Chapter 267 Three Immortal Kings

Zhou Tianfeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. Di Honglei was right. Talents in the Great Desolate Realm were actually in a state of withering, so he added some from the Black Demon World.

But this additional number of people, haha! In fact, it is not much different from none, less than 10,000 people in total.

Nowadays, the largest number of newcomers are from the Immortal World and Luo Heavenly World. People from the old Luo Heavenly World and the Southern Heavenly World have gone to the new Heavenly World of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. Most of the remaining people have fled.

Now fly to Immortal World to send these people back. It can be said that the situation in Luo Heavenly World has changed greatly.

"What you have to do now is to appease people's hearts, rather than come to me to borrow people. You are now the master of Luo Heavenly World. With the power of the source, your voice can be conveyed to Luo Heavenly World. In the ears of every monk among them.

Make some promises to them, such as protecting them. What they are most worried about now is the counterattack of Shatian Palace, and you have to tell them that as long as you are here, Shatian Palace will not mess around. " Di Honglei said.

This boy's cultivation has indeed improved now, but his vision and vision are still at the stage of an ordinary immortal.

Please, your boy is now the master of a world. some things. You can completely gain the trust of some ordinary immortals by yourself. Isn't this difficult? You can even handle the powerful Immortal Emperor, do you still care about these things?

And in fact, it doesn't matter whether Zhou Tianfeng establishes his influence in Luo Heavenly World or not. Personal strength is the most important thing. No matter where you are, as long as you are strong enough, even if you work alone, others will respect you.

Just like her father, the Immortal Emperor, his father unified the prehistoric realm. He has not established his own power at all.

The Immortal Kings and even some Profound Immortals in the prehistoric realm took the initiative to join them, and her father was just in name only. It was not until the invasion of the Evil God Palace that she began to take over the management of her father's power.

"One more thing, you can have the idea of ​​flying to the Immortal World, but you shouldn't have the idea of ​​flying to the Prehistoric Domain, the New Heavenly World, and the Ancient Immortal Domain. These three realms are originally sparsely populated. It is said that the land is vast and rich in resources.”

"You're right, I listen to you, come and give me a kiss, baby." Zhou Tianfeng stepped forward and hugged Di Honglei, kissing her on the face.

"Get out! Do you want to be beaten?" Di Honglei pushed Zhou Tianfeng away and said with a slightly red face.

"You are mine anyway, what should I be afraid of?" Zhou Tianfeng said and leaned forward again.

Before transmigrating, some seniors taught him that he must stalk women so that he can succeed.

This time, Di Honglei never refused. After the passion passed, the two of them warmed up for a while, and then Zhou Tianfeng returned to Luo Heavenly World.

Next, he has to deal with the affairs of Luo Heavenly World. Di Honglei is right. Instead of going to other realms to attract people, it is better to develop Luo Heavenly World with peace of mind.

At this time, the relocation work of Fei Immortal World was almost in progress. A large number of Low Level immortals and some Profound Immortals were all sent to Luo Heavenly World. Zhou Tianfeng used his realm master authority to sense what was inside. There are actually three Immortal Kings.

At that time, a large number of immortals fled to Heavenly World and flew to Immortal World, so of course there were Immortal Kings who came from Heavenly World to fly to Immortal World, but these Immortal Kings did not do well in flying Immortal World.

A dozen Immortal Kings escaped back then. Seven or eight died, and two more took refuge with the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. Now there are only three Immortal Kings left.

And by coincidence, one of them was actually an acquaintance of Zhou Tianfeng.

This was Li Xuan, who had appeared in Qilin City before and had been trapped in the city for decades by two Qilin Ancestors.

Immortal King Zhou Tianfeng had a pretty good impression of him. Back then, he was really just visiting the city of the Qilin Clan.

It just happened that Queen Ruoxi was causing trouble, and she was blocked in the city by two Qilin Ancestors and imprisoned for many years.

"Li Xuan, Fellow Daoist, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, why don't we go pay a visit." An Immortal King said.

They also felt the news of the birth of a new Immortal King just now. Unexpectedly, just after returning to Luo Heavenly World, an existence in the realm of Immortal King was born in Luo Heavenly World.

And it looks like. It should be an Apex Level Profound Immortal breakthrough. If Apex Level Profound Immortal wants to break through, it must use the source of energy. And who gave this source of energy, you don't have to think about it, it must be the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

"Go and meet him! No matter what, he is also the Immortal Emperor of Luo Heavenly World, and he is also the Lord of a Realm. In Luo Heavenly World, the combat power he can exert is comparable to several Immortal Emperors. Stay here It's not much worse than flying in the Immortal World." Li Xuan said.

