Chapter 272 Monster Race Woman

Being friendly with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor is also good for the new Heavenly World. The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, Huang Immortal Emperor, and Master Tianxing formed the strongest triangle combination in this session.

But for some unknown reason, these subordinates of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor can always feel that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor has a big gap with Master Tianxing.

However, these ministers did not dare to interfere with these matters, but now, with great difficulty, an Immortal Emperor who can rival the three of them has emerged, and the subordinates feel that they can have a good relationship with this flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

"Then according to what you said, you bring a few steamed gifts and go to see me. Just say that I am inconvenient now. If not, I will definitely go to visit the Feilong Immortal Emperor in person." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor thought for a moment. After that, he spoke.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is really rare. He and Huang Immortal Emperor can achieve such achievements and reach the combat power they have today. It can be said that a large part of the reason is because of the ancient immortal essence of the ancient Immortal Domain.

But this flying dragon Immortal Emperor came out of nowhere. Before this, I had never even heard of him, but he was able to achieve such great achievements in a short period of time, which is really impressive.

Others don't know about Queen Ruoxi's fighting power. How can Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal not know about it?

That woman's fighting power is definitely not something that the average Immortal Emperor can deal with, even if he recovers all his cultivation now.

There was no absolute certainty that he could be killed, but the flying dragon Immortal Emperor did it, which had to impress him.

If it weren't for his health, he would have wanted to go see the flying dragon Immortal Emperor now, but in his current state, his body couldn't move at all. His consciousness had just awakened, and it would take a lot of time for him to practice before he could move.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, just leave this matter to the Low Grade people. I have already met this Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor last time. He is also a man of temperament and extremely hates the Shatian Shrine. ” Saint Black Tortoise said.

"In that case, let's go visit the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor this time. It's up to you to do it!" said the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

The selection of girls for himself in the past few days has given Zhou Tianfeng a lot of headaches, while Ming Yanshang had a cold face the whole time.

In fact, the number of maids selected this time is a bit large, a total of 3666.

Originally, it was just a matter of selecting a few hundred people from Yaoshui Heavenly Palace, but recently, many Independent Cultivators and even some subordinates of the three human Immortal Kings have joined Zhou Tianfeng's forces.

As soon as these forces heard that Zhou Tianfeng, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, wanted to select some maids.

Regardless of whether it has any special meaning, these forces have sent many high-quality female fairies.

Together, there are more than 2,000 people, not counting the new Monster Race forces who have taken refuge in Zhou Tianfeng. When she heard that her eldest daughter was studying, the maid immediately sent over 1,000 Monster Race girls.

The palace of Fei Long Immortal Emperor is now filled with all kinds of kites and swallows, and it can be said that there are clouds of beauties.

Especially some of the Monster Race women, Nima’s are much more open-minded than the human fairies in terms of dressing up. It’s also a feast for Zhou Tianfeng’s eyes.

"Ahem! I didn't expect them to bring in so many at once." Zhou Tianfeng said slightly embarrassed.

Did I know they sent so many witches at once?

"Tch! This is the consequence of your selection of maids. Now that so many people are fawning over your Transcendent Level thigh, they will naturally want to fawn over you. I heard that you drafted maids, so why don't you send them over immediately to fill you up? harem." Ming Yanshang said.

"Correction, they are just maids, just for the sake of appearance. I am also an Immortal Emperor after all. What if there are no maids in this huge Immortal Emperor's palace? They are not beautiful ladies!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What's the difference? Just a word from you. Which of these little girls won't obey you? I can't guarantee it for the human race, but these Monster Race women, haha." If it weren't for his own pressure. They could even break through the door card that Zhou Tianfeng used to sleep at night.

Monster Race women don't have the same sense of shame as human women.

In their eyes, only the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive, so the people of Monster Race worship the strong very much, and being able to become the concubines and wives of the strong is a huge benefit to them.

Of all the Monster Emperors in Monster Race, which one doesn’t have a lot of wives and concubines? To put it bluntly, he has tens of thousands of concubines, and his bloodline is spread throughout his power.

