Chapter 268 Meeting

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng appeared with his original appearance, so his master and his wife immediately recognized him. The person in front of him was none other than Zhou Tianfeng, who had been missing for more than 1800 years.

But the two of them never expected to meet their apprentice in this situation, and they were even a little at a loss.

"You! You! It's your boy, you bastard boy, you still know how to come back? You still know how to come back! Where have you been all these years?" Shuiyun said.

"My good disciple! Is it really you? Just come back! You disappeared suddenly. I don't know how worried Master is about you." Xue Feng said.

"Tch! You protect her."

When Zhou Tianfeng first accepted him as his disciple, he had always wanted to train him to become his successor, but in the end fate played a trick, and the master and disciple actually entered the Jade Water Heavenly Palace together.

I thought I could just practice peacefully in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and then go to Ascension, but who would have thought that when this kid Zhou Tianfeng went to participate in an ordinary genius conference, he was actually plotted by someone else.

The person who plotted against him was a Scattered Immortal with a very high level of cultivation, who used some kind of body-seizing secret technique. Sneaked into their sect, killed several outstanding disciples, and teleported Zhou Tianfeng and others to the Demon Realm.

It wasn't until the two brothers from the Ziyang Sect came back a hundred years later that they got the news about Zhou Tianfeng.

"I'm sorry, Mistress, and Master, I have made you worry these years, but I also have my own reasons. Many things have happened in these years." Zhou Tianfeng said with emotion.

"Tell us about it! Tell us everything that has happened over the years. Although we have heard some news about you, we still want you to hear it from your own mouth." Xue Feng asked.

"After my disciple was just teleported to the Demon Realm space, his cultivation at that time could be said to be extremely weak. He was only in the soul cultivation realm. With barely full firepower, he could fight or even defeat the masters in the transcendent realm. However, When I meet a master in the realm of immortality, I can only run with my tail between my legs.

So as a last resort, I practiced an extremely domineering set of techniques called the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture. I think you should have heard of this set of exercises. Zhou Tianfeng said.

In the past, the Great Wilderness Scripture was only circulated among the immortals in the upper world, but now the reputation of the Great Wilderness Scripture is extremely resounding. Because as long as you master this unique skill.

You can join the Dark Clan. The Immortal Emperor revised the Great Wilderness Scripture, so Zhou Tianfeng practiced the Great Wilderness Scripture and will not be affected by the power of the dark realm.

In addition, when he practiced the Great Wilderness Scripture, he also had unknown mutations, so this set of techniques could be said to have completely changed in Zhou Tianfeng's hands.

"We have heard of the reputation of the Great Desolate Scripture. It is said to be the technique of the Immortal Emperor, but it was later confirmed to be the technique of the Shatian Palace. Disciple, you, you won't join the Dark Clan, right?" Feng asked.

"How is it possible? I am not at odds with the Dark Clan, so how can I join them? Although I have practiced Dahuang Qianjin, what I have practiced is an improved version of Huang Immortal Emperor.

In addition, when I practiced this set of exercises, I made some changes, so although I have extremely terrifying power, I will not be affected by the Dark Clan. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's good. If you really join that Shatian Palace, then my master will have no choice but to sever the master-disciple relationship with you."

"What are you thinking, old man? Have you forgotten that it was the Immortal Emperor who came here to tell us about this kid?

The Immortal Emperor must know this kid's situation. How could he join the Shatian Palace? Shuiyun said.

"What's next? What happened to Tu'er later?" Xue Feng asked.

"Later, my disciple mastered this set of exercises, and his cultivation level directly reached the realm of ascending to the sky. I can easily kill the masters of the immortal realm in seconds. Then I, two senior sisters, and two fellows from the Ziyang Sect Daoist began to search for a way back to Spirit World.

We found out that in the Demon Realm, due to the battle between the blood demons and the demon spirit clan, the survival situation of the human race is very critical, so most of the human race have taken refuge with the Qilin clan. But the Kirin clan has a way to go to the Spirit World, so I wanted to try my luck.

