Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 25 Hundred Poisons Killing Immortal Blade

Chapter 25: Hundred Poison Immortal Blade

This successful immunity made Zhou Tianfeng extremely excited. His immune system was truly amazing.

Zhou Tianfeng recalled that in his previous life, he had watched a popular science program that explained how the human immune system and the immune systems of animals worked in similar ways, with only differences in strength.

For example, bats have a much stronger immune system than humans because the metabolic consumption and body heat they generate during flight is several times that of humans.

With his current body's dozens of times the physical fitness of a human, it was effortless for him to withstand these poisonous drugs. Moreover, his body would produce antibodies, making him no longer afraid of these highly toxic substances. Therefore, the various characteristics of his body were perfectly compatible with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body of this world.

Furthermore, as his cultivation level improved, his physical fitness would continue to change, and the strengths of the human body would be fully manifested.

Blood Shadow Ancestor beside him was even more excited than Zhou Tianfeng. This time, this kid didn't roll on the ground in agony like last time. After just a few hours, he successfully withstood the poison of the Falling Heart Pill. It was truly amazing.

"Hahaha, my good disciple, your Transforming Poison Spirit Body is now starting to take effect. You should know that if a cultivator of your realm were to take this kind of poison, they would undoubtedly die within a few hours. But after a few hours, you have no problems at all. You truly are the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body," Blood Shadow Ancestor said excitedly.

"Yes, Master, I am indeed the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body, born with the ability to neutralize all kinds of poisons in the world. Hahaha!" Zhou Tianfeng also laughed and said.

"Hahaha! Good disciple, there is a Supreme Grade weapon in our sect called the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade. I plan to let you refine it. Only you can refine it, and only you can use it," Blood Shadow Ancestor patted Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder and said.

"Master, may I ask what kind of weapon you are referring to?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Only I can use it, only I can refine it, and it's related to toxins? Well, it seems that in the future, I will have to rely on poison techniques to travel the world.

"This item is called the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade. It is an extremely vicious poison knife. If this treasure can be refined, even if you cross two or three major realms in the future, you will be able to kill your opponents," Blood Shadow Ancestor said proudly.

In the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty, when it came to proficiency in poison techniques, their Blood Shadow Sect ranked second, and no one dared to claim the first place.

However, practicing toxins would cause great burden to the body. When using toxins to attack enemies, the body must hide the toxins, which would cause various injuries. But this disciple had no such concerns at all.

"Please enlighten me, Master. What is the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Hundred Poison Immortal Blade! The name sounds powerful.

"Hahaha! In our Blood Shadow Sect, there is a method of refining a Law Weapon called the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade. As the name suggests, it involves mixing 100 different poisons and applying them to the blade, then refining it into a Supreme Grade poison knife.

Normally, it is hidden on the body. When attacking an enemy, you can directly use this knife to cut them unexpectedly.

Even if you are two to three realms higher than me, it is still possible to counter-kill in the same spot. After all, when it comes to poison-making, no matter how strong your cultivation is, even if your cultivation is slightly stronger, it only means that your resistance to poison is slightly stronger.

However, each type of poison in the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade is a combination of more than ten types of poisonous flowers, insects, and plants. This poison concoction consists of 100 different types of poison, which are then collectively refined onto the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade. Even experts in the Soul Cultivation realm would die instantly if they were struck by this poisoned blade.

But refining this weapon is indeed very troublesome. First of all, the materials must be of good quality because materials that can withstand a hundred types of mixed poison are not easy to find.

Moreover, carrying this weapon on your body is a great burden on your physical body. If you carry this weapon regularly, within a few years, you will be poisoned to death.

Furthermore, these 100 types of poison gradually dissipate every twenty years, so you have to reconfigure the poison and reapply it to the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade.

Therefore, if you don't have the legendary Poison Body or a Transforming Poison Spirit Body like you, it is simply impossible to use this treasure. Perhaps before you kill the person who poisoned you, you would have already been poisoned to death.

But with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, you can perfectly avoid these drawbacks. The Transforming Poison Spirit Body itself can resist all kinds of potent poisons, so you don't have to worry about being harmed by these poisons.

As for the need to reforge a hundred types of poison every twenty years and the further damage to the body, the Poison Cleansing Spirit doesn't care at all." Blood Shadow Ancestor explained in great detail the benefits of the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Master's words are correct. If that's the case, this treasure does indeed require the disciple to refine it and is very suitable for the disciple to use," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Well, this Hundred Poison Immortal Blade is indeed very suitable for him to use. Each type of poison is a combination of several poisonous insects and flowers, and this poison concoction consists of 100 types. Not to mention anything else, even in terms of quantity, it can put enemies to death.

But maybe I can create an even more potent poison. As long as my guess is correct, I can create a poison that is almost incurable in this world.

"Let me tell you, in my Blood Shadow Sect, there is a senior who is said to have the legendary Poison Body. He is a descendant of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. When he was alive during the most glorious time of my Blood Shadow Sect, even though his cultivation level was only at the Transcending Mortality stage, even experts in the Immortal Transformation realm didn't dare to provoke him. This intimidation came from the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade," Blood Shadow Ancestor said, reminiscing.

When I just entered cultivation, that senior's life had already come to an end. At that time, Blood Shadow Ancestor was so arrogant! (Each generation's Blood Shadow Sect master is called Blood Shadow Ancestor.)

At that time, the Heaven Inspiring Army had not yet been established, and the Heavenly Universe Dynasty had not yet been established. Five hundred years ago, Blood Shadow Ancestor was a true big shot in the demonic path. Both the righteous and evil paths feared the Blood Shadow Ancestor at that time.

But when it was my turn to inherit the title of Blood Shadow Ancestor, I had no intimidation power at all. My good disciple, when you inherit the title of Blood Shadow Ancestor, you must let these prestigious sects see the power of the Blood Shadow Sect.

"Does Master mean to give this treasure to the disciple?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Haha, if I don't give it to you, who else can I give it to? This blade has been in my Blood Shadow Sect for five hundred years, and it's time for it to regain its former glory.

However, the hundred poisons in this treasure have already lost their effectiveness. If you want to use this treasure again, you must reach the Foundation Building realm and then configure a hundred types of poison. So, my good disciple, when will you become immune to a hundred types of poison? And when your cultivation reaches the Foundation Building realm, you can use this treasure. I will give it to you," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

PS: Thanks, buddy, for your vote.

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