Chapter 271 Native Race, Slaves

Zhou Tianfeng carefully looked at the creature in front of him and found that it looked a bit disgusting.

What the hell is this damn thing? Isn't this appearance too strange?

The other Monster Races at least look like humans. Even if they have some Monster Race characteristics, they just have a pair of furry ears and a furry tail. Even most of the Monster Races will maintain a humanoid appearance after becoming immortals.

Monster Race also has an aesthetic concept, right? Most of the Monster Races will maintain a human appearance after successful cultivation. Only when their previous cultivation is not up to standard, they will maintain a half-human and half-animal appearance.

"When he first came to fly the Immortal World, your attitude towards him must not have been too friendly, right?" Looking at the octopus monster in front of him, Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Not only was it bad, we almost killed the monster at that time, but he managed to resist it for a while with his Immortal Emperor-level power. Finally, Master Tianxing arrived. After seeing the strangeness of this monster, he decided to kill him Stay and seal it here." The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor sighed and said.

As soon as this guy came to fly the Immortal World, he tried to control the four of them with his powerful mental power, and even wanted to devour them, so the four Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World attacked him together.

(There were four Immortal Emperors in the Immortal World back then. One of them died during the final battle with the Shatian Palace hundreds of years ago.)

But even if the four Immortal Emperors joined forces, they could only barely suppress this monster. The Immortal Emperor alone may not be a match for this monster.

"What did Master Tianxing like about him? Is it his powerful mental control ability?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's his powerful mind control ability. Master Tianxing feels that if his mind control ability were to attack Sha Tian unexpectedly, it would severely damage Sha Tian.

But Master Tianxing has come here several times in the past few years, but every time she came, she had some secret exchanges with this mysterious creature, and she did not bring this monster with her to the last decisive battle. "Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

The monster's situation is a bit embarrassing now. Originally I wanted him to act. He came to use the trump card in the final battle, but after the monster came out, it was obvious that he would not be obedient, and Master Tianxing did not tame him.

Now that the two sides have signed a peace agreement, and with the powerful power of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, the effect of this monster seems to be a little less important.

That's why she previously proposed to let the flying dragon Immortal Emperor control this monster through that mysterious spiritual imprint, so that this monster can become a great help to the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

"Tch! To put it bluntly, Master Tianxing just stole a chicken and lost a handful of rice. This monster is obviously hostile to everyone. He will not switch sides in the Shatian Palace. I bet that, People from the Shatian Palace will immediately slap him when they see him." Zhou Tianfeng said decisively.

The situation of this monster is really weird, but after Zhou Tianfen observed it through some Taoist-level methods, he discovered that this monster was indeed a species born in this native plane.

No wonder Tianxing Master doesn't believe in himself, but he believes in this monster. However, even so, it can't change. This guy is a complete monster, even a killing machine.

"So what are you going to do with him now?" Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor asked.

"I will deal with him alone. What will the people from the Ancient Immortal Domain and the other two flying Immortal World Immortal Emperors say?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Master Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, Master Tianxing of the Ancient Immortal Domain is now seriously injured. He will not be able to regain his fighting power or even wake up for at least ten thousand years. However, the other immortals of the Ancient Immortal Domain are too lazy to care about this monster. As for the other two Flying the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal World, our intentions are very clear. No one wants to keep this monster in their territory. If you are willing to take action and get rid of him, it will be a good thing for all of us." Hua Ling The Immortal Emperor rolled his eyes and spoke.

"Don't believe what that slave said. We are the real masters of this world. My friend, you are an outsider. I am the real master here. I welcome you. This guy in front of you, or rather Everything in this world was created by our people, and they are all slaves. But you are different, my friend, I felt it as soon as you came in, let me out, and I will tell you everything." Octopus-headed monster He once again used his spiritual power to send a message to Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng's expression changed when he heard this. What does this mean? You are the real masters of this native plane. And this guy could see where he came from at a glance, and even claimed that other species were slaves.

"My Lord, has he spoken to you again?" Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor asked.

