Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 266 Recruiting The Immortal King’S Subordinates

Chapter 266 Recruiting the Immortal King’s subordinates

This kid Zhou Tianfeng, did he go too far this time? It's him who will take care of things later.

"Senior Sister Shuiyun, why don't you try it too?" Ming Yanshang's mouth was not very forgiving, and he directly launched a taunting attack on his senior sister.

"Tch! You damn girl is still mocking me. I'm doing this for your own good. If I go to Blood Peak, I'll probably cause a huge commotion." Shui Yun curled his lips and said.


She really wasn't joking just now. Zhou Tianfeng, that brat, doesn't know when he will come back in the future. Junior sister has been delayed for nearly a thousand years for him.

"You can't say that. My apprentice is still thinking of us, and he has a good relationship with the daughter of the Immortal Emperor. The emperor said that, although he is now sealed in some new Immortal World by someone.

But my apprentice is not bad at all. Like the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, he was accepted as a disciple by a mysterious power. He controls a realm similar to Luo Heavenly World, but that realm has not yet been born.

When that Jie Jade is born, my apprentice's future cultivation level will not be bad. At least he will start as an Immortal Emperor, not much worse than this flying dragon Immortal Emperor. "Xue Feng said from the side.

When the Immortal Emperor went to pick them up, he also told them some information about Zhou Tianfeng, so they knew that Zhou Tianfeng was now sealed in the new Immortal World.

"The boy's opportunity is indeed good, but... how long has it been since then? That boy has been practicing for less than 2000 years. How much do you think his cultivation can be improved? Being able to cultivate to the Immortal King now is already burning incense. .

Immortal Emperor! hehe! How long will it take to compete with this flying dragon Immortal Emperor? Don’t forget, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor was the one who just killed Queen Ruoxi. What is Queen Ruoxi? The Immortal Emperor with average strength is definitely no match for him. Shuiyun said.

He used to be very good to Zhou Tianfeng, but now he is becoming less and less interested in this kid. He left quietly and did not come back to see him or his master for more than 1,000 years.

"Didn't you say that? My apprentice is now sealed. It's not that he doesn't want to come back, but that he can't come back. Otherwise, we would have met 1,500 years ago." Xue Feng said.

"Hmph! Why are you so mean? If you continue to be mean, I will apply to be a maid for the Fei Long Immortal Emperor. You can live on your own from now on!" Shui Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"You, you, you, it doesn't matter what you say, Junior Sister Ming Yanshang, tell yourself, are you willing to be a maid for this flying dragon Immortal Emperor? If you are willing, just pretend that I didn't say anything," Xue Feng said.

"Senior Sister Shuiyun, and Senior Brother Xuefeng, there are some things I don't know how to tell you now, but since someone has already spoken, there is nothing I can do. Come to my room tonight and I will tell you something. "After Ming Yanshang finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Zhou Tianfeng in the sky. The meaning was obvious, you kid, you can do it yourself!

With Zhou Tianfeng's current Immortal Emperor level of cultivation, he naturally listened to the conversation between the three of them.

My master is still as good to me as ever, and he always does everything for me. Even Mercury Shiniang was a little awkward, but I didn't blame her.

Di Honglei told herself back then that when the three of them reached the realm of ascending to heaven, they went to the Demon Realm space to look for her, and Shuiyun also took good care of him when their cultivation was at a low level.

"Now that you have made your decision, tell Master and Mistress! Call the two junior sisters here as well." Zhou Tianfeng said through the Immortal Emperor-level divine mind, he communicated with Ming Yanshang.

"It's fair to say that you have a wolfish heart, otherwise I'll see how you end up. When he proposed to show you just now, your kid acquiesced and just wanted me to go to your place with Wan'er and Cailing, right?" Ming Yanshang asked .

"Don't tell me if you see through it. You just need to know some things yourself." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior sister, you must be hiding something from us. Your senior brother and I have discovered it a long time ago, but you didn't tell us, and we didn't ask any more questions. Since you decided to talk, we will go to your room tonight to have a good chat. Talk about it." Shuiyun said.

Although they moved to a new environment and came to a new realm, they came from the entire fairy planet, so the original room was still the same room, and there was no need to rush construction or anything.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor! I wonder if I can select a thousand maids for you at once?" At this moment, the head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace standing aside asked Mingxin.

