Chapter 253 Innate Creatures

Of the two women I currently have, to be honest, Ming Yanshang makes me more comfortable. She is the kind of woman who just wants to protect herself. Although her personality is a bit strong, this is understandable.

Only Mo Yunqi can be said to be extremely strong in terms of personality, and there is no such thing as love between herself and him. It can be said that the two of them are purely for profit. This is how the strength is combined.

At first, she was still the concubine of the previous generation Qilin King, but because she saw the value and potential of Zhou Tianfeng, she bet on Zhou Tianfeng.

But so what? I can easily give her all the rights she wants. As long as she doesn't do anything that crosses the bottom line, Zhou Tianfeng can tolerate her.

As for the two sons, in this world, they are all his own anyway, but from the perspective of life on earth, they are not his children.

Because there is no genetic inheritance, Zhou Tianfeng always feels that he owes something, and he doesn't know why. Zhou Tianfeng has been extremely irritable recently regarding matters related to his children.

In the prehistoric realm, Zhou Tianfeng arrived at the Immortal Emperor's palace with ease, and then quietly touched Emperor Honglei's room.

Seeing the beautiful figure sitting cross-legged on the ground practicing, for some reason, the flames in Zhou Tianfeng's body started burning crazily.

Then he stretched out his hand.

At this time, Di Honglei was sitting cross-legged on the ground practicing. Suddenly, a hand hugged her waist from behind, and then a strong body pressed against him.

"How brave! Who is she?" Di Honglei was not a weak woman. She once gained a great reputation in the Black Demon World and was a strong woman type of existence. She turned around and hit her with a palm.

Bastard, someone actually dared to do something inappropriate to her in her father's palace.

After seeing that the person coming was Zhou Tianfeng, Di Honglei's eyes widened, then he gritted his teeth, raised his other fist in anger, and hit Zhou Tianfeng on the head.

Because at this time, Zhou Tianfeng's other dirty hand had already touched the opponent's buttocks.

But these two attacks, for Zhou Tianfeng's current Immortal Emperor level of cultivation, are just scratching an itch, a slap in the face, it doesn't matter at all.

There was even a strong sense of excitement deep in his heart, and he directly pressed the opponent to the ground with his backhand.

"You are so impudent. What are you doing? Let me go quickly." Di Honglei struggled to speak.

She never expected that Zhou Tianfeng would suddenly appear in front of him and then do such a frivolous thing. This guy is normal though. It's not very reliable, even a bit unreliable, but, but so, it's too bold!

"You're so beautiful! I don't know why, I just thought, ugh!" Before Zhou Tianfeng could finish speaking, he was knocked away by a flash of power from Di Honglei.

This was an attack left on her body by his father, the Immortal Emperor, before the last battle. When Di Honglei encounters danger, it will automatically trigger to attack the opponent.

"You bastard, what's going on with you? Are you crazy?" Di Honglei stood up and stared at Zhou Tianfeng with a fierce look on his face.

"That's what your father left for you, right? It hurt a little bit just now." Zhou Tianfeng got up from the ground, moved his head, and said,

Although it was a blow from the Immortal Emperor, it no longer mattered to him. This attack and Emperor Honglei's strong resistance to him further aroused a desire to conquer in his heart.

"Zhou Tianfeng, please wake up, something is wrong with you, something is very wrong with you." Di Honglei silently stepped back and said.

At this time, Zhou Tianfeng's behavior was completely obsessed, which was very similar to her father's previous appearance.

However, her father suppressed his demonic nature at least, but this kid seemed to be completely controlled by the demonic nature.

Moreover, this boy's desire is actually himself. Is there any mistake? Why did this kid suddenly become like a hungry ghost in lust?

"Obsessed, not at all." Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and said.

Obsessed, are you kidding me? My own cultivation level is that of a Taoist master. No inner demons can arise in my heart, and a Taoist master-level existence cannot exist in my heart.

"Then tell me what your situation is now. You were not like this before." Di Honglei said.

Zhou Tianfeng smiled and did not answer. Instead, he stretched out his hand to arrange a barrier and directly sealed the palace of Emperor Xian.

"Don't mess around! You have a family, and you also have two junior sisters? Don't have any evil thoughts towards me. I tell you it's impossible." Di Honglei silently retreated to the corner with a wary look on his face said.

"I, I want descendants, I want descendants!" Zhou Tianfeng's eyes began to turn red, and he almost roared.

