Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 269 The Arrival Of Two Monster Race Immortal Kings

Chapter 269 The arrival of two Monster Race Immortal Kings

Zhou Tianfeng knew very well in his heart that the two zombie Immortal Emperors he had refined were mainly used as surprise killers. They were capable of doing dirty work such as murder and arson, but for some superficial tasks, these two guys were It must not be exposed.

"So how about you think about your true identity, show it and stay in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace as an Immortal King, and your immediate boss is yourself." Ming Yanshang said.

"There's something you don't understand. Those two zombie Immortal Emperors must not be exposed. If they are exposed, it will cause a lot of trouble." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Since the two puppet Immortal Emperors are not good, there is actually a way for you to swap the roles of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor and Zhou Tianfen, okay? The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor doesn't appear at all. When the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is needed, You leave an External Incarnation.

This should be no problem for you, as long as you don't fight anyone. And after you became the Feilong Immortal Emperor, you also waved your hands in front of the boss. As a high-ranking Immortal Emperor, you usually don't show your face in front of everyone. "Ming Yanshang continued.

She naturally has her own selfish motives for wanting Zhou Tianfeng to stay in Yaoshui Heavenly Palace. Who doesn't want to guard her man every day?

Of course she hoped that Zhou Tianfeng could stay here with him instead of running around.

"Did you two secretly say something?" Shuiyun asked.

As the senior sister of Ming Yanshang, Shuiyun knew very well that her junior sister, who usually looked dignified and virtuous, was actually the most cunning and petty among all the sisters.

When the two of them were called today, it was obvious that this girl already knew Zhou Tianfeng's identity, and he should be the one Zhou Tianfeng was looking for when he came back. I said, why is this girl so radiant and spring-like lately? She looks like she has been nourished!

It turns out that your little lover has come back to you a long time ago, and it’s still secretive. You two can do it!

And now he is secretly talking to you behind the back of his wife and master.

"Can't you two tell us something in person? You still have to do it secretly. Good disciple, don't you still believe in being a master?" Xue Feng said.

I really cared deeply about Zhou Tianfeng, when I was still a mortal in the Immortal Cultivation World. This kid should know very well how good he is to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Master, Master, this is really not possible. The person I offended is very powerful. In a short period of time, I can only hide incognito. I must not reveal my true identity." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He knew that coming to see his master and his wife would be really troublesome, but delaying it any longer would be disrespectful to his master and his wife, so he had to bite the bullet and come over to meet the two of them. But just as he expected, the two wanted him to stay.

"In this case, then you can change your identity. Instead of appearing as Zhou Tianfeng, you can change it to Zhang Tianfeng or Li Tianfeng! Then you can say that you are Yan Shang's Taoist companion. In this way, if you join Yao and Shun Tian Palace, your status will be It can be said that you are above ten thousand people. And no one is below you. We, the head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, do not dare to be above you.

At most, he is on an equal footing with you, after all, you are also an Immortal King, and then ask him to introduce you to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, so that you can hide your true identity, and then show him to you in all seasons. The enemy takes revenge. Shuiyun said.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng was speechless. Isn't this what I am doing now? I am now an Immortal Emperor, and then I played a flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Now you asked me to play an Immortal King. Is there anything wrong?

"Forget it! Since Tianfeng doesn't want to, then forget it! Just keep the status quo, and you might as well come and visit us more often in the future.

But this is the territory of an Immortal Emperor after all. It doesn't matter if the Feilong Immortal Emperor is away now, but you'd better inform people, otherwise an Immortal King will always come in and out of an Immortal Emperor's territory casually, and it won't matter. Great. "Xue Feng said.

He could see that Zhou Tianfeng did have difficulties. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay here, but that he really had no choice. So he didn't want to embarrass his disciples, so he might as well come and see them more often when he had time in the future.

"Hmph! It's really not good for him, an Immortal King, to enter and exit the territory of an Immortal Emperor casually. And if he meets the Feilong Immortal Emperor, Luo Heavenly World is in desperate need of people now, and the Feilong Immortal Emperor will definitely recruit him. , if he doesn’t agree, he will offend the flying dragon Immortal Emperor." Shuiyun said.

You have to give me the face of an Immortal Emperor, and Yaoshui Tiangong has just come into contact with this flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Although it seems that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor has a good temper at the moment, who knows what will happen in the future?

Just in case, Zhou Tianfeng will go back and forth here many times in the future. That's not a good situation. After all, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor's. The palace is going to be built here.

"Don't worry about this. My hiding skills are very good. Even an Immortal Emperor-level existence can't find me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

is not that right? Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is myself. I can eat myself. Can I deal with myself?

