Chapter 249 Taoist Master, God Realm

Zhou Tianfeng was a little surprised when he heard this. After working on it for a long time, his safety was definitely guaranteed.

He really didn't expect that the Dao Space, the virus space formed by the virus in his body, could have such a function.

After his physical body here is destroyed, he can still return to the virus space.

"You mean, no one can destroy my soul. Even if my body is killed, my soul will return to the space of Tao?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Your Tao space is bound to you, and it is completely bound. The skin is not an important item for a cultivator, but the soul is the key. As long as your soul is not annihilate, then nothing will happen to you.

Moreover, even if the opponent is a Heavenly Venerable, or even a higher level Divine King, they will not be able to pose any substantial threat to you.

You are born higher than them, you are a Tao master, the space of Tao is your best shelter, and the power of the space of Tao is far more than that. "Yun Tianshuang said speechlessly.

Please, you are a Taoist master, a higher level existence than the Divine King. How come you don’t even know this common sense? How did you become a Taoist?

It stands to reason that Taoist masters are all creatures born from Innate, the first beings born in the world. What is going on with you? Why was he born so much later than other Taoist masters?

"I will not give up my body." Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and said.

What a joke, my human body is the biggest Goldfinger I have come here. If I leave this Goldfinger, then I am nothing in this other world.

What's more, if I lose my current physical body, I won't be able to understand the way of magnetic field at all, and my body still has high development potential and possibilities.

Like the monks in this world, they always give up their physical bodies and skins, and then use the source energy or fairy energy to reshape themselves into a new body. I don’t want that!

"The body is just a skin. Lord Tao Master, when every Tao Master is just born, he does not have his own body. He relies on the origin of Tao to condense his body. Your Tao Space can be used for it at any time. You create a body, and you haven't created your own divine realm yet, right?" Yun Tianshuang asked.

His current strength is only at the Immortal Emperor level. You haven’t even touched the divine dimension, so you probably haven’t created your own divine realm yet, right?

Their mother and time and space are Heavenly Venerable, have they discovered this? Want to use this new Taoist master to benefit the Ascensioner forces! And strictly speaking, he is considered a member of the Ascension force.

After all, he is now in a lower dimension. After entering the Divine Domain in the future, he will automatically be included in the Ascensioner's forces, and this plane is still a native plane.

Haha, it's really interesting that a Taoist-level existence, a big boss who can create the divine world, would actually be classified into the Ascensioner force.

There is a Dao Master level existence, and the newly created divine world has great opportunities. If they, the Ascensioners Heavenly Venerables, enter it, they might be able to be upgraded to Divine Kings. By then, the Ascensioners will not be so bullied by others. , is also an existence with its own divine realm.

Good calculation! However, mother and the others never dreamed that what you thought was the Taoist Lord was right in front of me, and that he was his true form.

Spirit world? What does the world of gods mean? I have absolutely no idea! Can a Taoist-level existence still create the divine realm?

The God Realm is a higher level existence than the Immortal World or the Demon World. This thing can also be created artificially.

"The Divine Realm is a realm that exists in the Divine Domain space. Every Dao Master-level existence creates a world with the help of the original spiritual energy in the Tao space and his own supreme cultivation. The Divine Realm is in his own divine realm. After the birth of the world.

Beings at the Tao Master level can also create their own race of gods. The space in the God Realm is huge and filled with the energy of the gods.

In this divine space, the Tao Master is the highest level master, and his power is the same as his own Tao space.

And once you have your own divine realm, the Taoist master's strength will be upgraded to a higher level again, and the original energy will be generated in the divine realm. This original energy can be given to cultivators, allowing them to cultivate into Divine Kings.

Each time a Divine King is added to one's own divine realm, the corresponding Taoist master's strength will also increase by 10%. There can be four Divine Kings in the newly created divine realm, and they will be upgraded in sequence. The most powerful Taoist master now has a total of 13 Divine Kings in his divine realm. "Yun Tianshuang said.

"What level of cultivation is required to create your own divine realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

This was the first time he heard about the issue of the Taoist level, the God Realm, and creating his own God Realm. A Divine King will also be born, and the Divine King can also improve his combat effectiveness.

"How do I know this? The world was just born. Taoist masters were born one after another. After they were born, I don't know how much time passed, and they began to create their own divine world, and then created their own divine race.