Ever since the great catastrophe broke out, they, the Immortal Kings, have been the hardest hit. In the past, these Immortal Kings, even the Immortal Emperor, would have treated them with great courtesy.

I can cross realms at will and play in various mortal worlds and even the upper world, so happy.

But since the appearance of Shatian Shrine, everything has changed, and their happy and happy days seem to have come to an end.

During the war that year, many Immortal Kings took the initiative to participate in the war, but most of them were unwilling to participate.

After all, everyone has been cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years, and finally touched the top of the Immortal, and finally was able to live freely, but you asked me to fight to death.

Back then, there were a large number of Immortal Kings who wanted to hide in the lower world. Anyway, if the sky fell, there would be tall ones to hold it up. Those Immortal Emperors occupied a large amount of the original energy, and they should be running for the affairs of all walks of life.

What does it have to do with ordinary Immortal Kings like them? But the development of the matter was beyond their imagination. Master Tianxing of the ancient Immortal Domain came up with an Apex Level formation that required the help of more than 300 Immortal Kings. So all the Immortal Kings, even those who lived in seclusion in the mortal world, They were all caught out by the Immortal Emperors.

Then he forced himself to participate in the last war, which resulted in the death of most of the Immortal Kings, but many of the Immortal Kings of the ancient Immortal Domain survived.

"It is said that this flying dragon Immortal Emperor was also an Immortal King before, but he was protected by the Immortal Emperor and happened to break through to the Immortal Emperor realm, so he did not participate in the last war." Another Immortal King in white said. said.

We Immortal Kings were forced by the Immortal Emperor to participate in the war. Fortunately for you, under the protection of the Immortal Emperor, you can still practice quietly and break through to the Immortal Emperor realm.

"Liu and Zhang, fellow Daoists, let's go and meet the Feilong Immortal Emperor. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought. It might be safer here than Feixianji." Li Xuan thought for a moment, He spoke.

"Oh! Why do you see it? Luo Heavenly World is very close to Hei Demon World. If Shatian Palace attacks again, it will definitely attack here first?" Zhang Immortal King asked.

"Otherwise, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is the Lord of a Realm after all, and before he became the Lord of a Realm, he had the power to defeat or even kill Queen Ruoxi. His combat power is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary Immortal Emperor. He is here.

One person is as good as three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World, or even stronger. "

When the other two Immortal Kings heard this, they immediately looked surprised. What they said seemed to make sense!

"Li Xuan, you are indeed smart. To be honest, even if you don't use the power of the source, you don't have the identity of the master of a world. The three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World are no match for me." At this moment, a The sound suddenly reached the ears of the three Immortal Kings, and Zhou Tianfeng appeared in front of them instantly.

The three of them were shocked. After seeing Zhou Tianfeng. Immediately bow to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Immortal King Zhang Tianxing pays homage to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor."

"Immortal King Li Xuan, pays homage to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor."

"Immortal King Liu Tianqing, pays homage to Feilong Immortal Emperor."

"I heard all the conversation you just had. Li Xuan, you guessed it right. If it is a Heaven-shattering magic, the one who wants to attack must be Fei Immortal World, not me, Heavenly World. You should have discovered it too!

The original energy of Luo Heavenly World has increased, and even the space and spiritual energy concentration have expanded by 20%, which means that it can accommodate more Immortal Kings and even Immortal Emperors. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Feilong Immortal Emperor, Li Xuan is willing to surrender to Feilong Immortal Emperor." Li Xuan was the first to come to Zhou Tianfeng, bowed his head and said.

Following this flying dragon, the Immortal Emperor, is a huge opportunity. There is only one Immortal Emperor in Luo Heavenly World now, and the source of energy here has increased. It should also be able to accommodate four Immortal Emperor level beings.

It is already great luck that he managed to break through and become a master of the Immortal King realm. Think further. If there is no accident, it is basically impossible. Even if a large number of Immortal Emperors die, it will not be the turn of the newly promoted Immortal King. Only those old Immortal Kings are most qualified to compete for the position of Immortal Emperor.

But the Lord of Luo Heavenly World can control the original energy. As long as he nods, an Apex Level Immortal King can immediately become an Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, in Luo Heavenly World, if you want to become an Immortal Emperor or Immortal King, you must be recognized by the Lord of the World.