As a result, I accidentally discovered that I actually have the bloodline of the Qilin clan, and the concentration level is very high. It happened that the contemporary Qilin King was seriously injured due to some things, and he actually wanted to take away his disciple, but the disciple practiced The terrifying soul of the Great Desolation and the power of desolation in the body are extremely terrifying.

He did not succeed. Instead, he made a wedding dress for me and passed on all his cultivation in the Celestial Immortal Realm to me. As a result, my disciple became a master in the Celestial Immortal Realm. "Although Zhou Tianfeng said it lightly, Shuiyun and Xuefeng knew how dangerous this was.

A master in the Celestial Immortal Realm world and a naturally powerful Qilin King. His strength is beyond what a small cultivator in the heavenly realm can contend with. Zhou Tianfeng is actually able to seize the throne with his soldiers, and in turn allows the other party to marry him. Clothes.

"Then because my disciple's Qilin blood concentration was too high, for various reasons, I became the Qilin King of the Qilin clan.

But also because I became a master in the Celestial Immortal Realm world, I cannot freely transmigrate various realms, so I cannot go back. But it happened that the two young senior sisters were plotted against. I think you should also know that the person who plotted against them was the Queen Ruoxi. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"The two disciples told us about this matter, but we couldn't believe it. If the Queen was such a terrifying big shot, she would actually plot against the two of them," Ming Yanshang said.

is not that right? At that time, the two little girls came back and told them that the person who plotted against them was actually the famous Queen Ruoxi, but they were all surprised. What was the identity of Queen Ruoxi? Before she was exposed, she was an Immortal King. As a result, Finally, it was discovered that he was an Apex Level Immortal Emperor.

You two little girls, how virtuous and capable are you, to be plotted against by a big shot like her!

"Because he has a Heavenly Rage Battle Body, a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and the terrifying physique of the Qilin alien race, the pattern's qualifications are extremely good. He has become a target of Queen Ruoxi.

At that time, he probably wanted to subdue his disciple. Because of the resurrection of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the intervention of the Huang Immortal Emperor, her plan failed. Later, her disciple's cultivation reached the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Then I received the news that Second Senior Brother, he was also plotted by Queen Ruoxi and sent to the Black Lord of the Rings. "

"Good guy, this Queen Ruoxi is really nothing. You are a little Golden Immortal. No matter how good your qualifications are and how great your future potential is, it is too shameless for her to scheme against you like this? He is also the cultivator of the Immortal Emperor after all. Why! How could you do something so mean?" Shuiyun said.

This is really too shameless. It's like a master who has reached the Ascension Immortal Level and is about to plot against a disciple who has just started, even at the Qi Refining Stage.

It's really too shameless and too mean.

"What happened next? Disciple, why were you sealed? Originally, the Immortal Emperor was going to take us over to see you, saying that you were in a place called the New Immortal World. But later, for some unknown reason, this matter But it was delayed.

Your junior wife, your junior uncle, and I didn't believe what he said at first, so we even made a special trip to the Demon Realm, only to find out something about you. "

"Back then, the second senior brother was also plotted by Queen Ruoxi and fell into the Black Lord of the Rings. I also had the cultivation level of Golden Immortal back then, so I went to save people. But this time, too many things happened in the middle.

Anyway, in the end, I was defeated by another mysterious power. I took a fancy to it, and this mysterious power was the senior who accepted the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor as his disciple. He also gave me a new metaphor. It can be said that if the disciple practices according to Prajna Buddhism, he can become a master in the realm of Immortal Emperor, which also attracts the jealousy of another big shot. I can’t tell you the name of this big shot just yet. "Zhou Tianfen deleted some of the things that happened to him over the years, and then told his master and his wife.

"My dear disciple, your experiences over the past 1,000 years are really confusing!"

"So, what's your current level of cultivation?" Being valued by a strong man beyond the Immortal Emperor level, this kid should have benefited a lot!

"Hahaha! I'm ashamed to say it, but my current cultivation level is that of an Immortal King." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He is the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. He plans to hide this matter from his master and his wife for the time being. After all, it is a bit too shocking. The less we know about this matter, the better, and it's also for the best of both of them.

He discussed this matter with Ming Yanshang and concealed it for the time being. He hid his cultivation to the realm of Immortal King first.

