Chapter 251 When old friends meet

"Yes, I will practice in your realm. My existence cannot be exposed at the moment. I must not let the Dark God Clan discover it, otherwise it may cause serious consequences." Yun Tianshuang said.

"I understand. What do you think the Divine King of the Dark Clan is trying to test me for? Does he want to know whether I am a new Taoist master or an ancient Taoist master who has returned?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I don't know about this. I am just the daughter of a Divine King, and the information I know is limited. The other party is a Divine King, and he must know more than me. But the only thing I can be sure of is that you We must find a way to drive away the Dark Clan and do not go to the Divine Domain in a short period of time." Yun Tianshuang thought for a moment and said.

"I understand, you can practice here from now on! By the way, I have also given the authority here to my wife and a confidante. If they come in to practice, you don't want them to find out and hide your body. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, I understand. If I don't want others to discover, no one can discover my existence." Yun Tianshuang rolled her eyes and said.

Really, you just had an intimate relationship with me and you told me that you still have a wife and a confidante. You really don’t treat me as an outsider!

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and left the new Immortal World directly, putting on the disguise of the new Immortal World. Zhou Tianfeng came to fly Immortal World.

Flying to the Immortal World was originally the realm where he should Ascension. If there were not so many accidents, he should Ascension and fly to the Immortal World first.

Immortal World also has the largest gathering of immortals among all realms. After repelling the attack of Shatian Palace 300 years ago, some flew to Heavenly World. Immortal cultivators from the prehistoric realm also came to settle in this realm. Several Immortal Emperors rule here together, and it is relatively the realm with the most immortals.

As for why they don’t go to a new world where spiritual energy is more abundant, do you think these immortal cultivators don’t want to?

If you want to enter the new Heavenly World, you must join the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor's forces and become a member of the Southern Heavenly lineage. Some Independent Cultivators are unwilling to join any faction, so they can only fly to the Immortal World.

After changing his appearance, Zhou Tianfeng came to the location of the sect that flew Immortal World Jade Water Heavenly Palace by some strange combination of circumstances.

The Jade Water Heavenly Palace was previously located in the core area of ​​the Immortal World, occupying a fairy star. However, since the death of the first Immortal King's palace owner, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace has become lonely.

Many of the fairy stars that were originally occupied have also been occupied by other forces. Currently, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace only has a mountain range where the main sect is located. The other areas are occupied by other sects or small and large forces.

In the current Jade Water Heavenly Palace, there are only a few Profound Immortals with the highest cultivation level. Without the suppression of the Immortal King, there is no way to occupy an immortal star.

After Zhou Tianfeng disguised his aura, he came to the door of Jade Water Heavenly Palace. With his current cultivation level, he entered the Jade Water Heavenly Palace without anyone noticing, and no one could detect it.

Zhou Tianfeng's mind scanned the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and soon found the five people he cared about most. They were all gathered together in a remote palace.

"Ming Yanshang is a Golden Immortal cultivator, my master and my wife are both Celestial Immortal Realm cultivators, and the two young senior sisters are also Celestial Immortal Realm cultivators." Zhou Tianfeng said to himself.

More than 1,800 years have passed, and if they had practiced normally, they would have just ascended to fly to the Immortal World. Zhou Tianfeng would not have found it strange, but their cultivation was still pretty good.

Ming Yanshang sat cross-legged on his embroidery bed, with fire spirit energy surging all over his body, constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy into his body.

"Who?" As if he suddenly felt something, Ming Yanshang woke up suddenly, jumped out of bed quickly, looked around with a vigilant expression, and said.

At the same time, a fiery red fairy sword appeared in his hand, and a red armor also appeared on his body.

Just now, she felt as if someone appeared behind her, and even felt the other person's touch.

"Yanshang, we haven't seen each other for more than 1,800 years, right?" Zhou Tianfeng's figure appeared in front of Ming Yanshang and said.

"You, are you really you? You, you are not, aren't you sealed in another realm? Which senior told us this?" Ming Yanshang looked surprised after seeing Zhou Tianfeng appear. He spoke.

"How should I put it? I broke through the seal and came back not long ago." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Don't call me that. I am also your uncle after all, and you are now the king of the Qilin clan and have a family. It is not good to appear in my room like this." Ming Yanshang said.

After all, she and Zhou Tianfeng had only been together for a few decades, and they were separated for more than 1,800 years. She was a little uncomfortable with it, and many things had changed.

She is no longer the girl who was hundreds of years old, but a monk who has lived for more than 2,000 years.

And the other party is not the one who allows himself to be teased. The little nephew who was helpless was left with no resistance. The opponent was the upstart in the Demon Realm space or the new Heavenly World, the king of the Kirin clan.