"Idiot, you have gone crazy, stabilize your mind, you idiot, you have children, you have descendants." Di Honglei roared.

"No, that's different, that's different. They are just children of this world, not mine. My bloodline. My bloodline has not been passed down." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What do you mean? Those two children are your bloodline!" Di Honglei said.

This guy, what happened to this guy? Why did it suddenly become so strange?

The two sides started fighting, but even Di Honglei, the Immortal King, could not face Zhou Tianfeng, who was now an Immortal Emperor, and was quickly captured.

"Let go. We are good friends. Don't do anything to make me feel disgusted with you. You are already an Immortal Emperor-level cultivator. Keep your Taoist mind stable." Di Honglei struggled to say.

At this moment, all her cultivation levels have been blocked by Zhou Tianfeng, and she has completely become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Zhou Tianfeng's appearance at this time was simply too strange. What happened? What, how did he become like this? It's only been a few years since I left.

"Wake up!" At this moment, a loud shout came from Zhou Tianfeng's mind, which instantly woke up his originally lost mind.

Yun Tianshuang, who was transported to the new Immortal World, had been monitoring Zhou Tianfeng with his spiritual thoughts from a distance, and his behavior at this moment was also seen by Yun Tianshuang.

This kid is really a Taoist god. He can't even control his most basic desires. This kind of behavior should be the lowest level of the physical desires of other beings. This kid, this kid is actually.

It's a bit disappointing, she is really disappointed!

"Zhou Tianfeng, you have gone crazy. What happened? How did you develop the inner demon?" Seeing Zhou Tianfeng wake up, Di Honglei breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"I, I'm fine! Honglei, I didn't go crazy. Just now, just now, I was very awake." Zhou Tianfeng squatted on the ground, covered his head and said.

Just now, he was extremely awake, but he seemed to be controlled by an extreme instinctive desire. That feeling was definitely not some obsession, some Heavenly Demon outside the city wanted to do something to him.

That is a physical desire, a desire derived from one's own genes, the desire to reproduce, the most primitive and powerful instinct of life on earth.

Self-replication, all living things on the earth are replicating themselves through this method. Everyone is different, but they are 99.9% genetically similar to their descendants. This is the self-replication of life.

"Then what happened to you just now?" Di Honglei still asked with a vigilant look on his face.

"Hong Lei, let me ask you, do you remember that you accepted some transformations from the virus space before?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I accepted it, but it has been removed. You should know this, right?" Di Honglei said.

"Have you ever had special feelings for me? Tell the truth." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

When facing Mo Yunqi and Ming Yanshang, I also had some very special feelings, but they were definitely not as strong as when I saw Di Honglei, and they were even so strong that my instinct was controlled.

"."Do you have? Of course!

It was when I was in the Demon Realm space before, and the feeling was very strong, but since leaving the virus space, this feeling has become less intense.

However, her body did undergo some kind of change. Even if the power of the virus space was eliminated, her body seemed to have undergone some changes.

Talk about it!

"Let's feel it again!" Zhou Tianfeng directly turned on the adrenaline mode, letting his male hormones release crazily.

"You, you, this, this is a charm technique." Di Honglei instantly smelled a very strange smell, which made her whole body excited.

His eyes began to become blurred, and the gaze he looked at Zhou Tianfeng also changed.

"Hong Lei! I didn't realize it when we last met. I'm no longer alone. Congratulations, you have become a human being." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You, what do you mean?"

"Last time, the virus space made some changes to you, and then I extracted the virus from your body, but some of the changes have been permanently formed.

After such a long time, you may not have noticed that your body has undergone some changes. You are no longer the life created by those great Divine Ability people. You have changed and become like me, or similar to me. . Zhou Tianfeng said.

The two people began to be attracted to each other, breathing rapidly, getting closer and closer.

(Omit 10,000 words.)

After one night!

Di Honglei looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a cold face and sat with his back to him.

"What did you mean by what you just said? What does it mean that I am no longer a life created by those with great Divine Ability?" Di Honglei turned around and asked.

"Just like the life conceived by Innate, you are no longer a human race. You are the first human woman born in the human world. You are a naturally formed life form, not a created one." Zhou Tianfeng said .

He also didn't expect that Di Honglei would become the first human woman in the world. No wonder he felt so strongly when he saw her.

The reproductive instinct of life on earth is simply too overbearing.

"Innate creatures?" Yun Tianshuang in the new Immortal World exclaimed.

(End of chapter)

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