Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 24: Second Dose Of Poison, Immunity

Chapter 24: Second Poisoning, Immunity

"Master, disciple has recently been unwell. Can we postpone this matter for a while?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Please, just a few days ago I just became immune to one type of poison, and now the source of all evil is coming again?

"Don't worry, this medicine is harmless," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"After disciple enters that state of rage, the body becomes weak and burdensome," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Alright, let's wait for a month then! Alright, come with me. I'm going to teach you poison techniques. Once this kid's cultivation improves a bit more, we can advance these matters.

Over the next two months, Zhou Tianfeng's learning journey was accompanied by a female classmate and disciple, Cheng Xiaoyue, a fox spirit beauty who stood at around 1.7 meters tall.

After getting to know her, Zhou Tianfeng realized that this fox sister was actually over 60 years old. Because she was a half-demon, her growth cycle was longer than that of ordinary humans, but shorter than that of ordinary fox spirits.

She was currently equivalent to a 20-year-old human. In terms of cultivation, she had already reached the Qi Condensation Late Stage and was only one step away from Foundation Building.

After starting his learning journey, Zhou Tianfeng's brutal intelligence attribute immediately overwhelmed the other party, making this half-human, half-fox beauty realize the terrifying attributes of humans.

No matter what it was, as long as Blood Shadow Ancestor taught Zhou Tianfeng once, he would immediately remember it. He even remembered the proportions of various medicinal formulas very clearly, with almost no mistakes.

This made the fox spirit sister fall into a deep self-doubt. She had considered herself a little genius since childhood, but compared to this guy, it seemed like she was far behind.

Is this a joke? He learns knowledge from books faster than me, and he learns what the ancestor teaches faster than me too.

"Remember! Be careful when preparing these highly toxic substances. The dosage must be precise. A little more or a little less can have serious consequences," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"What could go wrong, Master? If the dosage is slightly higher, the toxicity will be stronger, so wouldn't it be better for killing the target?" Cheng Xiaoyue said.

You're wrong. If the dosage is a bit higher, it could cause various chain reactions. For example, the antidote might become ineffective. If you end up being poisoned by your own poison and the antidote doesn't work, then you would die by your own hands. And if the dosage is slightly off, if you mix more than a dozen types of poisons together, serious problems can occur. It might neutralize the toxicity and weaken the potency of the medicine," Zhou Tianfeng sneered and said.

Joking aside, I am now a complete academic overachiever. I must surpass this girl no matter what.

After his mind became smarter, these benefits became apparent. First of all, his learning ability, comprehension ability, and memory ability all surpassed this girl.

"Me, you, hmph! Poison techniques are just a minor skill! How many people in the world are skilled in poison? Most poison masters will shorten their own lifespan. Being in contact with poison all year round has serious effects on their bodies," Cheng Xiaoyue said.

Really, why learn something like poison techniques? If you want a certain poison, just prepare it in advance. But if you really want to become an expert in this field, forget it! The damage to your own body is too great.

With this effort, why not go and learn how to refine corpse puppets from Second Senior Uncle, or practice the various evil arts unique to the Blood Shadow Sect?

"Master, it has been exactly two months. Everything you've taught is related to poison techniques. Can't you teach something else? Like the Mind Control Technique, Blood Soul Technique, Blood Refining Method, and other things from the Blood Shadow Sect?" Cheng Xiaoyue said.

My Blood Shadow Sect is also very proficient in poison techniques. Your father was very skilled in this field. Now that I'm teaching you, you don't want to learn?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Teaching this girl is just secondary. His main goal is to cultivate Zhou Tianfeng. He is very satisfied with Zhou Tianfeng's learning ability!

Two months have passed, if it weren't for this girl slowing us down, Zhou Tianfeng, the fourth disciple, would have learned even more.

"My father is skilled in refining various poisonous pills and Beast Cores, but I'm not interested in that. Old Ancestor, why don't you teach us something else?" Cheng Xiaoyue said.

"Alright! Tomorrow, I'll take you to the second senior brother's place and let him personally refine a corpse puppet for you to see," Blood Shadow Ancestor thought for a moment and said.

It's time to use the second type of highly toxic substance on Zhou Tianfeng. This matter cannot be discovered by this girl for now. The matter of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body must remain confidential for the time being.

"Alright! It's not bad to see the second senior brother refining a corpse puppet. At least it's more interesting than researching various toxins here," Cheng Xiaoyue said.

These few days have been so frustrating. Initially, she was quite interested in practicing poison techniques, after all, it was something her father excelled in. But with Zhou Tianfeng around, she wasn't enjoying it as much.

This guy is really annoying. He just arrived at the Blood Shadow Sect not long ago, and his father was forced to leave. Now, being suppressed by a genius, it's too uncomfortable.

"Alright! Since that's the case, Xiaoyue, you can go back for now. Let your fourth senior brother take care of the rest," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes!" Cheng Xiaoyue bowed to Blood Shadow Ancestor, then turned and left the room.

"You should know what I want you to do when I leave you alone, right?"

"Disciple knows. It has been two months, and disciple can take the next type of highly toxic substance," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! Here you go." Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded and handed Zhou Tianfeng a blue pill the size of a soybean.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately stepped forward and took the poisonous pill.

"Good disciple, do you know what kind of poison this is?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

Zhou Tianfeng picked up the pill, carefully observed it, and then sniffed it near his nose before speaking.

"Master, if disciple is not mistaken, this should be the Falling Heart Pill. This pill is highly toxic. If an ordinary cultivator takes it, their heart and lungs will rapidly deteriorate. Within a day, their entire heart chamber will rot and they will die," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's right! After a Qi Condensation Late Stage cultivator takes this pill, if they don't take the antidote within two hours, they will undoubtedly die. A Foundation Building Stage cultivator can last for a day," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded, swallowed the pill directly, and felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Soon after, he had some difficulty breathing, but that was all. This time, Zhou Tianfeng's body did not have a fever.

By the evening of that day, Zhou Tianfeng had returned to normal and successfully withstood the highly toxic substance.

Well, now his resistance to poison is truly powerful.

The enhancement of human immunity is not a joke!

Moreover, his immunity is still continuously strengthening.

(End of this chapter)

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