Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 262 Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, Please Join Me Heavenly World

Chapter 262 Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, please join me Heavenly World

This, what does this mean? Use ten Apex Level fairy stars in exchange for one fairy star of your own?

Is there any mistake? How can there be such favorable conditions in the world?

Wait, the ten fairy stars are not mortal spiritual stars, are they? Compared with the Immortal Star, that kind of thing is far behind!

The fairy stone minerals, Innate spiritual objects, various spiritual herbs, and Spirit Medicine contained above are far inferior to those of the Fairy Star.

"Your Majesty the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, I don't know which fairy star you have chosen. If necessary, I can give it to you." The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor thought for a while and said.

The flying dragon Immortal Emperor's combat prowess was extremely fierce, and she could never afford to offend him.

So no matter what the other party's request is, she will agree to it if she can do it, so if it is just a fairy star, she can give it to the other party as long as it is on her territory.

"The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor has indeed misunderstood. I have an old friend's sect, which belongs to an immortal star. Originally, I intended to bring all the disciples of the old friend's sect into Luo Heavenly World to practice, but his disciples seemed to Some are reluctant to part with the fairy stars left behind by their ancestors.

So I considered exchanging it with the flower spirit Immortal Emperor and putting the fairy star directly into the Heavenly World.

Don’t worry about the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor. It has ten Apex Level Immortal Stars and will never fool you. It has all kinds of Immortal Veins and Spirit Mines. Zhou Tianfeng said.

He really had no intention of fooling the other party about this matter. For Zhou Tianfeng now, things like fairy stars are not valuable at all. He can get whatever he wants.

These things in the lower world, Heavenly Venerables can absorb the power of the Divine Domain and condense it, so they are not worth anything.

"That's it! The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is a nostalgic person. This is easy, and there is no need for the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor to exchange ten fairy stars. I can just give the flying dragon Immortal Emperor the fairy star directly." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor He spoke.

"How can this be so? I will never take someone's things for no reason. If I take something for no reason, wouldn't I owe you a cause and effect?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! I am indeed rude. In that case, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor can just exchange it with me for a fairy star." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

She didn't dare to ask for ten, so if she wanted to exchange something, she only needed to exchange for one fairy star of equal value.

In this case, Feilong Immortal Emperor will remember him as a favor. Maybe he will help me out when the time comes.

"I said ten will be ten. Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor does not need to refuse. If you refuse, you will not give me face." Zhou Tianfeng said with a straight face.

This woman is so bad that she really wants to owe you a favor. Free gifts and fair trade won't work. It has to be more for me and less for you, so that I won't owe you any favors.

In this fairy world, it is not a good thing to owe others karma, even if it is just a small or medium karma, or even if you don't admit it yourself.

"If the Feilong Immortal Emperor insists on doing this, then just follow the Feilong Immortal Emperor's wishes! I wonder if the Feilong Immortal Emperor wants me? Which fairy star within the jurisdiction?" The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor saw Zhou Tianfeng's direct refusal and said. .

"It's the fairy star where the Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located. A predecessor of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace has an old relationship with me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Jade Water Heavenly Palace, are you old with the people of Jade Water Heavenly Palace? To be honest, Jade Water Heavenly Palace is a relatively new sect, and the reason why their sect can relieve qi is indispensable to the first-generation leader.

The first-generation head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace was extremely beautiful and beautiful. She fascinated many male cultivators of her generation. It is said that the skills she practiced were handed down by Queen Ruoxi. of.

Later, the head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace died suddenly, also because of Queen Ruoxi's troubles. However, the techniques in their sect have gone through many generations of improvements, and now they have nothing to do with Queen Ruoxi.

Could this old friend of Jade Water Heavenly Palace be the first generation head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace?

What a coquettish person, you can actually get close to an Immortal Emperor. Fortunately, you died early, otherwise your tail would be raised to the sky.

To be honest, the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor was not very good at dealing with the first generation head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, and even looked down upon him very much.

Wait, as soon as this flying dragon Immortal Emperor was born and trained to be an Immortal Emperor-level existence, he went to find Queen Ruoxi.

Although it is nominally to avenge Master Tianxing, this guy has probably never met Master Tianxing at all, right?

Maybe it’s because your old sweetheart at Jade Water Heavenly Palace was killed, so you went to seek revenge from Queen Ruoxi, right?

possible! In just a moment, the flower spirit Immortal Emperor made up a plot on his own.

