In other words, Sha Tian did not enter it." Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

"Let's try together to see if we can break this barrier." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal nodded, and the two of them took out their divine steps at the same time, then poured their mana into it, concentrated it in one place, and started to attack.

Under the attack of two powerful men who surpassed the Immortal Emperor's cultivation level, this barrier was still able to remain motionless, showing no signs of being breached.

After entering the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng immediately wanted to mobilize the original energy in the virus space, and then attack the external barrier.

This seal is indeed very strong, but if I use the original energy in the virus space, it should be invincible. After all, this thing can also help a master of the Heavenly Venerable Realm to reshape the body and break a sealing barrier. No big deal.

Taoist Master: The original energy of the virus space can indeed break through the seal quickly, but with your current cultivation and body, you cannot bear even a trace of the original energy, and you cannot bring it into reality at all.

Viral Space’s answer directly poured cold water on Zhou Tianfeng.

So you mean, I'm going to be trapped?

Now in the entire virus space, only Zhou Tianfeng is left, and there are two others who have been sealed.

Time and Space Heavenly Venerable has left without knowing when. He does not need to practice the virus method, so he does not usually stay in the virus space.

As long as the Dao Master's cultivation reaches the level of Immortal Emperor or above, he can mobilize the weak source energy of the virus space to be used in the outside world, and he can easily break the seal.

"What you said is easy. I'm afraid it will take more than 10,000 years! In the outside world, more than 1,000 years have passed. During this period, I can't do anything?

I remember that I had mobilized my original energy to save people before. Why can't I do it now? "

Taoist Master: Your current body cannot bear the power of the original source at all. Unless you use the virus space, you will not be able to contact the original energy at all, and your body will be torn apart by the original energy in an instant.

Just when Zhou Tianfeng was about to ask something, an uninvited guest also appeared on the periphery of the virus space.

"The Dark Clan and the Dark Star Divine King have come to pay their respects. They also ask the Lord of the New Way to show up." A voice came into the virus space.

The Dark Clan, Dark Star Divine King?

(End of chapter)

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