"Don't brag, kid. No matter how good your stealth skills are, how can you escape the eyes of an Immortal Emperor? It's better than this. If you want to see us in the future, send us a flying sword message, and then we will go to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. How about I go see you on the periphery of my influence?" Shuiyun said.

"That's fine, just follow Master's wishes." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Wife, I’ve already talked about this, what else can I say?

Everyone chatted for a while, and then the master and his wife left one after another, leaving the space for Ming Yanshang and Zhou Tianfeng. The meaning is self-evident.

After returning to his room, Shuiyun's expression became serious.

"This kid has become more capable now. His cultivation has reached the realm of Immortal King. He won't tell us anything. This kid has something to hide from us tomorrow, and Yan Shang knows about it," Shui Yun said.

"If you don't want to say it, just don't say it! You should understand their two characters. There must be something we can't know, so you don't tell us. If we know it, it will be in danger, so don't blame them." Feng took his beloved wife's hand and said.

My apprentice must have his own ideas. Zhou Tianfeng, a disciple, has always had his own ideas, ever since he became his disciple.

If other disciples were tricked by their senior brother when they first started, even if they found out, they would choose to swallow it up instead of reporting the matter to themselves. But this kid Zhou Tianfeng did this and even let himself drive the boss away by force.

So this kid is scheming and capable, so he can do whatever he wants. Anyway, his cultivation level is already Immortal King, and he is just a small Celestial Immortal, so he can't help him much.

"What about your second child? Don't you miss your second child?" Shuiyun asked.

"Hey! You didn't know this! The second brother actually came to see me secretly. He has now become a master again, and he is also an Immortal King, the Demon King of Profound Heaven in the prehistoric realm." Xue Feng said.

Among all the disciples, he was most satisfied with the second and fourth sons. The eldest son was too power-minded and focused on the third son. Forget it, they are all dead now.

And come. After flying to the Immortal World, he also accepted a few more disciples one after another, but these disciples did not teach them any Blood Shadow Sect techniques. After all, they were all masters in the Immortal Realm world.

He has also created some techniques of his own over the years. Although he has only entered the world of Celestial Immortal Realm, he can be regarded as a school of his own.

"You Xue Feng, it seems like you're hiding everything from me! You don't have any little lovers outside, do you?" Shui Yun said.

"Of course, there are dozens of them. How can I, Blood Shadow Ancestor, keep a few outside?" Xue Feng said with a smile.

"Tch! Ask for a beating!" Shuiyun said.

"Can't you really stay?" Ming Yanshang asked after his master and his wife left.

"It will be very convenient if you want to see me in the future. At least I have the identity of a flying dragon Immortal Emperor! You can just come here and apply to be a maid." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay! I will take the two little girls over to apply for your maid, but you have to wait for a while. The mansion of an Immortal Emperor is not that easy to build." Ming Yanshang said.

"I know! I'm not in a hurry. The most important thing now is to save my strength." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Time flies by so fast, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. For Zhou Tianfeng, who has become the Immortal Emperor, a hundred years can be said to be a blink of an eye.

He never expected that his Immortal Emperor palace actually took a full hundred years to build, covering the entire Immortal Star, costing hundreds of thousands of new people, and spent hundreds of years collecting all kinds of the most Apex Level materials.

The most Apex Level Immortal Treasures, the most Apex Level Spiritual Roots, and a large number of Spirit Beast Immortal Birds to fill his Immortal Palace.

An Immortal Emperor's palace must be extremely luxurious. Everything must be of the highest Apex Level, and there must be no conflict. This is what the four Immortal Kings discussed below.

Some Apex Level Spirit Medicine and even good equipment require a lot of time just to polish. So the construction period has been delayed indefinitely. Fortunately, everyone is a first-class immortal, and there is no life limit, even 100 years does not matter.

On this day, Zhou Tianfeng was visiting the newly built Immortal Emperor's palace. A monk from the Profound Immortal realm ran in and knelt in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

"Reporting to the Immortal Emperor, there are two Immortal Kings from the Monster Race outside who would like to see you."

"Did the Immortal King of Monster Race come from the Beast World?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No, Immortal Emperor, the Heavenly Beast World has been occupied by the Shatian Palace. The Monster Race in the Beast World these days is actually the same as the immortals in our Luo Tianji world. They also fled to fly to the Immortal World back then. Li Xuan Immortal King said from the side.

Beast World is having trouble escaping from Monster Race these days. In fact, the situation is much worse than that of Heavenly World Immortal Luo.