"Immortal King? My dear, you are now on an equal footing with the leader. How many years has it been? You have been practicing for less than 2000 years and you have become the Immortal King?"

"Disciple, you have made a meteoric rise this time. You have become the most Apex Level existence in the upper world."

Profound Immortal is the pinnacle that ordinary beings can reach through cultivation. If you want to become Immortal King and Immortal Emperor, you must rely on the blessing of the original energy.

Therefore, in the eyes of many monks, there is not much difference between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor. It is just that one is 1.1 stronger and the other is weaker. One controls a larger force and the other controls a smaller force. For them, They are all unattainable existences.

"My disciple is also lucky. Over the years, several crises have narrowly escaped death, and this is how I survived." Zhou Tianfeng said.

is not that right? What happened to me was outrageous enough. If not for. He has a virus dimension and a bug-like physique to back him up. He has died countless times.

"Then what are your plans now? Now our Jade Water Heavenly Palace has joined the forces of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. By the way, speaking of this, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor has also helped you a lot. He killed Queen Ruoxi. .

Do you want to join us too? Now the Feilong Immortal Emperor is short of people. You should be able to stand up as an Immortal King. Shuiyun said.

If Zhou Tianfeng can join in, their Yaoshui Heavenly Palace will be equivalent to having two Immortal Kings. It can be said that he can completely gain a foothold in the Heavenly World of Luo, with an Immortal Emperor as his backer and two masters of the Immortal King realm. Even in the original Flying Immortal World, it can be called a major force at Apex Level.

After all, the extremely powerful Qilin clan at that time only had two Immortal King realms. Of course, the Qilin clan had two Apex Level Immortal Kings, and they were also Qilin beasts, but Zhou Tianfeng was not bad either. He had Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Speaking of which, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor seems to also have a Tiannu fighting body! Could this be related to something?

Shui Yun thought of this and glanced at Zhou Tianfei with slight doubts. He vaguely seemed to have caught something, but he didn't seem to have caught it.

"Master, Master, I can't return to the sect for the time being. For some reason, I have been plotted by a mysterious strong man. If I appear here openly, she will definitely not let go of Jade Water Heavenly Palace. ." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What are you afraid of? Did you offend an Immortal Emperor-level master? Even if it is the Immortal Emperor, now you are on good terms with both the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Huang Immortal Emperor, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor is your senior brother. And now the Feilong Immortal Emperor is also our backer, can't the three Immortal Emperors protect you?" Fairy Shuiyun rolled her eyes at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Yes, disciple! The big shot you offended before was Queen Ruoxi, but now he has been killed by the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. What are you afraid of? There are others like the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and The Immortal Emperor is so powerful, can't the three of them protect you?" Xue Feng said.

In the eyes of the two of them, the Immortal Emperor realm is already an absolute strong one. As for surpassing the Immortal Emperor realm, they dare not think about it now.

"Actually, you might as well think about it. With your true identity and the cultivation level of the Immortal King, you can appear here. The Master Tianxing you offended has not yet awakened, so it doesn't matter if you appear here now." Ming Yanshang's voice transmission road.

She actually wanted Zhou Tianfeng to stay here and be by her side.

Zhou Tianfeng was a little helpless when he heard this. What are you thinking? My current identity is the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. I appear here in the realm of Immortal King. What about the identity of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor?

And if I appeared here, wouldn't my own cheap son be looking for me? How will you explain yourself then?

"My current identity is the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. If I appear in the realm of Zhou Tianfeng Immortal King again, what will happen to my identity as the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor?" Zhou Tianfeng said in a voice transmission.

"Don't you have two zombie Immortal Emperor puppets? Find one of them and pretend to be the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Can't you have two identities?" Ming Yanshang said.

"." Zhou Tianfeng.

My aunt, what are you thinking about? The two zombie Immortal Emperors were full of evil and bloodthirsty power. Not to mention pretending to be the Immortal Emperor, they could both be discovered by pretending to be an immortal.

Doesn't this clearly tell everyone that there is something wrong with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor? The two zombie Immortal Emperors can be used as a weapon, but they must not be exposed. The aura of these two guys now is that of complete villains.

(End of chapter)

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