Chapter 235 Dark Star Divine King

The Dark Clan? Or the Divine King of the Dark Clan, is there any mistake?

It turned out that a Divine King came. During this period, Zhou Tianfeng had a good chat with Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space. There are nine Divine Kings in the Dark Clan, and the Divine King's cultivation level is above that of Heavenly Venerable.

The Divine King from the Dark Clan is here, I'm afraid he's coming with bad intentions! Could it be that the other party discovered something?

Probably not. If he really found out what happened to him, he wouldn't come to see him at all at this time. Instead, he would go to the lower world to catch his true self.

However, Zhou Tianfeng was not too panicked at this time. He was absolutely safe in the virus space.

Unless there is an existence at the level of Tao Master, there is absolutely no threat to me. If I stay in the space of Tao, I, Innate, will be invincible.

"What is the purpose of this Dark Star Fellow Daoist coming here this time?" Zhou Tianfeng asked through the virus space.

Ask clearly first to see what the other party wants to do this time.

"Hahaha! I don't dare to take it seriously as a Fellow Daoist. Your Excellency, as the Lord of the New Way, is indeed of extraordinary status and noble status, but it is really inappropriate to bully the younger generations of our clan like this." The Dark Star Divine King outside smiled and said.

"Oh! As the leader of a group, when have I ever bullied your juniors?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Why do you need to ask questions knowingly? One of my subordinates is conquering a plane in the world. That plane is just a incomplete plane. The laws are not very comprehensive. There are not even monks in the Great Principle realm. There are no new ways. Lord, why should we protect it? Our clan just wants a place for future generations of disciples to live in." Dark Star Divine King said.

Not long ago, the Dark God King visited the Dark Star Divine King and told him about the interference of a Taoist master.

Knowing that there is an advanced Taoist master, and after joining the new Taoist master, the Dark Star Divine King is also a little difficult to deal with.

But behind him, he was waiting for the boss of the Dark Clan, who was also a Taoist master, and he couldn't lose face, so he came over to test him.

Let’s talk to this powerful Taoist master first to see what he means. Is it necessary to protect that realm?

"Oh! Your Excellency, you mean that I am nosy?" Zhou Tianfeng said with a sneer.

"The Lord of our clan is also a Dao Master, and he is also a Dao Master of the Dark Path, but he is now in a deep sleep. I hope that the Lord of the New Dao will give me face and allow me, the descendant of the Dark Clan, to have a place to live. I'm so grateful." Dark Star Divine King said.

Give me some face, who do you think you are? Owner of the fruit of face? Give you face and turn it into a habitat for your clan.

Even if I keep my life, no matter what, nothing will happen to the lower realm. I have to find a way to deal with this Dark Star Divine King today.

"The plane you want to occupy has my registered disciples and a junior member of the clan. According to you, do I want to give you face and hand over the lives of my registered disciples and the junior members of the clan? ?Then where does the face of me, the Taoist Master, belong?

Could it be that I want my registered disciples and the descendants of my clan to sacrifice their lives with both hands? You dark clan want a habitat, don’t my clan need a habitat? Zhou Tianfeng said.

After hearing this, the Dark Star Divine King's face changed slightly, and he glanced at the Dark Lord, as if to say, why didn't you tell me that the other party also has a named disciple and a junior in the clan who are in the world you are conquering? ?

They just ignored this matter. If the other party was also a Divine King, then he would naturally attack him, but after all, the other party was also the Lord of the New Way, so he really had to give him face!

Seeing the questioning look in the Dark Star Divine King's eyes, the Dark Star Divine King was also suffering and couldn't tell, I don't know!

I thought it was Time and Space Heavenly Venerable who asked this Taoist for help! After working on it for a long time, I found out that this Taoist master is the real master of suffering, okay?

Things are getting difficult to handle now. I thought that Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time was against myself and others, but I didn’t expect that Heavenly Venerable of Space and Time was actually under the instigation of others.

"Hahaha! But I, the Dark Clan, have been rude, and the Lord of the New Way still finds it strange. In this case, how about we, the Dark Clan, naturally give up on that realm?" Dark Star Divine King said.

It is indeed not a wise move to offend a new Taoist master for the sake of a small incomplete plane in the lower realm.

There are so many lower realms in the world, just like water flowing across a river. What kind of lower realm planes can’t be found? Why hang on a rope?

At this moment, many practitioners outside the virus space have gathered here to see what is going on.

When they first heard the conversation between the two, they were all shocked. The Divine King of the Dark Clan was actually quite rude to the new Taoist Master!

Although the leader of the Dark Clan is also a Dao Master, that one is still asleep after all, and this one is awake. How dare you dare to offend a Dao Master?