The first one to fall was the Black Demon World, and the second one was the Heavenly Beast World. What was the fate of the Black Demon World race? All instances are crystal clear, so Heaven Beast World.

At that time, there were also a large number of Monster Race Immortal Kings, or monster kings, who fled to the Heavenly World of Luo with their tribesmen and subordinates. But later Luo Heavenly World was also threatened, and they followed the refugees from Luo Heavenly World into the Immortal World.

However, since the refugees from Heavenly World and some local forces flying to the Immortal World have left, Monster Race's living space should be much larger. They should stay in the Immortal World. How can there be two Immortal King realms? Monster Race coming over?

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, do you want to meet these Monster Race people?" Mingxin asked.

"The visitors are guests, let them in!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now that I am employing people, if these two Immortal Kings of Monster Race come to seek refuge, then I will accept them. If they do not come to seek refuge, but just come to visit, I can also meet them.

After receiving Zhou Tianfeng's order, we also came to report. The immortal nodded and turned to leave. Soon the two Immortal Kings of Monster Race entered Zhou Tianfeng's Immortal Emperor's palace.

Soon, the two Monster Race Immortal Kings arrived at Zhou Tianfeng's Immortal Emperor's palace.

After meeting Zhou Tianfeng, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor himself, the two Monster Race Immortal Kings bowed respectfully to Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

"Monster Race is in trouble. The Immortal King is in trouble, and Moon Shadow pays homage to the flying dragon, the Immortal Emperor."

"You two Immortal Kings don't have to be polite to get up, right? What do you want to do when you come to Heavenly World this time?" Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to get up.

"Master Feilong Immortal Emperor, when I come to Luo Heavenly World this time, I still hope that Luo Heavenly World can take in my troubled Monster Race people." One of the Monster Race Immortal King Lingjun said.

"Oh! You Monster Race? Aren't you living in the Immortal World? Now flying in the Immortal World is not as overcrowded as before, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

All the refugees from Luo Heavenly World have now returned, and there are also many immigrants who flew to Immortal World. It should be said that the current Immortal World is quite empty.

"I don't know, Lord Immortal Emperor. After the end of the war 400 years ago, many lower-level immortals who flew to the Immortal World have returned to the Immortal World on the Ascension Passage built by the Immortal Emperor.

In addition, some of the next Ascensioners also chose Ascension again at this point in time, and their Ascension goal is also to fly to the Immortal World. In the past hundred years, one after another immortals have returned to fly to the Immortal World. World, the current situation is actually not much worse than before. "Another Monster Race Immortal King said.

is not that right? Because of that war, most of the immortals under Golden Immortal hid in the Spirit World below.

Because of this, many practitioners in the Spirit World below who originally planned to ascend to heaven stopped at their own level of cultivation and were delayed for more than 1,800 years.

It wasn't until the war was basically over and they couldn't suppress it anymore that they flew to Immortal World.

As for you saying you can play Ascension and Heavenly World, haha.

Their thoughts are the same as those of ordinary immortals who fly to the Immortal World. Flying to the Immortal World is much safer than flying to the Heavenly World, so only ghosts can fly to the Heavenly World!

And that's not all. The reproduction and cultivation speed of Monster Race is also very fast. In the Demon Realm space and Beast World, many Monster Race monks choose Ascension. After arriving in Immortal World, they naturally choose to join Monster. Race forces.

The number of Low Level Immortals on both sides is increasing. These people all need resources, and flying Immortal World will definitely not be enough.

Their Monster Race is not as free as the immortals from Luo Heavenly World. The human race is still very hostile to Monster Race.

So the three flying Immortal World Immortal Emperors discussed it and decided to allocate ten ordinary fairy stars to each of them to provide them with Monster Race to survive.

And their Monster Race is to join the fight against the Evil God Palace.

With 30 fairy stars arranged for the entire Monster Race, the crowding level is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, they Monster Race had no choice but to do some disgraceful things, such as forcibly occupying some fairy stars owned by Low Level monks.

So using some means, they managed to capture a total of 10 fairy stars piecemeal, and with the addition of a few fairy stars given by the Immortal Emperor, they could barely hold all the Monster Race.

But just because they occupied these ten immortal stars, this also aroused the dissatisfaction of the three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World. The three Immortal Emperors directly took action together and used a powerful barrier to seal the land of their Monster Race.

If their Monster Race force, Immortal Ascension, came up, they could enter this barrier and directly enter the Monster Race's territory through the leadership of the Immortal Emperor's army, but if they, the Monster Race people, want to come out, it is impossible.

You can only move within these 40 fairy stars.

Think about it, Monster Race people can only stay within these 40 fairy stars, but the Monster Race population is constantly increasing.

