Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 254 The Specialness Of Innate Creatures

Chapter 254 The Specialness of Innate Creatures

Innate creatures? How could it be an Innate creature? Is this woman actually an Innate creature?

It shouldn't be. Innate creatures can only appear when they are just born in a plane. In the most primitive period, they are born from heaven and earth.

This plane has been born for countless epochs. Logically speaking, it should be impossible to give birth to Innate creatures again!

Innate creatures have very high qualifications and have extremely strong plasticity. They can be infected with the blood of a god and become a member of that god. They also have very powerful potential and can become a Divine King without consuming their original energy. of life forms.

Even in the Divine Domain space, they are rare goods, and once they appear, they will attract competition from various forces.

"How could an ordinary human woman be an Innate creature?" At this moment, Yun Tianshuang was filled with curiosity and even wanted to leave the New Immortal World directly to observe this Innate creature up close.

If nothing unexpected happens, an Innate creature can easily grow to the Divine King stage without consuming the original energy in the divine world.

Because the Innate creature itself is the darling of heaven and earth, it can be said to be the child of heaven and earth, so it can draw on the original energy between heaven and earth.

However, it is nothing for him to appear next to a Taoist. The Taoist, like these Innate creatures, was also born from Innate, but the Taoist has a higher status and has the space of Tao.

If there is no Tao space of his own, then the Taoist master is actually an ordinary Innate creature.

"It's such good luck to get an Innate creature. In her divine realm space in the future, your divine realm will be like adding a Divine King out of thin air." Yun Tianshuang said to himself.

"What are you talking about? What is a human being? What is a human race? Aren't humans just the human race?" Di Honglei looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said with confusion.

"How should I put it? Although they look exactly the same, the Terran race is different from humans. The Terran race is a life created by the ancient Divine Ability in its own image, while the human race is a single-celled life. Continuous evolution, backstory Animals, marine animals, mammals, and primates are life forms that have evolved continuously.

Although the appearance is exactly the same, the human Innate looks like this, and humans evolved to look like this. " Zhou Tianfeng opened his mouth to explain.

In fact, it's a bit difficult for him to distinguish. The two are indeed different. The evolution of life on earth can be said to be quite cruel.

There used to be dozens or even hundreds of subspecies of humans, but in the end, they were completely extinct by modern Homo sapiens.

The same is true for other animals. The rise of each population represents the destruction of countless populations.

Life on earth survives and evolves in accordance with strict natural laws. If it cannot be purified, if it cannot survive, then it will be destroyed. There is no second way, no mercy, no luck, and if it falls behind, it will become extinct.

"Okay, it's boring to say this. My body has indeed become a little different, which is of great benefit to my cultivation, but the viruses and bacteria you mentioned are indeed not in my body, not at all." Di Honglei said.

"I have also discovered this. Logically speaking, we humans are a Transcendent Level organic body integration, but your situation is a little different. Your body is indeed human now, but there are no viruses or bacteria in your body. ." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He was very sure that Di Honglei at this time was a human being and could have offspring with her. If this situation did not happen, he would not be so crazy that he would lose his mind.

But there are no viruses or bacteria in her body, which can also be explained, because this detail does not have the concept of viruses and bacteria at all. Human beings on earth may not be able to survive without some bacteria and viruses in their bodies, but life forms in this world cannot survive. No, because there is no such thing.

It is precisely because I brought the virus that the virus space was formed, but strictly speaking, it seems that something is not right. The power displayed by the virus space now seems to be not limited to viruses, but similar to a virus space. evolution and transformation.

You can give the natives of this world any Innate bloodline, and even turn them into humans, different from your own evolved humans.

"Master Taoist, she is not exactly the same as you, she is slightly different from you. This girl should be an Innate creature.

Just like when you Dao Master-level life forms were first born, they were conceived and born by heaven and earth, not created by anyone with great Divine Ability. "At this moment, Yun Tianshuang's words rang in Zhou Tianfeng's ears. The other party was using a very clever method to talk to him across borders.

"What do you mean by this? Do you mean that she is an Innate creature?" Zhou Tianfeng asked very strangely.