So after these Monster Race women came, they never thought about being maids, but they all wanted to become one of the wives and concubines of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, Zhou Tianfeng's current identity is also the owner of a special bloodline, so he is even more popular with these Monster Race women.

Then give birth to the powerful Immortal Emperor's bloodline, and stay with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor in the future. If they can take back the Beast World, even if they return to the Beast World, with the blessing of the Immortal Emperor's bloodline, they can still be as valuable as their children.

And after all, he is also the heir of the Immortal Emperor. In the Beast World, there should be no one who dares to provoke him.

Coupled with Zhou Tianfeng's current strength. He is the ultimate being among the Immortal Emperors. Ordinary Immortal Emperors are no match for him, which adds an extra layer of attraction.

"You also know that this is the habit of the Monster Race people." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He had encountered something like this before when he was in Qilin King City. To be honest, it was because of this situation that Mo Yunqi fell in love with him, otherwise.

As the former Queen of Qilin, there was no way she could take a fancy to a small human monk like herself. Monster Race people, even half-monsters, place great value on blood.

"Then what do you think we should do now? Although you assigned me the position of head maid, what kind of cultivation level do I have? I am a Golden Immortal now. There are many Profound Immortals among those Monster Race women, and their cultivation level is the highest. The ones who are worse are all Golden Immortals like me, how can I possibly suppress them?" Ming Yanshang said.

It is difficult to make the situation between myself and Zhou Tianfeng public. So now even if Zhou Tianfeng assigned him the title of Maid-in-Chief.

But those Monster Race women were also submissive to her, even some human female cultivators. After all, in the Immortal Cultivation World, everything speaks according to one's own strength.

"How about you come sleep in my room tonight and give them a hint about our relationship." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Go away! Didn't you just tell Shuiyun World clearly? And your master, are you the Feilong Immortal Emperor? They both know my character. I will not enter your room for no reason." Ming Yanshang said.

If he enters Zhou Tianfeng's room, this matter will be reported to Jade Water Heavenly Palace tomorrow. Senior Sister Shuiyun knows his character very well, no matter how outstanding the flying dragon Immortal Emperor is. But in such a short period of time, I would never fall in love with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

If something happens, there are only two possibilities. First, the Feilong Immortal Emperor is Zhou Tianfeng himself. The second flying dragon, Immortal Emperor, is strong.

"Then I'll simply go into seclusion! Or just set up a barrier so that no one below the Immortal King realm can get in." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a while and said.

"This little concentration? When they come, you just drive them away. Do you have to set up a barrier or seclusion in your room? You are an Immortal Emperor." Ming Yanshang said.

"I also have my own difficulties. There are some things you don't know. Anyway, we can't let them in." Zhou Tianfeng said helplessly.

As a life form from the earth, even if I become a supreme Immortal Emperor, I am still essentially a life form from the earth. And what is the most important thing to the life forms from the earth?

There is only one answer, and that is reproduction, so some things are really beyond your control. The last time those Monster Race women got in, he almost handed over his gun.

Sometimes you really can’t help yourself! Moreover, when the scent of one's own male hormones is emitted, it will also have a strange effect on these Monster Race women, and this effect is even greater than that of human race women.

So I’m also helpless, okay?

"To put it bluntly, your cultivation has improved too quickly. There is a slight deficiency in your character." Ming Yanshang said.

"." Zhou Tianfeng didn't say anything when he heard this, but he wanted to retort.

Why don't you look at those Monster Emperors from Beast World, which one isn't? There are tens of thousands of descendants, and none of them has wives and concubines.

If you take the human Immortal Emperor as an example, in addition to peerless men like the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Huang Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor flying in the Immortal World also has many heirs.

Even the flower spirit Immortal Emperor was embarrassed to say how much he played, because he was afraid of shattering Ming Yanshang's outlook on life.

"Is there anything you can't tell me?"

"You may not believe it, but this matter is very complicated. I really don't blame you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The matter of being lustful is not determined by my personality, but by my race, which is innate.

This is instinct, there is no way, and this situation has been infinitely magnified now. If it weren't for my Immortal Emperor-level cultivation, I would have turned into a fucking humanoid beast.

