Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 241 Immortal Emperor Level Blood Demon Zombie

Chapter 241 Immortal Emperor Level Blood Demon Zombie

Now, these two re-refined Blood Demon Zombie Immortal Emperor puppets completely obey Zhou Tianfeng's orders.

And as long as the commands are not too complicated, they can understand and act on them, so Zhou Tianfeng wants to use these two blood demon zombies.

The two Immortal Emperor blood monster zombies nodded and understood Zhou Tianfeng's order, and left the new Immortal World directly, flying towards the distance, while Zhou Tianfeng followed them.

Planning to see the real culprit behind the scenes and give Sha Tian a surprise, Zhou Tianfeng followed closely behind the two blood demon zombie Immortal Emperor puppets after concealing all his aura.

The two guys first left the control range of the new Immortal World, and then directly cut through the space and got in, with Zhou Tianfeng following closely behind.

However, the place they came to was not the Immortal World or the Black Demon World, because the spiritual energy here was very rich, not even inferior to their new Immortal World.

There is only one place that can not lose to his new Immortal World in terms of spiritual energy, and that is the ancient Immortal Domain. This is the largest fragment left after the shattering of the Immortal World, and it has such abundant spiritual energy.

How did you end up in the ancient Immortal Domain? Could it be that that guy Sha Tian has defeated the coalition forces flying in the Immortal World, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, the Huang Immortal Emperor, they all rushed to the street, and even Master Tianxing also rushed to the street?

Zhao Tianfeng did not show any movement and continued to follow the two Immortal Emperor puppets. He met many ancient immortals along the way. These ancient immortals all had cultivation levels of Xuan Immortal Level. There are even several existences in the realm of Immortal King.

In addition to these ancient immortals, Zhou Tianfeng also discovered some Independent Cultivators, Monster Cultivators, and Demon Cultivators, forming a hodgepodge picture.

The ancient Immortal Domain is different from flying to places like the Immortal World, Luo Heavenly World or the new Heavenly World. The special fairy energy here can be easily absorbed by even demon cultivators and Monster Cultivators.

This is the benefit of the ancient Immortal Domain, and the benefit of the once complete Immortal World. It includes Myriad Manifestations. No matter what kind of cultivation you have, you can practice here and live here.

There are so many Independent Cultivators and Ancient Immortals here, which means that the Ancient Immortal Domain has not fallen yet, but why did these two guys come to the Ancient Immortal Domain?

Could it be that the Evil God has left some back-up plan on them? Just in case, if you are discovered, go to the Ancient Immortal Domain and kill them.

But that’s not right either! After these two guys came in, they obviously had goals. Although they frightened many Ancient Immortal Independent Cultivators along the way, the two guys had the same goal, flying towards the center of the Ancient Immortal Domain.

And Zhou Tianfeng is also very confident about the original energy of the virus space and the new Immortal World. These two Immortal Emperor level puppets have been completely refined by him and are completely controlled by him.

They will never disobey their orders. Since they chose to come here, it means one thing, the real culprit behind the scenes is here.

After several hours of flight, two blood demon zombie Immortal Emperor puppets took Zhou Tianfeng to a very secret forbidden area with towering giant trees. It is full of spiritual energy and is enveloped by a layer of emerald green barrier.

The two blood demon zombies roared in unison, waving their fists and hitting the barrier respectively, making a thunderous roar.

The entire secret realm began to tremble, and began to collapse under the attack of the two blood demon zombies. The physical strength of these two monsters was much stronger than that of the ordinary Immortal Emperor. Now they began to bombard the barrier, and the entire barrier There is a risk of collapse.

After being transformed into the blood demon zombie version by Zhou Tianfeng, these two Immortal Emperor-level puppets are more powerful in combat, and their destructive and bloodthirsty desires are even stronger.

Now they look like complete demons, with bloody hair and disheveled hair, teeth and claws, and fangs in their mouths.

"Who dares to trespass here?" At this moment, four figures flew out and stood in front of the blood demon zombie puppet.

These were four masters of the Immortal King realm, and Zhou Tianfeng sensed that their auras were those of pure ancient immortals, not those from the Black Demon World, or those who had taken refuge in the Dark Clan to practice the Great Wilderness Scripture.

It’s strange. Could it be that Sha Tian has already ruled the entire ancient Immortal Domain? Have all these ancient immortals taken refuge in Sha Tian?

"Immortal Emperor? No, their aura is so weird, their bodies are full of coldness, blood evil, and resentment." One of the Immortal King's expression changed after seeing the two blood demon zombie puppets, and he said in a panic.

How could it be, how could there be two Immortal Emperor realms? Monsters are coming to attack the ancient Immortal Domain!

"Everyone, be careful. These two things don't seem to be empty. They look a bit like zombies from the lower world." One of the Immortal King frowned and said.

He is not an aborigine of the ancient Immortal Domain, but came up from Ascension, the lower realm, and even practiced Ascension step by step from the mortal world.