But in the end I heard Dark Star Divine King relent. Some of the monks around also nodded secretly. This is right. How could you, a Divine King, go head-to-head with a Taoist master?

"How about the Lord of the New Way and our Dark Clan turn their hostility into friendship?" Zhou Tianfeng from the Dark Star Divine King team bowed and said sincerely.

How to answer him? Refuse or agree? Of course it would be good for me to agree, but if I agreed so easily, I would inevitably lose my identity as a Taoist master!

After all, it was this group of dark people who came to provoke me, so I had to find a way to get down.

"I wanted to kill the Dark Lord, what do you think?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Dark Lord who was following the Dark Star Divine King heard this, his face changed, and he looked extremely panicked. He had a bad premonition when he was personally named by a Taoist-level existence.

If a Taoist master is determined to kill him, he will not be able to survive no matter what. Let alone himself, anyone in the Divine King realm is in danger.

The Dark Star Divine King patted the Dark Lord on the shoulder, signaled the other party not to panic, and then spoke. :

"The Lord of the New Daoist should understand that our Dark Clan is extremely united and we will not give up any of our clan members. However, since the Lord of Darkness has offended the Fellow Daoist, I will compensate the Lord of the New Daoist for this matter. How about being a named disciple?"

"Oh, then I wonder how Dark Star Divine King wants to compensate him?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"After your named disciple Ascension goes to the world, can I give him a Divine King weapon?" Dark Star Divine King thought for a moment and said.

The Divine King weapon turned out to be a Divine King weapon!

The faces of all the Heavenly Venerables and Divine Lords around them changed drastically. None of them expected it. The Dark Star Divine King actually took out a Divine King weapon so generously to compensate the other party.

But after all, it is just a lower-level plane, and the Dark Clan has not successfully occupied it. Is it so easy to take out a Divine King weapon to compensate the opponent?

"Oh! A Divine King weapon, the Dark Star Divine King is really generous!" Zhou Tianfeng said calmly.

In fact, he had no idea what the Divine King was or what grade it was, but judging from the surprised looks of the monks around him, it must be very precious.

"After your named disciple Ascension goes to the world, I will naturally give him a Divine King weapon. Then just ask him to come to the Dark Palace to find me." Dark Star Divine King said.

I don't dare to get it myself, but it's good to scare you away. It will probably be a long time before I come to the upper world, so don't worry now.

"When the time comes, I will ask the named disciple to go and ask for advice in person, and hope that the Dark Star Divine King will take care of him." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! Since then, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will say goodbye. Soon our Dark Clan will withdraw all the people from the lower plane." After Dark Star Divine King finished speaking, he led The Dark Lord left without looking back.

After Dark Star Divine King left, Zhou Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief and finally bluffed the opponent.

Since they decided to evacuate everyone, the seal of their new Immortal World should be released, right?

Really, didn’t you expect that this crisis would be resolved so easily?

At this moment, among a group of onlookers Daoists, a woman in a purple robe who looked to be in her 20s suddenly came to the periphery of Zhou Tianfeng's virus space, bowed slightly, and spoke.

"The slave family is Heavenly Venerable, and I also ask the Lord of the New Way to release my husband."

Release your husband? When did I arrest your husband?

And who are you? I don't even know you.

"Who are you? Who is your husband?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The husband of the slave family should be the God of Destruction. He practices the law of destruction. He offended the Lord of the New Way hundreds of years ago and was sealed by the Lord of the New Way. I hope the Lord of the New Way will show mercy." Heavenly Venerable spoke.

The God of Destruction? It must be the thing sealed in his own space. That thing can't be released. He has guessed a little bit about himself.

"Hmph! He offended me? Back then, he even threatened to occupy my new space. I will suppress it for a million years, and then I will release him after a million years." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Senior! Can you let me enter your Tao space, and the two of us will discuss it in detail." Heavenly Venerable said with a sweet smile.

The Dark Star Divine King on the other side returned to his Divine King's palace with the Dark Lord.

"Master Divine King, I will ask Shaitian and Ruoxi to withdraw now and never interfere in the affairs of that realm again." The Dark Lord said.

"No! Don't withdraw them, let them continue to act as planned, and don't even tell them everything that happened today." Dark Star Divine King said.

"What? Lord Divine King, didn't you just make an agreement with the Lord of the New Way?" the Lord of Darkness asked.

"There's something wrong with the new master of the new way. I can't tell. His cultivation level doesn't seem to have reached the Heavenly Venerable Realm realm, or even lower. I want to test it out. Just let your people act according to the plan. Everything Let me bear it." Dark Star Divine King said.

The reason he spoke so humbly just now was to test the other party, but during the conversation, he discovered something wrong with the new master of the new way.

(End of chapter)

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