Chapter 252 Strange Desire

Ming Yanshang couldn't believe what he heard. This guy is actually an Immortal Emperor. Are you kidding me? I can understand you saying you are a Profound Immortal, or even an Immortal King, but you say you are an Immortal Emperor.

Bastard boy, how long have you been practicing? It’s not even 2000 yet, right?

"How long has it been since you started practicing? How could you be an Immortal Emperor? Don't lie to me." Ming Yanshang waved his fist, hit Zhou Tianfeng on the head, and said.

"Why am I lying to you? I am really an Immortal Emperor. You should know that I am the Lord of a Realm. I control an entire Immortal World, which is twice as big as the non-Immortal World. The concentration of spiritual energy is also the same here. Times, do you think my strength will be weak?" Zhou Tianfeng stretched out his hand to pull the other person into his arms, caressing the other person's smooth back and said.

Please, don't even think about it. The necessary conditions for becoming Immortal King and Immortal Emperor are actually the concentration of spiritual energy and the original energy. I don't lack these things. I want to break through to Immortal King or Immortal Emperor more than any cultivator. It’s all about ease and simplicity.

No pressure at all. It can be said that it comes naturally. The Body Refining system in this world is very strange. In fact, your mental state cultivation and mana cultivation are not too critical to your own growth and realm.

The key is that the environment in which you practice, the intensity of your spiritual energy, the special physique you possess, and the original energy you possess, these three things determine the level of your cultivation.

The first time I came into contact with the original energy in the Immortal World was when I was in the Immortal King realm. The second time is after the Immortal Emperor goes to the God Realm, all the Divine Kings also need the original energy to practice.

According to Yun Tianshuang, those Ascensioners in the upper realm who are not gods and are not living a very easy life. The highest realm is Heavenly Venerable, which is only comparable to the strength of the gods.

"But isn't this unbelievable? You, you are really an Immortal Emperor? So, is the person who plotted against you also an Immortal Emperor?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"Of course she's not the Immortal Emperor."

"That's okay." Ming Yanshang.

"But she is even more powerful than the Immortal Emperor." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

"You, you, are you okay?" Ming Yanshang asked.

With my own cultivation as a Golden Immortal, I am afraid that I cannot help the other party in any way. At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng is no longer a young bird that needs to grow up under her wings, but has grown into a towering tree that can protect her. Big tree.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements for this matter. I am sure to deal with her. I came to you just to take away your master, my wife, and the two young senior sisters. In other words, if you can't give up the sect, I can also take the sect away. Take it away directly." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Originally, he planned to conceal his identity and act secretly, but after thinking about it, he decided. He hid the people he cared about very much. His wife and two sons were in the new Heavenly World. Under the protection of the Southern Celestial Immortal, Master Tianxing could not intervene.

What's more, he also gave Mo Yunqi permission. If there is danger, she can hide in the new Immortal World anytime and anywhere, and there is a big boss in the new Immortal World.

The only ones he couldn't worry about were his master, his wife, Ming Yanshang, and the two junior sisters, so after careful consideration, Zhou Tianfeng decided to directly show off his cards and send them all into the new Immortal World. He had no worries.

"I'm not the leader now, I'm just a junior who came up from Ascension. The real leader is a Profound Immortal. I'm not sure if he is willing to move away. Moreover, this Yaoguang Immortal Star is also the first one after all. What the leader of the generation left behind has now been completely defeated by us, the younger generation of disciples." Ming Yanshang said.

How sad that such a huge fairy star only left a mountain peak as the sect's base.

"With such abundant spiritual energy, even more abundant than this Immortal Star, my new Immortal World has more. After discarding this one, I will give you three." Zhou Tianfeng said nonchalantly.

Isn't it just a fairy star? It is equivalent to a spiritual star in the mortal world, except that it has more spiritual energy and no mortals exist.

Such special planets have their own fresh worlds everywhere, and there are even some special spaces like the Demon Realm space.

"You don't understand? You have a lot of worries on your own, and we also have worries. I don't just have Cai Ling as a disciple, I have more than a dozen disciples! The same goes for Senior Sister Shuiyun, and your master has also accepted him over the years. There are several disciples. These disciples have their own relatives, and some of them are not in our sect. How do you plan to deal with them?

Pick them all up? You have to hide your identity to deal with powerful enemies. If so many people are taken away, it will definitely attract the opponent's attention. "Ming Yanshang said.

Some things are not as simple as you think, brat, although you have a very high level of cultivation, you still don't understand the worldly aspects. You only care about the five of us, but we also have many concerns here. I have more than one disciple, and my senior sisters are still there.

