Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 274 Lost And Found Again, A Fisherman’S Profit

Chapter 274 Lost and found again, a fisherman’s profit

The figure sitting there was the same one as before. The blood demon ancestor puppet was secretly controlled by Zhou Tianfeng, or it was the puppet body created by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The full attack of the Demon Emperor and Monster Emperor instantly hit the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor.

In an instant, the physical head of the ancestor of the evil blood demon was blown to pieces. Such an attack would have been an ordinary Immortal Emperor. Then this physical body will be immediately scrapped. It can be said that there is no room for turning around, and it can only spend endless years to condense an imperial body again.

But the body of this blood demon ancestor is different. As long as it is not completely destroyed, it can be regenerated.

It was just a simple blow to the head, and the body could recover quickly. What they had to do was to force out the evil spirit inside.

An extremely weak Primordial Spirit emerged from it. Even after receiving such a terrifying attack, this Primordial Spirit showed no signs of waking up. It is conceivable how weak the evil spirit is now.

"Hahaha, it's done! Brother Heitian, have you seen it? How weak is Shatian now? We have all treated him like this, but he has no signs of waking up." Seeing Shatian's Primordial Spirit acting like this Weakness, the Soul-eating Monster Emperor said happily.

"Brother Soul Eater, let's take action quickly! To avoid long nights and endless dreams, we must quickly destroy his Primordial Spirit." Emperor Black Heavenly Demon said.

The two Emperor Level experts took action together, using great mana, one using the strongest demonic power, and the other using the darkest demonic element, in order to completely grind the soul of Shatian, if the soul of Shatian was still awake at this time.

If he hadn't been so seriously injured, even if there was only one soul left. Two existences in the realm of the Immortal Emperor can be destroyed with his backhand or even a single thought.

But it was a pity that that time, he was seriously injured by three masters, and his soul was almost irreversibly damaged. This damage even once implicated the body of the evil god clan in darkness.

If it weren't for the blood demon ancestor's extremely powerful resilience and terrifying body, his soul would have returned to the Dark Clan long ago.

But now the attack of the two monster emperors and the monster emperor has become the last straw that breaks the camel's back. The monster emperor and the monster emperor tried their best to successfully make the evil Primordial Spirit begin to collapse.

Within the Dark Clan.

It took the Dark God Lord nearly a hundred years to select two suitable descendants and let them divide their Primordial Spirits.

Then he prepared to go down to the lower realm to seize the bodies of the two Monster Emperors and Demon Emperors. But at this moment, Sha Tian, ​​who was in retreat to cultivate his Nurturing Spirit, suddenly heard bursts of screams.

"What's going on? Why did Sha Tian scream in such pain?" The Dark Lord asked.

"No, Lord Shenjun, someone may be attacking Sha Tian's Primordial Spirit in the lower realm. Without my protection, Sha Tian has no power to fight back." Queen Ruoxi's expression changed and she spoke.

I didn't expect the flying dragon Immortal Emperor to be so fast. It had only been about 100 years since he was destroyed by him, so he couldn't wait to take action against Evil Sky?

When the Lord of Darkness heard this, he pulled Queen Ruoxi to the front of Sha Tian in an instant. Then he put his hands on the opponent's shoulders and injected the dark power in his body into the opponent's body.

Then Sha Tian woke up briefly.

"Shatian, is that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor coming?"

"Lord Shenjun, yes, it is those two traitors who are attacking me. They took advantage of the fact that my lower realm soul was injured and tried to destroy my Primordial Spirit."

"What? Two traitors, you mean the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor? How dare they?" Queen Ruoxi said in shock and anger.

These two idiots, he didn't even dare to fart when he was here. Now, not long after he returned to the upper realm, these two guys actually dared to do anything and sneak up on Sha Tian.

"Sha Tian, ​​your Primordial Spirit can still hold on for a while! They are just two Emperor Level beings. I will let Zhu Tian, ​​Sha Ying and the others go down to the lower realm to seize the bodies of those two people." The Dark Lord said. .

"Lord Shenjun, I, I'm afraid my split soul won't be able to hold on for long. It's too weak and can't even wake up." Shaitian said helplessly.

Judging from the situation, my own soul is dead. Really, I didn't get any credit this time, but lost 1/3 of my soul. My strength may fall out of the position of a divine general.

"Queen of Heaven Ruoxi, you are going to send the two of them down to the realm immediately. You must stabilize all the forces of the Dark Clan and there must be no room for failure." The Lord of Darkness said.