The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor had only ordinary qualifications and fell in love with the first-generation head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace. However, at that time, he was extremely handsome and was pursued by many immortal cultivators.

And this flying dragon Immortal Emperor was obviously a loser, and he went to practice in the wilderness in despair.

Who would have thought that after tens of thousands of years, he would become an Immortal Emperor and return.

As a result, the person he loved had been killed. The flying dragon Immortal Emperor was furious and rushed into the Luo Tianjie, killing the Queen Ruoxi.

Zhou Tianfeng suddenly felt that the flower spirit Immortal Emperor looked at him a little strangely. What's going on? What is this woman thinking?

"It's Jade Water Heavenly Palace. I know it. Don't worry, Brother Feilong. I will drive away all the disciples of other sects on the fairy star where Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located, and then drive away the disciples of Yaoshui Heavenly Palace and the fairy star." The star is given to me." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor nodded and said.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is really a sweetheart. Even if his old lover dies, he still has to take care of his disciple.

In this case, I will fulfill your wish, the fairy star occupied by Jade Water Heavenly Palace,

That is, an ordinary fairy star, which will be given to you in exchange for ten of the most Apex Level fairy stars. I am absolutely guaranteed to make a profit!

"That's great! I will bring the ten immortal stars to the Immortal Emperor right away." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

Directly mobilize the power of the new Immortal World, select ten good immortal stars, and then use the power of the source to send them into the flying Immortal World one by one.

Arranged in a row of circles, they rotated around the fairy star where the flower spirit Immortal Emperor was located. The flower spirit Immortal Emperor's fairy star suddenly looked like a blooming flower.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is really a man of action! It was delivered as promised, without any delay, and it was so fast.

The Immortal Emperor, the flower spirit, immediately used his spiritual mind to check the ten fairy stars sent over. The spiritual energy concentration was very good! The minerals above are also extremely rich, and there are no signs of even mining.

Spiritual springs, spiritual veins, and even some fairy grass and elixirs are all available, pretty good. Compared with the Immortal Star that I have worked hard for hundreds of thousands of years, it is even worse.

The Lord of the Realm is so big, ordinary Immortal Emperors like them can't compare with others.

It's so easy for people to use their original power with just a wave of their hand, or even completely transform a fairy star. I'm really envious!

"Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, how do you like these ten immortal stars I gave you? If you are not satisfied with them, just say so and I can replace them with better ones at any time." Zhou Tianfeng said with a little pride.

is not that right? These ten immortal stars were carefully selected by him, and everything on them was suitable enough to accommodate tens of millions of ordinary immortals.

"My little lady, it's really eye-opening. The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is really generous. You can give away such a Supreme Grade Immortal Star as soon as you say." Hua Ling Immortal Emperor said.

"Haha! Hua Ling Immortal Emperor is so polite. By the way, Hua Ling Immortal Emperor, I came to fly the Immortal World this time, and I seem to have heard something.

I heard that some people who are returning to cultivating seem to be unwilling to go to Heavenly World in Luo. They even quit the existing sect and become an Independent Cultivator to avoid entering Heavenly World in Luo. Is this possible? Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It really made Feilong Immortal Emperor laugh. Those ordinary immortals don't understand the current situation at all. Sending them to Luo Heavenly World is a huge benefit.

Don't worry, Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, I will handle the matter of Banqianluo Heavenly World with full authority, and notify the other two Immortal Emperors flying in Immortal World, and ask them to supervise them. Those Independent Cultivators who have withdrawn from their sects will let them rejoin their sects, and then Head to Luo Heavenly World. "Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

He was careless about this. Indeed, many immortals feel that flying to the Heavenly World is more dangerous than flying to the Immortal World. So I am unwilling to go to Luo Heavenly World. He even did not hesitate to directly betray his own sect and go out on his own to become an Independent Cultivator.

Some of the sects selected to go to Luo Heavenly World also knew some of the situation, and even directly acquiesced to this behavior for the sake of their disciples.

If you all do this, then who else should I send to Luo Heavenly World? You really have to take care of this yourself.

"With the help of Hua Ling Immortal Emperor, I feel relieved. In this case, Lao Hua Ling Immortal Emperor is responsible for this matter." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

"The Feilong Immortal Emperor is joking. This is my duty. Why should you thank me? It would be a dereliction of duty on my part to ask the Feilong Immortal Emperor to go there in person." The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and spoke. said.

"Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, do you think if the Shatian Palace attacks again, where will it choose as the primary target?" After finishing everything, Zhou Tianfeng turned around and asked with his hands behind his back.

? ? ?

What does this mean? Heaven-shaking magical power. Which realm will you attack next? Now they only occupy the Heavenly Beast World and the Black Demon World. Luo Heavenly World has been taken back. If they want to fight, of course they will fight Luo Heavenly World.

After all, Luo Heavenly World is closest to the Black Demon World and Heavenly Beast World, and there is only one Immortal Emperor!

etc! Something seems wrong!

Although there is only one Immortal Emperor, what is the identity of this Immortal Emperor? The Lord of Luo Heavenly World has completely controlled all the original energy of Luo Heavenly World. In Luo Heavenly World, his combat power is equivalent to several Immortal Emperors, and no Immortal Emperor can beat him.

Moreover, his own fighting power is extremely powerful, on the level of the Huang Immortal Emperor and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

And if necessary. Luo Heavenly World can be closed directly under the command of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Just like the new Heavenly World, Innate is invincible.

This is something that only the Lord of a Realm can do, and this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is now the Lord of a Realm.

Putting it this way, if the Evil God Palace really makes a comeback, then Luo Heavenly World will not be the first to bear the brunt!

The Ancient Immortal Domain is directly adjacent to the ancient Immortal Domain, and there is also an Immortal Emperor sitting in it. Its combat power is much more powerful than those flying in the Immortal World.

If the people from Shatian Palace choose to attack, they probably won't choose there.

The new Heavenly World has the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and the ancient Immortal Domain has hundreds of Immortal Kings, four Immortal Emperors, and a Celestial Master, and I don’t know if there are any other trump cards.

It won't be attacked anymore, so it seems like the calculation is over.

They fly to the Immortal World, so they are the easiest persimmons to pinch. Although there are three of them Immortal Emperors sitting in charge, compared with other realms, they are completely invisible!

When the three of them went up, Sha Tian could hang them up and beat them with one hand. They were not even qualified to fight against Sha Tian.

It's not the same level of combat effectiveness at all.

Thinking of this, the flower spirit Immortal Emperor suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The flying dragon Immortal Emperor's vision is really vicious. He actually saw that they were flying in the Immortal World. They were weak persimmons, and the ones who were most likely to be attacked were them flying in the Immortal World. .

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, you mean that if Sha Tian recovers, the next one they will attack will still be my Flying Immortal World, right?" Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor frowned and asked.

"The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor's guess is good. However, our Heavenly World and the new Heavenly World may also be targets, but the possibility is not as high as that of the Immortal World.

Although you have three Immortal Emperors here, there are less than ten Immortal King level masters. A lot of them should have died in the last war, even one Immortal Emperor has fallen.

Are you here? Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed the best breakthrough point. If I were Sha Tian, ​​I would definitely attack here first. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Since the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor has guessed it, is there any way to save his life? If there is any way to save his life, I hope you can tell me the truth. I am very grateful." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor came to Zhou Tianfeng very respectfully and said slightly He leaned forward, bowed to Zhou Tianfeng, and spoke.

"Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, you're welcome. Luo Heavenly World and Fei Immortal World are very close to each other. They should help each other. If the evil god Wongqian attacks, I will come to help here, and other realms will not Just sit back and do nothing." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Looking at the flying dragon Immortal Emperor in front of her, the flower spirit Immortal Emperor suddenly fell into deep thought. What did this person mean by telling her this? Is there a plan?

Could it be! Could it be! Do you want to invite yourself to become a shareholder of Luo Heavenly World and become the Immortal Emperor of Luo Heavenly World?

I think changing the Immortal Star is fake, and wooing myself is real. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor has a grand plan!

Thinking of this, Hualing Immortal Emperor took a deep look at Zhou Tianfeng, then gritted his teeth and asked softly.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, you! Do you want me to take over the Heavenly World and become the Immortal Emperor of the Heavenly World?"

"I do intend to invite Hua Ling Immortal Emperor to live in Luo Heavenly World! I wonder what Hua Ling Immortal Emperor means?" Zhou Tianfeng smiled and asked.

(End of chapter)

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