Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 255 The New Immortal Emperor, Kill Queen Ruoxi First

Chapter 255 The new Immortal Emperor, kill Queen Ruoxi first

Zhou Tianfeng is a little speechless! You really can’t blame me, okay? All of these are the instinctive reactions of the human species, or the life forms on earth.

"Didn't I just explain this to you?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"However, your explanation is completely unreasonable. Think about it for yourself, how many loopholes there are in your words." Di Honglei said.

In her opinion, everything was false. Zhou Tianfeng was just interested in her. Maybe it was the reason why he found out that he became an innate creature.

But Nima’s instinctive reaction was that this explanation was absolutely unacceptable to him. What did you take me for?

"How about you! You can also be my wife! I can't think of any other solution." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What do you mean? You bastard." Di Honglei said angrily.

"You can't escape anyway! You are already mine." Zhou Tianfeng said simply destroying the situation.

A good girl is afraid of being harassed by bad guys. Zhou Tianfeng activated the shameless mode. This was a trick given to him by his master Xue Xue Feng.

When chatting with the master once, Xue Feng told him how he deceived the upright master's wife back then. It was just a word, shameless.

"You! It's impossible for my man to only treat me wholeheartedly. You know how many women you have!" Di Honglei said.

"Can you still marry someone else? Tell me who you fall in love with. I'll kill him right away. With my current level of cultivation, even if your father takes action himself, he can't stop me." Zhou Tianfeng said. said.

"You! What do you mean I'm yours? It's just a skin. At our level, do we still care about the skin? At the worst, I can just change it to another skin." Di Honglei said.

"Isn't it just communication about the soul? I recently learned a set of techniques called the Way of Nirvana. I will practice it with you when I have time. It is very beneficial to you and can give your soul the attribute of immortality. " Zhou Tianfeng said.

Not to mention this, since Zhou Tianfeng practiced the dual cultivation of soul and soul with Yun Tianshuang many times, Zhou Tianfeng also had a slight understanding of the way of annihilation, and now he has gained a foothold in the way of annihilation.

If Di Honglei cultivates both soul and soul with him, then it will indeed be very beneficial for her to understand the way of annihilation.

It can be said that it was an unexpected gain that he successfully understood the way of annihilation. Even Yun Tianshuang did not expect that Zhou Tianfeng could actually understand the way of annihilation after just having several soul exchanges with her.

"You, how could you do this! Are you deliberately taking advantage of me, right?" Di Honglei rolled his eyes and said.

Isn't this guy planning to be a rogue? Are you kidding me about the path to annihilation?

"Let me teach you how to practice! The way of annihilation is very profound." Zhou Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Do you want my help? I can assist you and help you both practice the way of annihilation." Yun Tianshuang asked via voice transmission.

This kid is also a talent, but this girl is an Innate creature, but she is worthy of being beaten to death by a Taoist master. Getting her is the best way.

However, he was still worried that Zhou Tianfeng's understanding of the way of annihilation was not deep enough, so he came up with the idea of ​​three people practicing Soul Refining together.

"Ahem! Next time, we'll be together next time." Zhou Tianfeng said slightly embarrassed.

He is no longer the novice he was before. He knows what soul cultivation means. The Divine Maiden of the upper realm is so open!

Three people, maybe even four or five people will practice Soul Refining together in the future. Think about it, it’s a little exciting!

But it definitely won't work now. If he does this now, Di Honglei will definitely not follow him.

In the end, after Zhou Tianfeng half-heartedly gave in, Di Honglei began training on the soul with him. With the help of the Tao of Annihilation, Di Honglei successfully imbued the soul with a trace of rebirth attribute.

"You are just a scoundrel!" Di Honglei said.

In the end, under Zhou Tianfeng's hard work, Di Honglei reluctantly accepted her fate. She and this boy were really destined to have a bad fate!

When she was in the Demon Realm space, she had a secret crush on this boy, but later on when the boy got married, she buried this thought deep in her heart.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for more than 1,000 years, this kid would become so domineering.

"I remember that when you first started practicing, you were very timid. You looked cautious. Why did your mood suddenly change now?" Di Honglei asked.

"Have I not always been like this? Before, it was because my cultivation was too weak and I was always influenced by others. Facing people who are stronger than me, what else can I do besides being subdued?" Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said. .

Do you think I want it? When I first transmigrated, I was just a little Karami, a being who could be bullied by anyone. It was a bit difficult to even survive in this world. After finally surviving to become the most Apex Level being in this world, of course I had to be domineering.

I also. After being wronged and pretending to be a grandson for so long, I can no longer enjoy it.

"So, this is your nature, right? No wonder Master Tianxing wants to deal with you. I think they are right, you do have bad intentions," Di Honglei said.