After all, this matter was assigned by the Divine King, and he must handle it well. If this Primordial Spirit plane is really thrown away, he cannot afford it if the Divine King is to blame!

With the help of Queen Ruoxi and the Lord of Darkness. The two souls separated from each other reluctantly entered the lower realm through the time and space tunnel at the last moment.

Although Shatian's Primordial Spirit is very powerful, without any backup, without any supplement, and even without consciousness, Heitian and Soul Eater spent several months refining Shatian's lower realm Primordial Spirit. Spirit, completely wiped out.

"Hoo! Hoo! Brother Heitian, this time we really made the right bet. I told you, wealth can be found in danger, and now we have everything." The soul-eating Monster Emperor looked excited at the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Said extremely.

He never expected that things would progress so smoothly, and that Sha Tian would be killed by the two of them together without even a trace of resistance. From the beginning to the end, his soul was in an extremely weak state. .

"It was just a fluke this time. If he hadn't been seriously injured, if the flying dragon Immortal Emperor hadn't appeared from the sky and killed the Queen Ruoxi, we wouldn't have had a chance." said the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"Hahaha! I told you a long time ago. It's time and destiny. Why should God let the two of us preach? After becoming the masters of a realm, we will also have the opportunity to break through the Immortal Emperor realm and become the legendary Great Principle. ." Soul-eating Monster Emperor said.

"Without further delay, I will first seize the body of the blood demon ancestor, and then start to seize the original power of the Black Demon World. You immediately return to the Heavenly Beast World and seize the original power there. Then, it belongs to you and me. The era has begun." The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor said with great excitement.

"As it is, you and I must attack and defend each other." The soul-eating Monster Emperor nodded and said.

However, the two Demon Emperors and Monster Emperor did not notice that two very small Primordial Spirits entered the palace through a very secret passage.

"Zhu Tian, ​​time is short. Your Primordial Spirit and I have only arrived 1/10 of the time. Are you sure you want to seize the bodies of these two Immortal Emperor level beings?" A Primordial Spirit asked.

"What confidence can I have about Shadow? Our current Primordial Spirit strength is only slightly stronger than the average Immortal Emperor, but it has entered their main battlefield.

We only have a 1/10 chance, we can't gamble. Lord Dark God said that for our mission this time, no matter what, we must first establish a foothold in this world, and then he will find a way to support us. Zhu Tianyi said very helplessly.

If you want to seize the body, if the Primordial Spirit is the same as the opponent, then there is basically no possibility of success. You must be one or two realms higher than the opponent, and the soul strength must be at least twice that of the opponent before you can capture it.

Originally the strength of their souls. It is countless times more powerful than these Immortal Emperor or Monster Emperor, even a split soul can easily complete the task.

But the timing for these two guys to get started is really great. At this critical moment. The two of them could only give up 1/3 of their original souls, leaving only 1/10 of their souls to enter the lower realm.

In terms of strength, it is completely incomparable to 1/3 Soul Lower Realm.

Therefore, the task given to them by the Dark God Lord is also very simple. They must first lurk in this world.

Then try to find a more powerful body and wait for the arrival of the strong ones in their clan.

"Wait! Zhutian, have you seen it? That body was used by my elder brother Shatian before." At this moment, Shaying, who was about to leave, saw the recovered body of the ancestor of the blood demon, and his eyes lit up. , said.

This is the body that his brother Shatian used before. This body is very suitable for their resurrection. They can exert it simply by possessing them. It is more powerful than the ordinary Immortal Emperor. Although it cannot reach the Great Principle, it is much stronger than the subsequent actions.

"You want to occupy that body, that body without an owner, but now it seems that the demon emperor is targeting you. Are you sure?" Zhutian Soul asked.

"Of course I am sure. If he wants to seize the body, his body will be vacant. If he enters that ownerless body, then he will no longer be the home. You and I will enter together. In that body, we will work together to eliminate him first, and then his original body and the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor can be used by us." Shaying said.

It was these two bastards who caused his eldest brother to fail, and even his body in the Dark God Realm was seriously injured. He could not let these two guys go no matter what.

Now that he had such a good opportunity in front of him, how could he let it go?

As soon as you leave your body, it is no longer your home court. The strength of any one of our souls is stronger than yours. If the two of us work together, we will definitely be able to take you down.

In this way, plus your original body, the physical bodies of the two of us will be enough.