According to his estimate, there are 100 in an Immortal Emperor's palace. A maid is just barely enough, but now Jade Water Heavenly Palace can only select more than a thousand maids of good quality.

But it doesn't matter, now that my cultivation has reached the realm of Immortal King, I can recruit disciples anytime and anywhere. I am now the only Immortal King in Luo Heavenly World! And still. Flying Dragon Immortal King appointed by the Immortal Emperor.

As long as the sect is opened and the disciples are recruited, there will be a large number of Independent Cultivators in Luo Heavenly World who are willing to come and become their disciples.

Although Profound Immortal and Immortal King are only one level apart, their status is vastly different!

One thousand? Holy shit, it’s okay. I just chose a maid, not a harem beauty, but I chose 1,000 young ladies to serve me. Holy shit, I’m a little excited just thinking about it!

Of course, Zhou Tianfeng did not refuse this matter. After all, he could not live up to others' good intentions, and he was now an Immortal Emperor and the Lord of Luo Heavenly World. He would also take out a new Immortal World in the future.

So there must be cards and so on.

"Just do what you want." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

"Feilong Immortal Emperor, don't worry, leave everything to your subordinates." Ming Xin said.

It seems that the character of this flying dragon Immortal Emperor belongs to the type of hands-off shopkeeper. Even if he establishes his own power in the future, he will probably not be able to manage it well.

The opportunity I have been waiting for for many years has finally come! Back then, she helped Master manage the entire Jade Water Heavenly Palace. She is quite experienced in management.

Managing the forces of an Immortal Emperor is much better than managing the forces of an Immortal King, and my current cultivation level is also that of an Immortal King.

"The ambition of the leader is quite big. Be careful and don't let her sideline you." Seeing the attitude of his leader, Ming Yanshang said to Zhou Tianfeng through a message transmission.

"She can't stand alone, and I won't recruit an Immortal King from her, leaving her alone. A second Immortal King will come soon, or even a third or fourth." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Just kidding, it's not that he doesn't understand some things, it's just that now is the time to employ people. And now Mingxin is indeed working wholeheartedly. Because he understands one thing. Everything he had was given to him by himself, and unless one day she reached the level of Immortal Emperor, she would never dare to have any objections.

And even if she takes 10,000 steps back, even if she becomes the Immortal Emperor, after knowing her true power, she still has to be a kitten.

The Immortal Cultivation World is no different from the mortal world where dynastic ministers can stand up to the emperor, but here, in the Immortal Cultivation World, the Immortal Emperor is absolute power, and one Immortal Emperor can equal a huge force.

Any of the Immortal Emperor's ministers, the Immortal King, would not dare to claim the power of one Immortal Emperor, because all their rights and everything were given by this Immortal Emperor.

"Just know it yourself. I'm just saying it. The leader has a very good personality and treats the disciples well. She just wants to make a name for herself in your hands."

"So, you should quickly improve your cultivation. I still have the position of Immortal King reserved for you. When you reach the peak of Immortal King, the position of Immortal Emperor is not impossible!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I know! I have only reached the Golden Immortal level now. It will probably take tens of thousands of years to be promoted to the Immortal King. Just wait." Ming Yanshang said.

"You only need to cultivate to the peak of Profound Immortal. Then I will directly give you the power of the source, so the speed will be increased by at least ten times. I think 1,000 years will be enough." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Ming Yanshang rolled his eyes at Zhou Tianfeng's words. Do you think Profound Immortal is a piece of shit?

"Okay, you should build this place well, and then recruit some Immortal Emperor troops for me, and Independent Cultivators who are willing to join me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I will obey the orders of the Immortal Emperor."

Zhou Tianfeng nodded, directly cut through the space crack, and disappeared in front of everyone in Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

As soon as Zhou Tianfeng left, there were countless congratulations. It sounded loudly.

"Congratulations to the Immortal King Mingxin. After tens of thousands of years of hard work, he finally broke through."

"Congratulations, Master, for breaking through to the Immortal King realm."

"Congratulations, Senior Sister, for breaking through to the realm of Immortal King." For a time, the disciples of Yaoshui Tiangong, as well as some relatives and friends they brought with them, all began to congratulate Mingxin one by one.

"Congratulations, congratulations. You are all from my Jade Water Heavenly Palace, and are also subordinates of Feilong Immortal Emperor. You will follow Feilong Immortal Emperor in the future, and Immortal Emperor will not treat us badly." Mingxin said.