"Anyway, now you have boarded my pirate ship and can't get off! However, I can assure you that I have absolutely no ill intentions towards this world, and I will even help this world resist attacks from the dark realm. You may not You know, if Sha Tian and the others succeed, all living things will die." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"How could I not know? The seniors in this world have known about this for a long time, otherwise they wouldn't have left so many back-ups.

But what we didn't expect was that even with so many backup options, we still couldn't resist. If you hadn't come out of nowhere, we would have lost. " Di Honglei said.

"Don't worry. Once I take care of Master Tianxing, I will completely drive away the Dark Clan, leaving no one behind." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"So you haven't started your plan yet?"

"I have arranged for some people who are very important to me over the years and dealt with their safety issues well, so that I can give it a try." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You are indeed overly cautious sometimes. You may not know how bad Tianxing's situation is now. Among the three of my father, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and Tianxing Master, Tianxing Master is the most seriously injured. .

The Celestial Immortal Emperor of the South has now awakened. With the help of the original power of the new Heavenly World, it is estimated that it will take a few thousand years to regain full combat power.

My father has the original energy of the prehistoric realm. The nourishment speed may be slower than that of the southern Celestial Immortal land, but it is also stronger than Master Tianxing. Master Tianxing has really hurt his soul. I don’t know when he will wake up. . "Di Honglei said while lying in Zhou Tianfeng's arms.

In fact, the reason why her father, Immortal Emperor, was so seriously injured had a lot to do with the inner demons. During the war, the inner demons also took advantage of the situation.

Over the years, his father has also been trying to get rid of his inner demons, but the results are really not very good.

"Your father has the Prehistoric Domain, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor has the New Heavenly World, and Master Tianxing also has the Ancient Immortal Domain. The Ancient Immortal Domain has much more aura than the New Heavenly World and the Prehistoric Domain. Couldn't she use the Ancient Immortal Domain? Is the power within it cultivated?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

It is indeed incomparable with the new Heavenly World. The original energy in the new Heavenly World is completely enjoyed by the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor alone, but compared with the Celestial Immortal Emperor in the prehistoric region, it should not be much worse, right?

"She does have some authority, but after all, he is not the Lord of a Realm. He cannot recover like the Southern Celestial Immortal. Moreover, her injuries are much more serious than my father." Di Honglei said.

She was watching the battle from a distance, so she knew exactly what happened.

"You don't want me to give up revenge, do you?"

"I don't mean that. Since Master Tianxing plotted against you and did such a despicable thing, you naturally want to seek justice, but I hope you put the lives of this world first," Di Honglei said.

"I know, don't worry, the Dark Clan is definitely no match for me, I promise you.

By the way, I have already thought of my new title. It will be called Feilong Immortal Emperor. My previous name was Feilong Immortal King. I met you 20,000 years ago. At that time, I was an Apex Level Immortal King. I recently broke through to Immortal Emperor. Realm, what do you think of this identity? Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Please tell me more specifically, and I will help you with your advice." Di Honglei said.

Since Zhou Tianfeng said so, then she should choose to believe it! And in the final analysis, this matter was done by Master Tianxing. It was really too underhanded.

"After cultivating the Immortal Emperor, it will cause a lot of noise. I plan to spread my aura in the wilderness. You announced to the outside world that the reason why I did not participate in the last war was because I broke through the Immortal Emperor realm in seclusion. This matter This matter has your father's permission." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's okay. What are you going to do next?" Di Honglei nodded.

Anyway, it would take tens of thousands of years for his father to wake up. During this period, she could say whatever she wanted.

"I will establish my prestige first. I plan to take back Luo Heavenly World first, take back Luo Heavenly World, and become the number one Immortal Emperor to counterattack the Shatian Palace. This will establish my prestige among all walks of life." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Queen Ruoxi also has a big grudge against herself. If that's the case, I'll be the first to attack you.

"You plan to take back Luo Heavenly World? This is feasible. There is only one Queen Ruoxi in Luo Heavenly World. If your combat power is really comparable to several Immortal Emperors, then it is indeed possible to take back Luo Heavenly World." Di Honglei said.

"This time about the Zombie Immortal Emperor's attack on the Prehistoric Territory, you can publicize it and say that the Shatian Palace broke the armistice agreement first. I also have a reason to take action." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now several Immortal Emperors in the ancient Immortal Domain are seriously injured, and they are still guarding the fact that Master Tianxing was attacked by the zombie Immortal Emperor. The blame can indeed be placed on the head of the Shatian Palace.

"Last question, Zhou Tianfeng, are you confident about killing Queen Ruoxi?" Di Honglei asked.

"Watch the show! This time, Queen Ruoxi is dead."

(End of chapter)

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