"I think we should be safe on both sides. You and I will act separately. I will leave here and go to the outside world to find a new body, and you will stay here to see if you can take away the ownerless body, or the The original physical body of the Demon Emperor?" Zhutian said.

At this time, it is best to be prepared and act together with Shaying. If it fails, the Dark Lord's painstaking plan to send the two of them down will be a complete failure.

"What are you thinking? After we go out, we can't seize the bodies of the powerful Emperor Level people. We can only seize the bodies of those extremely weak King Level beings. It's just an ordinary King Level. When will we be able to attract the powerful ones of our clan? Who came here?

We must not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "Shaying's soul stopped Zhutian who was about to leave and said.

"Don't be impulsive. You should know very well that if three powerful Primordial Spirits enter that body at the same time, the body will not be able to withstand the direct explosion, and the Primordial Spirit of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor can also escape anytime and anywhere. If we return to our physical bodies, our Primordial Spirits will be severely damaged by then." Zhutian said.

It is better for two people to act together than to act alone. There is no room for three Primordial Spirits in one body to start a war! A fight between two people is already the limit.

Moreover, the body of the evil Heavenly Demon Emperor is nearby, and he can escape anytime and anywhere. It would be troublesome even if the fish was dead and the net was broken, and the two of them were killed together by self-destruction.

"Hmph! Since you don't dare, then just go alone. I will be here and prove to you that my plan is the most correct." Shaying said.

"Then just ask for your own blessings! I won't help you. I'm going to find a King Level body." Zhutian sighed, and his soul left the palace of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The addicted little spirit quietly followed behind the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

At the same time that the two tiny souls were quarreling, the Soul-eating Monster Emperor also said goodbye to the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, hurriedly left the Black Demon World and rushed to the Heavenly Beast World. He will immediately seize all the original energy of Beast World, and then become the supreme existence and the master of a world.

After the Soul-eating Monster Emperor left, the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor first comforted his men. A group of go-getters. Then he began to launch the body-seizing technique on the body of the ancestor of the blood demon.

He has been waiting for this extremely powerful body for too long, more than 2,000 years! He was originally a peerless demon body that I cultivated, but it was usurped by Evil Sky, and now he is finally back in my hands.

A powerful barrier was placed around it. The Primordial Spirit of the Black Celestial Immortal Emperor flew out. Now he must quickly Integrate Union this body, and then absorb the original body, and then quickly gather all the original energy in the Black Demon World to become a world. host. Only then would he be completely safe.

After the Primordial Spirit flew out, the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor used it directly. The special function of its race, the body turned into a black essence, and then gradually integrated into the blood demon ancestor.

This is the special ability of their Black Jade Clan. The previous body cannot be discarded. It is also an Emperor Level body. No matter how one plus one is added, it is equal to two being stronger than one alone.

The sand shadow on the side frowned. He really didn't expect that the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor could use this trick to integrate his original body into the ownerless body.

How can your mother still play with this? Just now I was very honest. It means that seizing his ownerless body is absolutely foolproof. But now the other party's body is integrated into the ownerless body. Not good. It is also equivalent to his main battlefield. How can he fight this?

But if I retreat now, I will inevitably be laughed at by the heavens. No matter what, I am also a divine general of the Dark Clan, so I don't believe it. How can a small Immortal Emperor-level existence in the mortal world, an existence that once surrendered to our clan, stir up trouble?

After all, the skills he practiced also came from the Dark Clan, and what he now exudes is the power of the Great Wilderness Scripture. This power has the same origin as himself.

Maybe it can be used for your own use. It’s still unclear who will win when the time comes!

No, he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to fight no matter what.

When the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor's Primordial Spirit entered the blood demon ancestor's body, the evil shadow also got in together. Now he relies on the fact that his soul is slightly stronger than the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the power of darkness is also the same. The source, and as a god of darkness, he is naturally able to control all the power of darkness.

As soon as he enters the new body and plans to take over the body. One piece to give. Something that Black Heavenly Demon was very afraid of happened, another soul actually got in.

"You! You, you are Sha Tian? Impossible, you, aren't you dead?" Looking at the man who looked exactly like Sha Tian in front of him, the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor showed a horrified expression.

Why is this guy here? Why is this guy here? You, haven't you been killed by us?

Could it be that all of this is a trap set up by evil spirits, waiting for you to fall into it?

Are you waiting for me to Integrate Union your original body with the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor to make this body more powerful so that he can seize it easily?