Your master and master have accepted disciples over the years, are you going to abandon them all? These disciples still have relatives, and their relatives still have relatives and friends.

If they heard that they were going to a better place, a safer place, everyone would want to leave.

The current Immortal World can be said to be extremely crowded. Basically all the monks from Luo Heavenly World have come in. Some people in the realm of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor can say that their interests will not be violated at all, but some other ordinary immortals But it's miserable.

Over the years, the aborigines who flew to the Immortal World have been in constant conflict with Luo Heavenly World and the monks who moved from the Primordial Realm. If it hadn't been for the pressure from above, a large-scale war would have broken out long ago.

There are more than 20,000 disciples in the entire Jade Water Heavenly Palace, and there are thousands of disciples scattered outside. It is not that easy to move out at will.

After hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng also started to think, his new Immortal World is indeed very huge. Even if half of the monks flying in Immortal World were moved there, it wouldn't seem too crowded and there would still be plenty of space.

But the problem is that I can't be exposed now. It was not because he was afraid of Master Tianxing, but because after talking with Yun Tianshuang, Zhou Tianfeng understood the importance of hiding himself.

If you open a vest before. Just because he wanted to disgust Master Tianxing so that he could be ruined, Zhou Tianfeng's goal was different now. He needs to avoid threats from the outside, threats from the dark clan.

"Then I will give you permission to enter and leave the new Immortal World freely. If your Yaoshui Heavenly Palace encounters any danger, you can evacuate to the new Immortal World with your people. As for my affairs, don't tell Master yet. With the wife, you are the only one who knows about it." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and then said.

"This method is okay. Since you have to deal with hidden enemies, it's best not to let others know your identity. Those two little girls and Senior Sister Shuiyun should hide it from them for the time being!" Ming Yanshang's eyes rolled. After turning around, he spoke.

Haha, this kid Zhou Tianfeng just came back, and he got into his room first. This kid really has me in his heart.

"I understand, then you should use seclusion as an excuse for these few days. Don't go out and stay with me! Then I will take you to the new Immortal World for a walk." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The anger that has been held in for more than 15,000 years is not so easy to get rid of.

"Okay! I understand, don't worry, I won't leak your information." Ming Yanshang said.

In the next few years, Zhou Tianfeng was completely immersed in the gentle countryside. Mo Yunqi, Ming Yanshang, and even Yun Tianshuang who were hiding, all allowed Zhou Tianfeng to enjoy what it means to be together. Blessings to man.

"Didn't you say you were going to deal with the enemy? How embarrassed are you to stay here with us every day?" Mo Yunqi asked very dissatisfiedly while lying in Zhou Tianfeng's arms.

"Tianfeng was estimated to have been here for more than ten thousand years, but now it has only been with us for a few years. Is this a long time for an immortal?" Ming Yanshang said.

"Tch! I'm going back to the new Heavenly World. The boss and the second child are coming back. If they find out that I won't be there, they will become suspicious. You stay with Tianfeng!" Mo Yunqi stood up and put on her clothes After taking off the clothes, he spoke.

This bastard Zhou Tianfeng took over another woman not long after he took him over. It was really abominable.

"Ahem! In this case, it's time for me to leave." Zhou Tianfeng smiled slightly awkwardly and said.

Recently, I have been feeling a bit awkward. If Ming Yanshang hadn't been suppressing me, I would have dragged the two junior sisters in.

Damn it, why is my demand in that area so great now?

Strange, so strange, this is a bit abnormal!

However, Zhou Tianfeng didn't care about this. He only thought that he had been in seclusion in the New Immortal World for more than 15,000 years, which resulted in a somewhat strong demand in that area, so he didn't think much about it.

"Be careful. If nothing can be done, it would be a good idea for us to guard the new Immortal World together. The spiritual energy here is more than double that of the outside world. No matter how many people come, it can be accommodated." Ming Yanshang said.

"Good men have aspirations in all directions. Tianfeng, your current mission is to save this plane and defeat the Dark Clan and Master Tianxing. Don't let some things dampen your fighting spirit." Mo Yunqi said.

The two people have completely different concepts. Ming Yanshang hopes that Zhou Tianfeng will stay and live a good life. Let’s be happy immortals together.

But Mo Yunqi has a strong desire for power and hopes to become the fairy queen in the world.

Zhou Tianfeng comforted the two women again. Then he left the New Immortal World and came to the wilderness.

It's time to start your own plan.

(End of chapter)

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