Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 242 Immortal Emperor Corpse Poison

Chapter 242 Immortal Emperor Corpse Poison

Killing me doesn't seem to do her any good!

Because I have been helping them from beginning to end, helping the world resist the evil attack.

He even asked for a magic weapon from Heavenly Venerable for this Heavenly Star Master, but the behavior of these two weird puppets made Zhou Tianfeng very strange.

The order he gave was to come and kill the person who asked them to come and kill him, and the target they were looking for was obviously the Master Tianxing. Logically speaking, although his zombie refining technique had just been created.

But there shouldn't be any mistakes. After all, it is a technique deduced from his Immortal Emperor realm cultivation and Transcendent Level brain.

These two ancient immortal puppets also had a certain level of simple intelligence and could discern most commands, so there should be no mistakes in this regard.

The only possibility now is that Master Tianxing sent them to kill him.

The second is that Shaitian did something else and gave some kind of hidden order to this Immortal Emperor-level puppet. As long as they come out, they will come and kill Master Tianxing.

The first possibility is really hard to agree with. Master Tianxing seems to have no reason to kill him, and he should even do his best to protect himself.

second. These puppets have obvious traces of the upper realm formation. Otherwise, the level of this realm should not be able to create Immortal Emperor level puppets, and there are not so many Immortal Emperor level bodies. There are only evil spirits, or dark ones. One clan has this strength.

Combined with Dark Star Divine King's previous back-and-forth, Zhou Tianfeng came up with a bold guess.

The Dark Star Divine King probably discovered something, so he kept testing himself, and these two Immortal Emperor-level puppets were his means of testing.

While Zhou Tianfeng was thinking, two zombie Immortal Emperors appeared. (Let’s call it zombie Immortal Emperor from now on, otherwise this name would be too long, damn.)

Already standing with three unknown Immortal Emperors. Two against three, they did not lose at all, and even vaguely had the upper hand. The blood evil aura, evil aura, and overwhelming resentment in their bodies were extremely bad for cultivators. thing.

Unless you are an Emperor Level expert who has achieved magic cultivation, it will be difficult to resist these things. What's more, with the strong physical fitness of the zombies and the strong recovery ability of the blood demon, these two zombies, Immortal Emperor, are very powerful. To the point of being outrageous.

After just a brief confrontation, the three Immortal Emperors were already covered in wounds, but the two zombie Immortal Emperors had not even broken their skins, and they did not even have time to show off the blood demon's recovery ability.

If the fight continues like this, it will only be a matter of time before these three Immortal Emperors are defeated. With a thought, Zhou Tianfeng directly took back the two zombie Immortal Emperors into the new Immortal World.

The three Immortal Emperors were struggling to resist. Suddenly losing their respective opponents, the two zombie Immortal Emperors disappeared as if they had never appeared.

If it weren't for the mess around them, the injuries on their bodies, and the four Immortal Kings who were beaten until their souls were left, they wouldn't be able to believe that all of this was true.

"What, what is going on? Why? Why? Will something like this happen? Does Shatian Palace intend to tear up the agreement?" One of the Immortal Emperors said.

"It shouldn't be possible. Although we didn't win the last battle, Shaitian didn't win either. He was injured by the three people of Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, Huang Immortal Emperor and Tianxing Master. He should be in a good condition now. Where to go?" The Immortal Emperor, standing in the middle wearing a blue robe, said.

Although the last battle was three against one, Sha Tian would not be at a disadvantage at all, if it were not for the three seniors who risked their lives to strike. They may have been conquered.

"If he recovers, he should launch a massive attack instead of signing a ten-thousand-year non-aggression treaty with us."

"These two zombie-level Immortal Emperors are very strange. Are they secret weapons newly developed by the Shatian Palace?"

"It should be close to ten. Apart from the Shatian Palace, I can't think of anyone who can refine such a powerful zombie." Another Immortal Emperor said, covering his wound.

"Tianyun Immortal Emperor, your injury is okay, right?"

"It should be fine, just a minor injury." Tianyun Immortal Emperor shook his head and said.

The attacks of the two zombie Immortal Emperors were quite violent, scratching or biting them, causing some damage to them, especially himself, who was also bitten by the zombie Immortal Emperor.

"Just in case, the three of us will stay here for now!"

"That's fine, but this matter needs to be informed immediately to the Immortal Emperor of the Great Desolate Realm and the Celestial Immortal Emperor of the New Heavenly World South. The current status of those two is almost the same as Master Tianxing.

They are all seriously injured and on the verge of death. They are recovering from a deep sleep. If they are attacked by a sneak attack, it may be difficult to protect themselves. It is best to mobilize experts in the Immortal Emperor realm to protect them. "Tianyun Immortal Emperor said.

The three Immortal Emperors nodded to each other and sent a message.

From their conversation, Zhou Tianfeng learned several pieces of information.