A new tribesman from his own tribe. There are also defectors from outside Ascension, and the population of Monster Race can be said to have been increasing explosively.

It has even developed into a kind of infighting among the Monster Race races. Some powerful Monster Races even want to kill some weaker Monster Races in order to increase their own living space.

40 fairy stars can fully contain tens of billions of Monster Race people. Logically speaking, it should take at least 200 to 300 fairy stars to digest these tens of billions of Monster Race people.

These are not ordinary Monster Races, the weakest ones are from the Immortal Realm world!

Originally, they could hold on for a while. Over the years, several of their Monster Race Immortal Kings have teamed up to secretly transport a few spiritual stars up from the lower world, and slightly modified these spiritual stars. Low Level Immortals can also do it reluctantly. live.

But don’t think about progress in cultivation or anything like that.

But in the past hundred years, the population in the Immortal World has increased a lot, so the three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World have recently made new demands on them in the Monster Race.

After handing over the Ten Immortal Stars they forcibly occupied, they were left with only 30 Immortal Stars. As for the lower realm spiritual stars that were secretly brought up, they had to be returned.

If they don't agree, they will either leave the Immortal World and go to other realms to survive, or the three Immortal Emperors will personally drive them away.

It's the people who are determined to drive their Monster Race away.

And now the only places they can go to are Luo Heavenly World and the new Immortal World. The ancient Immortal Domain will not accept them, and neither will their prehistoric domain.

The only ones who can accept them are the new Heavenly World of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Luo Heavenly World of the Feilong Immortal Emperor.

So several Immortal Kings of Monster Race discussed it and sent two groups of people, one group went to the new Heavenly World, and the other group came to the Heavenly World where the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor was.

"I see, I understand. What you mean is that you want me to take in you Monster Race people and let you come to my Heavenly World to survive, right?" Zhou Tianfeng touched his chin and asked.

This matter is a little difficult for others, but for me it is simple and has the same meaning. My Luo Heavenly World is lacking nothing now, except for the territory. How much do I need such a thing as the Immortal Star? How many can even be created out of thin air using the original energy.

But the question is, what can these Monster Race people offer themselves? It is impossible to freeload, you have to show your role.

So Zhou Tianfeng did not say anything, but looked at the two Immortal Kings of Monster Race with a half-smile.

"If the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is willing to take in us, the remnants of the Monster Race, we promise the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor that the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor will follow his lead, and once the Beast World is restored, we will immediately retreat. If the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor sends us Monster Race in the future, we will definitely Go all out." An Immortal King from Monster Race saw Zhou Tianfeng lost in thought and immediately said.

There was really no other way. In fact, they contacted New Heavenly World first. After all, in their eyes, New Heavenly World was safer.

But in the new Heavenly World, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor had just woken up, so there were no visitors at all.

The two of them waited in the new Heavenly World for several years, but there was no movement, and they did not see the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and then they came to the Luo Heavenly World.

I want to see what this flying dragon Immortal Emperor means. After all, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is a first-class strong man, and his strength is not much worse than the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor Huang Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, Luo Heavenly World is relatively empty now. It is a vast area with few people, so it should be able to accommodate Monster Race people like them.

The Heavenly World where this flying dragon Immortal Emperor lives has now become the last hope for these Monster Races.

If there is really no other way, these Monster Races will have no choice but to survive in the next world.

"I understand everything. It's not impossible to accept your Monster Race, but I want you Monster Race people not to harm human monks or to usurp other people's fairy stars. I will arrange fairy stars for you to live in.

And you have to draw out the Monster Race above Profound Immortal and Golden Immortal to join my force and become my army. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"As it should be." The two Monster Race Immortal Kings looked ecstatic when they heard Zhou Tianfeng agreed.

"Okay, how many fairy stars do you want? To support you Monster Race people to survive." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

The two Monster Race Immortal Kings looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, we hope to give you a hundred fairy stars to live in for Monster Race people like me." A Monster Race Immortal King said.

Now in their Monster Race situation, 100 fairy stars should be enough, or even 50. It's a bit crowded, but at least it's better than flying in Immortal World.

But if there were less than 50, it would be really difficult, so they asked for 100. I tested the meaning of Zhou Tianfeng, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

"Do you want a hundred fairy stars? Let's do this. I will give you 300 ordinary fairy stars for you Monster Race to live in." Zhou Tianfeng said.

There are more than hundreds of millions of fairy stars in Luo Heavenly World. 300 fairy stars are just drizzle to me.

I will restore 6,000 words today. Thank you for your support.

(End of chapter)

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