Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 236 God Lord And Heavenly Venerable, God Clan

Chapter 236 God Lord and Heavenly Venerable, God Clan

"Hmph! Others can't see his depth, but I can't see his depth? He is indeed the master of this new way, but his cultivation level may not even reach the level of the Divine King, and may even be worse than that of the Divine King. Heavenly Venerable." Dark Star Divine King said.

"What? Well, this Taoist master has not yet reached the level of Heavenly Venerable. Divine King, is this impossible? How can a Heavenly Venerable become a Taoist master? There is so much difference in the realm." The Lord of Darkness said.

This thing is too shocking. How is it possible for a Taoist-level existence, how is it possible, that the real cultivation level is not Heavenly Venerable?

"I just have suspicions now, I can't be sure yet, but my guess is correct. I interviewed him several times before, but he didn't show any performance." Dark Star Divine King said.

When talking to Zhou Tianfeng, he secretly used magic power to test several times. If the other person was a Divine King like him, or a real Taoist master, then he should be able to detect his little moves.

But the other party showed no sign at all, and didn't even notice his little move. That's why the Dark Star Divine King suspected that the master of the new way might have a shockingly low level of cultivation.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, he is just the spokesperson of the Taoist master. The true Taoist fell into a deep sleep, just like the Lord of Darkness.

Although he can use all the power of the Tao Space, he is not a real Tao Master after all, so he cannot exert the power of the Tao Master.

There is also the fact that the real Taoist master has died, and this boy was lucky enough to obtain the Taoist space. However, this is unlikely, because when a Taoist space is born, it will appear in the Taoist realm.

So it can't be hidden at all. If it is a very ancient Taoist master, then its Tao space should have appeared long ago, not just recently.

So the real Taoist master is sleeping, and this kid is just lucky enough to be chosen as the spokesperson. This is the most likely possibility, because even the cultivation level of the loving Divine King cannot be imagined. There is a being with extremely low cultivation level who can actually comprehend and create a complete Great Dao.

If this is the case, then they have a lot of room for maneuver. Although they are both Taoist masters, they are also different in strength and weakness. Compared with a new Taoist Taoist master and a real old Taoist master, there is still a big gap in strength.

Just like an old Heavenly Venerable, the old Divine King can easily defeat the new Divine King. The new Heavenly Venerable is the same.

Lord of Darkness. He should be waking up soon. By the time. Master the information about this new Tao Lord in advance, and even find a way to sneak into his Tao space.

At that time, you can help the Lord of Darkness completely seize this way, and then the Lord of Darkness will be unprecedentedly powerful.

and. It can be said that they are familiar with this matter. The Lord of Darkness once led their nine Divine Kings and captured two Tao spaces.

This also resulted in the nine Divine Kings of their dark clan being much more powerful than the ordinary Spirit Ascension Kings.

"Master Divine King, if that subordinate acts according to the plan, what if he offends the Taoist master?" the Dark Lord said.

You are a Divine King. There is a Lord of Darkness covering it, so of course I'm not afraid of him, but I'm just an ordinary god!

Among the Dark Clan, there are dozens of divine kings like him.

(Let me explain here, the combat power of Divine Lord and Heavenly Venerable is actually similar, but the two names are different. Divine Lord is generally a powerful person who appears in a race, while Heavenly Venerable is a strong person who understands a law on his own. In terms of potential, If so, Heavenly Venerable’s potential is higher.)

"What are you afraid of? You don't need to do this yourself. You just need to use your men as bait. As for their life and death, it doesn't matter. It would be great if you could test the truth of this new master. But." Dark Star Divine King said.

"It's Lord Divine King, my subordinates know." The Lord of Darkness said with a wry smile.

"Remember this! Let your two subordinates be very high-profile and try their best to capture that area. You can even give them some support. If you can't send support, I can help you, but But you can't go too far, you must keep the strength of both sides in a situation where they are evenly matched, so that I can see some details, do you understand?" Dark Star Divine King said.

"What the Divine King means is to let them go all out to win. But they are not allowed to win. Let the strength of both sides remain balanced, and then you can see something." The Dark Lord asked cautiously .

Why could a Low Level lower plane be favored by a Divine King? Even if we want to test this new master, it seems that we can use other methods. Isn't this method a bit too stupid?

"You don't need to ask any more, just do what I want. If this is done, wait for me to cook it. Devour this. After the new Tao space, you will be the first to succeed. When the time comes, our Lord may give you a chance to become Divine King’s opportunity.” Dark Star Divine King said.

