Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 26 Set A Small Goal First: I Want To Become An Immortal

Chapter 26: Setting a Small Goal: I Want to Become Immortal

The effects of the hundred types of highly toxic substances have already worn off, but it doesn't matter! I can reconfigure them myself. The Blood Shadow Sect contains records of various methods for preparing toxic pills and powders, and I have silently memorized them all. Now, all that's lacking is practical experience.

As for reaching the Foundation Building Stage in cultivation, that's not a problem for him either. Recently, he has discovered something miraculous about his body: the speed at which it absorbs spiritual energy is increasing day by day.

Now, his cultivation can break through to the mid-stage of Qi Condensation at any time. It won't be a problem to reach the Foundation Building Stage in a few years.

Moreover, the most important thing for the Foundation Building Stage, the Foundation Building Pill, he believes that his teacher, the Blood Shadow Ancestor, will not treat him unfairly. As for refining the Foundation Building Pill himself, there is no need. Since there are ready-made ones, why bother with the trouble? Instead of that, he would rather focus on studying poison techniques.

He has already finished reading all the books on poison techniques in the first and second levels of the Blood Shadow Sect's collection. Now, he is reading other books. It must be said that the amount of books in the Blood Shadow Sect's collection is truly enormous. With his current memory, it would take a long time to read them all, but it's all worth it.

If he can completely memorize everything in the first and second levels of the library, it would be enough for him to cultivate for a long time. It contains various methods for refining evil techniques, wicked methods, and evil objects. He needs to memorize them all and keep them in his mind so that he can master them in his future cultivation step by step.

As for the books in the third level, which contain secret techniques only open to the Blood Shadow Ancestors of past generations, Zhou Tianfeng also has no intention of letting them go. Since the Blood Shadow Ancestor values him so much, he will strive to become the next Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Master, rest assured, your disciple will definitely live up to the reputation of the senior. I will definitely make the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade shine brightly and dominate the world in this era," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! You have ambition, and I believe you can do it," Blood Shadow Ancestor said, patting Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder with satisfaction.

That's the kind of ambition I want. With the Transforming Poison Spirit Body and this unique self-growing spiritual root, if this kid doesn't aspire to dominate this era, I wouldn't have put so much effort into cultivating him.

"Good disciple, I have carefully calculated it. If you want to be completely immune to these 100 poisons, it will take you about 17 years to master one type of highly toxic substance every two months. During this period, with your aptitude, reaching the Foundation Building Stage will be extremely easy. So from now on, you just need to focus on cultivation, continue studying poison techniques, and understand the path of poison," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes! Master, rest assured, your disciple will not disappoint your expectations. Maybe in a few more years, when my cultivation level is higher, the ability of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body will also increase. At that time, I may be able to take one type of poison every half a month or a month and then neutralize it," the next Blood Shadow Ancestor, none other than me.

As long as my physical fitness and cultivation improve, my immunity will become stronger. By then, I may be able to take several types of poison at once, and it will only take one or two days to become immune, without fever or any significant burden on my body. My immunity can completely withstand it.

"Haha, it's good that you have confidence, but this kind of thing can't be rushed. It absolutely cannot harm your foundation. When your cultivation level is higher in the future, we can take one dose of poison every month, but it must not be less than that," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Thank you for your concern, Master. Please rest assured, your disciple's Transforming Poison Spirit Body will definitely not let you down," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"By the way, I have already prepared the medicine that can make you excited and enter that furious state I mentioned before. After we finish observing your second senior brother's corpse puppet tomorrow, the two of us will test it," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

He has spent a full two months diluting and preparing the medicine that can make people extremely excited, ready to be taken by his disciple. He hopes that this excited state will trigger his furious state. Otherwise, he will have to use his own methods.

"It is Master! Disciple understands," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! That's enough for today! The sky is already dark, tomorrow I will take you to your second senior brother's place to let you see his corpse. You should go back and rest!" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

After bidding farewell to Blood Shadow Ancestor, Zhou Tianfeng returned to his room. There were still a few hours left until dawn, and he couldn't sleep, so he sat on the bed and practiced meditation.

Crazily absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it entered his body. Now his body had completely adapted to the spiritual energy and had a crazy desire for this substance.

Every cell in Zhou Tianfeng's body was sending him a message, to absorb more spiritual energy and allow his body to evolve better. His body still held many secrets waiting to be unlocked.

"I need more time to evolve and become more perfect."

On Earth, living beings could only evolve through generations of reproduction. But in this world, he could increase his lifespan and obtain unlimited time for evolution.

Earthly life forms spent hundreds of thousands or even millions of years on the path of evolution, but he had to accomplish it alone.

However, the lifespan of cultivators was limited. Even if they reached the highest realm, Heavenly Ascension, also known as Earth Immortal, and consumed various drugs that could increase their lifespan, they could not live beyond 10,000 years. After 10,000 years, they would still perish. The lifespan of a cultivator was still too short, and 10,000 years was simply not enough time.

To break free from this predicament and obtain infinite lifespan, there was only one method.

That was to become an immortal, to cultivate and achieve true immortality. "I want to become an immortal, I must become an immortal!"

Only by becoming an immortal could he have unlimited time to evolve, reaching a realm stronger than the Innate Gods and ancient gods of this world.

Moreover, since he had come to this magical Immortal Cultivation World, where his body had undergone such marvelous changes in this place filled with spiritual energy, he had no reason not to cultivate and become an immortal, to become a truly eternal life, the ultimate pursuit of humanity on Earth.

In this world, he would make it happen.

Zhou Tianfeng secretly made up his mind that returning to Earth was his ultimate goal.

But for now, let's set a small goal. "I want to become an immortal, to become a True Immortal, to achieve eternal life."

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianfeng's heart became extremely excited. The ultimate goal that all of humanity pursued, eternal life, was indeed achievable in this world, and he was going to achieve it.

In this excitement, Zhou Tianfeng's eyes gradually turned red, and his heartbeat accelerated, making a thumping sound.

His blood began to flow rapidly. Unconsciously, Zhou Tianfeng had actually entered a state of adrenaline-fueled potential explosion.

Thanks to the readers: "孤独故里" for the two monthly tickets. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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