"That's right! I am Sha Tian. You bastard dared to betray me. Now you have to pay with your life. Why don't you just surrender quickly?" Sha Ying imitated his elder brother's tone and said.

"No, you're not. Sha Tian's aura is much stronger than yours. Your current Primordial Spirit strength is only two or three points stronger than mine." Only then did the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor realize that something was wrong.

The soul in front of me does look exactly like Sha Tian, ​​but he is not Sha Tian. His soul is much worse than Sha Tian. Sha Tian's soul is a real Great Principle level. If they encounter an Emperor Level, they will die.

But this guy's Primordial Spirit strength is only slightly stronger than mine, not even 20%.

"Hmph! Now that you have discovered me, I have nothing to hide. Sha Tian is my eldest brother, and I am his younger brother Sha Ying."

"Hahaha! God is really helping me. Do you know that when you enter this body, you are marrying me? I'm afraid you don't know the power of my race, right? I have just completely integrated into my body. This blood In the body of the Demon Ancestor.

This is my home court now. Unless you are several times stronger than me, it is absolutely impossible to defeat me. "Hei Heavenly Demon Emperor suddenly said with great excitement.

If you can swallow this soul from the upper world, then you will gain the forbidden knowledge of the upper world. The future is limitless. This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Really? But the power of darkness in your body is the power of our clan. Do you think your power of darkness will listen to you or me?" Shaying sneered. Start mobilizing the power of darkness in this body.

Just like he thought. This body. Among them are the huge dark power left by his elder brother, and the dark power brought by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor. Although the dark power of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor does not obey his instructions.

But he can influence the other party. As for the terrifying dark power that his elder brother has left in this body, it is completely driven by him.

However, the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor will not just admit defeat like this. He has only been cultivating the Great Wilderness Scripture for 2000 years. I used to be an Emperor Level expert, so don’t underestimate me.

Suppressing the original power of darkness in his body, his soul rushed towards the evil shadow. The two souls started a life-and-death struggle in the body of the ancestor of the blood demon.

At this time, the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor. His facial expressions became extremely exaggerated, sometimes showing expressions of pain, madness, and stupidity, and half of his body shone with a dark light.

The other half of the body was shining with blood-red light, with a faint emerald green light emitting from the middle.

The souls of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and Shaying came and went, and no one gave way to the other. But after fighting back and forth, the two found that they were evenly matched, and no one could suppress the other.

At this time, the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor was very puzzled. He had clearly integrated his physical body into this body. Logically speaking, it should be a home battle. Even if the opponent could mobilize the power of darkness, it would still be a divine soul from the upper world.

But it's not several times stronger than himself. It stands to reason that he should be able to defeat the opponent easily, but the help this body brings to him doesn't seem to be as great as he imagined.

"Hahaha! I have the protection of my brother, you can't beat me, how about this? This is not your home court, right?" Shaying said.

With the supplement of the power of darkness, he has gradually gained an upper hand. As long as he spends a little more time, he can destroy the Primordial Spirit of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, and then he can obtain this perfect body.

But it’s a bit strange! Since he is not the real owner of this body, then who is the real owner?

"Impossible, I, I am the owner of this body, why? Why don't I have home advantage?" asked the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"Maybe! You may have made a mistake, because the origin of this body seems to be me." At this moment, a voice suddenly came to the two souls who were fighting.

"Who is it?" Emperor Black Heavenly Demon looked like he had seen a ghost.

what's the situation? There is actually a third consciousness in this physical body. How could it be possible that this physical body has been thoroughly examined before, and it has no self-consciousness itself?

"You, who are you?"

"To be honest, I still want to thank you. I really didn't expect that the two of you who rushed to the street could send this guy Sha Tian away in this way, and also sent me such a big gift.

Really, I'm a little embarrassed. But since you two have given me such a great gift, then please die here!

Oh, no, no, it should be the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, you died here, and then this evil brother, the existence of the Dark Clan, please go to a place with me. "The soul of a young man appeared in front of Heitian and Hui Shaying said.

Then an unimaginable and supreme power enveloped the two souls. The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor had no room to resist. The entire soul was destroyed in an instant, and then turned into pure original power, and then entered Zhou Tianfeng's body. .

"Okay, it's your turn. Don't worry, you won't die for the time being. I know that if your soul is destroyed now, you will just return to the upper world, but I don't plan to let you go back just like that." Zhou Tianfeng sneered. said.

What a piece of Transcendent Level pie fell from the sky. He never thought that the body of the blood demon ancestor could be recovered.

(End of chapter)

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