The First Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, the Desolate Immortal Emperor, and the people on Tianxing did have a fight with Sha Tian, ​​but it seemed that both sides suffered losses, and neither side benefited. Afterwards, they signed a ten thousand-year non-aggression agreement. treaty.

It seemed that he could not get any useful information here. Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and left the Ancient Immortal Domain directly, wanting to go to the Prehistoric Domain first.

Just when Zhou Tianfeng was about to leave, the three Immortal Emperors also had some problems with their bodies. The bitten or scratched areas on their bodies healed inexplicably, and all three of them felt extremely bloodthirsty. desire.

The two zombies, Immortal Emperor, have very well inherited a common characteristic of zombies and blood monsters, which is the breeding of offspring.

The way they breed offspring is through private ownership, injecting their own corpse poison into the target's body, and then turning the other person into the same kind.

"No! It's corpse poison. We've been poisoned by corpse poison." At this moment, an Immortal Emperor discovered his own changes and immediately spoke.

He never thought that his body of Immortal Emperor would be infected with corpse poison one day.

This is something that even ordinary immortals and even cultivators in the heavenly realm can easily solve.

"How is this possible? We, our imperial body, are supposed to be immune to all evils and all kinds of magic. How could it be possible? How could we be poisoned by corpse poison?"

"Have you ever seen Immortal Emperor-level zombies before? This is obviously the method used by Shatian Palace to deal with us. Now we must suppress the zombie poison with all our strength. We must not let it infect our souls. If it doesn't work, the three of us will We can only abandon the physical body and re-condensate the imperial body." One of the Immortal Emperors said.

The three Immortal Emperors nodded to each other, then sat cross-legged on the ground, using their whole body's immortal energy to suppress the corpse poison.

But at this moment, for some unknown reason, the corpse poison in the three of them disappeared inexplicably, as if it had never appeared.

Their bodies transformed back into the flawless Immortal Emperor's body, without any trace of evil, resentment, or blood evil's corpse poison power.

Of course it was Zhou Tianfeng who did this, turning these three Immortal Emperors into zombies. He didn't want to do this, after all, his current enemy was the Shatian Palace.

Not the regular Immortal Emperor of the bunch.

Besides, it's not easy to turn them into zombies. The Immortal Emperor's soul is not that easy to deal with.

Their souls can abandon their bodies anytime and anywhere, and then spend time reshaping their bodies as Immortal Emperors.

It can be said that the soul is the essence, and the body is just a baggage or skin. Even if they are infected with corpse poison, the infectious power cannot turn these three Immortal Emperors into real zombies. They still have a way.

It's just that this will greatly weaken the ancient Immortal Domain's combat effectiveness. After all, three Immortal Emperor realm masters will be lost at once.

Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng did not hesitate and immediately used the power of the virus space to recover all the corpse poison from their bodies.

And Zhou Tianfeng also found a way to take back some of the remaining corpse poison around him.

If this little residual corpse poison were to cause a biological crisis in the ancient Immortal Domain, things would be very serious.

After all, the Immortal Emperor-level being couldn't even hold on even after being poisoned.

If these were ordinary immortals, they would all have to give up their physical bodies.

And their bodies may turn into zombies and bite people everywhere.

After making sure that no trace of corpse poison was leaked, Zhou Tianfeng left with satisfaction.

First, he returned to the new Immortal World, and then conducted a comprehensive inspection of the two zombie Immortal Emperors, carefully, especially their internal structure formations.

But no matter how Zhou Tianfeng checked, there seemed to be nothing wrong with them.

"It's strange. I used the original energy of the virus space to detect everything, but there should be no problem with these two puppets. They are indeed under my control, but why would they attack Master Tianxing?" Zhou Tianfeng Said to himself.

It seems that the problem still lies with Shatian Palace.

Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment, maintained his cultivation level at the level of an Immortal King, and then entered the wilderness.

He wanted to find an Independent Cultivator to inquire about the current situation.

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng stopped an immortal with Profound Immortal cultivation.

"Qingyun has met Senior Immortal King." Seeing that Zhou Tianfeng is an Immortal King, the Independent Cultivator did not dare to be negligent at all, bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"No need to be polite. I have been practicing in seclusion for a few days and have not been out of seclusion for ten thousand years. After I came out of seclusion this time, I found that there seemed to be major changes in the six realms. Would you like to explain it to me?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Have seniors been in seclusion for thousands of years? Then seniors should have not participated in the great catastrophe more than 1,000 years ago." Qingyun asked.

"No, my place of retreat is in the Immortal World, which is relatively private." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"So that's it. Senior Hao Ming knows that about 1,700 years ago, the Black Demon World was first occupied by a mysterious force. Then, about 400 years ago, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, the Desolate Immortal Emperor, the Heavenly Star Master, and ten more Several Immortal Emperors and more than 300 Immortal Kings jointly arranged a large formation and launched a decisive battle with Shatian Palace."

(End of chapter)

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