"He said some very strange things to me. I want to talk to him alone. You should stand far away first." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Ancestor, please don't follow his path! He once said very strange things to us, but they were just lies. Don't believe him." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

"What did he say to you, for example, something to confuse you? Tell me, so that he won't use these tricks to deceive me later." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"This monster said that they are the masters of this world and that we are all slaves and should obey their orders. As long as I am willing to release it, it will give me unimaginable power and take me to see the real world." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor said.

Who would believe such nonsense? You are just a newly promoted Immortal Emperor. Even if your combat power is slightly stronger, it still relies on the convenience of your race, but you are the master of this world.

You also said that you can give me powerful power. You yourself became enlightened by devouring other Immortal Emperors. Why should you give me powerful power?

Haha, that would be ridiculous.

As for what he said to several others, Dali was actually quite right, but what he said to Master Tianxing, Master Tianxing had never told them.

"Haha! Okay, I understand. Don't worry, his mind control ability is of no use to me." Zhou Tianfeng said confidently.

With the protection of the virus space, this guy's spiritual power cannot affect him at all.

The flower spirit Immortal Emperor nodded, stood up and retreated a distance, while Zhou Tianfeng came to the periphery of the barrier and looked at the purple octopus monster in front of him.

"Tell me, why do you say that you are the masters of this plane, while all other races are slaves?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"When the world of outsiders was just born, our ancestors appeared in our family and created everything in this world. The Monster Race, the human race, and some other special races were all created by our ancestors.

The original purpose of creating them was to serve as slaves and reproduction tools for our clan. When our clan was first born, they were just weak larvae. They must have a powerful host before they can exert their original power. "The octopus monster said.

"Oh! According to you, your ancestor is the creator of this world, so where is he now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

This creates a paradox of chicken laying the egg and the egg laying the chicken. Your ancestors are the masters of this native plane.

He created your race, and then in order to propagate your race, he created other races and became slaves of your race. So how did he appear?

Since he has such terrifying power. Can't you even solve the fertility problem of your race?

And if he can't even reproduce, then your group is his most failed work. The human race and Monster Race are more perfect than you.

So this is too ridiculous, right?

"Let me out, and I will take you to meet our ancestors."

"It's impossible to let you out. If you don't say anything, you will be useless to me. I will withdraw the barrier in a while, and then go in and kill you. You should know that I have this power." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Haha, you want to kill me? If you have the courage, just do it. Do you know why Master Tianxing didn't kill me but kept me?

I want to use my ability to deal with Sha Tian.

That kind of lame excuse. Only those few weak slaves would believe in beings at your level. Would they believe such nonsense? "The octopus-headed monster said.

"What do you mean? Could it be that if I kill you, will the world be destroyed?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Do you really know nothing? If I am killed, there will be very serious consequences. As for what these serious consequences are, I will not tell you. You can guess it yourself." Octopus Head The monster spoke to Zhou Tianfeng very confidently.

It seemed like there was something very powerful in his hand.

"Hmph! I hope you can still laugh after a while." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Please, I'm not as easy to fool as Master Tianxing. I at least know many Heavenly Venerables, and I even have a statue of Heavenly Venerable's daughter at home!

Is there anything that can be hidden from these people in the upper realm?

Zhou Tianfeng didn't say anything more to the octopus-headed monster, and directly entered the new Immortal World, calling out Yun Tianshuang, who was still in seclusion.

"What do you want from me?" Yun Tianshuang asked.

"I met a very strange thing outside. This guy claimed to be the master of this native plane. Their ancestors created everything in this world, even the human race, Monster Race and other special races. And claimed If I kill him, it will cause very serious consequences. I want you to help me see this monster and what it is." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"The master of this plane, how can there be a master in the native plane? And it's the same race?" Yun Tianshuang asked with a surprised look on his face.

Moreover, the human race and Monster Race also exist in other native planes. How could they be created by their ancestors?

"Anyway, this guy said so, and he looked confident. He also said that if I dare to kill him, I will give it a try. So I want you to see what his background is?" Zhou Tianfeng said. .