"That's what the Immortal King said."

"We will serve the flying dragon Immortal Emperor together."

"Sir Immortal King, I wonder what your plans are for the palace of Feilong Immortal Emperor?"

"Now we have hundreds of thousands of people at Jade Water Heavenly Palace. We are using 100,000 people to build the palace for the Immortal Emperor. Remember, it must be the most luxurious and there can be no mistakes anywhere." Mingxin said.

"Master, do you have any other plans?" a disciple asked.

Only 100,000 people were used to build the palace, what about the remaining hundreds of thousands?

"The remaining people, all those who are above the Golden Immortal level, will be organized into the private army of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. Together they will go to various parts of Luo Heavenly World to stabilize the environment of Luo Heavenly World first, and then recruit, and quickly bring down the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor's army. Once established, if there are others from the Xuan Immortal Level who want to show their support, introduce them to me immediately." Ming Xin said.

"We will obey Master's orders."

"We will obey the master's orders."

Under the management of Mingxin Immortal King, Zhou Tianfeng's power began to be established in an orderly manner.

Zhou Tianfeng himself took advantage of his free time to come to the Prehistoric Realm. He planned to recruit a few talents in the Prehistoric Realm and bring them to Luo Heavenly World for development.

Zhou Tianfeng plans to have a good talk with his confidante Di Honglei about this matter first. After all, this is the one who manages the prehistoric territory now.

"You are really famous, Feilong Immortal Emperor, you are such a good boy. This move shocked the world. Now all the Immortal Emperors are asking about your situation." Looking at Zhou Tianfeng, Di Honglei said with great fun. .

"No, who am I, the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, with a well-known name. After a while, I will pacify the Black Demon World, level the Beast World, and completely drive out the Dark One. Wait. By the time your father and others wake up, I might have completed my great work." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Tch! After complimenting you a few times, you're still out of breath? Then you'd better hurry up. You will get everything done within ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, Master Tianxing should be able to fully recover." Di Hong Lei said.

"Haha! Just wait and see the good show then! By the way, the new Immortal World's original energy I gave you, you should refine it quickly, and then break through the Immortal Emperor's cultivation level. If you break through the Immortal Emperor, what will happen next? Things also helped." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Where do I have time to retreat now? There are things everywhere, especially after you conquered Luo Heavenly World, I have to deal with a lot of things every day." Di Honglei said.

"Then just be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave it to others. Isn't that what your father did before?"

"That's what I have in mind. The Demon King of Profound Heaven is a good person. I plan to throw all the stalls to him, and then go into seclusion myself to break through to Immortal Emperor cultivation level as soon as possible." Di Honglei said.

"That's a coincidence. I originally planned to lend the Profound Heaven Demon King to manage Luo Heavenly World for me. Now that I have just conquered Luo Heavenly World, I really lack a few King Level masters to manage it for me." Zhou Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Don't even think about it, Demon King of Profound Heaven. He is now a general in our prehistoric realm. However, you have so much original energy. As long as you take out some of it, there will be a lot of Apex Level Profound Immortal willing to serve you, and you also There is no need to worry about their loyalty. After all, you gave them the title of Immortal King." Di Honglei said.

"But the problem is, I don't know any Profound Immortal, let alone the most Apex Level Profound Immortal."

"Isn't this easy to handle? Do you have a good relationship with the three Immortal Emperors flying in Immortal World now? Just let the three of them help you find some candidates, and then you will choose them yourself. Mine "Prehistoric Territory, don't make any plans here, our talent here is withering. Now the only people in the Immortal King realm are me and the Demon King of Profound Heaven, and there are several other King Levels in the prehistoric realm." Di Honglei said.

What is this guy thinking? He actually wants to poach people from the Prehistoric Region. Are the people from our Prehistoric Region so easy to poach? We are also lacking talents here!

"I know, I originally wanted to borrow some talents from you." Zhou Tianfeng said slightly helplessly.

"You are simply looking for a donkey on a donkey. The three Immortal Emperors have already sent the refugees from the previous Heavenly World there, and even moved many immortals there. There should be a lot of Apex Level Profound Immortals among them. You just need to release With a recruitment order, someone will come to seek refuge with you, you just need to plan like this." Di Honglei said.

These days, Immortal King is indeed a scarce product, but Apex Level's Profound Immortal is not.

(End of chapter)

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