Chapter 250 Conversation

Got it, got it, now, Zhou Tianfeng finally understood the ins and outs of some things.

"However, in our plane, there are now many Emperor Level experts and some Independent Cultivators who have defected to the Dark Clan." Zhou Tianfeng said.

According to the daughter of the World-Destroying God King, these leading parties will not end well in the future. No matter which side wins, they will all die in the end.

If the Dark Gods win, they will also be wiped out, and if the original lower realm forces win, they will not let these traitors go.

"Haha! This is a common method. When some races capture the lower native plane, they will use this method to deceive the trust of some indigenous people. Then after capturing this plane faster, these indigenous people will be useless Otherwise, they will be ruthlessly abandoned." Yun Tianshuang said.

If these races from the lower native planes could be turned into the corresponding gods, then there would be no Ascensioner forces, and there would be no such Heavenly Venerables.

When various gods invade the lower plane, these Heavenly Venerables will spare no effort to help. After all, by doing so, the gods are compressing the living space of the lower realm Ascensioners.

"I roughly understand, but what's your intention? You told me these things, you must be asking for something, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

This woman told herself so many secrets to supplement herself with some basic knowledge of the Taoist level. Zhou Tianfeng did not believe the other party and asked for nothing.

"I can help you! I will try my best to help you. My status among the World-Destroying God Clan is not low. I have read many secret books of the World-Destroying God Clan. There are some little-known secrets recorded on it. I can I will give these to you to help you have the power of a real Taoist master in the shortest possible time, and have the power to protect yourself before those Taoist masters wake up." Yun Tianshuang said.

"Those Dao Master-level beings, how long have they been sleeping? How many Dao Masters, how many divine realms, and how many Divine Kings are there in the entire Divine Domain space?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It has been sleeping for 37 epochs, 10 billion years in each epoch. The war that year caused many Taoist masters to fall, and the divine world they created became dilapidated and was conquered by other races or some forces. occupy.

There are now more than 30 complete divine realms. It is impossible to count the incomplete divine realms because people can discover new broken divine realms anytime and anywhere. The number of Divine Kings in the divine realms is at least several hundred. There are several Divine Kings sitting in every divine realm. They are the most powerful existences in the Divine Domain space. Of course, this is when the Taoist Master does not appear. "Yun Tianshuang said.

"Who are those Taoist-level beings and powerful enemies they have faced?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

These alien beings that can kill or even force these Taoist-level beings to sleep are what Zhou Tianfen cares about. After all, he is also a Taoist. He may have to face these guys in the future, so he must make preparations in advance. Prepare.

"Please, how can I know these secrets? Only the Divine King can know them, and all Divine Kings have an agreement that unless their cultivation has reached the Divine King level, they must not know these secrets." Yun Tianshuang said.

"I have a question. Now that I have been discovered to be a Dao Master-level existence, and now, all the Dao Masters have fallen into a deep sleep. Didn't anyone in the World-Destroying God Clan guess that I was just born?" Zhou Tianfeng said. asked.

After all, his Tao Space suddenly appeared in the Tao Domain, and many monks wanted to occupy it at that time.

This situation is very contradictory!

"They thought it was a broken inverted space, just like the broken God Realm. After the death of the Tao Master, their own Tao Space and the God Realm will be damaged, and these broken Tao Spaces will become some Independent Cultivator, or other places where the gods understand the law.

I don’t know what the senior leaders of the World-Destroying God Clan think of you. After all, I am just the daughter of a divine king. Therefore, I have no way of knowing whether they have discovered your true identity or whether they still regard you as a Taoist master. level of life form.

Moreover, in recent years, some Taoist masters who were considered to have fallen during the war have returned. Although their gods and gods have disappeared, they are still recovering. You may be considered such a one. Taoist master. "Yun Tianshuang said.

I don’t know since when, some Taoist masters who were considered to have fallen in the last war have returned one after another. Although they are still very weak, they have indeed returned. They are just the gods they once created, and The divine space created has disappeared.

There is only one Dao space left, and these Dao spaces appear all of a sudden.

"Are there some Tao masters who were thought to have died and returned with their original Tao space?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right, so you have to hurry up. Although these powerful Tao masters have returned, they are basically hiding in their own Tao space. They should still be very weak and still recovering. This is This is a good opportunity for you to rise, and you will definitely have a place in the future Divine Domain space." Yun Tianshuang said.