"This is quite interesting, but you are sure to let me appear outside. If someone from the Dark Clan discovers my aura, it will be a big problem." Yun Tianshuang said.

It is safest to stay in Zhou Tianfen's fresh world now. Once he goes out, it may cause some chain reactions.

"The Queen of Heaven Ruoxi has asked me to kill him, and Sha Tian is now in an extremely weak state. You just need to lower your cultivation level a little, and then go out with me to see that monster. I'm not asking you to fight." What's more, and I will use the power of the original Tao space to protect you and never let your breath leak out." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Since he dared to let Yun Tianshuang go out, he had complete assurance that the other party would not be discovered.

Now the body that Yun Tianshuang is using is built by himself using the spiritual energy of the new Immortal World. As long as it does not reveal the power of the World-Destroying Gods or the power of the Heavenly Venerable, then it should be fine.

"That's counterintuitive. As long as I don't fight anyone, there should be no problem. I will suppress all my aura to the lowest level." Yun Tianshuang thought for a moment, nodded and said.

She was also very curious about this strange native species. What kind of species dared to call other species slaves?

Zhou Tianfeng nodded, stepped forward and took Yun Tianshuang's hand, leading him to use teleportation to appear in the barrier and arrive in front of the octopus monster.

The octopus monster didn't react at first, but the moment it saw Yun Tianshuang, its eyes widened, as if it had seen something unbelievable.

"Another outsider. It seems that you and Sha Tian are exactly the same people. You both come from other worlds." The octopus monster snorted coldly and said.

Yun Tianshuang and Zhou Tianfeng ignored his words and began to explore everything about this octopus monster through their powerful spiritual power.

About a quarter of an hour later, Yun Tianshuang slowly opened his eyes.

"How's it going? What's going on with this guy?"

"Zhou Tianfeng, what the hell is this? His body seems to be a small insect, and this outside is just his body.

And his body is very, very strange. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a weird thing could be born in the native plane. "Yun Tianshuang said.

"So what kind of weird method is this? Tell me, will it have any impact if I kill him?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's hard to say! I can't see through him. He is indeed from the native plane, and he is an Innate creature. But this Innate creature is just his true body, that is, the worm in his brain.

The body outside it is still an acquired being, no, not even an acquired being. It can be said to be a tool, or a puppet. "Yun Tianshuang said.

"Then let me ask the most critical question. Is there any problem if I kill him? Will it have any huge impact on the world?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now he only knows one thing, what does this monster rely on? He dared to threaten himself without explaining it clearly, or he made up a lie to deceive him.

"His body seems to have the slightest connection with the origin of this world. Please don't kill him yet.

If possible, seal it first! I'll consider him later when my cultivation level is stronger. "Yun Tianshuang thought for a moment and then said.

This monster really didn't lie. His original insect does have a slight connection with the origin of this world.

If he was killed rashly, it might indeed cause some very serious consequences.

"Okay, I understand. Let's keep him alive for the time being. However, I plan to move this guy to Luo Heavenly World, and then use my power, Luo Heavenly World's power, and even the new Immortal World's power. The original energy strengthens the seal on him and puts him in the Immortal World, which makes me feel uneasy." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You can have this, but it's still inconvenient to put it in the Heavenly World. Why don't you put it in the new Immortal World, and then declare to the outside world that you have killed this monster.

Anyway, the new Immortal World is completely closed now, so you don't need to worry about anyone discovering it. And the new Immortal World is equivalent to a new prison. It can weaken his new connection with the original energy of this world to a certain extent.

And I also live in the new Immortal World, so I can help you keep an eye on him. "Yun Tianshuang immediately proposed a better method.

"Your method is good, just do as you say!" Zhou Tianfeng nodded and agreed with Yun Tianshuang's opinion.

Then Zhou Tianfeng directly used the original energy in the new Immortal World. Move the entire sealed palace of this monster to the new Immortal World, and use the original power of the new Immortal World. He was further sealed.

After seeing what Zhou Tianfeng did to him, the octopus-headed monster angrily knocked on the seal barrier and stared at Zhou Tianfeng with a fierce look on his face.