"Why are you angry!" Zhou Tianfeng smiled, appeared directly behind Ming Yanshang, and held her in his arms.

More than 1,800 years have passed, and if you had a family like me, I wouldn't be bothered with the child. But when I came in, I carefully observed it with my spiritual mind. You are still unmarried! Of course I can't let go.

"You, you! You already have a family, why bother with me?" Ming Yanshang said angrily.

She did have a good impression of Zhou Tianfeng before, but as time passed and after going to the Demon Realm space to learn some things about Zhou Tianfeng, she turned down everything.

"Tch! You forced me before, now I force you." I don't care whether you agree or not.

"You, please let me go, I am your uncle after all."

Zhou Tianfeng picked up Ming Yanshang with his backhand and walked towards the opponent's embroidery bed. Ming Yanshang only resisted Zhou Tianfeng in the early stage, and then completely complied.

Sometimes, when you are strong enough. You can really do whatever you want!

There was nothing to say all night, and it was early the next morning.

Ming Yanshang lay in Zhou Tianfeng's arms very obediently.

"How do you plan to arrange for me to take me back to the Qilin clan? Or will Jinwu Cangjiao let me stay here." Ming Yanshang asked.

"None of them! You should know that I am the Lord of a Realm. My status is not much worse than that of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. I will bring you into my realm to live. The spiritual energy there is as dense as flying in the Immortal World. Times, and if you, Jade Water Heavenly Palace, are willing, the entire sect can move there." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"?? The Lord of a Realm, that is to say, didn't that senior lie to me?"

"I forgot to ask yesterday, which senior told you that I was sealed?" Yesterday, Zhou Tianfeng didn't ask about many things while they were making out!

"Tch! You are still the same as before. More than 1,000 years have passed, and you have not improved at all. The fairy who cooperated with you told us that you will not be able to return in a short time.

If we wanted, we could go to the Prehistoric Region first, but we refused, and after the war ended hundreds of years ago, we went to the Prehistoric Region and brought back the two little girls. "Ming Yanshang said.

"Well! I understand, by the way, my current identity cannot be disclosed to the public. How should I put it? There is a very powerful character who wants to deal with me, so I have to hide in the dark. When I come back this time, I am only close to myself. Let’s get in touch with some people. And among the sect, the closest ones are you, Master, Master, and the two junior sisters." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't want to say more about Master Tianxing's plot against him, and he didn't want them to know about pretending to be another Immortal Emperor.

"Who wants to deal with you? Someone from Shatian Palace?"

"Of course the people from the Shatian Palace have to deal with me, and I also have to deal with them. They are the common enemies of this world. However, this time I hide my identity and the people I want to deal with are not them.

In the future, the Immortal World will undergo earth-shaking changes. I intend to move your entire sect into my new Immortal World. What do you think? " Zhou Tianfeng asked.

After a period of careful consideration, Zhou Tianfeng decided to move Yaoshui to the Heavenly Palace. All the disciples, including his master and his wife, were sent to the new Immortal World to stay in their own territory.

"If it is as good as you said, then we will naturally pass. Now on this fairy star, our life is not easy. Since the death of the old palace owner of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, many sects have been eyeing us. "Ming Yanshang sighed and said.

The life of Jade Water Heavenly Palace is simply too sad now, when the old palace owner was still alive.

The entire fairy star belongs to them, and even some of the surrounding fairy stars have their power distribution in the Yaoshui sky.

"How did your first generation leader die?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I heard from the seniors in the sect that one time when I was practicing, I suddenly died suddenly, and all the flesh and blood essence of my body was sucked away through the air.

In the end, we found out that it was Queen Ruoxi who was responsible. You should know who Queen Ruoxi is, right? "Ming Yanshang said.

"Of course I know. She and I also have a grudge. If she hadn't done this, I might have successfully returned to the Spirit World." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"By the way, I still don't know what level of cultivation you have now. I have become a Golden Immortal after all, and I am already considered a peerless genius. But you kid seems to be able to control me with just a backhand. You are now a Profound Immortal?" Ming Yanshang asked.

The last time she met the senior emperor, she once said that Zhou Tianfeng was at the Golden Immortal level. Now 1,500 years have passed. Why should this kid be at the Golden Immortal level? As for the Immortal King, she didn't dare to think about it.

"Profound Immortal! You underestimate men too much. I am now the Immortal Emperor, the real Immortal Emperor." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Hearing this, Ming Yanshang suddenly sat up from the bed, sat on Zhou Tianfeng and asked with a surprised look on his face.

"You, you are the Immortal Emperor."

(End of chapter)

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