"I, he is an Innate creature. I am very sure that Innate creatures are an extremely special kind of life form. They are usually born naturally in the native plane of the lower world." Yun Tianshuang began to give Zhou Tianfeng some popular science about Innate creatures. knowledge.

After listening to Yun Tianshuang's words, Zhou Tianfeng had a vague understanding of Innate creatures.

It is a life form that was born naturally and was not forcibly created by any artificial means.

In this way, all living things on the earth were born from Innate. Although they are extremely fragile, they were actually born from Innate.

Di Honglei was originally just a human race, but she had the bloodline of the Immortal Emperor. She had been strengthened by her own virus space before, and then she removed the virus from her body.

As a result, various accidents and special conditions combined to make her a special case, a human woman, and according to this world, an Innate creature.

"Train her well. She will be your most powerful assistant in the future. As long as you can enter the Divine Domain and give her time, she can become a Divine King-level existence. And don't let other forces discover her. As long as the Innate creature appears, , it will lead to snatching from various gods." Yun Tianshuang said.

"I understand. You don't need to tell me. I will also watch over her and protect her." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

"I can understand everything else, but why did you do that to me, and also said you weren't crazy?" Di Honglei put on her clothes, looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a cold face, and asked road.

"Uh! I said it was an instinctive reaction and I couldn't control it. Do you believe it?" Zhou Tianfeng shrugged helplessly and said.

There is no need to outline how strong the desire of life on earth is to reproduce. All male life. Whether they are humans or animals, they only live for one thing throughout their lives, to reproduce.

It has even evolved to an extreme point, but in the eyes of scientists, this is the most perfect expression. Whether it is viruses, cells, or larger mammals, they have only one purpose of survival, and that is reproduction.

After transmigrating just now, Zhou Tianfeng was not particularly strong with this feeling, but after spending several years happily with Ming Yanshang, Mo Yunqi, and Yun Tianshuang, this instinct in his body has been infinitely amplified.

As luck would have it, Di Honglei happened to have completed the last step of transformation, thus completely stimulating Zhou Tianfeng's instinctive reaction.

"What's the difference between this and being obsessed?"

"You should feel that way too, right? We are just attracted to each other." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Bah! It's obviously because you used some kind of charm technique that I fell into the trap." Di Honglei said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Those things are called hormones, and you also have them. It's just that you are a female hormone, which should have some impact on the males in this world. Otherwise, why do you think I am so attracted to the opposite sex?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

He patiently told Di Honglei some things.

"In other words, if you enter that adrenaline burst mode, it will not only improve your combat effectiveness, but also attract women? And the same goes for me?" Di Honglei asked.

"It should be like this. If you don't believe it, you can try it. Deep in your heart, think about something that makes you very excited, and then completely burst out this emotion." Zhou Tianfeng began to teach the other party to use the adrenaline mode.

"I'll give it a try!" Di Honglei nodded and said.

Being able to increase one's combat power is equivalent to a special physique. Of course, you have to try it to see what the effect is.

But the truth is a bit unbelievable. No matter how Zhou Tianfeng taught him, or even through some external force, he used his Immortal Emperor pressure to put Di Honglei into a state on the verge of life and death, but the opponent just didn't burst out with adrenaline.

This girl, this girl, seems a little different!

Back then, I successfully activated adrenaline in this way and learned to use it successfully.

But there seemed to be no such thing as adrenaline in Di Honglei's body. Zhou Tianfeng used his spiritual mind to carefully observe Di Honglei's body.

Then he discovered something different. His body structure had indeed become the same as his own, and he could produce offspring with himself, but, it seemed that was all.

She didn't seem to have the adaptability and various body reactions that Earth's life forms had spent billions of years evolving.

Could it be that? Did her viral space just turn her into an Innate creature instead of the human she thought she was?

"So you lied to me? Why don't I have the ability you said?" Di Honglei rolled his eyes and asked.

She now seriously doubts that this bastard Zhou Tianfeng is just looking for sex.

"Ahem! Your situation belongs to Innate creatures. Let me give you a brief introduction." Zhou Tianfeng coughed twice and introduced the situation of Innate creatures to Di Honglei.

"So you are an Innate creature, right? I can understand this, but I haven't settled the accounts with you for what you did to me!" Di Honglei said with a cold face.

(End of chapter)

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