Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 261 Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor’S Special Hobbies

Chapter 261 Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor’s Special Hobbies

Now that things are like this, how can he explain to the Divine King?

"Tell me what happened? Why were you suddenly killed, and then your soul returned to the Dark God Realm?" The Lord of Darkness looked at Queen Ruoxi who was kneeling on the ground and asked with an ugly expression.

"Reporting to Lord Shenjun. My subordinates were staying well in Luo Heavenly World, but suddenly a man named Feilong Immortal Emperor appeared. This man is very powerful. I think he should be better than Huang Immortal Emperor and Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor. Even more awesome.

He has a very powerful spell that instantly blocked the entire realm, making it impossible for me to leave or deliver the message. After that, he killed everyone in the Heavenly World in one move.

I was defeated in a fight with him, and he has two Divine Weapons, one armor and one spear.

Judging from the style, it should also be made by Heavenly Venerable of time and space. Lord Shenjun's crime was not a crime of war. In fact, it was the intervention of a Heavenly Venerable in the upper world that caused our failure. "Tianhou Ruoxi knelt on the ground and said.

All her killing moves are ineffective against the opponent, but the opponent's killing moves can kill him easily. How to fight this battle?

"The other party's cultivation level is Immortal Emperor. He has two Divine Weapons, one armor, and one divine gun. They are all made of Heavenly Venerable in time and space. He also possesses a very terrifying secret technique that even you can't He was spared and even killed all the Low Level lives in Luo Heavenly World with one move, right?" The Dark Lord asked.

If it was really a Heavenly Venerable who forcibly intervened, then he really couldn't blame Queen Ruoxi. The opponent had tried his best, but there was nothing he could do. The situation was stronger than the person's, and he really couldn't beat him.

"Ruoxi, I don't blame you for this matter. Do you have any backup plans in that world? You can't go back again." The Dark Lord asked.

The most important thing now is to send Queen Ruoxi or someone else back quickly before the other party discovers the evil situation. Otherwise, all the power of the Dark Clan will be uprooted.

At that time, I am afraid that the Divine King will have to personally take action to open a space crack.

"Lord Shenjun, do you still remember our last conversation? After the last conversation, I put some special means on the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor, which can use secret techniques to make people of our clan Seize their bodies." Queen Ruoxi said.

She could roughly guess some things, so she had made some preparations in advance. There was some kind of back trick on those two Demon Emperors and the Monster Emperor.

"You mean, you can arrange for someone to seize the body now, right?" The Dark Lord looked happy and asked.

"Yes, Lord Shenjun, but I'm afraid I can't. My soul has been seriously injured, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go this time." Queen Ruoxi said.

In fact, her return to the God of Darkness this time was part of her plan.

According to past experience, if a Heavenly Venerable-level strongman appears to block the attempt to seize the original plane, they will usually give up.

After all, these Heavenly Venerables came up from the lower realm Ascension. They have very special feelings for the lower realm and will spare no effort to help the lower realm fight against the invasion of the upper realm.

And once the Heavenly Venerable in the upper world intervenes, even if they remain sealed, they may not be able to defeat each other. If they fail, their souls will be severely damaged, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

So generally. They will directly abandon that native plane and wait until Heavenly Venerable no longer pays attention to it before making plans to seize it.

But this time, the Heavenly Venerable who appeared in this origin plane may not be the only Heavenly Venerable in time and space. After this incident, there should be several Heavenly Venerables. As far as she knew.

Now in time and space, Heavenly Venerable has contacted at least six more Heavenly Venerables and established a small force in a broken world of gods.

But the Dark God Lord didn't know why he had to seize that plane, and he seemed to be ineffective when seizing it, always failing at critical moments, which aroused her suspicion. In addition, the Dark Lord was once called away by the Divine King before.

Therefore, Queen Ruoxi had a huge suspicion. This native plane was definitely not simple. It was probably involved in very critical things. Leaving there by herself was the best choice.

So this time when the flying dragon Immortal Emperor killed her, Queen Ruoxi made some symbolic resistance and did not resist tenaciously.

In this way, he returned to the Dark God Realm very smoothly, and he also left two back doors, but these two back doors were not opened for him.

There is obviously a big problem in the native plane of the lower realm, so whoever wants to take responsibility can go ahead! Mom, I won’t go anyway.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work this time. I will immediately arrange for two masters at the level of god generals, and then you will give them the backhand and let them separate their souls in the lower realm and occupy the bodies of the two demon emperors, Monster Emperor. "The Lord of Darkness nodded and said.

"I would like to follow the orders of Lord Shenjun. Lord Shenjun can let them prepare some source energy when they go to the lower realm." Queen Ruoxi said.

