Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 240 Immortal Emperor’S Puppet Attacks

Chapter 240 Immortal Emperor’s Puppet Attacks

It took a long time for Zhou Tianfeng to adapt to this power, and his body of Immortal Emperor no longer collapsed.

Then he channeled all this power to the magic gun in his hand, thus barely maintaining a balance of the original energy of the virus space.

Zhou Tianfeng did not dare to neglect, and immediately came to the outer layer of the new Immortal World and stabbed at the barrier.

Even if he is now in the body of the Immortal Emperor. However, the original power that controls the virus space cannot last long, and this power must be vented quickly.

With a loud roar, the magic weapon in Zhou Tianfeng's hand shattered into pieces, and the barrier disappeared.

Even Zhou Tianfeng's entire palm was blown to pieces.

"You're so obedient. After the original energy of the virus space entered the real world, it became so powerful. I only extracted a trace of it, and the magic gun was destroyed immediately." Looking at Divine who had exploded into powder in his hand Weapon, Zhou Tianfeng said somewhat speechlessly.

is not that right? Not only the Divine Weapon, but also his own hand was blown to pieces. Fortunately, his recovery ability was strong enough, and he could recover from this minor injury in a blink of an eye. However, Zhou Tianfeng also had a rough assessment of the original energy.

Strong, very strong. With my current cultivation level, I can barely control it.

And it’s still very extreme.

It’s a pity that I just got the Divine Weapon and I haven’t warmed it up yet! It was immediately scrapped.

But it doesn't matter, this kind of thing can be refined by the Space-Time Heavenly Venerable anytime and anywhere. When you have time to go to the virus space, then contact the Space-Time Heavenly Venerable and ask him to refine another one.

After breaking the sealing barrier, Zhou Tianfeng immediately stopped, the time in the new Immortal World accelerated, and then came to the periphery of the new Immortal World.

"I, Hu Hansan, am back again." Zhou Tianfeng let out a maniacal laugh. Damn it, after being trapped in one place for 15,000 years, it's a miracle that he didn't go crazy!

Just when Zhou Tianfeng was getting carried away, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back and turned around suddenly. He saw two Immortal Emperors with dull eyes and cold expressions, one on the left and the other on the right, coming towards him to kill him. .

"Take the exam! You greeted me so warmly when you came up. Fortunately, I graduated from the Immortal Emperor level, otherwise you two would have succeeded in a sneak attack." Quickly pulling away, Zhou Tianfeng stretched out his iron fist and fought with the two Immortals. Emperor touched each other.

The two Immortal Weapons had a dark aura coming out of them, which looked extremely strange.

"Is it the power of darkness? It is indeed the clan of darkness that has taken action against me. Divine King, the secret heart of Nima, I thought you had really reconciled with me! You have been playing tricks for a long time, you bad bitch Very good." Zhou Tianfeng cursed and fought with two Immortal Emperor level beings again.

"Are you two members of the Dark Clan? Have you been waiting for me here in ambush? Shatian really thinks highly of me, letting two Immortal Emperor-level beings hide here and block me anytime and anywhere?" Zhou Tianfeng was fighting each other. , said while speaking.

These two Immortal Emperors did not pay attention to Zhou Tianfeng's intention at all. Instead, he kept attacking him.

"You won't answer, right! Then I'll beat you two until you answer." After Zhou Tianfeng said that, he continued to set up his battle formation and started fighting with the two Immortal Emperors.

However, after fighting for a while, Zhou Tianfeng discovered something strange. Although these two Immortal Emperors were fierce in their attacks and moves, they were merciless in their attacks.

But I don’t know why, the two of them always give Zhou Tianfeng a feeling that he is not human, or that he is not alive.

After fighting for a while, Zhou Tianfeng discovered that the combat effectiveness of these two guys was only at the level of ordinary Immortal Emperors, but the power of darkness in their bodies was real, so there was no problem in dealing with ordinary Immortal Emperors.

But they did not show any Divine Ability or tricks that Immortal Emperor should have.

This feeling is very strange!

But I’ll give it a try with you guys! After all, this is the first time for him to interact with an Immortal Emperor of the same realm, so the opportunity to interact is still rare.

Zhou Tianfeng played with the two of them for a while, and then directly activated Adrenaline, Kirin Law Manifestation, and Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Under the three Transcendent Level buffs, the two Immortal Emperors were quickly defeated and both were injured by Zhou Tianfeng. However, the strange thing is that the two Immortal Emperors did not show any emotions after being injured and were still lively and vigorous. Kill Zhou Tianfeng.

There is something wrong with that unyielding expression, something is definitely wrong!

Zhou Tianfeng quickly sensed it with his soul and found that there was no Immortal Emperor soul in these two guys. Are these two guys just two puppets?

Is there any mistake, the existence of Immortal Emperor level is actually two puppets? Who can be so generous?

The reason why they can exert Immortal Emperor-level combat power is because they themselves or in front of them are two Immortal Emperors, but they have been transformed into such puppets using special means.

Seeing that they were two puppets, Zhou Tianfeng had no intention of fighting them anymore. It was only right to capture them quickly.