Later, he fought with a mysterious force and completely wiped out that force, and most of the Taoist masters also fell into a deep sleep. Those who now govern all the heavens and realms are the Divine Kings of the major divine realms. "Yun Tianshuang said.

What realm can create your own divine space? This question is so strange. The answer is of course the Taoist, and aren’t you a Taoist? Although your current cultivation level is only Immortal Emperor, this is something that is incomprehensible and unreasonable, okay?

How did you come up with such a weak cultivation level? It stands to reason that once a powerful person of the Taoist level is born, his strength will far exceed that of the Divine King level. But what's going on with this weirdo like you?

"You mean, all the Taoist masters are now in a deep sleep because they are at war with a mysterious force?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right, according to the records of the World-Destroying God Clan. After the Taoist Masters created their own divine space, they also created their own God Clan. The Divine King began to be born among the God Clan, and everything flourished.

Until that mysterious force appeared and wanted to annex and destroy the world, the Taoist masters had a fierce battle with them.

The battle was very tragic, and the final result was that all the Taoist masters were seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep, allowing all the Divine Kings to start managing the divine world.

The Divine Kings of the God Realm imitated the original plane to create the heavens and realms, while the Heavenly Venerable and the Divine King-level existences joined forces to create the realm space of the lower realm.

That is similar to where you stay. "Yun Tianshuang said.

Except for the original plane, all the lower realms of the heavens and worlds were created by the Divine King and the Divine Lord. Then, a strange problem arises.

The Dark Clan that Sha Tian belongs to is also a God Clan, and beings above the Divine Lord or Heavenly Venerable level can easily refine a superior. So is it necessary for them to take over the world? It seems a bit contradictory!

"Our space is being invaded by the Dark Clan, that is, the Dark God Clan. According to you, existences at the Divine King level can create lower-level spaces, and other existences at the Divine Monarch Level can create the ultimate in these lower-level spaces. realm.

So, it seems like they have no reason to invade the lower world, right? Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Who told you that there is no reason? The reason is huge! Each Divine King can only create ten lower plane spaces, and then delineate three realms in them.

After that, other beings at the God Monarch Level may create ultimate realms such as Beast World, Demon World, Buddha World, and Heavenly World. There is no difficulty in creating these realms, as long as the God Lord and Heavenly Venerable can do it.

But the real difficulty lies in creating a complete lower plane. This can only be done by beings at the Divine King level, and the number is still limited.

The Dark Clan once fought against the Light God Clan, and the Light God Clan once launched a sneak attack on the Dark Clan's lower plane, causing heavy losses to the Dark Clan's lower plane.

That's why the Divine Kings of the Dark Clan let their subordinates begin to occupy some lower-level native planes, and then spent countless years transforming them into the Dark Realm, a lower-level space exclusive to the Dark God Realm. "

"Then the question is, which race of gods did this world of ours and the plane I live in belong to before? Or is this a native plane?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Of course there are native ones. After countless divine realm spaces were created, some lower native planes were born in the lower realm.

These are the native planes. Some of the current Heavenly Venerable and Ascensioner forces came from Ascension on these planes.

If it is a lower plane created at the Divine King level, then the Ascensioner will innately become the Gods of that God Realm. For example, if one ascends from the Dark Realm Ascension, then the Ascensioner will innately become the Gods of Darkness. "Yun Tianshuang said.

Zhou Tianfeng finally understood something. The Divine King and the Divine Lord can indeed create lower planes together, but the number they can create is limited.

After these Ascensioners from the lower planes belonging to the major gods and clans go up, they will directly become a member of that clan.

And if it is a native plane, that is, a wild one, after Ascension goes up, it belongs to the Ascensioner force, and the highest cultivation level is also the Heavenly Venerable Realm world.

"So the Dark Gods want to occupy this plane, and then transform it into the Dark Realm, a lower-level plane belonging to the Dark Gods, and the Ascensioners here from now on will only Ascension to the Dark God Realm and become members of the Dark Gods Tribe, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right, and once this plane is occupied by the Dark Clan, all the creatures in this plane will die, and the Lord of the Dark Clan will personally come down to create a lower-level race belonging to the Dark God Clan.

These lower-level races will start practicing from scratch until they reach the realm of gods. Then they can Ascension enter the realm of the gods of darkness and become the gods of darkness. "Yun Tianshuang said.

(End of chapter)

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