The Dark God Lord nodded, immediately arranged for two god-general level beings, and then asked them to separate a Spirit Partitioning soul.

After that, he would carry enough original energy to allow Sha Tian to recover. Using the backhand left by Queen Ruoxi, they began to seize the bodies of the two Emperor Level experts.

"Remember, after going down to the lower realm, help Sha Tian recover first. Don't rush to take action. After Sha Tian recovers, the three of you will make a plan first, and then keep in touch with me anytime and anywhere. When I teach you to take action, you Do it again." The Dark Lord said.

"We will obey the decree of the Lord God."

After taking down Ming Yanshang, Zhou Tianfeng quickly transformed back into the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, then directly entered the flying Immortal World and flew towards the location of the flower spirit Immortal Emperor.

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng arrived at the palace of the Immortal Emperor, the flower spirit. She was indeed a female Immortal Emperor. Her territory was very beautiful, located on a fairy star with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

The entire planet is covered with all kinds of precious spiritual grass, with fairy springs flowing, and a large number of rare and rare beasts. They are all rare immortal beasts.

Moreover, the fairy energy on this planet is also very abundant, which is several times that of the outside world. There is a huge giant spirit array arranged on it, which can gather all the surrounding fairy spirits.

The moment he sensed Zhou Tianfeng's aura, the flower spirit Immortal Emperor flew out from the inside of the planet. Wearing a colorful dress, he bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

"It turned out to be the flying dragon Immortal Emperor who came in person. I'm sorry to welcome you from afar, so I'm rude!"

Why did this flying dragon Immortal Emperor come to find him? Could it be that I was too enthusiastic last time, which caused this guy to misunderstand? Don't!

Although he said it politely, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is not his type! Since he is named after flowers, he naturally likes some handsome and handsome men.

Although the flying dragon Immortal Emperor looks good, he is not very pleased with his tall and thick figure.

The most important thing is that she likes men who are weaker than herself.

After practicing to their level, they are already at the top of the biological chain. Therefore, not only do certain desires not subside, but they are infinitely amplified.

Some things that I didn't dare to try or do before are now tried, such as when I was practicing.

He liked several male cultivators, but in the end he only chose one. But later, this male cultivator found another woman, and she killed the male cultivator in a rage.

After cultivating Immortal Emperor, although she maintains the image of a beautiful Immortal Emperor on the surface, she has another face behind her back. She is a real empress, and she is like the male Immortal Emperor, the harem beauties of 3000.

(In fact, in my opinion, even if monks practice step by step and truly stand at the top of all living beings and have absolute power, 90% of them will become people of the motherland, or have a character similar to that of the people of the motherland, and the desires in their hearts will become infinitely amplified.

It may not be as cruel as the people of the motherland, but certain things will be infinitely magnified. Why? Because if you really cultivate to the point of having no desires or pursuits, then you will actually lose even the motivation to practice.

Therefore, the stronger the desire and the more eager the monks are to make progress, the stronger their mobility will be. When you really reach the top, you will do things that you never wanted to do before, or even deviant things. Of course this is only my personal opinion. )

"The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor is well and well. I came here this time to ask for something." Zhou Tianfeng said straight to the point.

This flower spirit, the Immortal Emperor, is quite beautiful and has a superb temperament. She belongs to the class of Apex Level beauties, but this personality aspect is an eye-opener for Zhou Tianfeng!

Although he hid himself as soon as he discovered him, Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation level was much higher than that of the other party, so he hid some things, which naturally aroused Zhou Tianfeng's curiosity. It didn't matter. Zhou Tianfeng was shocked.

This flower spirit Immortal Emperor actually raised tens of thousands of male immortals, including Celestial Immortal, True Immortal, Profound Immortal, and Golden Immortal. There are even a few monks who are in the mortal realm.

Without exception, these male monks are all tall and tall, handsome in appearance and extraordinary in temperament. What are they used for? Zhou Tianfeng can think of it with his butt or feet.

If someone raises 3,000 noodles, that’s already great, but if you raise tens of thousands, haha!

For those who don’t know, they might think you are the Monster Emperor of the Beast World, or the Demon Emperor of the Demon World!

You can still play at the level of Immortal Emperor! In other words, the longer you live, the better you are at playing. However, these are none of Zhou Tianfeng's business.

"Oh! I don't know what's important? Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor just ask." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor asked.

As long as it's not too much, she can agree to it.

"I would like to use an Apex Level Immortal Star in exchange for one of your Immortal Stars. I wonder what the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor wants?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

(End of chapter)

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