"I understand, tell me your request!" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Is our relationship considered close now? I hope you can release my father. Of course, when your strength crushes him, you can ask my father to connect you with the World-Destroying God Clan and form an alliance. ." Yun Tianshuang said.

"Okay, I know what you want to say. Your ultimate goal is to let me release your father, right? In fact, I didn't intend to kill him originally, and I have made it known that I will release your father in a million years. Out." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Well! I can hand over the origin of my soul to you, and with the space of Dao to suppress it, you can easily control my life and death. I can deal with the Dao of Heaven, and history will never leak your information." Yun Tianshuang said. .

She told it all truthfully, at least everything she knew.

"You and your mother have completely different conditions. Your mother begged me to kill your father, but you wanted to save him." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"After all, my mother was snatched away by my father, and she had a husband and children of her own before, all of which were killed by my father. When he gave birth to me, he didn't treat me well. All this time, I The relationship with my father is the best. My mother just wants me to be a tool.

The reason why I accepted her order this time was to please you, the Taoist master's registered disciple, so that you could persuade your master to release my father, but I didn't expect that you were the Taoist master. "Yun Tianshuang said.

This time he was a blessing in disguise. His mother never dreamed that the true form of the Taoist Master was here, and this Taoist Master was just born.

Or the mother and the others had guessed that the Taoist Master had just been born, but did not expect that he was in the lower world.

"Okay, you established the world according to the way of heaven and gave me a Spirit Partitioning soul. I will believe what you say. Your mother is still Heavenly Venerable in time and space. Do they know about my situation?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I don't know about this, but I should be able to guess something. Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't go out of their way to help you. Sometimes you stay with these Heavenly Venerables for too long, even if they say something insignificant. If so, they can all guess something from it, after all, they are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of millions of years." Yun Tianshuang said.

Well, I was still too young before, thinking that I had deceived Heavenly Venerable and others of time and space, but maybe they were watching me act like a monkey.

Next, under the supervision of Zhou Tianfeng, Yun Tianshuang made an oath of heaven, and then handed one of his Spirit Partitioning Soul Marks to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do next, just practice hard with me here! Try to reach the realm of Divine King or Divine King as soon as possible, or even go to the next level." Yun Tianshuang said.

"I have something else to do. As I just said, this plane is being invaded by the Dark Clan. The Divine King of the Dark Clan came over to discuss with me before and originally promised to end this invasion, but that doesn't seem to be the case." Zhou Tianfeng said.

If possible, he would also like to hide here and practice hard, and then come out when he is strong enough to suppress everything, but the conditions do not allow it!

"?? You mean the Divine King of the Dark Clan has seen you? Which Divine King is it? What did he say to you?" Yun Tianshuang's face changed greatly, and she asked anxiously.

"It's the Dark Star Divine King. He originally reached a peace treaty with me. He has since withdrawn from this plane, but for some reason, his people are still attacking here." Zhou Tianfeng reconciled his agreement with the Dark Star Divine King. Everything that happened in the meeting was told to Yun Tianshuang.

"No, he may have discovered your situation, or guessed something, and he is testing you." Yun Tianshuang's face changed and he said.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What can I do? I'm just a little daughter of the God King. However, since he is testing you, let him continue to test you. The longer this test lasts, the better. You'd better put yourself Try your best to hide it, and you must not expose anything related to the Tao Master. It is best to let this plane resist this invasion on its own." Yun Tianshuang thought for a while and said.

"In this case, let's end this soul training. I have to go out and deal with some things." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It seems that even if there is no Master Tianxing, I have to hide my identity if I want to deal with myself! At least you need to open a few more vests.

And this time the Dark Clan must be driven away, and I cannot be the main force.

(I didn’t want to write this paragraph originally, but some spam comments made me upset. Do you know the subsequent plot? I wrote more than 100 chapters. When I reached the immortal stage, some people said that my combat effectiveness collapsed. They are all designed, Taoist, Divine Domain, God Realm, and some Taoist-level life forms.

And who told you that this woman is telling the truth? Are you sure that the Divine Lord, or even the two Heavenly Venerables, are telling the truth? These are what I let you see so that you can see them. There are people who say that my settings are wrong or something is wrong. Are you here to read the book or to read the settings?

Sometimes I'm quite speechless. From the 300,000 words mark, I started to enter the immortal stage. At that time, a bunch of people said that my combat power had collapsed. Please, don't think that this is the type of story about mortals cultivating immortals, okay? Immortals are the most Apex Level, and who told you that gods are the most Apex Level? My settings are not complete at all, okay? )

(End of chapter)

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