The Divine King became a Divine King. When the Dark Lord heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red. He would fight for the position of Divine King no matter what. Becoming the tenth Divine King of the Dark Clan is so exciting just thinking about it!

"Don't worry, Divine King, my subordinates will do their best to win or lose." The Dark Lord bowed to the secret believer Divine King and said.

"Boys can be taught." Dark Star Divine King also nodded with great satisfaction.

Only when you are invincible can you conduct the best test, and you have your own explanation and escape route. Even if the new spider was blamed, he could shirk it by saying that the junior behind him didn't understand the rules.

"You want to enter my Dao Space?" Zhou Tianfeng said with some surprise as he looked at the purple-clothed beauty in front of him.

"Master Dao, I have something that I can use in exchange for Master Dao to release my husband." Heavenly Venerable said.

Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment, opened the entrance to the virus space, and let in the Heavenly Venerable.

Anyway, in the virus space, he is the absolute master, and no one can defy his will, so he is not afraid of what Heavenly Venerable does, as the other party will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

After Heavenly Venerable entered the virus space, he bowed respectfully to Zhou Tianfeng, and then looked at the two huge sealed objects beside Zhou Tianfeng.

And one of them is her husband, the God of Destruction, the son of a Divine King of the Destruction clan.

"What do you want to give in exchange for his life? You said you can impress me, the Taoist master." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Master Taoist, I would like to ask you to kill the God of Destruction instead of letting him out." Heavenly Venerable said.

? ? ? ?

Holy shit! After doing this for a long time, you are not here to save your husband, you are here to kill him! There is a story!

"Master Dao should be able to see that I am a Heavenly Venerable, and he is a divine king. I practice the Tao of Nirvana, but he practices the Law of Annihilation." Heavenly Venerable said.

The combat capabilities of Heavenly Venerable and Shenjun are similar, but there are essential differences between the two. Heavenly Venerable is usually a practitioner from the lower realm who has come up through Ascension step by step.

The Divine King is a middle-to-upper-level leader of the Divine Clan. His status is only below the Divine King. He is usually the descendant of the Divine King or an important successor of the Divine Clan.

Every Taoist master can develop a divine race that belongs only to himself, and then rely on the power of Tao space to establish his own divine realm.

"So, is this the reason why you want to kill him?"

"I came up step by step from the mortal realm, a lower plane. I have been practicing for tens of millions of years. When I was practicing in the lower realm, I also had children and a husband.

But they were all killed by the God of Destruction, and I was forcibly married by him into the Destruction Clan. The Destruction Clan is the same as the Dark Clan. "Heavenly Venerable knelt on the ground and said.

It is difficult for Heavenly Venerables like them to survive in the upper world because they have to be constantly suppressed by the gods. If they are not careful, they will die.

"Oh! If I help you kill him, it will be like offending the Mie Shi Clan, which is a thankless task for me!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Lord Taoist! Let's not talk secretly. I practice the Tao of Nirvana. If you, Taoist, are willing to help me, I can make an oath of heaven to follow you from now on without any second thoughts." Heavenly Venerable said.

The path to annihilation? Do you know what the path of annihilation is?

I'll help you kill him. The problem is that I can't kill him. I just sealed his Divine Body here. If I destroy his Divine Body now.

His true self will wake up. Although the strength will be greatly reduced, the threat to me is still huge. Zhou Tianfeng cannot guarantee whether he will remember what happened in the virus space and know his true situation.

"A little Heavenly Venerable, I won't offend the Destroying Clan because of you. I will only imprison him for a million years and then release him." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Master Taoist, I, I practice the Tao of Nirvana, I, I can help you practice." Heavenly Venerable looked at Zhou Tianfeng speechlessly, and emphasized again.

Doesn’t this Lord of the New Way know what the Way of Nirvana represents?

After hundreds of millions of years, I am the only Heavenly Venerable who has mastered the path of annihilation!

He shouldn't be unaware of his own worth! He, this, what does this mean?

It is not too difficult for him to kill a god king of the world-destroying clan, and it was the god-lord of the world-destroying clan who came to provoke him.

Even if they are killed by this new master, the Destruction Clan will not say anything.

After all, for so many years, the Destruction Clan has not come to negotiate with the new master, and you can tell something.

Just when the scene fell into a very embarrassing situation, another figure appeared in the virus space, it was Heavenly Venerable in time and space.

"Heavenly Venerable, you, why are you here?"

(End of chapter)

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