So he knew about zombies, but he hadn't seen a zombie for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, this thing had some fighting ability before it became an immortal. After becoming an immortal, things like zombies are really out of the spotlight.

"How is it possible that zombies are not even immortals? How could they be two Immortal Emperors, existences in the realm of Immortal Emperors? It is absolutely impossible for their corpses to become zombies." Another Immortal King said.

Zombie-level existences are afraid of anything that is extremely sunny. Some Low-Level zombies are even afraid of sunlight and do not dare to appear during the day.

Some Low Level practitioners can easily deal with them, let alone immortals.

Even the strongest Flying Corpse Evil, an immortal-level existence, can easily suppress and kill it.

And more importantly, zombies are formed after the death of cultivators or some special corpses, but for Immortal Emperor-level existences, their physical bodies will dissipate after death. In other words, as long as the soul is immortal, the existence of the Immortal Emperor level, or even the Immortal King level, the existence of immortals.

All can tap into the Immortal Physique and spend time reshaping their own Immortal Physique.

Immortal Physique is a very strong, pure thing, full of fairy spirit. Logically speaking, it is impossible for it to be invaded by evil spirit.

It is even more impossible to turn into a zombie. Even the corpses of stronger cultivators cannot turn into zombies, let alone immortals or even Immortal Emperor level beings.

The appearance of these two zombies from the Immortal Emperor realm is very unreasonable!

"Roar!" What answered them was the roar of the Snow Demon Zombie. The existence of the four Immortal King realms was not worth mentioning to the Immortal Emperor. Just a roar caused the four of them to completely lose their fighting power, and even the glands. The body collapsed, leaving only four souls to escape.

If Zhou Tianfeng hadn't secretly stopped him. The spirits of the four of them cannot escape. It will be sucked into the body by these two zombie Immortal Emperors and then devoured.

It seems that my research was not in vain. It was me who ultimately brought all aspects of Blood Shadow Sect forward.

I researched a poison that could poison the Immortal King, and even refined two zombies in the Immortal Emperor realm.

Under Zhou Tianfeng's order, two blood demon zombies, Immortal Emperor, began to attack the barrier again. Punch after punch, the barrier quickly shattered. The scene inside was revealed.

This is a place like a fairyland on earth. A fairy lake contains a huge fairy spirit. There is a towering giant tree growing on it and under the ancient tree.

Four Immortal King realm souls were guarding a woman. Zhou Tianfeng recognized this woman's appearance at a glance. Appeared exactly before. Master Tian Xing borrowed from the new Immortal World.

It's just that his condition seems to be a little bad at this time. His face is pale, his breath is very weak, and he looks like he has been seriously injured.

"Master, master, you should wake up soon!"

"What should I do? The two demons outside have broken the barrier."

"Damn it, why is it at this time, haven't we already had a truce? Why, why is this thing still attacking?"

So why did I ask you to find the culprit behind the scenes who wanted to kill me, but you ended up running to the ancient Immortal Domain, and then found a dying Celestial Master.

Moreover, the current situation of Master Tianxing is very bad. His soul is extremely weak. He is still unconscious despite such a serious threat.

Zhou Tianfeng had no choice but to temporarily stop the actions of the two blood demon zombie Immortal Emperor. After all, if he did not stop it, Master Tianxing would be killed inexplicably. The target of their murderous intent was Master Tianxing.

But this is very strange! Zhou Tianfeng carefully explored Master Tianxing's aura, although it was very weak.

But there is still pure fairy energy in the body, and it has not been contaminated by anything else.

It doesn’t look like someone has been plotted by evil spirits or had his body taken away from him!

"You two zombies, don't mess around. We, we have notified several Immortal Emperors. They will be here soon." The soul of an Immortal King said tremblingly.

While he was speaking, several more streams of light flew over, and three Immortal Emperor level masters who were completely unknown to Zhou Tianfeng stood in front of the two Immortal Emperor puppet blood demon zombies.

"With such a strong blood-evil aura, as well as this overwhelming resentment, and evil aura, could it be that this thing was refined by the Evil God Palace?" one of the Immortal Emperors said.

"Asshole, you have obviously signed a contract with us and agreed not to fight each other for ten thousand years. How can you violate the contract and send two beings in the Immortal Emperor realm to attack Master Tianxing?" Another Immortal Emperor pointed out Looking at the two zombies, the Immortal Emperor asked.

But unfortunately, zombies, even the Immortal Emperor, are without intelligence. They can only obey orders and kill.

Zhou Tianfeng on the side frowned after hearing the conversation between the two. The two parties signed a peace contract and would not fight each other again for ten thousand years!

But the question is, why did these two zombie Immortal Emperors come to see Master Tianxing?

Did she send someone to assassinate me? But isn't it right?

Master Tianxing cultivates pure fairy spirit energy, but what exists in the bodies of these two guys is the evil atmosphere of darkness!

And it seems like she has no reason to kill me?

(End of chapter)

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