"You will regret it." The monster just said this to Zhou Tianfeng.

After doing all this, Zhou Tianfeng sent Yun Tianshang back again, and then Yun Tianshuang personally guarded the monster.

At this time, the flower spirit Immortal Emperor dared to fly over from a distance. The woman who just appeared next to Zhou Tianfeng did not seem to be an Immortal Emperor!

Her cultivation level may be Great Principle! Oh my god, are there still Great Principle-level existences in our world?

"Why, you are a little confused about that woman just now, right?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at the flower spirit Immortal Emperor and asked.

"I don't dare! If the master wants to tell me, he will tell me naturally. If he doesn't want to tell me, he will never ask about it, and he will never leak any information." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor half-knelt on the ground, very worried. He said obediently.

"Hahaha! You are quite sensible. I will tell you about him later. As for the octopus-headed monster, you don't need to worry about him anymore. He has been sealed by me in another very safe place. It's up, and the sealing barrier is much more perfect than here." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Everything is decided by the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. But Lord Immortal Emperor, how am I going to tell the other two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World about this?" Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor asked cautiously.

"Just tell me directly that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor has a grudge against this monster clan. He used his powerful combat power to directly blast open the barrier and then killed this monster. If there is something that makes them blame me directly, if the ancient Immortal When someone from Domain comes to ask questions, just throw the blame on me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Anyway, this monster's race has enmity with many races. It doesn't seem to matter if I have one more person.

Moreover, the Immortal Emperor flying in the Immortal World also wants to kill him. As for whether the Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain will come to trouble him, that is even more worrying.

Master Tianxing sealed it for some special reasons, rather than because he wanted to deal with Evil Sky.

"The master and his subordinates know." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor nodded and said.

She had a suspicion that the Immortal Emperor in the ancient Immortal Domain didn't even know about this monster.

Master Tianxing fell into a deep sleep. It has been 400 years now. The Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain has not even asked about the monster's situation.

After explaining some things to the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng got up and left to fly to the Immortal World.

After Zhou Tianfeng left, Hua Ling Immortal Emperor did not dare to show any neglect. Immediately reported what happened here to the other two Immortal World Immortal Emperors, and narrated the matter according to Zhou Tianfeng's words.

The same goes for the Immortal Emperor flying in Immortal World. As expected, Zhou Tianfeng was not interested in the life and death of this monster at all. I even feel very lucky that this monster can be eliminated and does not exist in the Immortal World.

After all, no one wants to face such a monster every day and have to come here every few hundred years to reinforce the seal.

In the new Heavenly World, within the palace of the southern Celestial Immortal.

"This is what the Immortal Emperor is like. The flying dragon Immortal Emperor has already killed the Queen of Heaven Ruoxi." Black Tortoise described it to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor with a very excited expression. What the Immortal Emperor, the flying dragon transformed by Zhou Tianfeng, did.

"You really approve of this flying dragon Immortal Emperor! But when I was seriously injured, it is indeed a good thing that such an Apex Level Immortal Emperor can appear, but Queen Ruoxi should not be dead. Just like me Just like when I killed her last time, her spirit should have returned to their territory." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

"Even if she didn't die, she was seriously injured, and she also took back Luo Heavenly World. No matter how you say it, it is beneficial to us." Mo Tiansheng said.

"You are right about this. This can also give Huang and Master Tianxing more time to recover with me." Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal nodded and said.

"Lord Celestial Immortal, how are you recovering from your injuries now? How long will it take before you can regain your peak combat power?"

"Now I can only wake up temporarily. The damage I suffered is very serious. But fortunately, I am half-step Great Principle, and with the original power of the new Heavenly World repaired, I am better than the other two. People recover faster, it should take several thousand years for them to wake up, and after a few thousand years, I should be able to regain the combat power of my heyday." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

"Master Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, should our Nantian lineage have a good relationship with this flying dragon Immortal Emperor?" Mo Tiansheng said.

"Well! You can bring some gifts to pay homage." Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal said.

(End of chapter)

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