While Zhou Tianfeng and Ming Yanshang were chatting, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor's envoy is here to visit. Do you want to receive the Immortal Emperor?"

Southern Celestial Immortal's envoy? Could it be that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor discovered something?

"I understand. You immediately arrange for the Southern Celestial Immortal's envoy to wait in the main hall. I will arrive soon." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Why did the Southern Celestial Immortal's envoy come to see you? Could it be that he found out that you were his junior brother?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"Probably not. I am still hiding very secretly, and no one knows about the unblocking of my new Immortal World. They should just come here to befriend me, and you can take care of your own affairs. I Let’s go meet the envoy first.” Zhou Tianfeng said.

In the palace of the Feilong Immortal Emperor, Black Tortoise respectfully saluted Zhou Tianfeng on the high platform.

"The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, known in history as the Qilin Tribe, Black Tortoise Saint, pays homage to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor." Black Tortoise Saint said.

"Qilin Immortal King, you don't have to be polite. I wonder why you came here this time?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor should know that Queen Ruoxi and Nan Celestial Immortal have a very huge grudge. Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor killed Queen Ruoxi this time, but it was to avenge my Nantian lineage.

I came here specifically to thank you by the order of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. Some gifts are not respectful, but I hope Feilong Immortal Emperor will accept them. " Black Tortoise Saint said.

While Saint Black Tortoise was speaking, several envoys from the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor outside also carried several huge boxes to Zhou Tianfeng, and presented some rare treasures from the Immortal World.

There are some Supreme Grade Immortal Weapons, some Apex Level elixirs, and precious medicinal materials.

"Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal is indeed polite. Queen Ruoxi is the common enemy of the six realms. She is the enemy of all of us. Killing her is my duty. There is no need to thank you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"There is no need to be polite, Feilong Immortal Emperor. Please accept these gifts. Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor has difficulty moving now. Otherwise, the Immortal Emperor will have to come to see Feilong Immortal Emperor in person." Saint Black Tortoise said.

In any case, Zhou Tianfeng's killing of Queen Ruoxi was a great blessing to their Nantian lineage.

"If this is the case, then I will be disrespectful to the visitor! He will be given a generous gift to the Qilin Immortal King and sent to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor." Zhou Tianfeng said.

When others come over to give gifts, you should also return gifts!

The guard next to him immediately understood. He went to Zhou Tianfeng's treasure house, selected some rare treasure gifts, and gave these gifts to Qilin Immortal King Black Tortoise.

Now Zhou Tianfeng's family background is very substantial. After killing Queen Ruoxi before, all his collections became his own. In addition, he conquered the entire Monster Race and had the help of three Immortal King forces from the human race.

They offered a lot of treasures, so Zhou Tianfeng could give them a little bit in return.

Faced with Zhou Tianfeng's return gift, Saint Black Tortoise was not polite and accepted all the gifts directly. This kind of exchange of gifts is also expected.

If the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor gives a gift, but the Feilong Immortal Emperor has a cold attitude and does not even return a gift, then what is the insult to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor?

"Qilin Immortal King, please tell Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal that I will definitely pay him a visit after he recovers from his injuries." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Di Honglei told herself that when Master Tianxing proposed to kill him, Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal was firmly on his side.

He even drew swords against Master Tianxing, so he had a great impression of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

"Thank you very much, Feilong Immortal Emperor. I will convey all the Feilong Immortal Emperor's words to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor."

The two sides exchanged a few more polite words, and Black Tortoise Saint said goodbye and left.

"What do you think the envoys from the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor are coming to visit this time?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at the several Immortal Kings around him and asked.

It seemed that he was overthinking it. The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor sent people here simply to thank him for killing Queen Ruoxi, and also because he wanted to make friends with her because of his strong fighting power.

"Sir Immortal Emperor! According to my subordinates, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor seems to be interested in becoming friends with us."

"Yeah! I understand, okay, you go down, practice well, and prepare for the next battle. I have a hunch that the Shatian Palace will not be quiet for long, and the Shatian Palace will take action soon. Yes." Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and dismissed several Immortal Kings.

"I will obey the orders of the Immortal Emperor."

(End of chapter)

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