The gravitational magnetic field was activated, instantly destroying the aura cores in the bodies of the two Immortal Emperors, and then stepped forward to seal all the opponent's mana, and directly captured the two Immortal Emperor puppets.

In normal state, Zhou Tianfeng is a little stronger than the ordinary Immortal Emperor. With Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Kirin Law Manifestation, and Adrenaline Mode enabled, he can easily defeat an Immortal Emperor.

But if the gravitational magnetic field is turned on to interfere with their bodies and destroy the aura composition of their bodies at the molecular level, they can be killed instantly.

After all, no Immortal Emperor could imagine that he could directly destroy their body structure, destroy the aura structure in their bodies, and fundamentally disintegrate them.

This is the bug of the gravitational magnetic field. Zhou Tianfeng can disintegrate his opponents from the most fundamental spiritual basis.

Even if they were facing the Immortal Emperor or the Celestial Immortal Emperor of the South, the gravitational magnetic field of Zhou Tianfeng, a strong man who had stepped out of the Immortal Emperor realm, would cause huge interference to them.

If you cannot guard against this move, then the entire spiritual energy structure will be destroyed and all combat effectiveness will be completely abolished.

After grabbing the two Immortal Emperor puppets directly into the new Immortal World, Zhou Tianfeng inspected them carefully.

As for the physical body, as he had guessed, he was indeed an Immortal Emperor. There was a very complex formation in his body, which could carry out various spiritual energy conversions.

Let their bodies emit dark power, black magic power, or fairy power, or even demon spirit power.

"They are really two puppets. What a great work. They can not only bring out the dark power of your clan, but also transform the power of immortal energy, demon spiritual energy, or demon spirit power to fight against the enemy." Zhou Tianfeng said.

This kind of Immortal Emperor level puppet can also perform some stealth missions. After all, the aura formations in their bodies can be converted, and the power of darkness is not their only means.

"Immortal Emperor-level puppets are actually used against me. I was just a little Golden Immortal before, but you really think highly of me. If I hadn't broken through to the Immortal Emperor level, I would have definitely died this time! "After studying the two Immortal Emperor level puppets, Zhou Tianfeng said to himself.

They possess the power of darkness, as well as various spiritual energy transformation circles, and they are also Immortal Emperor-level puppets. Needless to say, the identities of these two guys must have been sent by Evil Sky to kill me.

There should be no major force in this world that can produce Immortal Emperor-level puppets to camp here.

You must know that these two Immortal Emperor level puppets should have been strong cultivators in the Immortal Emperor realm during their lifetimes. It is not easy to find such puppet refining materials!

So the Dark Star Divine King never thought about reconciling with himself, or did he discover something?

No matter what, the Dark Clan is completely at odds with themselves, but they probably didn't find anything too special.

Otherwise, it should be Sha Tian and Ruo Xi who are guarding themselves here, not these two Immortal Emperor puppets.

For these two Immortal Emperor puppets, Zhou Tianfeng also had a thought. During these more than 15,000 years, Zhou Tianfeng took out some things from Blood Shadow Sect and continued them in his spare time. At such a high level, it is still very easy for him to speculate on some mortal skills.

Among them, the method of refining zombies, Zhou Tianfeng also carried forward it to a great extent with his Immortal Emperor level cultivation, and for these two Immortal Emperor puppets, Zhou Tianfeng planned to give them some special transformations.

"It's disrespectful to come and go. Since you transformed two Immortal Emperor-level puppets to deal with me, then I will use these two Immortal Emperor-level puppets to retaliate against you."

Zhou Tianfeng directly contacted the virus space, and then used the original energy to directly transform the two Immortal Emperor-level puppets into the bodies of the blood demon ancestors.

With the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng can remember the special bloodline that has been entered into any life anytime and anywhere. Things like the blood demon ancestor can be mass-produced if Zhou Tianfeng wants to and is willing to consume the original energy.

And this time, the one used is not the ordinary blood demon ancestor, but the four-in-one version of the black Demon World, the new blood demon ancestor bloodline.

Then Zhou Tianfeng used the Blood Shadow Sect to be upgraded by himself to refine the zombies' spells, and the formation began to refine them.

Then, with his absolute control over the new Immortal World, he directly overturned the entire spiritual structure of the new Immortal World, making it full of evil and blood evil.

It has become the most suitable area for refining zombies.

Soon, the bodies of the two Immortal Emperor-level puppets began to mutate. Their eyes began to turn blood red, four fangs protruded from their mouths, and blood surged all over their bodies.

Seventy-seven and forty-nine days later, Zhou Tianfeng successfully refined two Immortal Emperor-level Immortal Emperor puppets into zombies, plus the Blood Demon Ancestor. In terms of physical body, he was not much worse than himself and was definitely stronger than the average Immortal. Emperor.

Now, under his own transformation, these two Immortal Emperor puppets have been completely transformed, or even beyond recognition.

What's more important is that they are obedient and absolutely obedient.

"Since you were sent here to kill me, then go back and kill the person who sent you." Zhou Tianfeng issued his order.

(End of chapter)

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