"I am waiting for you to be willing to surrender to the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. I am willing to do your best." Seeing this, the other two Immortal Kings also said immediately.

None of them are fools. Which one who can cultivate to the realm of Immortal King is a fool?

They immediately knew what Li Xuan wanted to do. Both of them have been Immortal King for nearly ten thousand years, and their qualifications are much stronger than Li Xuan's. He is also qualified to compete for the position of the new Immortal Emperor.

"You are the first batch of Immortal Kings to surrender to me. I promise you that as long as your cultivation reaches the peak of the Immortal King and you can break through to the Immortal Emperor realm, I will give you enough source energy. , let you break through to the level of Immortal Emperor." Now is the time to employ people, if there are more Immortal Emperors in Heavenly World.

Whether it is driving away the Dark Clan or dealing with Master Tianxing in the future, it will be of great help to him.

The three Immortal Kings were overjoyed when they heard this. Isn't that why they took refuge in the flying dragon Immortal Emperor? Now that they have agreed, what else is there to say?

"The three of us are willing to swear by the way of heaven to be loyal to the flying dragon Immortal Emperor for the rest of our lives and never betray." The three Immortal Kings said in unison.

"There is no need for this. From now on, you will all be the Immortal Emperors of Luo Heavenly World. To tell you the truth, the current source energy of Luo Heavenly World has been strengthened. Apart from me, a total of five Immortal Emperors can be born, and the Immortal Emperor who takes refuge in me King, counting the three of you, there are only four of you, so I don’t need to say more about the situation, right?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

After hearing this, the three people thanked Zhou Tianfeng again.

"The three of you are now starting to build forces for me in the entire Luo Heavenly World in my name. The Apex Level Profound Immortal from Jade Water Heavenly Palace has already joined me. I used my original energy to help him become the Immortal King. The four of you will work for me together from now on." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now that there are four Immortal King realm existences in Luo Heavenly World, Zhou Tianfeng is more relieved. To be honest, he is still suitable to be a hands-off shopkeeper!

After subduing the three Immortal Kings, Zhou Tianfeng used the original energy in Luo's Heavenly World. An announcement was sent to all the monks in Luo Heavenly World.

"I am the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, now the Lord of Luo Heavenly World. If you enter my Luo Heavenly World, you can live well here in the future and practice with peace of mind. I promise you that your cultivation will not reach the realm of the Immortal King. In the future, when the Shatian Palace invades, you all may not participate in the battle." Zhou Tianfeng said.

cut! To deal with the dark clan, the Immortal King realm is not enough, so we can only deal with soy sauce.

The real main combat power is the Immortal Emperor, so Xuan Immortal Level has to participate in the battle. Zhou Tianfeng directly removed this condition.

Because no matter how many Profound Immortals go there, it will be of no use. The beings below the realm of the Immortal King, including the Immortal King, I can kill them instantly with just one thought.

The immortals in Luo Heavenly World were all shocked when they heard this, and then they looked happy.

An existence at the level of the Immortal Emperor is also the lord of a realm. He has announced that the entire realm will not have to participate in battles unless he reaches the realm of the Immortal King. This cannot be false.

Great, in other realms, Profound Immortal has to participate in the war, but in Heavenly World and Immortal King realm, it is necessary to participate in the war.

After appeasing the monks in Luo Heavenly World, Zhou Tianfeng left with great satisfaction.

With their own announcement, they should feel more at ease.

Li Xuan and the three Immortal Kings, under Zhou Tianfeng's arrangement, first went to Yaoshui Heavenly Palace, discussed the current situation with the Mingxin Immortal King who had just broken through, and began to prepare to establish their own power for Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng doesn't care about the specific actions and operations. He has other things to deal with now.

At this time, a grand banquet was being held in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace to welcome the three Immortal Kings and celebrate the growing power of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

In Ming Yanshang's room, Shui Yun and Xue Feng have already come over. With the cultivation level of the three of them, it doesn't matter if they don't attend this dinner. After all, they are equivalent to ordinary disciples in Yaoshui Tiangong.

"Okay, junior sister, just tell me what you have to say. You didn't attend the welcome dinner of the three Immortal Kings, so why did you call the two of us here?" Shui Yun asked.

"Master, and Mistress, it's been a long time since we last seen each other." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and appeared in front of several people.

I had a headache yesterday, so I could only write 4,000 words. I’ll update it tomorrow when I feel better.

(End of chapter)

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